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Everything posted by xboxrulz

  1. Right now Jetsgo is accusing WestJet for hacking their mainframe and stole all their records on their business.xboxrulz
  2. I hail from Toronto, Ontario, Canada but I'm also Asian. Chinese to be exact. My family is from Hong Kong and I do have Canadian and Hong Kong citizenship.xboxrulz
  3. It will spread throughout the network as a file that is sent to u by your friend. Therefore, you can get caught by using TrillianThis virus doesn't work on Linux.xboxrulz
  4. yes you can, SUSE comes with a partitioner in it's setup program: YAST2xboxrulz
  5. This is in the front page today in Toronto Star:
  6. Hi Blix, You can download SUSE 9.1 here Yes, some Windows apps can run on Linux depending if WINE can run it. Have fun! If you have any questions, please email me here xboxrulz
  7. neither for Video. I use Real for Video and Winamp only plays music; that is if I'm using Windows. If I'm using Linux; XMMS is my music player and Kaffeine is my Multimedia Player.xboxrulz
  8. I use NVIDIA since I don't need to configure it. Plus, it's more Linux friendly than ATI. I would go for ATI cause it's a Canadian technology.xboxrulz
  9. In mid-April, SUSE 9.3 is gonna be out ! Read more here xboxrulz
  10. if u use RPM, most of your installed software are located here: /usr/bin or it can be located here: /optxboxrulz
  11. Someone, please don't go off topicxboxrulz
  12. I dun like Windows Longhorn, it's gonna be so pumped up that it requires a 2.6 GHZ minimum hardware and like 5 GB of storage space. For most of us, why should we shell out extra money on this proprietory crap?xboxrulz
  13. it's great, but the look-n-feel drives me away from KNOPPIX and how it's simply combine. I rather go for MEPIS.xboxrulz
  14. although, DEBIAN is a good and very stable (plus, one of the oldest Linux distro), but considering that it takes 7 CDs to install, that's huge. Another thing; RPM is much better than dpkg (.DEB) since it's simple to use. That's why APT was invented. There's even APT4RPM. DEBIAN also have RPM support on their distro since there are drivers that are RPM ONLY.xboxrulz
  15. Gentoo is easy for beginners? You must be kidding me. It's a distro aimed at experts. It has no installation interface and it requires you to compile the Linux with the available packages. or use ebuild to install stuff into the kernel. I can't even figure out how to compile Gentoo. I have used Linux for at least a year or 2. xboxrulz
  16. dexter, you can just install win98 dlls and other system files over the WINEdll in the WINE folder, which should help. xboxrulz
  17. Yup, Generals: Zero Hour is the best CNC game currently made. Nuking and destroying the GLA is great!xboxrulz
  18. yup, Linux has alot of plug and play programs :Dxboxrulz
  19. lolI have NVIDIA (not those third party stuff) GeForce 4 Ti 4200 w/ AGP 8x. It's good, but it's a 3 years old technology, but hey, I dun have $$ to get a new one. So I'm happy.xboxrulz
  20. PNG = Portable Network Graphics, which is usually used by Linux users because it's as vivid as BMP but much smaller.PNG is also supported by Windows and Macintosh.xboxrulz
  21. KDE has a print screen software that comes with KDE. Click the KMenu, then select Utilities then select Desktop, then select KSnapshot or you can just try typing ksnapshot in the KMenu RUN option.xboxrulz
  22. xboxrulz

    Pentium Vs Amd

    AMD is for High performance and GamingIntel is for Business and Severe MultitaskingSevere = running 3 or more high processing requirement programs.xboxrulz
  23. I had to scrap my all beloved (Pronounciation: be-love-ed) Linux because I simply can't uphold two OSes and Windows seems to run 75% of apps that I can do on Linux. Until, there are wicked things on Linux that I can't do with Windows, I might reconsider going back, but I kept Linux (SUSE LINUX 9.2 Pro) on my laptop. Now, back to the topic, it's nice to see a nice report on SuSE 9.1, but you're 0.1 version away from the newest version. Plus, you should install apt4rpm so you can grab apps faster. I recommend you use the XOrg server instead of the XFree86 server as it is a beta version and not the full thing on SUSE 9.1.xboxrulz
  24. The Canadian Auto Show 2005 is held from last weekend til' tomorrow at 18:00 EST at The Metro Toronto Convention Centre and SkyDome! I had a great time there. If anyone of you want to catch the last glimpse of what is in store, go tommorow! $20 CAD Adults and $7 CAD kids and a family pack is only $40 CAD (2 adults, 2 children) Here's some pics from the AutoShow that I took. Click here! xboxrulz
  25. I think the motivation here is to remove people off the evil monopoly and go for the "bright" side.xboxrulz
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