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Everything posted by mama_soap

  1. Just to extend the response - as far as I know (and I imagine I know since I tried it once), payments from unverified PayPal accounts are not accepted at Xisto - Web Hosting. If you do try to login to your unverified paypal account during checkout, then it'll take you to a form where you can enter a Credit Card number to verify your account. However, if you do have a verfied PayPal account, or are planning to make yours verified soon, then you can certainly use that account to pay for any of Xisto's services.
  2. Heh, the whole love funda has been completely beyond me, and most likely it will stay that way.But I imagine even if I did get caught up in the love thing, material attributes such as looks, or money, would probably matter the least. I wouldn't deliberately look for someone poverty stricken to fall for (!), but I think it's more about having a sense of understanding and communication than knowing that the corresponding bank balance is non trivial.I suppose the idea is to not to do anything deliberate to attract attention - just be yourself and if a relationship has the potential to click, then it probably will
  3. I got this in my mail a couple of years ago, I think. Immediately uninstalled my spell checker. Removed all traces of ispell and aspell. Call me an overenthusiastic kid... As an aside, it's amusing to note how many spelling errors I make without these nifty little programs. So, I'm notorious when it comes to spellings.This was followed by my getting caught up in numerous embarassing situations, in varying levels of intensity, none of which I'll go into. Just got back to using my good old aspell on emacs before sending mails.
  4. Heh, Zythrix: been there, know exactly what you're talking about.Once I wanted to generate a RSA key for encrypting and digitally signing my messages (just for fun), and my PGP program had to generate two really big random primes, and it asked me to move my mouse around so that it would have enough entropy to do that (not entirely sure how this works), and I'm happily doing this mini circus with my mouse, and before I know it, my computer dies on me. Luckily a reboot restored everything, but I have lost my taste for digital signatures :angry:On another occasion, I formatted the wrong drive while partitioning the disk to install a linux, and I lost all my poetry, my stories, and I had no backups (was not connected to the internet then). Now people who have read my poetry will argue that this is a good thing, but I was feeling close to devastated back then... I could kick myself, I was so angry.Then there are times when the computer does things on its own, no fault of mine. Once, I wake up to find I can't login as root. I use a live CD and find that the password file is completely messed up... beat that. I had to do a md5 on a string and insert that in the pwd file and reboot... don't ask!So, good luck, comrade, and I hope your computer is nicer to you in future Can't live with them, but definitely can't do without them. All said and done, I love my box!!!
  5. Heh, big big question, not entirely easy to answer. This issue has been the core of a debate that has been raging for years - if you are someone who is preparing something for the general public, then should you also be responsible for ensuring that no one gets negatively affected by consuming the material you are showing?Well, in one extreme, it simply becomes impractical. Different people are moved, aggreived, aggravated, and disturbed by different things. Unfortunately (or maybe otherwise), we are all designed differently, we react to everything thrown at us on an individual basis, and it is impossible to generalize - there is no universal standard, that xyz will make everyone insane and abc will make everyone feel they are in the ninth cloud. Also, there is the question of freedom of speech and expression, whether censorship can effectively curb us of these fundamental rights.But on the other side, I imagine some basic precautions can also be put in place. In general it should be the responsiblity of every individual to ensure that he/she is not getting carried away with what he/she watches on television or reads in a book, and it is unreasonable to expect that this is something that broadcasters or publishers should ensure on a large scale. So, when do I get annoyed?Well, very often the vulgar/obsene material is there not because of they are crucial to a storyline, or because they are genuinely necessary. It is there because a bunch of people want to encash on our baser emotions. It really disheartens me when I see a platform that is meant to be utilized for creative expression and artistic work is getting converted to a pure business proposition, and that too in a rather crude manner.I do agree that the government would do better worrying about more serious issues. Remember when they banned smoking scenes from movies? It was not just annoying, it was downright funny - beat the irony, you do not question the legality of manufacturing cigars in your country, but you want films to not contain smoking scenes? Whom are you bluffing? Next, you'll want films without guns, without anyone crying (because that can potentially inject depression), without anyone shouting (potential heart attack cause)... you get the point.So yes, let the channels be. We figure what to see, what to ignore.But I'd be happier if the people who prepare content for public consumption had a stronger sense of conscience and courtesy. If I was a film maker, I know I could make a film about the shadiest issues without coming across as vulgar. Resorting to vulgar stuff just to make that extra bit of money... doesn't leave me feeling too good.For whatever it's worth, those are my two cents.
  6. I would think it is more a matter of where you need the banners displayed.If it is going to be only on your site (i.e., a website over whose design and layout you have complete control), then I suppose you could make them any dimensions as long as they integrate well with your design and layout.On the other hand, if you're going to ask others to use your banner to advertise your stuff, then you either make banners that conform to the standards (indicated by rvalkass earlier), or custom-make your banners according to the needs of the particular website that you have partnered with.Sticking to generally accepted dimensions seems to be the way to play safe :angry:Cheers and g'luck
  7. Google definitely seems to have a lot to do with Python; and I'm saying this because if you look up the job pages on Google, one of their common requirements seem to be coding skills in Python.For those who have never heard of Python, it's an interpreted programming language similar to Perl in many ways, except it's more light weight, and in most circumstances, the code itself is a _lot_ easier to read. It's an ideal example of those simple-but-powerful languages.Yahoo uses MySQL for storing their databases, which run into tetrabytes. Yahoo also uses Perl and Python to a large extent to operate, and perhaps C/C++ to some extent.It's hard to know what technology goes into making these sites unless you know some programmer who actually works there... I guess some of that information may even be classified (I mean trade secret material... although I couldn't be too sure). HTH,Cheers.
  8. Ooh, Inspiron, were you fighting Opera against Firefox or something?? *chuckle*(No offense, I use Opera a lot of the time as well).And while everyone is thinking big, I checked out Neeldhara v.s anothercoder (my real name against my nick in many places). Plesantly surprised to find Neeldhara beats anothercoder 349 to 103. *shrug* Yeah, I know, not too interesting; but I did find the whole concept very amusing
  9. Hmm... I'm slightly surprised. I don't think I've heard of a mod that does not work on any template other than subsilver - I mean, while a lot of people do stick to the default, an equal number of them do not, so I don't see why the mod developer(s) would make it exclusive. I was under the impression that anything that worked on SubSilver would automatically work on the other Sub-xyz templates too. In the meantime, to the OP: cool tip, will keep it in mind if/when I get to afford an IPB for my website
  10. I think you understood this right, it is a webhosting service, not just an online editor (although I'm sure that would be fun as well...). However, I am not sure I see this putting other hosting companies into trouble, especially those companies that operate along the lines of giving you advanced web tech functionality, with support for php, java, and so on. I do get the feeling that Y!'s corresponding free service, Geocities, might have to gear up to the new competition. FWIW, I also got the waiting list form when I eagerly clicked the 'pages.google.com' link... too bad! Would've loved to try this out...
  11. mama_soap

    I'm New

    Try the introductions subforum under General Talk :(And tell us more about yourself so that we know who you are, and so on - whatever you want everyone else to know about you, just holler! A short bio of sorts, if you like...In the meantime, welcome aboard the Xisto forums, enjoy yourself and have a great stay. Cheers!
  12. I sometimes use the translation to look up a word or two in a paragraph of text in a language I do not understand. Sometimes I am just typing it out onto a computer, so I don't need to understand what is being said, but when the handwriting gets undecipherable, I try translating the word with varied spellings to see if it makes sense in context.keysmaker: Any free service is bound to be slightly less efficient than the most professional software out there. I mean, remember it is run by volunteers - give 'em a break <OT>Isn't there a service called Babel Fish or something that is also supposed to specialize in translations?</OT>
  13. TripleH,A link to your website would help Maybe one could look at screenshots of statistics related to the kind of traffic you get? Besides, do you have a fair idea of how active your shoutbox is? If you do, can you share it with us?Hope you keep us updated
  14. I'm pretty sure I dream in full color I mean, when I wake up I feel like I've just walked out a film theatre. Yesterday, I dreamt I was denied attendence because I walked in late to class... talk of having an overpowering college life!! I usually dream about being stuck in a maze and not being able to get out. I also end up dreaming, often, about an extension of what happened the same day in my so-called real life Wonder what that could mean...
  15. @fsoftball: While I'd love to try and help; I can't seem to get the picture you want us to look at using the link you provided. It seems to redirect me to the website of a hosting company. Never mind that, I'd suggest you try to upload the picture to imageshack/photobucket/xs and give us that link. Does not sound too difficult, but tough until proven easy... Okay, I'm not making sense any more. I'll wait for the image...
  16. No, I have recieved e-mails from members, and as far as I know they haven't posted here. I think this thread might get cluttered up if everyone who wants a invite starts posting here - people who have the invites post their e-mail addresses in this thread so that people who are looking for them can get in touch with them directly. Just a thought. Cheers.
  17. Here's a possible extension, for those who like messing with javascript. Here is a demo of what I'm talking about. This is what the navigation bar is made of: <div id="header"> <ul id="mainNav"> <li><a id="navIntro" href="#intro">Welcome</a></li> <li><a id="navResume" href="#resume">Resume</a></li> <li><a id="navPubls" href="#publs">Publications</a></li> <li><a id="navLecture" href="#lecture">Lectures</a></li> <li><a id="navVisits" href="#visits">Visits</a></li> <li><a id="navWss" href="#wss">Workshops</a></li> <li><a id="navAdmin" href="#admin">Administration</a></li> <li><a id="navContact" href="#contact">Contact</a></li> </ul></div> Thing is that you can selectively hide parts of your document using some javascript that rushes through your divs, making them appropriately visible or invisible. On browsers that have javascript disabled, you will see a page that resembles what Albus was originally talking about. I'm afraid I'm too lazy to explain this in detail, besides it isn't my idea anyway... I think I found this first on an excellent tutorial from "A List Apart", so those interested - please have a look at that. Btw - Albus, cool stuff The only nit I have is that I think you've spelled "sense" wrong - it's not "sence", it's "sense", unless I'm badly mistaken Cheers, and keep 'em coming!
  18. Hat,This is cool startup tutorial. If it's almost a year old; then even more so I will look forward very much to whatever updates you have in mind. Thanks for this one in the meantime...Cheers!
  19. @Tim:Think I just sent you an invite. Let us know if you got started using GMail. And for those who are looking for GMail accounts - maybe you can just send off an e-mail to one of the many people who have given out their e-mail addresses here, stating that they have x invites to give away - it'll probably be quicker that way. Just a thought.Cheers!
  20. Looks fairly non-trivial, but hopefully shouldn't be a problem for the GMail team to get it fixed. Technically, one shouldn't be surprised - after all GMail is in Beta - that is the you've-been-warned phase, so... but I'm a bit worried because GMail has kinda grown on me now and I imagined it was this perfect system, *grin*
  21. I have something that might be a bit of an idea, thought I'd share it so I know if it's a good idea or a bad one. I get the feeling (upon having browsed a few forums around here) that a lot of Xisto members are also users of linux. Not necessarily passionate, anti-every-non-unix-OS users, or potential kernel hackers - just balanced and normal, every-day linux users. So I was wondering if we could have a separarate sub group called the Xisto LUG, perhaps a new board or a plain mailing list - to discuss Linux and related issues. Obviously, every member of Xisto is, by default, member of the TLUG - you contribute if and when you would like to. Here is more on forming LUGs. Any takers?
  22. Although not excactly up-to-date, I think you might find this interesting. Also, there is a GUG (Gimp Users Group), I would strongly recommend you sign up for the mailing list. It's not hyper active, but there are a bunch of interesting mails that come in every now and then. Specific tutorials/problem-solver-articles can be found using Google. Good Luck and keep us posted on the progress with the GIMP
  23. You know, I think Neils Bohr (not sure of the spelling, sorry), a brilliant physicst who had a lot to do with revolutinizing the physics of his time (I think we're talking early 1900s here...) had once told a student of his that if you don't feel dazed/giddy after a quantum physics lecture, you have not understood anything of quantum physics. According to Feynman, while only a few people get relativity right, no one has truly understood quantum mechanics completely. So... join the club (a rather elite one, at that. )
  24. <OT> Trekken, consider sharing some of your poetry with us on the "Creative Writing" forums here. If they are philosophical in nature, I am sure many people here will enjoy the experience of reading them. I would look forward to them myself! </OT> I've been considering reading The Secret Life of Bees for some time now. I remember seeing it in a library and I think I couple of people recomended it too. Maybe the next time I have a long weekend... there, that's one more book on my TBR list. (TBR: To-Be-Read)
  25. Apart from what everyone else has said - I think I must point out that explicitly stating on your website that it is your 'only source of income' is a big no-no. Apologies if some one has already pointed this out - but I would go to the extent of recommending that you remove the 'donate' buttons. A website that is a buissiness does not ask for donations.
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