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Everything posted by xboxrulz

  1. "To Canadian viewers: we are very sorry that this hockey season's been cancelled. To American viewers: Your life wouldn't change anyways." - someone on 98.1 CHFI (radio) Toronto.This is a very funny quote. I think it kinda says that no one likes hockey in USA. LOL!xboxrulz
  2. lol, that's true. Usually viruses comes in the form in .pifxboxrulz
  3. This is the same idea for why to not smoke or abuse drugs. There's no difference. I'm not an hardcore gamer, but I still know how to control myself from always play games. "You can lead the horse to the water, but it won't drink".xboxrulz
  4. What is the meaning of life? One of the most controversial question of all times. My belief is that Life is just surviving and enjoy it. The most important thing about life, IMO is that people care for each other, helping each other and not be selfish. Wars is the only thing that is in the way for this philosophy (that is why I hate Bush, for starting pointless wars for so called "Weapons of Mass Destruction".)xboxrulz
  5. xboxrulz

    Tsunami Aid Relief

    I remembered that on CNN, all they cared about was a supermodel who hung onto a tree for hours and got saved. Who cares! (I'm from Canada), it's just a supermodel. The people who live there couldn't be evacuated like the supermodel could and she doesn't need to live thru the horror. I feel deeply sorry for the people in the Southeastern Asia. I myself is also Southeastern Asian (Hong Kong)To date, I donated $25.15 CAD.xboxrulz
  6. here's another vendor for computer parts for Toronto and Scarborough, Ontario, Canada people: http://www.amigosystems.com/ You also left out Canada Computers: http://www.canadacomputers.com/ xboxrulz
  7. :S, uh oh, the only thing is... where did you get your sources?xboxrulz
  8. A week old virus has been released onto the internet. It is able to store itself into your process and you will no be able to remove it unless you force it by using the Administrator account.I will cover on it more on my new site after it's complete: virusalert.cjb.netxboxrulz
  9. Whyme's desktop is just the regular Windows XP machine, nothing special there, but nice desktop.cmatcmextra's desktop looks like Windows XP, but is it? It looks like GNOME twisted.xboxrulz
  10. I love Macs, and they don't use RISC (Reduce Instruction Set Computer), they use a better processor than Intel, so I guess, most likely MISC (Miniture Instruction Set Computer)but currently, I'm stuck with a crappy Pentium 4 2.53 GHZ with Windows, but I have Linux, which is good :Dxboxrulz
  11. I live Toronto, Canada, so I also know the Canadian history ; so dun worry about me getting my info wrong xboxrulz
  12. I think Skydome was the best name for the dome, I hate Rogers for renaming the dome :@xboxrulz
  13. as I said b4, I hate Windows ME, it sucks even more than Windows 3.1!! Good thing, I'm with Linux, no Microsoft crap and best of all, Microsoft can't see what I'm doing, unless I go on my Windows XP partition*.xboxrulz*Rumour: It is found that Windows XP is a spyware, but Ad-Aware doesn't know that
  14. You have to manually install the graphical user interface. I recommend KDE.xboxrulz
  15. "P.S: To Americans: YOU ARE NOT PLAYING HALO2, Counter Strike or America's Army, those are videogames. Real wars ARE REAL (DUH!). IF YOU DIE, U WILL NOT RESPAWN! ALSO, I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR UR DEATH BECAUSE I HAVE ALREADY WARNED U! OK?" - myselfI totally agree w/ whyme. How can the Americans be so stupid. Also, I can't believe that Canada's air and Northern defence is UNDER US CONTROL?!?xboxrulz
  16. so do u still need help with Turing?xboxrulz
  17. Klas2B, there are not specifications for Longhorn yet, they are for sure saying that people need to buy a whole new computer to use it because, the hardware must have TCPA to work.**Subject to change @ any timexboxrulz
  18. I can never get the FTP install working :sxboxrulz
  19. OpenGL software is much better rendered and smoother than DirectX software. Plus the X server on Linux has a better framebuffer. Up to 10x faster than the WIN32 API framebuffer!xboxrulz
  20. thanks , but my desktop looks lik if it's on Windows; guess I can fool newbs :Dxboxrulz
  21. why buy Linux when you can burn it on an ISO. This is also a very poor reason to hate Linux. Ubuntu is NOT based on FreeBSD, they run on seperate kernels and Ubuntu uses DEB, and it's a Debian based Linux. For your corrupted CDs, I think you should contact support or check if your CD-ROM is reading properly, because that happened to me once.xboxrulz
  22. I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and my cable speed is 3 MBPS dl and 384 KBPS ul, but, I want 5 MBPS dl, 800 KBPS ul... with the same ISP.xboxrulz
  23. here is my desktop screenshot that I just took. SUSE 9.2 KDE 3.3.2 w/ Info Centre and aRts showing Task Menu has autohide enabled click here xboxrulz
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