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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. If you make a backup of your hosting to your own computer (there's a button for this in cPanel) then delete the backup on your hosting account and see what happens. If it wrecks the whole thing then just upload your backup from your PC. Deleting the backup should have no effect on the Wordpress install as long as you know what you are doing.
  2. How much space did it increase by? If it was only a small amount then that is just the size of the Wordpress engine and theres not a lot you can do about that. If it doubled then you have installed 2 copies. Did you choose to install Wordpress to a different folder or something? If you did then just delete the version you are no longer using. Just remember to always take a backup, just in case!
  3. How can this be a truth, as you have no proof this will happen. Also, how can you compare a corporation that creates mainly hardware to a web-based-company based off of a search engine? There is no easy way to measure their popularity in comparison to eachother. Apple is currently rising in popularity as people notice that it isn't all that different to Windows with basic functions, but then again, Linux is also on the rise.
  4. No matter which theory you use as a solution to how the Universe was created, you are still left with questions. With the Bible story, God created it, but then how did God get there? Even if He is all powerful, he couldn't be all powerful before He existed to create Himself (a bit confusing that, I know). With the big bang, loads of dust, gas and other particles all pulled together, attracted by the mass of the other particles. But then you are left with the question of how that gas etc got there in the first place.Then of course the question of how life started on Earth remains and that is even more difficult to answer, as it is so improbable by chance that the explosion of the big bang would also create living organisms. The Bible theory, of course, simply states that God created all life.Also, why is this in the Google section?
  5. This is a really tough choice. All of the sigs portray their chosen season very well, but personally I think Avalon's is the best, because it has a more traditional look to it and the colours work very well with my mental images of autumn.
  6. You are allowed to run a keylogger on your own system, so that if program crashes or something your work will have been saved, but it is illegal (example) to put a keylogger on someone elses PC, especially if they don't know about it!
  7. I have read all the 5 books, seen the TV series and film and listened to the radio series and they're all different in places. I like the second book, setting up civilisation on Earth from hairdressers, film crews and telephone sanatizers The film is relatively close to the book, but it does miss a few things out and add a few extra bits, but it is pretty close for a film-of-a-book.
  8. The basic specs of this laptop are amazing for the price, with an Intel Pentium-M 760 2.0GHz processor (2MB Cache L2), a 100GB hard disk, 1GB of RAM (upgradable to 2GB) and a DVD +/- RW drive. The graphics are nothing to shout about however, provided by the Intel 915GM 128MB integrated 3D graphics chip. You also get Wi-Fi, which is now almost vital in a laptop. Connectivity At the back of the laptop their is disappointingly little. Only 1 monitor port and a socket for the charger, and that's it! The rest of the space is occupied with the battery. This does mean that you can push the laptop to the back of a desk and makes it a lot easier to muck around with various devices, without trying to spin the laptop about while you use it. The left hand side has the DVD drive, meaning that all of the ports and connectors are on the front and the right. On the right we have 2 USB 2.0 ports, a PCMCIA slot, a 10/100 LAN port and a connection for the internal 56k modem. On the front there is another USB port, audio ports (headphones, speakers, microphone), buttons for the wireless and lights. Being right handed I find this fine, but if you are left handed then if you use a separate mouse it may be a bit of a stretch. The audio ports on the front can also be a bit annoying if you regularly use headphones or need external speakers. Design The now-standard silver is used throughout, with black plastic for the keyboard and bottom half of the case. They keyboard, incidentally is in a sort of slightly curved shape, which may confuse touch-typers to start with, but it is actually quite useful in stopping your hands stretching if you rest them in the corners of the main laptop case. Unfortunately the keyboard does seem a little flimsy compared to the rest, especially if you type for a long time. The screen is a 15.4" widescreen (1280px x 800px) coated with a gloss-black plastic (known as CrystalBright) to make the image clearer and brighter, although it does seem to reflect some lights (mainly striplights) if they are very bright. Touchpad People always seem to ask about the touchpad on laptops, so I thought I'd put this in. The touchpad is easy to use and has a smooth surface that your finger doesn't stick to! Down the right hand side you can do the scrolling by dragging your finder down the right hand edge, or by using the special "scroll button" in the centre, between the left- and right-click buttons. This is very useful as continually scrolling with the touchpad or arrows is very annoying. Usage The processor is plenty powerful enough for running most applications very well and smoothly, and coupled with the 1GB of RAM you can easily do most of the stuff you'd do with a desktop. The only main downfall is the graphics, being integrated. Having limited 3D power is useful, but is only enough for the older games and you may be disappointed if you want a gaming machine. The 1650 model however, does have an ATi Radeon X300 card if you want graphics. Having a low graphics capability is useful in some ways, as I have managed to eek the battery out to around 4.5 hours of usage before needing a charge, which is quite impressive compared to a lot of laptops now. Acer also provide a suite of software for helping you get the most out of the laptop, called the eManager. This contains the capabilities to adjust CPU maximum speeds, monitor brightness and different power profiles to get the most out of the battery for whatever you are doing, and generally it is pretty good at guessing what you are doing and what you need most, vital if you are away from a power supply. The eManager also has a Wi-Fi utility, although this is just a glorified, graphics-covered version of the Windows default Wireless Connector. Something called GridVista is also included in this little package. This splits the screen into a sort of grid, allowing you to easily position windows where you want them, but I am yet to find too many practical uses for it. Reliabilty Acer are quite reliable, atlthough a few people have had bad experiences, everyone I have spoken to is pleased with Acer. I have had no crashes or system freezes or anything. The case, although plastic, is very tough and sturdy, and should protect the laptop from quite a drop (although I am not trying this ) The Wi-Fi is quite stable, but occasionally it is hard to get a connection. Annoyances Probably the most important bit: What do I find annoying? Firstly, Acer do not tell you in advance that when you first start the machine up, you need either a blank DVD or 4 blank CDs, to create a backup image of what is already on the hard drive. This was annoying simply because I didn't expect it and took quite a while, but it only has to be done once. You're also not told that the hard disk is partitioned by default into 2 separate disks, each at 50GB. Long term annoyances? Well, the only one is the weight, at 2.9Kg (6lb), it is a bit heavier than some other laptops and can be a bit of load if you are taking it anywhere far. Pleasant Surprises The speakers, although small, pack a surprisingly good punch and are crystal clear. Some music and movie lovers however, will probably still want external speakers. An application called Acer Arcade (just a rebranded version of Cyberlink Power Cinema) is included which is a low-power media application for moves, images and music, and is very useful for saving battery while still enjoying slideshows or a good movie, and it actually works! NTI CD & DVD Maker also comes free, along with a trial version of Norton Antivirus. 1 years Worldwide warranty is also included for free. Anywhere in the world where your laptop goes wrong, Acer will come and fix it for you. Overall So far I am very pleased with this laptop, and for the price (just over ?600 ($1100)) I think it's good value. Anyone who needs a laptop as a student (like me ), but still wants something quite powerful for a few classic games or multimedia then this is for you. With this spec it should be futureproof for a while and is perfectly capable of running things like Office 2007 (Beta version). The hard disk is ample for a music collection, and the Wi-Fi and LAN mean that even if it won't fit, you can access it somewhere else The screen is very clear and doesn't strain the eyes, so is perfect for typing or browsing for long periods of time. Overall, I'd give it 9.5/10 and so far I have been unable to better the spec for this price. Images You can see these in my gallery here.
  9. OK, on Trap 17 (and most other sites) the database server is localhost. The database name, username and password have to ber set up in cPanel, and there is a tutorial somewhere on the forums that says how to do it. You choose the prefix for the tables. Usually you can just set this to phpbb, and it stops the tables conflicting with anything else in the DB. The server port can usually be left at the default. If not, try 80 or 8080, I can't remember which works.
  10. There is simply no way to get total verification of their age, short of requesting a copy of their birth certificate be posted or faxed to you! If it is for legal reasons you can't let under 16s in then simply post a legal notice and have two buttons, "Yes, I'm over 16" and "No I'm not". If they click Yes, then let them in. If they click No then either send them back to their previous page or close the browser.
  11. As boring as they may be, you are far better off with "web-safe" fonts, such as Times, Arial, Verdana and Tahoma as they are easy to read and every computer has them. Also, the clock in the status bar is not necessarily a good idea, as they annoy a lot of people and don't work in many browsers.
  12. When you get hosting with Trap 17 you get a subdomain address (something.trap17.com) for free with it, but you cannot get one of these domains from Trap 17 without the hosting. You can also use any of the many domain registrars to get a top level domain (.com .co.uk .org etc) and then point this to your hosting.
  13. This could work as a new replacement for things like Quazar (the laser-gun games), although I'm not sure it would catch on. Plus, would people become so immersed in the game they'd just step into the middle of a dual carriageway just to avoid a ghost? I think it would also take a bit of getting used to with that backpack and the goggle/virtual reality headset things.
  14. Wow, I've never met anyone who works for Gamespot before... Anyway, I've seen a few people with this game and it is nothing spectacular. Most people say that they don't seem to have worked on it much and it is not really new or interesting. Plus it tends to crash, or at least become very jerky or freeze. They also say the missions are quite repetitive if you have played the previous games and they are really simple to do.
  15. I've got a K700i and I've had it for over 6 months with no problems. What really annoys me with it though is the Vodaphone branding everywhere. When I got the phone I had no choice in the operator (it was given to me as a gift), but it seems that they all do the same and just can't resist putting their own advertising in every conceivable place. Ringtones also annoy me. People who get a new ringtone every two minutes, and especially phones that ring really loud. All of the girls in my classes at school have the most annoying ringtones imaginable and put them at a volume high enough to deafen the class.
  16. It's not that good at reading out the URLs of sites, especially if they are a few words joined together. The results aren't that slow but it seems to only say a few descriptions of sites, even if a description does exist. Still, a cool find, although Opera does a better job of reading the results
  17. I learn best by watching something that already works and observing a whole system in operation, looking at how things work together. This is how I learned a whole load of things, from HTML to PHP to VB. When people copyright their code it makes very little sense to me. Often they copyright something that is not original. Yes, their idea may be original, but the functions etc they use are not, and anyone can write exactly the same if they want, especially if there is only one way to do something in a language. Whenever I write scripts I hand them out to anybody who wants them, often leaving a comment at the top of the source files, but only so they can contact me if they need help. With large projects that have gone on for many years, such as phpBB, and have taken many people many hundreds of thousands of hours to complete I can understand a small notice or credit, but it makes no sense to hide the code. That kills communities and ideas.
  18. They need more people to use their software when they realised competition from Open Office, Google and others. They don't want to lose their massive market share, so they implement those features the others don't have. Personally I don't think I would write blog articles from Word, as I just wouldn't want to lose my work half way through. Opera is a lot more stable and Wordpress has an autosave anyway, so why change?
  19. There are large spaces everywhere in this template, where the images aren't touching eachother. I'd check your HTML tables and CSS to see what's causing that. A rollover on the buttons at the top would be nice, it just helps to see which link you're about to click on. Also, I see no real space where you can put the title of the site... At least not where it would be that large or visible. Finally, the background seems to have an occasional grid pattern that acts like some of those optical illusions and makes dots dance around The general idea is good, and the design looks great, it just needs those final fixes to make it work.
  20. I play the Sims 2 quite a bit, normally becuase I enjoy designing the houses and running someone elses life, rather than have someone run mine Unfortunately my brother has a tendancy to burn houses down I was also quite surprised when a burglar got into one of my houses and stole an entire wardrobe!
  21. Well one choice would be to generate a random number from say, 1 to 100. Then if you want a 75% chance of it being 1 or 2 then say that if the first number is less than 75, generate a random number from 1 to 2, otherwise, generate one from 3 to 4. Its probably not the most efficient way of doing it, but it should work.
  22. Most computers emit a siren noise when the fans stop or are blocked. When you switch the laptop on, can you hear the fans start up? If they don't then you may have to dismantle the laptop and check if the fans are still connected to the power supply. If you don't want to dismantle the laptop yourself then take it somewhere like PC World or Staples, as they often have a PC Repair centre that will help you. If you still have warranty cover though, send it back to Dell, and they will have to repair it for free.
  23. I never started my website with the intention of earning money. Originally I wanted somewhere to put a blog and somewhere to store my PHP scripts and other stuff, so I could share them. I'm quite happy with the number of unique visitors I get each month, and it has steadily climbed to around 1,000 per month, which is nothing spectacular for my blog, but I don't really care. i did once consider putting some Google AdSense ads on the site, but I decided against it. I don't need any money to run my site, even my hosting and bandwidth are provided for free by the brilliant Trap 17! Adverts would detract visitors away from my site if anything, and I thought they would sort of spoil it.
  24. Not many people here in the UK have HD-Ready TV's, they're just so expensive at the moment for people to replace a perfectly working TV for a games console costing a few hundred quid. Adding HD would raise the cost, but perhaps they could do the same as Microsoft and make the HD cable available separately for those who want HD, which would mean it wasn't included in the price for those with a normal TV.
  25. Usually the manual to a monitor will contain a troubleshooting section, detailing what the flashing may mean. Alternatively the monitor may be taking a long time to receive a signal from the PC, and is in a sort of standby mode. Have you tried a different monitor to see what happens? If this monitor does the same thing then you have a problem with your graphics card, but if it comes on immediately then you do have a problem with your monitor. Knowing the manufacturer and model would also help in working out the problem.
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