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Everything posted by Xalor

  1. I like the layout but I like longer and larger themes. Sometimes the smaller ones don't scroll down well and its hard to show any more than a portfolio. I like your style and how it flows nicely. It reminds me though of a lot of themes that have never been coded. The only problem with this is the difficulty to code and make this theme with the rounded edges especially for a site that uses an established CMS. I'm working on a template for a media site. It looks pretty good so far, I have the home page done, its a feed page with pieces coming off the other sections.
  2. This is a pretty good tutorial and the outcome is pretty great. I will try this soon, the only thing with this is that the clouds usually have a decievable flow, and this doesn't. The only thing we could do is take and try to smudge it slightly getting it to go in the right directions. I like the usage of built in features instead of using premade cutouts or pre-made brushes.
  3. Nice effect, I hope that you join the Graphics end on the site, we really need more people, and enter the contest in my signature. I usually use the Mosiac Effect to create an effect to help show off the render in the signature. I naturally don't like using effects and c4ds. What font did you use in that tutorial. It flows pretty well with the effect. I would get rid of the cloud render in the back because it makes it seem well faked. It seems a lot like fake icebergs in the background. The text itself looks pretty amazing, and would go great with a blue themed site as a header.
  4. Nope I didn't actually its a render from Planet Renders, signatures are usually based on an image that has been cut out of a larger one, and then edited to look better and fit in a block. I have a tutorial I found a long time ago http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, really helps if you have good knowledge of the pen tool or have a tablet. Please have your entry ini my the end of the week. Oh and congradulations on setting up your site digitalidad. I didn't know you spoke Spanish.
  5. I'll extend it until the end of March, since well I was late on ending it, and apparently no one would like to enter. If any mod or admin would like to institute a prize, please do so by editing my post, or PM me with the appropriate prize or gift for the winner.
  6. Saint, could just link it seperataly also so that we could have it easily found for the next thread, since I have a little idea for the Voting, this thread would be locked out of view, and the new thread would have all the images, with just Entry #1 or a number in random, so people won't chose on who they know and who they don't know. Makes it fair for everyone, but it might not work out as everyone knows you, from your style.
  7. You are an amazing guild writer. I saw this before and its really good. I never knew the role of a phone number and all these little miniscule things that you need to have to set up a good business. I always wondered that 1-800 numbers were really that simple to obtain. Just check over your other forum BBCode since its slightly off. I am looking forward for the total one in a e-book, leave this here though so the myCENTS for the post is added to your account otherwise its going to be messed up and you will lose it in the future.
  8. Xalor

    Brand New

    Welcome to Xisto and I hope that you post more, and help get your myCENTs up. Remember on this site its not quantity but quality.The more you add into your post, the more you get out of it. There are always READMEs and informational guides on the left of the Open Discussion page, and I hope you take the time to read them. Once again welcome, and I hope you post more, become active, and stay that way, to help make Xisto and it is and define its future. P.S. GFX Section needs more posts, you're welcome to show off there.
  9. That is the old one just to let you know, its increased since then well in price and features. Please don't just copy and paste the front site, and assume that will be your introduction. A lot of people love this site, but please talk about yourself not this site. Also remember, the fact that you didn't even remove the links proves that you didn't write that on your own. Everyone knows thats why its on the front site, so you don't have to tell that to us. Oh and if you post too many links to off topic sites that don't even exist, will get your warned, noticed and in the future banned. Make your posts long and you won't have to deal with any other problems in the future.
  10. Awesome signature, I like the style you do, enter it in my tournament, in my siggy, and it fits right in with the theme. I was trying to get more people, so you could look over and see a proper prize maybe. I think I see a C4D in there, or its just really sharpened. I would though try to blur the edges of the car to make it look like its moving and this was just focused in, helps to set up that grid and focus in those 4 points, right around the four points, in the 3x3 grid just blur all over, and sharpen where you want to emphasize. I know you already know that but, its really oversharpened at the moment. You're really good with light sources I can't even get that usually, end up using the newbie way out, with 300px brush.
  11. Thanks but I usually just look at tutorial images, and try to imitate the style, it usually works out, because I never actually pay attention to the tutorials. The effects are usually hard to duplicate. I really do like graphics, and I think I don't know as much as others, but I have a pretty good sense of design. I know what looks good and what looks horrible. I've seen heavily effected sigs, when simple smudging, and blending modes would have made it look awesome. Apparently you guys like that sort of design, so if you every need a banner or something just drop me a PM or a request in the GFX Section, and I'll try to fill it out before anyone else, thought it seems like that the GFXTrap section is dead.
  12. Entry: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png *This is my entry, and this also will serve as demonstration. Please post your signature in this format, an image code, with the image, and a separate direct link for future reference. Moderators please do not treat this as a double post, as I am placing my entry a demonstration of the possibility.*
  13. Now onto the Tournament: [/font] The GFXTrap Tournment 2.0 Theme: Vehicles and Aircrafts All signature entries must conform to this theme, signatures must contain a displayed image of a Vehicle or Aircraft, or both. Images may be stocked or rendered, as those are acceptable forms. Images may not be copyright, and if found to be will lead to immediate disqualification. There is no specific type of signature involved here, so any form is acceptable. Grunge, Abstract, C4D, Vector, and all styles are acceptable, this is considered a "Freestyle Tournament" and will not discriminate based on personal preferences. Entry Format: Signatures must be of decent size of no larger than 600px X 600px. Horizontal, and vertical signatures are allowed, under conformity to the theme, and other restrictions. All entries must be posted here, and double posting is not allowed. No one may post more than 2 entries, and entries must remain in the same post edited, all entries must conform to Xisto standards on the forum and may not contain illegal or pornographic images. Only members of GFX Crew and Moderators may post comments or concerns of each signature entry, and at moderator or administrator discretion may delete entries without warning. Due Date: All Signature Entries must be in by April 30, 2009 1:00am GMT-5. You will have until March 1, 2009 12:59pm GMT -5 to complete your signatures, and post an entry, all entries after this time must appeal to me or other members of GFX Crew/Moderators/Administrators to allow for an entry and will be deleted at any time and discretion. All Secondary Entries must also be submitted during this time, and you will not be allowed to change your post or edit it in any way after this time, if done and caught you will be removed from the contest and disqualified. Voting: Entries will be judged March 3, 2009 - March 10, 2009 Voting will take place in a seperate thread, and voting rules will be assigned them. Please refrain from posting here without entries to reduce spam and clutter surrounding this thread. Voting will be done by all members of Xisto and not of by only GFX Crew/Moderators/Administrators. Voting may or not be poll based, or may or not may be post based either. Prizes: Prizes will be discussed at a later matter, under discretion of GFX Crew Captain, Moderator, and Administrators. It will not be hosting credits as done in the past, but may include myCENT, non-hosting rewards, such as trophies, medals, and places in the GFX Crew. As I am not an adminstrator, I do not have power over this, but do not be discouraged from entering, because of a lack of prize. Show your skills in the GFX Trap Tournament 2.0. Do you have the essence of an ArTiSt? Extenstion due to lack of participation, please join everyone, its a lot of fun, and who knows you just might win.
  14. I wouldn't say deleting the main thread, but the ability to delete your own posts would be nice for the future. You're the only one who would be losing anything at all in the end, and really sometimes you feel bad or have second thoughts about posting something and its nice to change it. Posting restrictions of 200 or greater would require I guess another script, or they could just define a level of membership privileges, so its simpler. I like the idea, but then again like S_M said, when you delete your thread, other people are suffering also, they lose myCENT and post count, because you changed your mind. '
  15. Those are really good tips, and especially in any GFX related work, you need to put in that level effort, it takes time to make a real signature, but sometimes especially me I like doing ones that I can do a couple of minutes that make sense and look good, I like minimalism. Remember that you own style is defined by yourself. You can make simple signatures be their own style if you try and change it. One other thing I would like to add is depth. Any signature needs, depth and you need to define that depth. Depth can be adding layers, changing light sources darkening the background, added diagonal layers, applying brush marks in areas of differing layers, to help achieve the idea that its a scene not just a background and a render placed on top.
  16. I would say that there is pretty much little basic Online Work that pays, you could look for a data entry job but those are normally in the classifieds of the newspaper. The only real jobs is being hired by a Web Designing or Programming Company or an Internet-based teaching site. If you have some sort of degree certification you can teach others to get that degree. My uncle does PMP Training and Certification online at http://www.certschool.com/, and he makes a decent income from it,but he has a normal job also so it doesn't matter. Opening your own Web Design firm also could help too, you could set up your own site, and design free templates and move on to custom templates for certain CMS or Forums. There are tons of places where you can do that, start here and make your own little firm, and start hiring and making custom work for others, get a reputable name, and you're sure to go far.
  17. I would try reseting your router, and then try enter the address of your secondary computer into it, and see if it recognizes it as a Physical Location instead of an IP that is trying to access it. Just set security to MAC Address, for selected systems, not only is it secure, but it creates a single connection, instead of multiple connections making it much faster. I hope that works, but the other option is to check the modem which delivers it to the main computer, so it could be a modem problem. I am rather confused with your post, could you make it alittle more specific. Try changing security settings and clearing up the ports, and seeing if changing the ports on your router to computer and modem work out.
  18. I have the same problem on my desktop, I want this resolved also. Just make sure to make your font smaller and spaced in your first post so its easier for other people to look at it. Just give us a bit more information, on it. Try Formatting the drive, that may solve your issue, I haven't discovered the actual problem with mine, so I've been using the secondary burner, as my main drive for now. There could be a problem with the physical drive, but check your drivers, because that is where you start. If you have Dell, they offer lifetime assistance so contact them and ask them for help, because this is more specialized issue.
  19. I believe that W3 really wants to make something that is standard. People complain a lot about certain things, and then they try to make it work again. Then if it isn't as popular as they thought they go back the old one in the new version, but then it takes a lot of work to get it back to normal and not be all sorts of messy. I believe also that they want to make us really dependent in CSS, especially in 2.1, because people are complaining they only do part of it and not all of it. Anyway I doubt CSS 3 is coming out soon because they haven't even accepted 2.1 as the valid form yet. Just look at IE 8 still not conforming trying to set their own trend, but they haven't realized that all browsers are supposed to be formatted the same. Have fun yelling at W3, since they apparently are an organization of all coders, but then again the internet is not a republic, neither is it a democracy.
  20. It really works if you make your posts long and can start figuring out what the keywords are. My little left panel has keywords in it New Hyde. Its pretty simple once you start using it. I haven't signed up yet, but I have seen which words come up the most. The ones dealing with computers are usually linked, but sometimes GFX is also. I have found that corporation names and products, so since to be nice I usually spell out Microsoft instead of writing MS, that helps out also, you can say Windows, XP, Vista, all those things give a better chance of a link. There are so many hotwords, just Google it, and see if you can find more, but thats what I saw on Trap. Remember places are always a good way to start, and cite full words and don't use the intrawebz langauge, so it can actually pick up the text. Just a quick question, do you guys get credited to the Kontera account or your myCENT balance?
  21. You can also check your idle and away protocols. I set it sometimes that I cannot recieve messages and those messages are not sent, but the sending user it says they are, AIM is rather simple so it doesn't support having two accounts at once, and it doesn't want to confuse the end user, so error messages are not explanined unless consulted with the online support. I didn't know anything about IM Protocols, but usually when I have that problem it is because my time reset, when I restarted my computer, so I didn't receive anything after logging in, from a friend or contact. Its usually lost, and I don't believe its based on a protocol, oh and I believe gTalk is based on emails, also, because your conversation is logged as longer email that gets forward and replied to.
  22. o.O I'm confused. Some people use the 24 hour system as in instead of 1:00 pm its just 13:00 so there is no AM or PM. Some of the European or Asian countries do that, I believe Aussie also but I'm not sure. The US used GMT -5 and we have daylight savings, all countries use it but, not always officially recognized though, since they often don't turn to a clock as often as us. AM and PM help to keep time more organized, but it is now rather annoying because its always hard to tell on the web whether its in the morning or the afternoon.
  23. I always wanted to make a website, and I accomplished that, so I am always looking to learn more. I find that when you use a simple CMS or something that is preinstalled you can play around with it, and check it out. The simplest for a starting beginner is Joomla!. First when you get your account, go to your site like yoursite.domain.com:2082, just add that:2082 at the end of it, so its like that, and then log in using your account, then go to Fantistico de Luxe and click on Joomla, New Installation and follow the instructions. Then just go to your site or where ever you installed it, and then type at the /administrator and log in with your Joomla! account, after that you look around install themes, and do all sorts of things,there are other scripts you can install. Building webpages is simpler than knowing HTML or CSS or those things. I know HTML and CSS but I still don't use it unless I want to make a theme which I still can't do due to the fact I can't design. Its rather simple and if you need help just PM me or ask on my profile. In all its a really simple task, especially if you can figure out the basics of your cPanel then you have no problems whatsoever.
  24. PhotoBucket is the best in my opinion. Piccodle or ImageShack aren't that great since they delete your images, after a bit and they have limited bandwith. PhotoBucket on the other hand gives you unlimited bandwith and you can upload them and organize them well. Since I am not avid fan of DeviantArt thats why I have my own PhotoBucket to use as my personal location for signatures instead of large art. I find that you won't finish its bandwith I believe even thought they claim its unlimited, there is some level of a limit. Avatars are done by ourselves, anyway so its not a problem since Trap hosts our avatars, they aren't that big anyway.
  25. Thanks for the info. I used to have this problem when I started my own site, that didn't have Fantastico, had to make my own scripts. Guys make sure though that you give all permissions, otherwise the user is next to useless. They can't do much and it defeats the point of having a main user. Usually give total privileges to all the users, but for others give them the ones that they need so they can't mess with the other information you have on there. I hope this does help someone else like it has helped me on my other host.
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