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Everything posted by serverph

  1. well, we are also encouraged to click-an-ad which we may fancy every now and then, but not to the point of spamming the ads. (ad clicks keep Xisto alive). being active in the forums, we also add valuable content to the forums and to the net in general. Xisto forums act as a support group as well for hosted members, and other members help in whatever way they can.
  2. this is MOST useful for bloggers with blogs at Bloggers.com. why? bloggers.com is a partner site of google. read: blogger.com/about and google would constantly index blogger.com blogs, regardless of what changes in their search algorithm is. and google adsense are now accepted for blogger.com blogs, so now bloggers can generate income from their blogs there.
  3. FLASH NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/4113663.stm
  4. downloading from where? from P2Ps? sometimes, it's the network from which the download file is served that has some errors. that usually happened to me before. sometimes, it's the user's network. solution? get a better P2P app.if not from P2Ps, better use a download manager like getright or flashget, so downloads can resume in a later date (and these usually backtracks several blocks of the file on resumes to ensure file integrity). ;)another option? search for an alternate host where you can download the file.last options? change ISPs, change PCs. (test, test, test alternatives first of course ).
  5. dunno if these could help you: http://www.adlibsoftware.com/ http://www.softexe.com/ have not tested these personally, but it may do the trick. can't give you more info, as i just made a google search for an appropriate tool for the purpose you require. just browsed the pages, but you can read more to check if any would suit your needs. will be on the lookout for any other apps you can use.
  6. lolz@becca maybe you're right, maybe i need glasses already. :Dbut don't delete what you've posted so far, just add your banners so we can see the progress and variety of designs you make.
  7. 'icy tech' cool! some feature details (even in small text above Free, Professional Hosting) can be helpful and can attract more clicks when banner is used. how about doing some 'fiery tech' hot colors? just a thought.
  8. for historical purposes, it can be interesting.... but the book's content, if you actuallycome to read it, will make you squirm... in silent horror.
  9. huh? :D :Dif you're asking if you can have multiple pages in your site hosted in Xisto, of course you can. if you have just one page, it would be called a "web page". if you have multiple pages, it can be called a "web site".
  10. nifty feature there! would be of good use definitely in the future if it becomes an official google feature. i am assuming this is a beta feature, of course, since i just found about this today. nice one no9t9.
  11. interesting layout becca text is hardly readable for 1024x768 resolution (i have to squint my eyes close to the monitor), but i suppose for those with 800x600 resolution, they would notice the eccentricity of the banner design and read the text clearly (nice use for angled corners becca ). more! more!
  12. clouds421, you add a layer, type the text &/or insert image, then play around with the OPACITY of that layer.
  13. biotoxic, yes, your sub-directories and the files to be used for that PHP script you intend to run SHOULD be completely uploaded. from a previous post i made about DB problems: let's do a rundown of things which you may have missed. upload ALL your files in their appropriate folders. then: 1. go to your cpanel. 2. go to mysql page, and click on phpmyadmin on the bottom part of the page. 3. after phpymyadmin pops up, create a new MYSQL database on the left panel. NOTE: your db will be prefixed with your subdomain_ (example: biotoxic_mysqldb) 4. close phypmyadmin. refresh mysql page. your new database should appear there. 5. check that you have an existing mysql user on the bottom part of the page. if none exists, create one. it will be prefixed again with your subdomain_ (remember the password you use here). 6. Grant permissions on a MySQL database to a MySQL user. (just above the existing mysql user in #5). leave Privileges setting as it is. then toggle to grant permission of a USER to the MYSQL DB you created earlier. 7. After page refreshes, you would see a set of connection strings applicable to the DB. Check the PHP syntax there. Mysql database host (try 'localhost' if you are not sure): localhostYour mysql database username: yoursubdomain_dbusername Mysql database password: password Name of your mysql database: yoursubdomain_dbname Full path to the folder where the scripts live. It should be correct value so please don't change it if you are not 100% sure it is incorrect. No trailing slash.: (see GENERAL SERVER INFORMATION on the lower left side of your cpanel) that should cover it all, i guess
  14. every research made on this is still inconclusive at this point. technology always offer some form of bane so in some way, it is "dangerous".... but not to the extent that view #2 says. test subjects who report symptoms in view#2 could just be suffering from an extreme case of hypochondria. maybe in the next generations to come, when they finally grow an extra ear or their ears get dislocated to their chins, then maybe - just maybe - we can attribute these mutations to cellphone use of their ancestors (which are us. )
  15. there's always google: https://www.google.com/cse/ just check it out.
  16. there are some pretty nice forums you can install with just one click via your cpanel. look for them under Preinstalled Scripts > Addon Scripts. that wouldn't need much instructions, but in case you do, just post back and somebody will sure help you further.
  17. based on your requirements, http://www.uploadhut.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t is what you're looking for. no registration needed, and you can send the set of links generated to your email after you upload your image. it's what i use, since i also need to have a copy of the image links handy via email.
  18. admin likes to move them around once in a while (previously it was in the right side)as of today, there is a leaderboard ad at the bottom (below the 'make a donation' button), and ads are also interspersed in every post with replies. if you can't see the ads, you might have an ad-blocker which you may want to remove. or sometimes, the ads just takes too long to load so you may have to wait for the page to fully load to see the ads.
  19. my site is tied up with several related Yahoo!Groups they are a good source of traffic especially if these have active members. check out my site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and click on the counter located at the bottom of the page to see the amount of traffic my site gets. my Xisto hosted site just launched mid-October, and i'm proud to have a sizeable membership already after just one and a half months. live sigs (with active URL links, which directs to your site when clicked) are also very good source of traffic. always use sigs in forums you join to make your site accessible with a click. and of course, nothing beats word of mouth (or should i say "word-of-mouse"? ) as long as you have good and updated content in your site, traffic will come your way in due time.
  20. ragnarok the animation has been dubbed in Filipino/Tagalog, so any bootleg copy out there (originating from the Philippines) would be in Filipino/Tagalog as well (no English subtitles when it was aired). it was shown weekdays (mondays to fridays) before and is currently replayed now (still every weekday) due to insistent public demand. i haveno idea if an english version is out already. maybe soon it will be shown in America.
  21. lolz didn't notice you were as old as me in here but that's a weird problem you got. i also have a uni.cc and it's working perfectly up to this time.
  22. craig, no file size limitations? you should set a max file size.. later on, the page may take too long to open.... will try to design my shop as well. note to admin/mods: this topic should be PINNED. whatchasay?
  23. looks like ur uni.cc subdomain has not been set up properly yet.... is it a new one? or was it already working before?
  24. yup, 3 copies sent by admin. he must have been overzealous with the send button :Dwe've been talking about these 'inactive members' in the shoutbox earlier. :Dbut i don't understand why forum u/n needs to be the same with cpanel u/n... hmmnnn.... will send email later to support since my forum u/n and cpanel u/n areentirely different. but i'd like to post it here anyway. forum username: lib2daycpanel username: serverphadmin, enlighten us please regarding forum/cpanel username issue?
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