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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Wow this is great news and works good apart from the Forum skin. But never mind I will be patient . I hope we can see some decent add-ons being installed now for the sidebar etc. These forums should really improve now after this major transformation. Good work team admins .
  2. I am into cars though I really don't have any as my parents have 5 cars which are very nice + I am 15 so I really can't drive yet :/
  3. Soviet this doesn't seem very real I don't know why but It doesn't. Anyway the first prize the Gaming hardware This is not gaming hardware because Microsoft made it. I would enter if it was Logitech kit or Razer... But anyway good luck to anyone who enters, if anyone does.
  4. It is a URL shortening service. There was a proxy on a while ago on my old host since I moved it has not been active.
  5. No I am just talking about the hosting of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the domain expires in 2012 so that's fine, the billing cycle for TinyLX is monthly but it never took the money...
  6. Yes it is under the Critical category, Mine was suspended for non payment where there is $30.00 on my Xisto account so it didn't pay for it 2 times so I made 1 support ticket they done it then the next day It got suspended again! I am really thinking about moving host. I don't see why they can't get some mods here working from home... I mean its not hard. I have tried submitting 3 tickets now none of which they have replied too -.- I think I may phone them up again.
  7. I used to have the HD 5770 then went to the 5970 Black Edition! No need to format your system simply remove the old graphics card along with the drivers and install the new drivers and graphics card. I would maybe do this just in case you need the extra power I mean it seems like you are a heavy gamer so for a stable game to run normally yes. The current one I am using in my Gaming system is a 1200w crosshair power supply. Though you may want just something around the 700w mark if you don't want to invest to much.
  8. Hello I have recently made a support ticket for my site tinylx.net it has been suspended for non payment even when there was money on the account so I made the support ticket its now been 5 days it been suspended and 4 days the support tickets has been open and no activity. Where the heck have they all gone?
  9. As I am at school and other things a lot on my iPhone I do about 250 Texts and 15 calls a day as well as being on the Internet on my iPhone 24/7. You can call me a phone geek, freak or whatever but the iPhone transforms your life once you have one.
  10. I have just seen a video on Youtube the new Ubuntu is out so I went ahead and downloaded it. I am currently running it on Virtual Box as I really do hate the lack of Windows compatibility on the Ubuntu OS though I do like the layout/theme of it as well as many other features. Though over all Its one I despise of the most.
  11. Well yes this is the standard way of advertising I was wondering if there was any more advance ways that would really bring in the traffic though suddenly the hits have gone through the roof and now the bandwidth limit is exceeded though more hits would be awesome!
  12. Web designer, I am very glad you have found this useful I think I will be on the subject of making SEO tutorials such as this to keep all of you lovely people loving me .
  13. Hello,I am currently in need of a new skin for my URL shortening website (Check signature for link) I am really not sure on the colours or what images you want to use, Just see what you can whip up .Size: 499 x 92 pxTheme: Light, Dark I dont know :/Render: YesRender Theme: Network, website something. Color: blue, orangeText: TinyLX.net url shrinkerOther effects: Whatever looks good.Thanks and no rush for this guys.
  14. Sorry but I thought you have to use the following template:
  15. Hello,I am about to tell you one of the biggest SEO tips out on the web at the moment!As some of you may or may not know XMarks is a addon for FireFox and chrome to synchronize bookmarks with other computers this service is free. Now after extending there XMarks addon further you can Google say 'Xmarks' and It will have something like #1 in XMarks with a rating where other Xmarks users have reviewed the site. Now this can make all the difference to your site/forums/blog whatever you may have and bring you in a heck load of traffic. Now how to get your site listed there:There site is based on users, really no staff are needed and no bots.XMarks site info is based on how many people have bookmarked the website. Once you have enough people that have bookmarked it then it will show up a few days later. So, get all your friends to bookmark the site and sync it with Xmarks installed! Facebook/MSN whatever just get as many as you can for the worlds best free and legit traffic!Hoped this helped!
  16. Hello timclaire, I would just like to Thank-You for the link, After my Google Adsence account get suspended for no reason (I checked there TOS etc and nothing was wrong with my site) and I can't think why they suspended me when I had plenty of money on there ready to redeem. Anyway after Google adsence I went to Adbrite though haven't got to the hang of it the link you sent me seems to be giving good information on the ad service 'Adbrite' I will read on more later.
  17. Well you may know my site Tiny- L-X, the index page is HTML though contains PHP and .CSS to make it look good and for the URL script to work (Obviously) now for a site with just content and maybe a few web widgets I would go with HTML and maybe make it in DreamWeaver or something. Though if It is going to be mine and you don't have the time just code it in PHP.I have to agree with you on the time thing about learning languages I rarely do though some how fit it in.
  18. Well come on 675 views which has now gone up in under a week is not bad for a non planed site, I am just wondering on how to take it a step further I doubt it will reach bit.ly etc though I am sure it can be medium or just after that if work is put in though I am really not sure what else I can do to it which is why I post it here to extend the website view & ideas.
  19. I can't wait for the upgrade it will be so much better than this and have a good look 'n feel please do this ASAP really there is no need for a new theme if we are going to IPB 3.0.X as the standard theme rocks!
  20. I have been working on this for a while and Have done META tags a decent title etc. Who needs to preplan? that is what makes products like this rather fun and challenging. I put Google analytics's on last week and a total of 675 views have been made the average time being 3 minutes. I have been asking some bloggers to do this they have agreed and started using my service, they mainly use twitter which is a good income of trafic. I am glad you like the site template It took quite a while to get it looking that impressive should we say , I am also very glad you have looked at the other services we offer I am currently undergoing maintenance on the service's page to get them up to scratch. Thanks for the fantastic feedback! About the rest of your suggest I am working on a Flash version of the site to make it more easier to use within browsers etc though I am not sure if I will publish it as I still needs a heck of a lot of work.
  21. I have really given up on creating forums now after my ITneed one which was rather popular but then I had to shut it down due to things and then I forgot where I placed the backups and over time they got lost. I think I will just stick to projects like TinyLX.
  22. Well I guess you are correct on that anwii , I never buy insurance as I get a new Phone like every month well I did till the wonderful iPhone came out. So far I have only dropped it down a couple of stairs the other day good job I had NO case on .
  23. All this is just words you have no stupid evidence/proof. Many of the members here are getting sick of it of you accusing me a good active member winning 5 awards...
  24. First off it looks like you are back to the old days of accusing me for no reason or nothing I have done I have told you over and over again you need hardcore proof I have done this such as a screenshot or video... And you have neither!Also if you look ITneed.net has been redirected to TinyLX for some time and was a hosting site but this has nothing to do with Xisto as I host it else where. I really do suggest you come back here with some evidence as you have made yourself look like a fool trying to accuse me...When will this crap stop...
  25. Hello all,You may of seen some of the sites I run now I want to focus on this 'TinyLX' URL shortner website I have made, I get about 30 URL's shortened every day.Though I really do want it more popular can any of you suggest some sort of idea's to achieve this. Thanks in advance!
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