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Everything posted by mama_soap

  1. Oh, I won't deny there are certain aspects of school life that I wish did not exist... but the complaints were really the fun part (now that I look at it from a distance)... the endless speeches about how X is so wrong and Y is how it should be, being young, being self-proclaimed gurus in the subject of how-to-make-the-world-a-perfect-place (for-you-and-me ); I mean it's all a part of a life that you may not necessarily enjoy while you're living it; but certainly something you'll miss once it's past. I'm in collge too, and I definitely miss school! I had my bad days, but who doesn't? Going 'life sucks' doesn't help very much If life was perfect, that'd be - well - half the fun gone... Ok, I really do NOT mean to belittle your troubles and worries, but I'd just like to emphasize that there's no one who's had the-perfect-life. If you are one of them, then I am sure (one of my axioms) school wouldn't be something that bothered you :DBut yeah, a lot about school is very debatable. A lot depends on what kind of school you go to, and what sort of an individual you are. I generally maintain that you shouldn't do something unless you really want to, but that is funda that holds good only to a certain extent, and shouldn't be streched too far (I definitely wouldn't want something criminal to be legalized with a stupid argument like that, for instance). I have spent most of my school life fighting the system, pointing out that education should be more about enjoying the learning process, developing a natural sense of curiosity, and less about cut-throat competition and standing first in class. But then again, there are people who thrive in tense, competetive environments, which is a good thing in it's own way (not my style, though I always take it easy...). Like I said, it's debatable. Perhaps if you're in a seriously terrible situation, you could consider dropping out or perhaps changing your school. But then you need to define 'seriously terrible'. That's where it gets relative and tricky. If you think a biased teacher or I-don't-have-good-friends is terrible, then I beg to differ. Again, I'd suggest you should... take it easy. Easier said than done, I'm sure, but no one promised life's easy :PJust my two cents...Cheers
  2. Ooo... that's so like what I was going to say. I love talking, even if that amounts to nonsensical chatter most of the time. I haven't been labelled a yapper yet - most people seem to tolerate me fairly well, but that probably implies their brilliance, not mine We had a class last week (if it's relevant, I am in college, doing my second year of a bachelors course, and I am seventeen) when we did the introductory chatter. I went up first, alloted a time of 2 mins, but I went on for twenty-five. Then the lecturer clear'd her throad ever so mildly and I went o-o-kay, I think I should stop here What did I talk about? General nonsense; my tastes in academics, literature, cinema and general hobbies. Who I am (included being someone who enjoys bugging the hell out of everyone within a 5-meter radius by talking about ideas she has about a problem in calculus / a new poem / a new website, lol), and what I enjoy doing. Although I know no one cares in particular, it does not matter to me very much. I love listening to what other people have to say, and I usually get an audience in return, hehe. Of course, I must mention, in all honesty, that I usually end up making a complete fool of myself. But then, I have developed a somewhat thick skin, and I'm so used to making a fool of myself by now that I couldn't care less, lol. At least someone's getting entertained in the bargain But I do agree, fundamentally, it is not easy to talk about yourself. When I was doing the 'about me' page on my site, I had to spend an entire hour framing it... It ended up being the sort of information no one wants to be informed about, fairly pointless (AND not to mention uninteresting). (Hey, even JK Rowling thought, while conceiving HP, who'd be interested in this kid? Ok, now don't ask me why I mentioned that, I don't quite know... ) I know what you mean, and for whatever it's worth, I agree And ***looks around*** maybe I should stop here, lol...
  3. 123neel [at] gmail [dot] com 50 invites Visit my site if and when you have nothing better to do [c.f. my signature] If you haven't tried gmail yet, this is a good time to; you have nothing to loose Cheers!
  4. hehe, let me give it a try. -->ending Xisto forum posts abruptly through... some hi-fi technique no one understood. PS: [Obviously, it was not a good microwave, perhaps an antagonist in disguise?? ]
  5. My Simple Guide to Sound Sleep Close your eyes. Think of the most Prof Binnish person who's taught you. For people who haven't met Prof Binns from HP, think of a quality sleep inducing teacher. Recollect one of his or her classes. See it begin. See it more vividly. You can hear ze voice. It's talking about something that you know you don't want to hear. You hear it and start thinking about ice cream. You feel drowsy. You are snoring. Are you a teacher yourself? Uh-oh. *runs for cover* [seriously, though, no offence intended...] Warning: Procedure still in beta. Testers please let me know how it went. Don't sue me for death due to excessive boredom, you're responsible for your life. When I can't sleep, I try to work. Considering I always sleep when I'm supposed to work *cough* I try to put the rare moments of sleepnessness to good use
  6. I must confess I have not read everything in this thread, but what I have is very interesting, and I think I feel the general spirit of the discussion, so I think I'll go ahead and post I am not sure if the question of what religion one follows should be classified as a personal question or not. I would feel rather uncomfortable if someone I hardly knew asks me that, as if trying to gauge/judge me on the basis of my answer. Between good friends, or people who generally understand what it means to be open-minded (and tolerant, et al) it's just another question - like you might get questioned about your income, or your nationality (sense of patriotism), out of curiousity (to understand an individual better, but not to judge him/her). I am not particularly religious myself. I somehow feel that the general spirit of love, caring and all the rest of it (that seems a common factor to all religions) is contradicted by the existence of multiple religions. I will not be able to wholeheartedly accept any religion as long as more than one of them exist. Even though they give separate perspectives, and have interesting cultures, rituals, et al associated with them, on an abstractish level, I somehow cannot accept simultaneous existence of many religions. I could write an essay on what I feel. And maybe one day I'll grow up to think differently, but this is one of the few things I feel strongly about. Briefly, I go with the general school that goes the-world-is-my-country-and-humanity-is-my-religion. It's something I instinctively identify with it, and I think that is enough reason to believe what I believe this moment.
  7. I'll second the fact that a live CD is best to start off with. Knoppix is supposed to be very good, like many others are mentioned :rolleyes:I use Fedora, so I guess I'll naturally vote for it -- I have had no serious glitches with it so far - ok, a few, but nothing life-threatning Fedora 3 is nice, except setting Mime Types seems a little more long drawn than usual. Unless I'm missing something. Mandrake (or whatever it's latest version is called) is also supposed to be one of the best.
  8. Hmm... I see. And I think I understand. No problem, I'm sure we'll have good fun anyway Like you said, if it means filtering out posts which are made for 'the heck of it', then I guess it's going to work out in the favour of the forum after all Cheers!
  9. Oooh, a thread after my own heart One of the most famous paradoxes would be Zeno's Paradox. It was even mentioned in a scene in the Meg Ryan movie IQ... Here's the paradox, or atleast a version of it . It should be very interesting To think you cannot cross the room! By the way, since this thread started off with Russell's paradox, I might add that (if I remember right), the paradox drove Russell mad, almost bringing him close to committing suicide. Also, there is some very interesting trivia about how the timing of this paradox spoilt the publication of some mathematical treatise... will get back to this once I find out, can't seem to place the names right now, sorry
  10. Oh yay, I got it done! (here) I might consider making my own button for Xisto, but it will need approval, won't it? What if I use it and everyone thinks it's really ugly?
  11. I second most of what's been said here. I was actually about to write something to this effect, but I noticed this, so I'll just reply here While I haven't posted/commented in the Creativity forums lately, largely because I'm rather occupied, I'm sure I will very soon. And I think people who respond and critique others' works do deserve credits.... I'd suggest the following crediting system if it is not too complicated: a. Thread starter gets no credits. b. Every response more than 100 words gets due credit. c. For every response to a topic that does not come from the topic starter, the topic author gets x credits, x being some suitable number. I think this can be automated, I have seen systems like this on other forums, so I think it can be done. Whether it is a decent idea or not is another question...
  12. Well, you could try one of the preinstalled scripts, they're easier to use :(I use Viper. Not sure how much I can praise it because it is currently giving me a parse error somewhere (just checked) but that is probably because I didn't upgrade it properly... *oops* But otherwise, it's a pretty cool gb to have; very feature rich. Once I get mine up and running, I will link you to the demo :lol:Good luck!
  13. Snape's a good guy? Funny I never noticed Concertina, you're right, JKR never said it'll be a nice guy... I must have misunderstood, just checked the 'official' website. (btw, happy b'day )Ana, I do agree that there's a good chance it will be Dumbledore, at least before the end of the seventh book... but that doesn't prevent from hoping it won't be him
  14. Hello, Notoroge, Thanks a ton for taking the time to reply. I think it is relatively unlikely that a file is missing, because the forums seem to be working fine. (They're located here, by the way, in case that helps.) However, it's a good idea, and I will check my files. Line 470 and whereabouts in functions.php look like this: //-- add global $config, $themes; $themes_exists = true; if ( empty($themes) ) { $themes = new themes(); $themes->read(); $themes_exists = false; } $row = $themes->data[$style]; // force the main css when in admin $head_stylesheet = $row['template_name'] . '.css'; if ( defined('IN_ADMIN') && ($row['head_stylesheet'] != $head_stylesheet) ) { foreach ( $themes->data as $style_id => $style_data ) { if ( $style_data['head_stylesheet'] == $head_stylesheet ) { $row = $style_data; break; } } } // clean up if themes didn't exists if ( !$themes_exists ) { unset($themes); } // get main parameters $template_path = 'templates/'; $template_name = $row['template_name']; // intantiate the template $template = new template_class($config->root . $template_path . $template_name, $row['custom_tpls']);//-- fin mod : categories hierarchy -------------------------------------------- I think the problem area is the line that comes after the comment, 'instantiate the new template', although line 470 is actually if ( $style_data['head_stylesheet'] == $head_stylesheet ) { $row = $style_data; break; } <--HERE! I can't figure out why the installation worke the first time and is returning an error now. Really wierd. Maybe I did not uninstall it cleanly enough. I just deleted my 'portal' folder, but did not do anything to the SQL.. The second installation worked fine, but I go to index file under portal, and it gives me this wierd error... Thanks again for your prompt reply. I do hope I sort this out soon Thank you!
  15. My two cents for those who are on Linux - I recently discovered that Konquerer seems to be an excellent FTP client. It's very easy to transfer files using the grapic drag-n-droppish interface I didn't even bother to download another ftp client after I found this web browser +plus+ ftp client... although I still use the file manager for changing permissions; haven't quite figured out how to manipulate that using Konquerer.
  16. Well, I have finally managed to get my forums up and running, and by and large, all the modifications are working OK. However, I do have a couple of issues I would like to sort out, and I would really appreciate any help... I know I should be posting in the MOD author's support forums, but I am not dying to sort these issues out, I am just curious if anyone who uses heavily modded phpBB has encountered these errors before. When I feel obsessed enough to get everything working, I probably will try a regular support group, but I am feeling rather out of place there, so I thought I'll just ask here in case I am missing the obvious. [a] Attach Mod problem: The option for uploading an attachment is missing when I click on the 'new topic' button. Is this a problem with the template file, or the posting.php file? Topic Calendar problem: I get a SQL 1110 error when I try to schedule an event. It says a particular column was specified twice, but the funny thing is I am sure it wasn't, the code looks perfect. [c] My mxbb potral is not working, although it was fine on it's first installation. Then I encountered an error that I couldn't fix, so I did a fresh install, and it now says: Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: template_class in /home/****/public_html/forums/includes/functions.php on line 470 Nice, eh? Finally, I would like to know if it is possible (when the admins have enough time) to install LaTeX on the server. I'm using MimeTeX and I am happy, but I'd be happier with LaTeX. Just curious. Please see this post. Cheers!
  17. I guess a CSS layout has various strong advantages over tables, among them a couple would certainly be -- less obscure coding, and use of external templates for the sort of consistency that you get with tables only after a non-trivial amount of work. I am sure there are plenty of reasons as to why tables are slowly getting outdated and CSS is quickly becoming the 'in-thing'. Perhaps googling will help, I am rather new to design myself, lol
  18. I will probably write a more detailed reply when I have the time, sorry for the rushed one here... There is no need to go for a pirated versions, especially when you can download the official OS from their website. Please look at their official site for more info. That should get you off to a decent start on what the os is all about. Maybe giving us technical details regarding your system will help. You intend to partition your disk, if I understand right. I've never tried linux with XP before, so I wouldn't know the exact details, although I am sure others here will provide the relevant support. For the moment, hope you enjoyed the website Cheers, and keep us posted!
  19. Hehe, I am sure I know what that feels like.*remembers certain lecture hours from college very distinctly* *cough* Never mind, hope the posting helps you take it easy
  20. Oh dear... well, doesn't this sort of go to show in a more obvious way than ever that MS is insecure about the popularity of IE? I mean, I wouldn't know too much about the browser buissnesses, but they must have their strategies for doing what they do. I also think the move is stupid, but that does not prevent them from having their reasons, eh? But I still don't get the point, won't people be more likely to switch if/when they come to know of a trick like this? Won't this do more harm than good for MS in general? *phew* Yet again, yay for open source s/w
  21. Oh, me too. If those hundered invites run out, feel free to PM me :PI gather from discussions on other threads that invites replenish once you get them out... oh well, *sigh*, I guess it is a good thing after all.
  22. Hi pilgrim_of_mini-monkeys, I really appreciate the time you took to look at the site, and there is no need for the warning, all your observations are spot on With regard to the header issues, I agree with most of what you've said. I am wondering if the content on the top-left of a site loads first by default. I only want my header to be some sort of a title, and I didn't mind filling it up with text therefore. Much as I don't want to bother you too much, it'll be very nice if you can give me examples of the standard 'good' headers that we're talking about? Erm... the menu links below the header are deliberately plain and unformatted. I didn't quite realize this doesn't look good. I know a little CSS (mostly self learning through trial and error) and use an external stylesheet for all the content pages. I am sorry you don't like the buttons, but I would really prefer to keep them for a while, at least till I feel sick of 'em myself. The front page was an experiment, I am not sure if I will stick to the layout anyway... I'm trying to figure out the problem with the last four figures. Maybe I have to recreate the graphics and upload them again. The content... well, maybe I did not mention it, but most of the real content is really yet to come. I haven't shown the site to anyone yet, except here, of course. Hopefully will be completed soon. The intro paragraph is something I will include, it occured to me too I just hoped people who want to know what the site is about will go to the 'about' page... doin' too much wishful thinking these days, sorry I wanted the time/date beside the flowers to give it a table-clockish look. I didn't intend it to be in-your-face, but now that you mention it, I will look at it again. I'm afraid I will break the consistency rule in favor of (pseudo)dynamic content, I rather like the quotes that go with the separate pages. I thought I did include a footer for navigation. The copyright/disclaimer notice is missing because I am still trying to phrase it properly. IdeaZ is not a corporation, or even an organization. I'm just hoping to build a student community that interacts in a healthy, intelligent way... Finally, thank you very much again for all that feedback. It's very kind of you to take the time I hope I will be able to pull up something more tolerable next time. On a side note, I am new to web design, this is indeed my first attempt at putting up a website. And this is mama_soap (although you could call me Neel) and not cmatcmextra. Regards and cheers, Neel
  23. Varun, If you are going to use these galleries as standalone applications, then I'd probably suggest Coppermine. If you are looking at forum integration this topic might interest you. My suggestion would be to do test installations of all three of them and see what you like best. Users who have experienced using one/more of them will, I am sure, post here and you can wait and see what they have to say. Unfortunately, I only need a gallery for the forums and I use a phpBB MOD for that Cheers!
  24. Phew... I guess anyone who wants to know which browser's better should probably try 'em both and see what works better for him/her... just a thought, considering there will always be differences of opinion
  25. Yup, that's one good way of doing it. I also use the e-mail notification. Works well for me, because I use pop3 access, I am at home most of the time, and I can just delete the notifications that come in. You can also use My Assistant. You can view all the new posts since your last visit, and in particular, those of them which were replies to a topic you started Good luck
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