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Everything posted by Gyad

  1. I say curses unintentionally from time to time.I don't really like it when people curse but I do it too so I can't really judge.People who just curse all the time for no reason is just stupid and immature.I say curses because it became sort of a habit since a really long time ago and can't stop saying it. (At school at least, I never curse at home.)
  2. How do I backup the files?Which files do I have to backup?Also, once these problems are resolved, what'll happen to the MySQL files?
  3. You people seriously need to stop complaining and chill out.These people are giving away free hosting with top notch...(needs a word)Give them some time to fix the problems.All hosts (free or paid) have downtimes from time to time.There Is No Such Thing As 100% Uptime.Just be patient and wait.I'm sure you won't lose your traffic because of this downtime.
  4. To anne :I might be wrong, I might not be wrong. I'm not sure at all. I haven't really officially studied slope yet. I've just mearly touched the subject in 8th grade. I'm not even taking geometry yet.To microsoft : (slightly off topic)Good Luck to you, math really isn't that hard if you think about it. Spanish is hard...;
  5. Its not that I don't think my sig sucks but when I looked at my opponent's sig, it looks like he just slapped together a render, background and text. On the other hand, it took me quite a while to get the background looking like that. The problem with my sig making skills is that the text never works out for me. No font size/style/color ever matchs and even if it does, no one ever likes it. Sorry if I'm ranting too much or thinking about this too much. I'm gonna shut up now unless you want to continue helping me.
  6. I'm sure both me and my competitor both uses PhotoShop.The battle is over...and I've just been owned 6-0...I made the sig on the bottom and my opponent made the one on the top.Oh yeah, I'm pissed.
  7. Wow...Thats lucky.I felt bad for the guy who threw his computer away though.CoughStupidCoughI think he's lucky that you won't do anything with this info. (I think...)I never had my identity stolen, but I did get hacked somewhere.
  8. I was in a graphics battle recently and I just wanted you to comment on them. One of them is mine and the other is...not mine. I will post the results of the battle and tell which sig belongs to me.
  9. I am loving you and hating you at the same time Microsoft. Why didn't you tell me this sooner?!!?!?
  10. I think I can help you in this type of stuff.My math is a bit rusty. (I did nothing over the vacation )Perpendiculary=5x+5y=-5x+5Verticalx=C (C as in constant.)X=5, 5, 5, 5, 5Y=1, 2, 3, 4, 5...etc...Vertical lines are always known as undefined. I forgot why, but I do know that as a fact.***Ask me if you need more help on the other lines. I'm too lazy to think up equations right now.
  11. I can't even write my own name in Chinese, and I'm Chinese!!!But its spelt "Yi" Pronounced "Yee"Strange...I know.I spent 8+ years telling my teachers/classmates to not call me by my Chinese Name...
  12. I hate sites that put up : -bright colors to make it "attracting" to the eyes. Its attracting but NOT in a good way. Its ANNOYING!!! -pop up ads This kind of stuff is just evil. Couldn't they just put ad banners, or text ads?! -Stupid Private Places With Signs That Says something like : >>>DO NOT ENTER!!! >>>CLICK AT YOUR OWN RISK >>>PRIVATE >>>NOTHING HERE YET >>>(something here) [effect-putting you through a javascript with popup promts saying...ha...ha...you've...been...fooled...into...coming...here...etc...] >>>etc... Why put those up these stupid places when you obviously don't want people going into them? (with the exception of the javascript one.) -Annoying trials of pages! There are some places with totally useless pages that ask you questions like : >>>are you sure you want to enter? >>>please turn back if you do not want to enter. >>>etc -Sites that never update. I hate lazy peoples. (YES even the guy that runs the page that I have homepaged.) Why put up a site if you're never going to update it? I understand if you had some emergency or a vacation. But three to four months without an update is rediculous. -Useless updates. I hate the people that put up millions of useless updates like : >>>Hi, we're not dead yet! >>>This the admin speaking telling you to not leave us! >>>I got nothing to say...this is a pointless update. >>>The next update on our project will come sooner or later, please check back later. -People that are illiterate. >>>Hi, tis is (insert name). Whasup ppl?! Welcome to mah site! I'm sure you understand... OMG, theres soooooooo much more places that I hate so much, that it makes me so mad.
  13. I'm using k700i right now.Its great. Its small, so it fits into my pockets without it falling out.I could hide it somewhere during my school classes. (I don't btw.)Its better than any of the ones I've previously used.
  14. I like the second one better.Its lighter and clearer.The first one is too dark in my opinion...
  15. 8/10 for the first one7/10 for the second oneThe first one looks really cool.However I don't like the text on the first one.The second one looks really strange.It looks...choppy.
  16. Gyad

    Rose Onlin

    This game doesn't work for me for some reason.It won't start the game.It took me sooooo long to download and it was all just one big disappointment.-.-
  17. Gyad

    K700 K700i

    I forgot which one is that.I know that either me or my friend has one of these.But I forgot what mine is called.I'd say get it if you're really interested it it.
  18. Some of the people in my old school does. But it still doesn't interest me enough for me to get it...Only one of the games that they released interest me and thats Dynasty Warriors but I heard that its stupid.
  19. Haha, I'm so lucky.I entered my application at the best posible time. I'm sorry for those who lost credits because of that.
  20. Both of these words sound stupid.People just love to do new things.
  21. In my opinion...FF7 > FF9 > FF8 >FF7 lacks in graphics. FF8 lacks in storyline.FF9 lacks in character development.FF7 has the best storyline out of the above three.FF8 has the best character/landscapes graphics.FF9 has the best sounds and is average in all aspects.***In my opinion...FF10/FF10-2 is truely two of the worst Final Fantasy games bested only by FF1.FF10's storyline is UBER dull. Its gameplay is dull. It battle system is...dull.The only good parts about it is possibly the Graphics and the sound.FF10-2 is slightly better/worse than FF10 in many ways.Its graphics and sounds are truely spectacular.It lacks in storyline and gameplay.
  22. I'm actually looking foward to a few games this year...Not much interests me.Kingdom Hearts 2, Final Fantasy XII (12), Megaman Battle Network 6, and FF7 for PS3, IF its coming out.
  23. I usually automatically log on to MSN and AIM when I turn on my computer and see if any of my contacts are online. They usually aren't. Afterwards, I go to a forum and look for new posts and reply to them. Then I visit some web design helping sites to get ready for my site. My contacts come on sooner or later and we have a nice long chat until they eventually leave. I go to Xisto and look for places to post to get some credits. Sometimes I go to https://www.fanfiction.net/ OR https://www.fictionpress.com/ and I read stuff there. I get bored after a while and start to play some games... I have a dull life during the summer...
  24. I spend the day on the computer during the summer if I have nothing else to do.During school times, I do homework, read some books.My life is boring.
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