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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Yeah, this happened to me with every version of WMP I have had on my old PC, but not on the new one. The only difference between the two that I could think would be causing it is that the old computer has an integrated graphics chip, while my new PC has a dedicated graphics card.My laptop, however, (2.2GHz, 1024MB RAM) has integrated graphics and yet can still display the visualisations fine, even when I am running multiple other, quite intensive, applications. Presumably this is down to the extra RAM compared to the 256MB I have on my old desktop.
  2. Well the date of Christmas is nowhere near what is believed to be Jesus's birthdate, so not a lot of Christmas has a lot to do with anything. The tree as we know it today has its origins in 16th Century Germany. A small fir tree was covered with apples, nuts, dates, pretzels and paper decorations and placed in a guild-house for the benefit of the member's children. This steadily evolved into what we have today. There is a lot more interesting history here [wikipedia].
  3. I've got to agree with everything you have said. I live about 50 miles north of London and our council is thinking of every possible way to somehow piggy-back on the Olympic bid and grab funding for transport and sports facilities. The bid is actually probably gonna cost you ?171.43, as the adult tax-paying population of our country is only around 35,000,000.The government makes around ?25 billion each year just from fuel duty, way more than the money it gets from council tax or most other forms of tax. If the money was spent directly counter balancing the effects of the emissions of the cars then that would make sense, but raising it to stop people driving doesn't.
  4. OK, the proof is with rounding errors, which do not enter the maths you have used here.If you have the sum 2.4 + 2.4 = 4.8 and round everything to 1SF then you get the sum 2 + 2 = 5, which is only created due to a bad use of rounding and is obviously wrong.
  5. What, the right answer to prove 2+2 is equal to 5? But you can't prove 2 + 2 is equal to 5 becuase that is wrong! There is of course the old proof that 2 plus 2 will equal 5, but only for exceptionally large values of 2.
  6. The mathmatics is flawed. 4-9/2 is not equal to 5-9/2 and the way that line is devised is also wrong. Try it on any calculator and you will see that it makes no sense.
  7. The problem with time travel is the time travel paradox. Time travel relies on every millisecond of existence being constantly replayed in a time dimension, which we could then move to and run through the points making time appear to pass. Well, if you go back in time and kill one of your ancestors and break the chain of events leading to your own birth then it would not be possible for you to go back in time and kill them (as you would never have existed) which would cause your ancestors to survive and carry on as normal, leading to your birth and therefore the murder... ad infinitum.Attempts have been made to explain this, such as stating that you can't change the past or future. This also then implies that we all have no effect or influence on the world at all and all our actions are predetermined. Hence, this destroys theories of free will. It also implicates that if we do develop time travel, that would have been predetermined, along with anyone travelling backwards and forwards through time. Therefore we would already have records of time travel before it existed, plus the same people would keep popping up throughout history for hundreds or thousands of years.Viewing is not so difficult as we can already make records with video cameras, photos, etc. as Plenoptic said. Viewing into the future would be a little more difficult depending on your perceptions of time as linear, circular, pre determined, random... Until we know exactly what time is and how to explain it, it makes it very difficult to say whether it would be possible.
  8. It's interesting to look at. My request goes into London, then Blackburn, then Yorkshire, back to London, then to Brooklyn, New York and finally into Arcadia, California. Adding a -d will mean that you won't get names for servers, just IP addresses. So for example: CONSOLE 2 * 15 ms * l1.ar01.hx4.dsl.pipex.net [] BECOMES 2 * 15 ms * The maximum number of hops sets how many different servers you can go through before it stops. Usually its set to 30, and most requests don't go over 15. The -j flag allows you to force the request to go through a specific server, sort of setting a via point. The timeout is how many milliseconds you are willing to wait for a response from the DNS to get the domain name for each IP address. If it takes longer than this time then it will just leave it at an IP address if it has found that. You can also use this internally to see how fast your network is running and whether you have direct access to a PC, or are sent through a myriad of routers and switches.
  9. Reminds me of the XBox 360 controllers and the ability to turn on and off wirelessly. Brilliant tutorial and you go into great detail. I would try this but unfortunately I own neither the computer nor the wireless doorbell at my house
  10. I am used to the name. I am sure the thousands of hosted users are used to it to. My site is not particularly popular and I am happy with my humble T17 subdomain, so if it was changed I would have to tell everyone the address was changing. I know it's not a problem to those with a paid TLD but it would be an annoyance to the rest of us.Xisto has earned a special place in my heart over the last year and a half, and as the name means something special to Opaque, and of course to many other members I see no reason to change it.
  11. That varies dramatically depending on what distro you are using as to what tools are available to help you connect. Ubuntu etc come with various GUI systems to connect to WEP but not to WPA, and other distros have other ways, but most have an included way to get connected. Some hide it in system settings while others have applications to connect.Once we know what distro you're on we can give a bit more help.
  12. Perhaps adding a 1 pixel stroke around the text in black would make it a bit easier to read? I don't think it's that easy to do though in GIMP. You have to get a selection of the text, expand it by 1 or 2 pixels, create a new layer, fill the selection with black and put it behind the text. I can't remember how well it works, but you could give it a try.There are some quite thin parts to the font, so making it bold might help, or it might just make it even more unreadable
  13. I am always amazed by the law, that you can smoke cigarettes, become addicted, get cancer and then expect the NHS to look after you. Not only that but you harm the others around you, and their lives shouldn't be in the hands of others. The various illegal drugs are the same: people take them, get addicted, their immune system is destroyed, they expect the NHS to look after them. Wrong. A vast proportion of people who do drugs use crime to fund their habit. Someone breaking and entering, stealing your property and running off is not "quietly stoning in his own home". If we were allowed guns to defend our homes here then we would lose a lot of drug addicts very quickly. Older adults smoke and drink, which is legal, and still sets a very bad example to the youth population. Plus, it is not just teens who take drugs. Gradually more middle-class and upper-class people are taking drugs within their own home, and setting an example not just to kids but to other adults too.
  14. Comersus seems to be one of the most popular ASP shopping carts. It has a free edition and a "premium" one you have to pay for. Other ASP carts are charging anything between around Ł40 and Ł200, which you may like to look into if Comersus is no good. To get ASP running at home you need a version of Windows between 98 and XP Professional, excluding XP Home. Then you need to install either PWS or IIS depending on your version of Windows, which can be found either on the CD or in Control Panel. Every eventuality is covered well by W3 Schools
  15. OK, to backup the current site download the entire Mambo directory from the hosting account (via FTP) and save that somewhere on your PC. Then go into PHPMyAdmin and download a .SQL file for all the tables and the data they contain. That is the most important part, as that stores all the actual information on the site. You can then edit the site on the web hosting knowing you have a safe backup you can revert to. If you want to edit it locally then you're gonna need PHP and MySQL installed.To convert from Mambo to Joomla you will need to follow the advice given by Mohammed above.
  16. Software companies will not close down. If they did then there would be no use for computers if they had no software to run. Think about free software companies, such as Ubuntu, run by Canonical. Ubuntu generates an income through support, despite Ubuntu being free. A lot of proprietary software companies also sell software support, and a lot of consumers buy it. Think about the number of people who call Microsoft for support, and each of them pay.Plus the software developers would find a way to make it very difficult to run an application from a pen drive, or an impossibility.
  17. Your site looks good but I have a few pointers. Firstly I would try to keep the fonts consistent throughout the site, you seem to have used two completely different ones. Also, the site just cuts off at the bottom with no image, so perhaps adding a bottom image to the main site would look good. The content box could also be a little wider, as there is a space on the right with nothing in it, unless of course you have plans for that space.It's good to see you've got active forums with a decent number of posts. Only suggestion there would be to add your own logo in place of the IPB one.Keep adding content regularly and you should have a successful site there.
  18. A good summary of the male population The phone conversation is particularly true. Every single girl I know spends over an hour on the phone to ask someone one question! The guys? A couple of minutes max.
  19. Been searching around and by the looks of it no-one has tried anything like it and written a tutorial or any code for it. There are, however, a few similar things that might be of use for some code and ideas. This uses JS to do a similar thing to Google Maps, so perhaps it could be adapted for any image. I don't have time to go through it, but it might be useful. This script applies tooltips to the various parts of an imagemap, but there is no box image or indication there is a tooltip there. Finally, this page goes into a little more detail about applying a fancy tooltip to an imagemap, but again there is no indication that a tooltip is there.
  20. May I suggest reading the Xisto Readme which explains all of this and how the system here at Xisto works. If you don't fancy the reading there are also some Flash tutorials and information here. Albus is slightly incorrect as your screen will not say a set number of days, but a number of Credits. They are the same thing, but it only changes to days after you become hosted.
  21. On the opposite side, the network admins at my school, in charge of around 400 PCs scattered around the place, have absolutely no qualifications what so ever. None of them have been to university or taken any sort of courses apart from the required basic first aid courses to work in a school.
  22. I have a couple of minor suggestions, but mainly the design is OK. The four links across the top are in an odd order, most sites have Home then News then the others, whereas they're at the end here. There is nothing to say you have to do that, it just makes browsing a little easier if people get what they expect. In the Last Forum Posts section on the left, some of them have been pushed to fit within about half the width of that box, while others extend all the way across. Also, if it was slightly wider, you could fit the dates on one line, rather than AM or PM dropping to a new line.With the menu on the left, there is no background to the links that pop out when you mouse over certain sections. The result is that the text of the links and of the main section of the site merge, making it difficult to read either of them. Consider adding a grey background to the links that appear on mouseover so that they are easier to read.The colour combination is relatively good, easy on the eye. You've carried it through to the forums, which is good, although the blue has suddenly become a lot more vibrant. It really stands out and I would perhaps tone it down to fit more with the blue used on the main site and to prevent people leaving as it is way too bright.
  23. Plus, to use this as a means of earning a currency to pay for food it's a very bad idea. In the incredibly unlikely event that it did happen then people would have to quit their jobs to earn the points to buy food and survive. The practical upshot being that the companies would then have no workforce to produce anything to either advertise or sell. We would also lose vital services such as the police force, the NHS, fire brigade etc.Also, the few people that end up with the money would have no use for it. If their aim was to destroy the economy and all other cirrencies then what use is it harbouring the now defunct currencies?
  24. I know it is possible to use a non-standard font on a signature as I did it a while ago. You have to upload the TTF font file to the same directory as the script for it to work. I haven't used it for a while, but I got the code from the PHP manual. Have a look over there and I'll root around and see if I can find the code I used.
  25. I'm gonna disagree with a point about Windows there. No way is it more customisable compared to any Linux distro you pick. Windows has more hidden settings and things you can't control than any other operating system. On a Mac you also still get a load of error messages, so that is not a solely Windows problem.
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