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Everything posted by xboxrulz

  1. Also, bugs are definately included in Mandrake :DGo for Gentoo (experts), SuSE and Yoper (newbs and intermediate users) instead!xboxrulzP.S: Re: my information earlier: I have upgraded my system to SUSE LINUX 9.2 (2.6.8-default)
  2. I have just notice that there's another error in my information about Turing. Turing is not a variant of Delphi, it's a Pascal variant.Sorry,xboxrulz
  3. $40 billion, eh?I leave 10 billion for me and my family, 5 billion to the government of Canada to cut down taxes, 10 billion to fund the Linux project, The rest, I'll give it to charities all around the world.xboxrulz
  4. I see Linspire as a first stage to get out of the Windows world, then you keep traversing to the real Linux world. I think Linspire as just a bridge from Windows to Linux. A one way road, of course :Dxboxrulz
  5. umm.. I can't understand your printing, popac. Yes, you should get the DVD version.It's not that bad actually, you practically get everything from KDE to GNOME to other free software. SuSE is more sophisticated and has less bugs than Mandrake.xboxrulz
  6. Ummm, we all know that all Microsoft so called "invention" are copies. They sue people for copying their stuff, but Microsoft is the real crooks.xboxrulz
  7. SuSE 9.1 Personal is free and they do provide you with an ISO.Live Evaluation is just a Live CD (which is a bootable CD that you don't need to install to run SuSE)9.2 Evaluation is like 9.1 SuSE but you must have a DVD burner.xboxrulz
  8. Games on consoles are better because the machine only needs to focus on one process unlike the computer. For example, my computer needs to run:clamdXkdmpowersavedartsdhotplugreiserfs/0nscdand other processes.xboxrulz
  9. Linux is getting user-friendly as the day goes on. The only Linux that I find unstable is Mandrake. Also, Fedora isn;t user-friendly when it comes to Samba configuration and KDE usage.xboxrulz
  10. Just move out of Windows and enter the Linux realm, they too, have Firefox :Pxboxrulz
  11. Hurray! another topic on how people hate Windows Longhorn :Pxboxrulz
  12. Yes, I know the conflict between interests. I think XBOX and the Microsoft Game Studios as a different company. It's the only "good" areas of Microsoft. Although, I love Linux Operating System, I still like Microsoft games and the XBOX platform but I rarely use WindowsXP.I even run Turing for Windows on Linux via CrossOver Office. The only bad thing is that the delay statement freezes the environment :sP.S: This topic should be under Delphi because Turing is a different form of Delphi.xboxrulz
  13. that's good. Did you release any of your Turing software?and thanks bjrn for the amend in my info, but still Ric Holt developed it in the U of T.xboxrulz
  14. xboxrulz


    I hate popups and plus, good old Firefox will simply delete them :Pxboxrulz
  15. Yesterday, I picked up my magazine in my mailbox and read through it and found the annual XBOX magazine award. This year's awards are found here and here xboxrulz
  16. I'm currently working on TElement, (which is an application that shows info on each element) a project that I've been working on since Wednesday. It consists of mostly if, loop and put statements. I placed an array too! For other projects I made with Turing come here here's an example of Turing programming: var name:stringput "Please enter your name and press [ENTER]"get name:*clsput "Hello, ", name Turing was developed in the University of Toronto by Alan Turing. It is base on the Delphi programming language. dropout21, It's pretty hard to make a game in Turing though, it's not an event-driven programming language. It's procedural, therefore, it's hard to make a game. I haven't learned that far out yet. If you can send a copy of your code via the PM system, I think I can help. xboxrulz
  17. I don't like Longhorn any longer as I see that it's not much going to be a difference to WindowsXP. Plus, the new Longhorn will feature TCPA and require you to use new hardware. :s; I'd stick to WindowsXP and my Linux or get a Mac Mini :Pxboxrulz
  18. Do you mean a Logo? I'm having problems making logos, as I'm more of a coder than a designer :sxboxrulz
  19. Well this forum is hosted on Trap 17, but o well. This forum, I specialized it for gamers only! I also added a download section where you can download the latest patches and free games! You also get the chance of submitting your own Click here and you're there! xboxrulz
  20. skyline, your facts are a bit not true. Iraq never sent planes into WTC on 9/11. Osama Bin Laden was/is not an Iraqi, he's an Afgan!xboxrulz
  21. Hey all! Good news! I got the OXM Game Award 2004! Controller-throwing moment of the year: Ninja Gaiden Top party game: Karaoke Revolution Best Art Direction: Ninja Gaiden Best music: Halo 2 Best driving game: Burnout 3:Takedown Best Action/Adventure game: Ninja Gaiden Best story: Breakdown Best developer: Pandemic Best RPG elements in a non-RPG game: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 Carmen Electra award: Carmen Electra (DUH!) Best RPG: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Worst use of a movie license: Bad Boys II: Miami Takedown Best Fighting game: Dead or Alive Ultimate (DOAU) Please kill this genre award: Vietnam war games Please expand this genre award:Mind Control Best sports game: Fight Night 2004 Bad timing award: Tenchu: Return from Darkness Snail's pace award: Fatal Frame II:Crimson Butterfly Best download of the year: Ninja Gaiden Hurricane Packs Vol. I & II Virtual Man of the year: Riddick Most disappointing moment of 2004: Halo 2's "ending" Virtual "IT" of the year: The Arbiter (HALO2) Worst song in a game: "Riders on the storm" (NFSU2) Virtual woman of the year: Maya (Yourself!Fitness) Most addictive game: Ultra Bust-A-Move Best dialogue (Shakespeare styled): The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay Best dialogue (Showgirl styled): Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders Best multiplayer game: HALO 2 OFFICIAL XBOX MAGAZINE GAME OF THE YEAR: HALO 2 Runner up: Ninja Gaiden (very close to beating HALO 2!!) Enjoy! xboxrulz
  22. Fedora Core is best as a server distro. Xedos, I don't use Mandrake; therefore, there's nothing I have to make a guide for it.xboxrulz
  23. I come from the peaceful Canada (the Canada that almost fell apart in 1995 because of Quebec and the same Canada that the US wanted so badly) and from Toronto!Also, I love our national anthem:English (Official) Canada!Our home and native land!True patriot love in all thy sons command.With glowing hearts we see thee rise,The True North strong and free!From far and wide,O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.God keep our land glorious and free!O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.French (Francais) (Official) Canada! Terre de nos a?eux,Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!Car ton bras sait porter l'?p?e,Il sait porter la croix! Ton histoire est une ?pop?eDes plus brillants exploits. Et ta valeur, de foi tremp?e,Prot?gera nos foyers et nos droits. Prot?gera nos foyers et nos droits. English and French mix (Unofficial) Canada!Our home and native land!True patriot love in all thy sons command.With glowing hearts we see thee rise,The True North strong and free!Ton histoire est une ?pop?eDes plus brillants exploits. Et ta valeur, de foi tremp?e,Prot?gera nos foyers et nos droits. Prot?gera nos foyers et nos droits.JE SUIS UN CANADIEN!I AM CANADIAN!au revoir!xboxrulzP.S: We do have an army, and it's NOT THE SALVATION ARMY, ok?
  24. why use IE when you have Firefox! IE over CrossOver Office is great (for Linux), but it sometimes crashes :s.xboxrulz
  25. I made a small quick guide for SUSE Linux: Click Here! xboxrulz
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