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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. I see it as duplication though. My passport is both an internationally and nationally recognised form of ID. My driver's license is nationally recognised, and is also recognised in all the EU member countries. Why do I need another way to prove who I am? Also, why do they need all this extra information? So far, my passport and driver's licence have had enough evidence to prove who I am - why the sudden need for iris scans and fingerprints? But the ID card will be used for a whole load of things, including the possibility to be used as a standalone passport. If the ID card is used as a universal ID card then the exact opposite will happen - it will increase the possible uses from one form of forged ID. And all that data will be available to private companies too! I certainly don't trust the government with my data, and I trust them even less to choose the companies that have access to it, and those companies I trust even less than that
  2. Source: http://www.techweekeurope.co.uk/ It seems there have been a few changes to the already diabolical plans for the ID card system in the UK. The Home Office have now decided that the cards will not be checked against the National Identity Register, but will just need to be shown as proof of identity, except in places "requiring the highest standard of identity assurance". This makes me wonder why they actually need all our information stored on a massive database in the first place then? If it isn't actually going to be checked, why do the government need my iris scans and fingerprints stored on a database, especially given the UK government's infamy for losing every piece of personal data they possibly could. If they are just going to be used to verify name and photo, then what is wrong with my driver's licence, or a paper passport? It would also completely disregard the government's claims that the system would be unbreakable and no clone cards could ever be made. If only the visual appearance of the card is being checked then they are even easier for criminals to make than credit cards! Assuming the system is 100% secure, when it clearly isn't, is surely worse than not having the cards at all? A spokesman said that the ID cards would mainly be used to verify age for things like buying alcohol, DVDs and gambling. But what is wrong with a driver's licence, or the host of other ID card schemes available to young people at much lower cost, and without an Orwellian master database of all our details? Documents released by Wikileaks suggest that the card would become effectively compulsory, making it virtually impossible to live your day to day life without one. I am opposed to the ID card scheme, and the National Identity Register, but this has simply made an already bad situation infinitely worse. Instead of a quite secure system, we now have a system that is assumed to be 100% secure, but is in fact not secure at all. That is much more of a security risk than not using an ID card system at all.
  3. Not everyone uses it. A lot of people might use it, but certainly not everyone. There are loads of different office suites, and companies especially often pick a different one. It depends on licence costs, available support, functionality, ease of use... Microsoft Office crashes pretty much every time I've ever tried to use it. That is across XP, Vista and Macs, and all versions from about 97 upwards. OpenOffice I don't think has ever crashed on me. Also, in years to come, OpenOffice files will still work. The format is a defined standard that has been supported for many years, and therefore anyone can write software to interpret it. Microsoft has only just realised the massive importance of it, but they're already too late. The last point, and the most obvious, is of course price. OpenOffice is infinitely cheaper than Microsoft Office, and does exactly the same job.
  4. Parking the domain will cause what you want. Here comes the shameless plug Take a look at my site at either of these addresses. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ rvalkass.co.uk is a parked domain on my account, so if you park a domain on your account then it will work in exactly the same way. Click through a couple of pages, and you will notice the domain should always stay as whatever link you originally arrived from.
  5. As far as I know, the specs are still the same as at the following page: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ However, that page is no longer accessible from the main website. It looks like they just haven't got around to updating the new website with all the info yet. However, bear in mind that the packages may change, so it may be best to check with the sales department first (I think they can be contacted at https://support.xisto.com/ and sending a ticket to CH Sales).
  6. I don't think I hate the Mac, and I don't deny that it's a good product. I just don't think it's a good value product. It's true that you don't get OS X with a PC, but you don't need it. If you put Linux on the PC then you have exactly the same reliability and stability, and you can get all the eye-candy too. On top of that, all the software is completely free, in both senses of the word. I don't think I've ever really found a 'good' laptop that is built worse than a Mac. Also, Apple's build quality isn't all that great. iPods, for example, are notorious for breaking just as the warranty runs out, and my friends have had countless problems with their Macbooks. All the same advantages are available with Linux. I agree Macs do them well too, but I just can't justify the huge extra cost in my mind for something that I can get for free! If Macs had a massive advantage over Windows and Linux then I could see a justification for the cost, but right now they don't have any massive advantage.
  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7718015.stm India's first lunar satellite, Chandrayaan I, has entered an 11 hour orbit of the moon. Gradually this will be brought down until the satellite is 100km above the surface. From there it will carry out a 2 year long mapping mission, creating a 3D map of the surface of the moon, along with the elements and minerals on the surface. A separate probe will sample the atmosphere, and plant the Indian flag on the lunar surface. Is this the start of a resurgent interest in the moon once again? Will we see more countries sending stuff up in to space? Or will the current economic climate mean we won't see any space missions for many years to come? Also, are people in support of space missions, or could the funding be better spent elsewhere?
  8. You don't have 180 myCENTs. I think you are referring to credits (displayed on the forum index page in a big yellow box)? That is the old system, and they can be ignored now - they are being replaced with the new myCENTs. Your myCENT earnings are displayed on the left hand side of each post you make:
  9. When someone visits your affiliate link, a cookie is placed on their computer saying that you sent them. They are then forwarded to Xisto - Web Hosting. This is owned by the same company as Xisto, but provides paid hosting rather than free hosting. If they then go on to buy web hosting or a domain or whatever, you earn 15% of whatever they spend. The cookie ensures that even if they close the browser window and come back later, you'll still get your affiliate bonus. Click the Options menu in the top right of the topic, then choose Track this Topic.
  10. How 'complete' a shopping cart are you looking for. There are some AJAX examples available, with none of the backend, so that they can be integrated into a current business website: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ There are also tutorials for writing your own cart to integrate with your existing site: http://www.developer.com/services/article.php/3656001/Developing-a-Ajax-driven-Shopping-Cart-with-PHP-and-Prototype.htm http://br.sys-con.com/node/172585 There is also an AJAX shopping cart Add-On for osCommerce: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/4720
  11. I've been using Thunderbird for ages, and it does everything I need it to. At the moment I'm not using it with my Hotmail and GMail accounts, but I know GMail has IMAP support now, so I could set it up if I was bothered
  12. I presume this is with the file manager in cPanel? If so, a ticket to https://support.xisto.com/ should get the issue resolved. In the mean time, have you tried using http://www.net2ftp.com/ ? Try uploading the archive using that, and see if extracts. If it wont, then use the Java Upload feature, which lets you upload whole directories at a time. Just extract the archive on your PC, then use the Java uploader to upload the directory all at once.
  13. If you compare a Mac to the equivalent specification PC, the Mac is ridiculously overpriced. Why? They appeal to people who are willing to pay for a name. When you buy an Apple product, a large percentage of the price goes on the little plastic apple logo on the case. Why do you think they don't let their OS be installed on other hardware? If they did, people would be able to sell computers with the Mac OS much cheaper than Apple do.Now that I live in a city, there is an Apple store just up the road from me. I am genuinely interested to see what arguments the salesman puts forward for why they are so much more expensive than the equivalent PC.
  14. I suggest you take a look at The GIMP. It's free (as in it costs nothing, and is completely open-source) and has loads of basic and advanced features. There are versions for Linux, Mac and Windows. Most of the menu options are designed to map to the same ones in Photoshop, so tutorials should be fairly easy to follow. You've got nothing to lose by trying it out!
  15. Congratulations on getting your dream car! Now, get ready for all those speeding tickets you're gonna get Shame on you! How can you get a car like that, and not get one with proper gears?
  16. When you have over 100 myCENTs, they are converted into $1 to spend on hosting etc. The READY means that you are ready to have those myCENTs converted to a dollar, and they will do when the script next runs. To cut down on server load, I think it runs once an hour, but to a maximum of once per member per day.
  17. I'm guessing it would be petty to point out you don't need to wait for Windows 7 for these features? Or pay for them?The loss of the sidebar is great. It always annoyed me on Vista machines. However, the Mac Dashboard and KDE 4's Plasmoids are already able to be placed all over the desktop, are more freely available and use up less RAM.As for improving Notepad and Paint: Noooooooooooooo! I love the old-school coolness of Notepad From the looks of the videos, they seem to have added the 'ribbon' (a GUI element no-one else has adopted...) to these older apps. The additions to the Calculator look they could be useful, but I suspect things like the mortgage calculator will not get used all too often. Cool features, but not really for everyday use (unless you're a mortgage salesman ). Also, Microsoft would never include software like OpenOffice or The GIMP, or bring the included software anywhere close to their standard. Why? They would lose out on billions of dollars from sales of Microsoft Office and... erm... PhotoDraw? :angry:I can't see battery life being dramatically improved, but it is something that needs to be worked on. All the new effects will surely hit battery life, so anything that can be done to boost it back up is helpful.Network information in the taskbar. Oh, you've only just got that? KDE 3 has had that for ages. Right click the network icon in the Kicker, pick a network, done. Good to see Microsoft has finally realised that Windows networking always was a right pain in the neck though.Being able to remove balloon popups will just cause applications to find another way to alert users, like the 'toast' popups, or even dialogs.The split desktop allows you to 'snap' windows to fill certain areas of the screen automatically. For example, with a widescreen monitor, it splits the screen down the middle. You can then set a window to fill either the left or right side of the screen. All the screen space is used, without fiddly manual resizing of windows. A nice feature, especially as monitor sizes increase, and it becomes ridiculous to maximise a window to fill the space.The shaking a window to clear everything is the very definition of gimick A button labeled "Show Desktop" on my KDE Kicker does exactly the same job. Another click and all the windows come back to their previous positions.The dock isn't really that special. KDE has the Quicklauncher, and a freely available Mac OS style dock. I seem to remember 'Quick Links' being available on the taskbar in Windows? A flashy effect doesn't really add functionality. It was just applications adding themselves automatically to the Quick Links that made most people ignore it.Microsoft are reportedly pleading with hardware vendors to make sure their hardware works with Windows 7, and all necessary drivers are ready in time, to avoid the chaos of Windows Vista. A nice idea, but drivers didn't work all too well on XP, and have just gone downhill from there. It's a major problem that needs fixing as a highest priority.
  18. Doing that too quickly. When the dialog disappears from the screen, the files are not yet actually finished copying. This is why you need to right click the drive and select "Safely Remove" before pulling the plug. If the files were mostly copied, but not completed, then the data might be on the drive and not accessible. That's the only reason I can think of at the moment.
  19. I've tried out the Kubuntu 8.10 Live CD (I've got 8.04 installed at the moment). My main concern was that the screen seemed to flicker every few seconds. I assume this is due to the new Desktop Effects integrated with Kubuntu. If it's a bug then I'd like to wait for it to be ironed out before installing. Of course, it could just have been due to the fact it was running from the CD, which can cause some odd side effects which don't appear after installing.KDE 4, by the way, is looking excellent, and much more polished than the versions I saw for 8.04 and the earlier openSUSE releases that included it. It is much more stable and feature complete than the earlier versions, and is now streets ahead of Gnome.
  20. Hi Max, and welcome to Xisto! And yes, this is the right place for introductions I shall direct you to the Readme file, the board rules and the TOS. Read through them and try to follow them! OK, that's the warning out of the way Xisto is currently making a transition to the exciting new myCENT system, so I also recommend you read up about that in the various topics about it. Basically, each post earns you myCENTs which get converted into real dollars, which you can spend on hosting and domain names and such stuff. Set yourself up with an account at https://support.xisto.com/ and use the same email address you use for the forums. Then your accounts will be linked and you can start earning. Good luck, and I hope to see you around the forums
  21. That is most often done through the use of PHP and either sessions or cookies. There are millions of tutorials out there if you search:php login tutorial. You can also download systems to use, but they are often buggy and don't do what you want. PHPMotion is unlikely to run at Xisto. It needs to be able to run MEncoder, MPlayer and LAME as background processes, which I don't think you would be able to do. However, submit a request to https://support.xisto.com/ to ask for more information. It also requires some fairly hefty server settings, and looks very server intensive, so you would need to be very careful you didn't hog all the server resources. WireImage let you register for a free account with slightly restricted features. Getting the other accounts for free would be both impossible and illegal, unless they had some kind of offer on, which they don't appear to.
  22. Kind of old, but is this the sort of thing you're looking for? http://laugeo.free.fr/ameter.html
  23. It looks nice and all (apart from not working in Konqueror) but, to be brutally honest, what's the point? I don't see what real advantages Flex offers over normal HTML forms, except requiring people to download and set up Flash (which can be a pain, especially on Linux). If it's the look and feel then something like jQuery or Scriptaculous could be used instead, and would degrade more gracefully than demanding I install Flash.
  24. And the equivalent tutorial for Linux: Click Export Directly as PDF on the toolbar in the Word Processor It astounds me how much more difficult everything is on Windows
  25. You only need the first two, which should be filled out as follows:NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COMNS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COMGive it a few minutes to let those changes take affect, then try to add your domain to your account using cPanel - it should work fine.
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