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Everything posted by Xalor

  1. Ah I understand what you mean, Blogger is completely coded in XHTML and CSS, not sure on the XHTML part, but I know the CSS is true. You need to design that part so it refers to the blogger XHTML elements. What I would start with is taking a simple blogger theme, noting the selectors, such as the divs, and then play around and see what changes what, and then start noting down the basic needs maybe such as #sidebar, #main, #footer, #header, or if its based on p, h1, div, uls, items such as that. However in blogger it has a php backend I believe that lets you dynamically create pages, while the design is done in CSS, after PHP creates the page. Quite usefull actually, since you can make an easy way to theme your blogspot site and at the same time create a unified backend system, better than wordpress if you don't require plugins and all those extra items, since it doesn't support PHP or anything other than flash embedding. Hope I helped a bit.
  2. x10 Hosting isn't that bad, for the highest end plan I believe that you get unlimited or a large amount of mySQL databases, not sure about media streaming however, I know they don't support coldfusion and asp, only php, and not Ruby on Rails. Its a decent host, I've had good experience with it, its better than 000webhost, but it isn't instant either, might take a couple of days, and requires you log on to the forums once a week. You don't need to post or anything, however for the highest end plan you need to put a full banner ad, the middle requires a small text ad, and the basic doesn't require anything. The banners need to be on every page, so when you configure your PHP, you need to have the ad display dynamically on every page.
  3. RX is definetally a part of HIPAA requirements. I know for a fact, since I did do the Accredation for the same pharmacy. There so many rules and these smaller pharmacies are barely able to keep up with the ridiculous requirements. What small store with 3 employees can give training for racial bounderies or be able to maintain these things. Its completely and utterly pointless. However the government sees these small pharmacies as a threat to their domain. What happens is that people buy patient lists (on medicare/medicaid) and then they setup fake pharmacies out of storage spots which happen to have addresses and then they start billing like chairs and other non-medical items but can still be charged to medicare, and they collect the money, patient never recieves anything and most likely has no idea about it. So in order to crack down on these fake companies they made anyone who wants to sell medicare items needs to go through accredation. However it is difficult and the rules make smaller pharmacies quiver, because they never had to do this before, and they don't know how to make the same methodology to larger chain pharmacies. And I seriously hope that you break down those programmers as well, most of them design poorly built sites or actually ask us for the design and they provide the hosting, btw which is useless because they give us no access, since I'm not HIPAA approved, only my dad is, he can only check it. Its really made it difficult to get a site for a non-sales pharmacy. As in they don't sell online, but refill scripts is really useful however, and so is building databases for research on who comes to the site and who doesn't
  4. Likin your sig rvalk, simple and too the point.
  5. Nice entry, digging the winter feel.
  6. If you do need to reinstall or you do send it for tech support, or they come over. I would download and burn ubuntu or another linux distro. Just Google for Ubuntu and instructions on how to burn the ISO it comes in. If you already have one you don't need to listen to the above part. I would then pop in the disc, if its a dell I believe its f12 to choose the boot option, choose CD drive, and then go on, Ubuntu will load, choose the Try Ubuntu without change to my computer option, then let it load for a bit, alright once thats done, now on the desktop you should see your harddrive, its gonna say X number of GB Media, double click it and navigate to your stuff, if its documents then check c:/users/name/documents, plug in a flashdrive then save your stuff to there.
  7. Wordpress is also a great solution. Although with wordpress I highly reccomend finding some professional themes instead, I mean there is probably a bunch of wordpress theme designers here, but since they aren't too expensive and some are dirt cheap, especially at theme-forest or graphic-river, you can find dozens there. Rockettheme makes some of my favorite themes, they're more expensive but they do make up for it in a complete solution set with their addons and variations, Joomla! + Liftenbloggie works as well.
  8. Well I took a Web design class to learn all of this, but over the summer I decided to look into some more CSS than what I knew, before I only knew tables plus the old HTML 4.1 way. I restructured my methodology to skip tables and the font, or center tags and started skimming it down to XHTML, I did learn XHTML first but then CSS was quite difficult to understand in the beginning, if you really didn't get what it did, w3c schools is great for learning values and properties but its not very good at explaining in depth. I did learn the basics of CSS and basically I know what I need to know for XHTML, and now I forgot tables. CSS wise, the web design class I'm taking now does help to enforce everything, since I have project after project, but coding for a single resolution is difficult since later on you need to get used to different resolutions and sizes, especially with netbooks and phones, so I'm struggling with that concept. I have a hard time visualizing so CSS was a gift/boon to me compared to tables, which I believe are annoying to visualize.
  9. I assumed you couldn't move it up because it was part of the XISTO network, however if you do notice ipbgaming is down, imagefilez is down, and a couple of other ones really don't need their own forums, and the overall xisto network should be pruned and changed since its pretty empty down there, and the GFX crew basically hangs around the sig section mostly mostly because thats what we know and use. Website GFX pretty much goes in the in the Internet part, and the GFX section gets ignored.
  10. I don't know where this actually belongs. I believe that the GFXTrap Section should have post count, and added to myCENTS because I believe that is the reason no one posts there and is become kind of dead nowadays. Its also at the very bottom, and few people go down to the bottom, they only post on the recent topics in the forum. If thats possible it could build up the GFX section because a lot of the people who want hosting and also design their own sites and use it as a way to show their own talent. The GFX section could be huge if we let it have post counts.
  11. Thanks Tramposch, never knew I would get a response so quick, and I'll be sure to enter the SOTW 4, seems pretty cool anyway.
  12. Well ya this is my new sig, took like two hours about. Simple enough some basic sharpening and blurring techniques used, its a bit over-sharpening, but since I put the text on top and apparently put on gradient masks and adjustment layers and I basically forgot what I did I can't go back and change it, so even If I get help to change it I'm screwed. I used two c4ds, set on screen, a transformers stock, a couple of splatter brushes and mostly some basic clipping mask and smudging techniques. I pulled from a couple of tutorials from SigResource, and some ideas from the LRO sigs on the site as well. Pretty usefull if you ever need stocks and help, good community I think, although not as active as it used to be. Well CnC please (comments and criticism), as harsh as possible por favor! I want to take your suggestions and make a new one ASAP (only reason I have vista is for Photoshop and Flash anyway)
  13. Screenlets and widgets wise, I really don't like installing, right now I'm using GNOME Do, with the Docky theme instead of Cairo-dock, never really like cairo-dock anyway, too single purposey, Docky seems to be very useful to me, and I do like it very much. Software wise, I was looking for some web development software, Aptana seems good but it seems sorta resource intensive, I'm looking for something a bit more standards complaint, since most of the stuff I do is in XHTML and CSS I want something equivalent to Expression Web 3 or Dreamweaver, other than Aptana, but it doesn't need to be that robust. Something that has syntax highlighting, and maybe a html checker, checks for errors, or a general purpose replacement for notepad++ or sublime text. Other than that, 90% of my non-commercial windows apps are found on linux and are in the canonical repositories or can be found using multiverse. I'm not good with the command line, but I can install apps, know the wget command, how to add GPG keys via command line and how to navigate through directories using the command line and delete things it, love the Ubuntu Pocket Handbook, that guy is amazing. Software reccomendations I listed in the beginning of the post, and I am not gonna update unless the next release works with my wireless driver, love the whole live CD thing, to test everything out. The new Karmic won't let me use my Graphics card neither my wireless card, and that just destroyed the usefulness of my laptop. I still have a dual-boot mostly because I need itunes and and I want a failsafe if something does go wrong.
  14. Wow that was pretty indepth, thanks for the help BuffaloHELP, I told me Dad about HIPAA compliance yesterday, he said to leave it up though, but I will try to see and get a https connection, I assume thats SSL right? I wonder Xisto provides it, I know it provides SSL but thats a bit expensive, I want to know HTTPS and SSL are different or the same. I'll remove it once I setup a new template, since I'm rather annoyed by that bit anyway. HIPAA compliance is only needed when I need to use patient information? http://valleypharmacy.com/ That's my uncle's site and it was developed and hosted by a HIPAA complaint company, yet it doesn't have HTTPs, and I'll just provide a fax number for the people to send their refill request to, as well as a couple of non-sensitive information, maybe such as email/name/number/ perhaps drug, but I'll read the manual to see if thats possible. Either way thanks for the help man, I really appreciate it.
  15. I think I have some sort of an idea for the GFXTrap site, however I have a question about the forums tab. Apparently it links to either Xisto, Xisto, and the other XISTO Network sites. Is there a way to change that? I mean if it is for the Xisto Site, shouldn't it link back to this site? Is it possible that this section and that site be linked together, or the section here removed and directly links to GFXtrap, but still have the credits go through? Just posting a suggestion. Instead of using Cutenews, I've used it in the past a couple of times, since its pretty useful, since well you don't need to deal with mySQL, and having a single encrypted file is awesome. Joomla! might be a better solution, since it does integrate well with most forum system, I believe it works with IPB.
  16. I was looking around the rest of the site, and they had sections for link swapping, so I assume its a really old site. If this is what Christianity's true colors are, I really wouldn't convert because of this site, (not being racist or anything), but the background kills my eyes. I wonder if this is what the old internet was. No wonder Mosaic was killed off, no one wanted to see sites like this, it was better without images. I mean its so random. Its so horrible. There so much random stuff on that site, it makes no sense.
  17. The gFX section is pretty much dead, even when I joined, I try to start things up, but people didn't come down here very much. If OpaQue or someone could move this section up I think it would be better, and maybe merge into Web Discussion into GFX since they both touch up on each other, especially with the designing aspect. We haven't had an SOTW in ages right? Not since I left like 2 months ago.
  18. I really want to see a google navigator API, since Firefox now actually can figure out your current location using your IP, and since 90% of us don't route our IPs through dozens of VPNs and servers, that should be a way of the future. The Google Navigator is basically the selling point of the Droid for non-techy people since Verizon's own GPS is pretty bad, and has a horrible GUI and an equally horrble POI system, you need to type of the place exactly and give more information than just the name =( Its not so much an API but a framework, but jQuery is probably the best to work with, I believe its pretty big now, and has basically replaced javascript, well I mean it is javascript, but people decide to learn how to use jQuery over javascript, since it does most of the work for them, and now that jQuery has been further developed by others to create jQuery UI, there's basically no work on the user end, in the scripting for that matter, so the convergence of coder and designer has finally emerged, leading a single job, and forcing people to learn both to continue and specialize in their field. Uh other than that I want a text-to-speech API as well, Google has one for Spanish and English but its not very Good with acronyms since it trys to sound it out, and uses letter based instead of phrase based, strangely since google translate has one of the advanced ones which translates by phrase instead of work.
  19. I've heard of Appletards, Micro$oft, and a couple of the Windows ones, but not anything against GNU or Linux in general, although without each other, they are nothing (I just finished reading that Ubuntu Pocket Guide, so now im gonna say GNU/Linux forever and ever). Uh with that GNU/Linux spam aside. I doesn't see much hating on a Mac, I mean they make fun of apple, and OSX, but nothing that includes Mac, I have seen a lot of i(insert witty name here), stuff like that, like iSh*t, or iS*ck, or iPoo, stuff like that. I don't actually mind when we call them by deragatory names, because these people have watched and berated these companies on high profile sites like engadget, gizmodo, and techcrunch and other big tech sites, and since these companies have done nothing to even listen to their problems, so I feel that they are justified in hating on these companies. They want to see change, more than anyone, their customers that give a crap to actually post their problems, isntead of berating them behind a curtain, and still the companies do nothing about it. I mean I doubt Microsoft reads Xisto, but just google Micro$oft and you get thousands of listings on rants and ravings about them. But these companies do nothing but defend their products and leave non-chalant messages that need to be decrypted by a quantum crytographer to make some relevance to the situation.
  20. Um Strikee, its not the apps that make the difference mostly because there's an equivalent for the android market, its more or less the age bracket thats planning to use the phone, and the overall OS design quality. App wise the Apple Store has lots of shmuck, lots of crappy, horribly made, and at the same time being horrible useless they take up space and Apple can say that they have one million apps or something outrageous number while the Android developers, while anxious to take up a new unexplored platform shyly develop their apps to work on the other platform and make their money in different ways. Overall the best apps, are the name brand apps like NPR, Facebook, Aim, Nimbuzz, Fring, Skype, stuff like that. Items that you use on a daily or weekly basis, those apps exist for android. Its the smaller apps like, Dragon Dictation or like millions of email clients, those don't exist though. Its the OS thats different. Like a computer, people don't like learning new things, and don't want to learn a new phone style. The iPhone has existed for almost 5 years now, or more I'm not sure actually, its been there since before 2004, I know that much since the last time I bought an iPod Touch and gave it as a gift to a cousin. Android offers multitasking, and it has some more robust features, like better push support, since you when you close an app, you don't end it, while iphone can only run one app at only one time.
  21. I just installed Ubuntu Jaunty about 3 hours ago. I had installed it about 3 months ago, used it for a month, and then tried to update to Karmic Release Candidate, but that point Karmic was pretty much what it was gonna be, since it was the last day of bug testing, and since it was a distro update the whole thing would come with all the bugs fixed, well up to that point anyway. Apparently Ubuntu Karmic breaks compatability with my Broadcom wifi card, and the SMART reading says my hard drive is failing, but its actually fine once I checked it through Speccy on windows. So I switched back to Jaunty, since Intrepid seems kind of old, and a lot of people have Jaunty still. Well other than that, it seems just as snappy as before, and I did my own personal customizations, replacing Sans font with Rehan, and then using Docky instead of the bottom panel, and rolling Human and Clearlooks together, and tweaking some other settings to get the touchpad to work a bit better. I'm running a Dell XPS m1530, if anyone has any software reccomendations or some tips in general when running Ubuntu? I know jhaslip has got to have some tips, isn't he really good at linux?
  22. Oh my God I completely forgot about that! I just did the Accredation, by the way its my dad's pharmacy not mine. I just completed the accredation to renew his medicaid license from the government. It took a long time, and I don't want it to ruin that and mess up that. Any reccomendations on how to make the website HIPAA client? I know that my uncle's site was designed by a pharmaceutical programming company, they make the database programs for recording patient information, but this was a homespun product. The Refill and section was sorta half-assed. More like I just wanted to get into there to show him, I don't know any php, so basically I have no idea how to work the forms, I just copied and pasted the code from About.com and changed the names to my usage, I'm gonna try adding to the $sent() thing and see if that works? I just add the proper names to the inputs and add it? Sorry if I'm bothering you on, this but I would want it to be HIPAA compliant. I assume I need SSL certification, and yea the site was designed for a higher resolution, mostly because I based it off my laptop, I'm working on design 2.0 going to be done in photoshop, and more fluid than this one, since its basically only works at like higher resolutions, and probably the best at my resolution. I need to work on creating sites that work on more than one resolution. Well Thanks for the review, I really didn't want to use images too much since I'm not good at using them in CSS/HTML. I don't know tables very well, just barely, and I'm probably better at CSS than tables, even then not skilled at conditional statements. Oh most of my dad's customers are the older folk, so this is just for them and those customers who still come but live farther away and don't actually come and pick it up, they get deliveries. Still most of the them are not computer savvy, and I just want a small presence on the internet for people to see.
  23. Nice share, thanks man. I would like to make my own personal game, even if it just to prove that I could do something, even though you explained everything pretty well. Anyway it seems pretty usefull however, I really like the fact that you put in images and showed the rationalizing behind it. For other people, Blender is an alternative for creating more advanced 3-D games, and I believe it has a small rendering engine in it, but there are some other open source 3D engines. Thats just if anyone else gets good at this and wants to try their hand at something much more difficult
  24. Hey I just got a domain and some hosting to work on a site, its called Frost Pharmacy: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I basically decided to do a simple image-less design too see how far I could go with pure HTML/CSS, and some PHP backend stuff, I saw that cu3er thing over at progressivered.com, and decided it would be a great addition, I'm planning on removing it and doing a simple jquery gallery, I really don't like using flash too much, since it gets in the way of making a universal site. Next I'm gonna work on a mobile version of the site specifically for the iPhone and iPod Touch, just cause it seems that might be the next platform, and it seems that Android also responds to the same sites built for the Touch and iPhone. Basically you can just right click and view source and check out the contact.php, and the refill.php, both pretty simply done. Oh and the CSS is there too, if you could check that for me. I tried making it as clean as I could, but in the end, I thought a simple one-page design would be the best, instead of spreading the meager content over several pages. If I did that I thought it would look a bit empty, and I would have nothing to work with. There isn't much content since its not a online sales company, there's not much that people can do the on the site, other than leave a message or ask for a refill request. Any suggestion? I would love some CnC (Comments and criticism).
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