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Everything posted by Gyad

  1. Gyad

    Hi All

    Hiya, welcome to Xisto.Just an advice : You need to spell and speak correctly. Otherwise, its gonna be hard for your free web hosting application to be accepted. You also need to make your posts a bit longer.
  2. Why won't people just revive old Maple Story topics instead of making newer ones???You need to spell correctly too -,-And also, why are you talking about Gunz in a Maple Story topic?I used to play MapleStory but I stopped playing it after I got my account hacked.
  3. If reincarnation was real and I could choose what I can be...oh the posibilities...The most probable one would be to be a normal boy. One that is better than my current form at least. I would like to at least be someone with a lot more courage and self-respect. Intelligence would be a great thing to have.I wanna be a male too btw. (I am a male right now too...)
  4. You're right about that, the game DOES have Cloud. But he isn't that useful. He has NOTHING in common with Cloud Strife from FF7. He is just...there. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is a good game. I played this game, and beat it and I gotten every single secret things in it. (I think...) I don't really remember because I don't own this game. I enjoyed playing it though. (I borrowed it from a friend. ) Although, I heard that the regular Final Fantasy Tactics (for Playstion) , was WAY better than this version. I think the storyline was different too.
  5. Can you somehow provide proof that AntiHack is reliable?AntiHack could use some proof anyways seeing as how no one is believing you.
  6. I agree with Opaque. I had my credits at 20 for quite a while and its still hasn't been dropped lower than ten. I haven't posted on the board in quite a while too. Just make a couple of posts and try to make it above ten. And then keep posting whenever you can. The credit system is fine as it is. A little effort every now and then can keep you from spending money for a real host. ^_^Also, I think that if your members want to donate to you, they'd have to have more than 30 credits first. and plus theres a 2% deduction during the transfer. (Can't remember how I know that)
  7. Yeah, I don't think you can change the number then. You could always just register for another account. Its one of those free ones right?And yes, it does suck that IPB asked Fantastico to removed 1.3 from it and changed it to 1.2 .
  8. I like the number 5. Its a nicely balanced number to use. I usually guess the number five when someone's asking me to pick a number.
  9. 0.0Dude you made 5 topics just like this!Thats cheating!
  10. Sephiroth, Kefka, Kuja, etc.Most villains from Rpg Games are awesome.
  11. That sounds painful and disgusting at the same time... *shivers*Anyways, hope you feel better man.
  12. Congrats to BuffaloHELP and wassie. I think they really deserved it. I've read some of their posts and they were really helpful. They answered most of my questions without me having to make a new topic and ask.
  13. Did I miss something in this topic that has something to do with emails???Anyways, I find that Spybot S & D is one of the best anti-spyware programs. I use Spybot S & D and Ad-Aware.As for Antivirus programs, I use Norton (Hate it but can't get rid of it) and occasionally, I would use McAfee.
  14. Hahaha. This is exactly what happens in a joke story that I wrote during Math Class one day. :)Anyways, I think that its awesome that Yahoo and MSN are coming together. Even though I love Google, I still would love to see some competition arise among different companies. More competition = More Products / More Updates = A lot of happy people.I wish they would take AIM down first though...
  15. If you've read what BuffaloHelp posted on your free web hosting request, you should know what to do instead of asking us here. The form is here. Just remake the topic or post in the topic with the form that you're suppose to use. http://ww2.forum500.com/?folio=9POR7JU99 Notice from rejected: Fixed quote tags and reduced credits
  16. I play starcraft and starcraft : brood war on Battle.net. (bnet)How do you create a clan anyways? Can you explain it too me?
  17. You're not even hosted on Xisto yet...And yes, we do need to know the theme of your board, name of your board, text you want, colors you want and other stuff like that. Otherwise, I could just pull up PhotoShop and make you a 500x500 Banner thats all black and say..."Heres your banner, hope you like it."
  18. Seriously, does it even matter if they're actually giving us that much space or not?They MIGHT have overexagerated, but isn't that the point of capturing people's attention? I don't think that the counter on their page is real either but it doesn't matter. Its the quality that they give us thats good. Now that I think about it, the amount of space that we're using might or might not be true either.
  19. I believe its...[ note = (your name here) ] *something here* [ / note ]...without the spacing.BUT I don't recommend using it because its against the rules of this board.If I'm not allowed to show how to do this, then I'm sorry.
  20. I tried using it but I'm not a fan of it. Its pretty boring. The only good part is that it takes up less space. I only use MSN and AIM so its pretty much useless to me.
  21. Congrats! *brings out cake*Hope you stay for another year. :)I think its been a month for me.
  22. This sounds like a really fun program to be messing with. It reminds me of a certain bot I saw on a VBulletin board named "Family Guy".Whats with this program though, it won't respond to any of my messages.
  23. Gyad


    Welcome to Xisto zootycoongold (Long Name. )Xisto is the best free host. :huh:Stay and post lots and get a lot of credits. If you have a problem, ask someone here and they'll help as soon as possible.
  24. Wow, this is really complicated stuff. This is a really great tutorial but I think its Aimed more at the users who know the really basic stuff about PHP. I'm not really sure, but I think theres more basic stuff to PHP than what is already stated in this section of the guide. Also, just really curious, but do you actually have to know HTML first to learn PHP?
  25. Hmm...Thats really strange. I'm using the Fantastico page right now and theres no problem at all. Have you tried using a different brower or clearing your cookies? (Clearing cookies might not really help though...)
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