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Everything posted by xboxrulz

  1. Hey all, I'm new to programming and I have a hard time deciding on a cross-platform language so I can write for Linux, Macintosh, and Windows.I want to make some basic programs, and if possible (as in language support), games.I know that Java is one of them, so is Perl.Please reply.Thanks,xboxrulz
  2. well, for me Windows is just simply falling apart little by little, I'm not gonna format it yet.xboxrulz
  3. ummm, is there any patches, fixes? for this "security hole that may lead to creation of Linux viruses"?xboxrulz
  4. xboxrulz

    New Here!

    Welcome Nanda to TRAP 17!We all hope that you enjoy your stay here :)xboxrulz
  5. no need for me, it's just gonna waste more of my $$ if so...I already have XBOX Live!, so no need for me.xboxrulz
  6. You're right, NAVCAN even barred their planes to not fly over 5000 feet. Which made them guzzle more fuel. Therefore, losing alot of money. Their fleet consisted Boeing 737s and Fokker 100.xboxrulz
  7. Here's the story in Toronto Star Original Source: Click here xboxrulz
  8. Oh because if it detects Windows, I hope it removes it , since Windows XP is a spyware.....xboxrulz
  9. This is really bad, and to see why would US people need a gun in each household, it won't protect you, but kill more people, when will you learn?xboxrulz
  10. Although this story was printed in March 7th, I almost forgot to post it on Xisto. Original Source: Click here xboxrulz
  11. this is old, I read it in the Toronto Star...xboxrulz
  12. My cousin sent me this link and it's disturbing. It is good to know what people would do to eat, since these are poor countries..... Oh ya, about the Chinese eating dogs, that is only true in the Tibet regions (or Northwest China).I'm Chinese, so I know that.xboxrulz
  13. Another way to get faster internet is to move to another country where Internet speeds are faster and internet costs less, like in Canada. Here, the fastest is 5.0 MBPS (Down speed) and 800KBPS (UP speed) via Cable (shared) and it only costs $49.99 CAD per month. The fastest DSL (dedicated line) is 4.0 MBPS $66.95 CAD with 800 KBPS UP speed.xboxrulz
  14. I got a question, when you use the antispy, does it detect Windows? xboxrulz
  15. No, I can't figure how to use it. When I use it on SkyOS, it crashes, and I don't know what Bochs is for :sxboxrulz
  16. xboxrulz


    What is FreeOSB? The only closest one I know is FreeBSD.xboxrulz
  17. No need for IE7 for me, I can use Firefox/Konqueror and that's good for me especially the new Konqueror has Akregator 1.0 integrated.xboxrulz
  18. This video will change your thinking forever, seriously! This video is rated under xboxrulz's rating system. Rating: Warning! It's beyond ratable! Clickhere to continue. Please post you comments below after you watch this video, the full thing. xboxrulz
  19. Yes, I acknowledge that the language written on the site is Vietnamese, I knew that before hand, but that is according to vicecityworld.xboxrulz
  20. ATTN TO ALL: whyme says: WARNING - some people may find these images to be highly disturbing, involving fetal body parts, and other graphic images, please view AT YOUR OWN discretion. Pho http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ XRS (xboxrulz's rating system): UNRATABLE xboxrulz
  21. o, lol. About the Canadian music download, I'm certain that it's legal because it was on the news and everyone does it here. So, I'm very sure. You know, Canada is always open to have more immigrants ; unless the quota is up....xboxrulz
  22. I say that it was U.S who planned 9/11 ever since 9/11/2003. Yes, 2003, I thought it was Osama until I began thinking back. Plus, right now U.S is saying that China is a threat, as if, I say that U.S is threatening the world. Although, I'm a bit worried about North Korea....xboxrulz
  23. according to rumours I hear, Google's servers are easy to hack :s. I personally don't believe them.xboxrulz
  24. Someone, how is Linux dangerous. Windows is a dangerous OS, one small slip, there goes Windows. I learned this when my Windows installation started corrupting when I installed a game, I think it was Generals or something.xboxrulz
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