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Everything posted by mama_soap

  1. I dunno about general books - novels can be expensive, hard to find all the time in libraries, which is why this is a rather nice feature from Google.However, for those who're looking for textbooks, I'm noticing that a lot of people are actually writing texts that they are giving away for free. It's interesting to watch the whole 'information is free' movement. I'm not too sure about texts on microbiology or archeaology (spelling?), but I have used texts on programming and math that I've downloaded without paying a cent. Google "free texts on <subject of your choice>" and it should get you started... just a thought.Cheers!
  2. Too bad... But I think I get the gist of it Macs aren't that popular in India, it's more of a direct Window-v/s-Linux war here. I'm just thoroughly confused... I know I like Linux better, but all the time spent discussing it - oh well, never mind that. For those who can watch the video... have fun... *grin*
  3. This is so sweet of you, Mike! I mean, it looks beautiful, and I like just about everything in the sig... the colors, the glitter, the glassy feel, and the overall look of it. Thank you so much, again! *big smile* Thank you
  4. Apart from what Robert has suggested, I think you can try making your gb moderated, so that you approve of every entry before publishing it. It may not stop the spam, but at least it prevents it from becoming public. The disadvantage is that this may discourage people from posting at your guestbook, and that you need to be online frequently.You could also use an image to verify that the user is human - just use the sort of authentication that allows the user to type in what he/she sees on a randomly generated image That might help too.Hope this helps.Cheers!
  5. Dumbledore: This certainly looks very interesting. I am particularly impressed by the number of other software it integrates with. Anyone who can testify how well the CMS integrations work? It's unlikely that I will buy it, but a great find anyway. I'm sure most of the hosted members here will find this useful...
  6. I second that thought, totally. It was my immediate reaction when I read what the orignial poster had to say. I can imagine a lot of people finding the concept of falling in love in a chatroom wierd, but I think falling in love with someone you've met for a couple of months is just as wierd, if not more. Sometimes I think I understand people I've never met a lot better than people I've actually met - I mean, there is a lot more you can pack into a few long e-mails even when compared to broken conversations over a period of a few years. I am not sure about love, but I have a lot of good friends I've never met, and I don't find that unnatural. It is about as unnatural as having real friends, if you want me to put it that way The whole love thing goes way above my head in general, so I suppose I'll not even go there. Cheers!
  7. Am I allowed a couple of stupid questions?Well, I suppose I will ask irrespective of the legality... *sigh*Can replies be rated? As far as I can see they cannot be, and I don't mind it that way, but it'll be nice to _know_. *grin*Do these ratings somehow reflect on the members' profile page? I think that would be interesting... an average post-quality-rating in the detailed profile page. Again, i didn't find anything noticable on the few profile pages I'd been to...Thanks for the feature. It is rather cool... and in some respects perhaps better than the rep-points scheme, which was perhaps vulnerable to manipulation (no offense intended).
  8. You know what, why don't you link to this tutorial from your signature? I am sure the other users around here will find it very useful.For someone who's not a computer geek (I'm quoting from the beginning of your post - I understand that you're not a techie specialist, pardon me if I understand wrongly), this is a very well done tutorial. Thanks for taking the time, I'm sure I'll have to refer back to it sometime!
  9. I agree totally. I've somehow found that Notepad is practically the most straightforward HTML tool I've ever used. Type it out. Rush to validator. Correct errors. Repeat prev two steps as many times as is necessary. Should get you started. As for this tutorial, it was nicely done. I'm really looking for a good essay explaining the difference between HTML and XHTML, maybe your tutorial can begin with why it's important to switch/convert to XHTML? Just a random thought. Sorry if you've explained this already, I only skimmed through your article... but I do think it's nicely laid out and everything Cheers!
  10. Well, I suppose if you've come as far as half-writing a simple kernel, I would suggest you study the Unix Operating System. I am sure you have either considered this or have done it as a part of some formal course or the other. The code for Linuxes is open source, it is written in C and Assembly, you can take it apart for yourself and see how it works. The linux kernel mailing list archives is a good starting point (but please read their guidelines before you post anything there! it's a strictly dev-only list). Or just install a linux distro and start hacking the kernel. Google a few keywords for more information.Hope this helps.Cheers!
  11. @Saga: Your program will take fractionally longer to run, because you loop through all the cases (if I understand correctly), which is not really necessary. Some simple math will tell you that looping through 1 to sqrt(n) is enough to detect if n is prime or not. So you can optimize your program performance. I know this sounds like I'm being picky, but when you're testing if 352224t657723242366667 is a prime or not, it does make a difference @beeseven: Providing the exact error message would help - although, for starters, I think I'm missing the opening and closing flower-braces under the for loop. Can you check that up? Other than that, I really don't see why the code shouldn't work...
  12. LOL... I'm in Bangalore (not technically a Bangalorean, but lived here long enough to feel like one), and I can imagine the motivation behind that one
  13. Ah, interesting thread, SM. :huh:Something I have not told anyone is actually something pretty straightforward... I want to learn a martial art. Technically, I *have* proposed the idea to a few people, but most of them either almost died of laughing or looked at me like they've just had a close encounter with the third kind. I'm not a very physically active person (I mean, I don't frequent gyms, I'm not a health/fitness freak, I don't exercise too often, and so on...), so - umm... the idea is generally not well-recieved. I don't intend to learn a martial art because I want to fight the world or because of any similar sentiment, it's more about how it helps skills of concentration and tolerance, the two things I lack miserably ;)I have a lot of bad (read: embarassing) dreams too, but we'll not go there, it's just terribly funny ;)Cheers!
  14. Well, I've been trying to run a test installation of mambo on my server here at Xisto. It so happens that a particular component that I installed needs a small bugfix, for which I need to edit a file. This should normally be no problem; I always ftp-download my file onto a text editor, edit it and save (it automatically saves the file on the server). However, I suppose it's not my lucky day today - I mean, the normal procedure gives me an error: So I change permissions to 777, and still nothing. I try changing the file through the file manager. This is particularly amusing - it says the file is 'saved', but when I open the saved file, it's unchanged! Also, I tried backing up the file and deleting it, so that I could re-upload the changed version, but the file refuses to be deleted. Again, on the file manager, while the UI indicates that the file has been moved to trash, it's still sitting there. I thought this was a little wierd. I would appreciate any pointers; because I'm beginning to feel a little lost. I wonder if anyone has had a similar experience? Before I begin believing in the supernatural, please give me an indication as to what I'm doing wrong...
  15. I think I remember a particularly interesting tutorial about how one can go about setting up a fish tank. I'm pretty sure I read it here, in the tutorials section - sorry I'm not in the mood to check.So yeah, just want to second the general idea that anything that is a tutorial goes in the tutorial section. Just make a special note of what KuBi said
  16. I think you have said pretty much everything that I wanted to say I have not spent the last decade using text editors, and I am relatively new to the whole web design scene - but I did start off with Emacs, moved on to Vi and I now use Kate for programming, Kile for scientific typesetting and Quanta for interactive web editing when I need it. So there... slightly fancy text editors without the WYSWIG has been what's worked for me of late. I must say I completely second the post above, especially with regard to the point it makes about not having full control over the code generated. I have a special distaste for Frontpage as a consequence (sorry to FP fans, no offence!). I'm sure DW is powerful and beautiful; and even better when used with PS or other tools, but for me it's a ) been too expensive and b ) not accesible (me use Linux most of the time, so...). Cheers!
  17. Well, first off, thank you for the upgrade... even if you're tired of hearing it - it does look very cool. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I did notice the following: when I was browsing through this topic (How did you get GMail?). I'm sorry if I missed a official bug-tracker/problem-notifier thread. Just thought this was worth mentioning. My guess would be that it has something to do with the fact that the topic has an associated poll. Hope this isn't a serious problem Anyway... great job on the boards, the credit mod, the hosting services and everything else Keep at it and thank you very much again!
  18. Very cool tutorial... I'm in the process of organizing a workshop on free and open source software in college, and I'm sure this will be very helpful. As you can imagine, Linux is a rather important example of Free and Open Source Software, so a lot of the talks are based on linux, and this information comes in handy.By the way, to the list of substitutes for application programs in windows, I'd add the following:Photoshop -> GIMPDreamweaver -> Quanta Plus, NVuVisual Basic -> HBasic (though not as good.)Nero -> K3BAnd it's worth noting that there are lots of things that run on Linux that you wouldn't find on Windows, although most s/w now-a-days have different versions for different operating systems :)I'll post a screenshot of my desktop sometime soon...Thanks again for the great tutorial. Cheers!
  19. mykokology: Thank you so much for your input. The fact that I'm responding two months after your post must be some indication of how involved I am with the website :)Well, the thing is that the site is more or less defunct now. While all your points are very valid (I'll keep them in mind when I'm onto my next website), I think I'll have to just declare the current site 'finished' for reasons apart from what you've pointed out. I am looking at it now and I can't believe I put together such junk. The problem perhaps was that the site was not focused - parts of it were personal, parts of it weren't. So I will have to have two websites, one professional, one personal. That way it'll be easier to manage things. :)Thanks again for the valuable input. If you have the time, I'd appreciate your going over to ideazunlimited.trap17.com/mambo, a test installation of a site I'm planning to construct for college. It has a long way to go, but I'd appreciate inputs at the construction stage... thank you!
  20. I'm afraid I haven't read the book yet (sorry), but why don't you just read the whole thing? It can't be that difficult... or do you have an urgent deadline? In that case, I would suggest going online and looking for book reviews, I think you stand a better chance of finding out that way - although I suppose it couldn't be as good as reading the book itself.Good luck.
  21. PM me if you need any help with something that's quick n' dirty, I will do what I can. Can't promise anything long-term, I'm afraid college work is just getting out of hand for me. Should be fun for whoever does it full time, though!
  22. mama_soap

    I Hate Colds!

    You bet I know how that feels... duh, I hate it too I always have a cold that invariably cumilates to an asthma attack, and I think that is the only thing that is more disgusting than the cold. When you can't breathe and you're wheezing, and when every breath takes the same amount of effort that it would take someone to lift weights in a gym - umm... it's not a very pleasant scenario overall. The nose blocks can be irritating, painful, and a lot of other things too. I recently got myself a little thing that can produce steam, and its helped a good deal during my temporary nose blocks. The problem is when I go to college... :ew: By the way, how're you feeling now? The nose bleed stuff sounds very scary to me. I hope things are better now. Have to been to a doctor or something recently? Anyway, here's to your health, and I hope things clear up (pardon the pun) soon
  23. In a word, no And I'll bet almost anything that everyone else here will say the same thing. Sorry, but if were to participate, I'd certainly be cheating someone, and I (like most others) don't like the idea of cheating (perhaps unlike yourself)... that's about as politely as I can put it. And you can be rest assured that the google team will allow nothing of this sort...
  24. If the problem is to do with your system, then please try posting your system specifications here, maybe that'll help the rest of 'em in helping you out, if you know what I mean :(In any case, with respect to your first post:Reason: probably missing fonts that you need to download and install. Exact instructions vary from platform to platform (which is why it'll be nice to see the specs).Rectification: Get the fonts and install them.HTH... cheers
  25. Here's what the website has to say, FWIW: Now, I'm sure rapidshare itself does not provide any guarentee that the rule will not be broken, although they are fully aware of the possibility and are probably doing their best to ensure a happy, leagal world. I'd suggest using your common sense. Like someone pointed out, using rapidshare is not an illegal activity. For instance, I want you to read my most recent poem - I save it to my text file, upload it on to a rapidshare server, and give you the download link. You download it, read it, and mail me to say it was crap. None of this is illegal (well, maybe the last bit, but oh well... *sigh*). On the other hand, willfully/conciously (contact a lawyer, I'm not sure about the specific terms) download stuff that you know you shouldn't be downloading, you're on the wrong side of the law. Simple as that. HTH. Cheers.
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