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Everything posted by Reaver

  1. Actually this sounds just a typical case of clearing the cache because if chris1234 cleared out the entire index_html folder and it still works, it is probably due to the fact the site is caching of his own hard drive - so if you are running internet explorer before checking any updates on your site in future i recommend going tools internet options and clearing your temporary files, if you use firefox then click tools options and under privacy u can clear the cache again. If you use another kind of browser then search on the web for clearing its cache.Good Luck
  2. Windows Vista is definitely going to be the next stable version from Microsoft and so i would definitely be ready for a couple of updates, and even though it looks real cool it is going to be double the resource hog that xp is/was just to run its features like live icons. With the minimum requirements needed the average home user will have to do alot of upgrades before running vista because i know a few "old school" users still running xp of 128 mbs of ram :S......
  3. macace8 they dont, you are right this is because there is no television referee in soccer and also tennis and all the decisions are left to the judge to make it "fair" or leave it as the game was since it first began - a sort of "if in doubt" give it to the player. Giving players a greater chance of error unlike american football or rugby and now sadly even cricket. so with this ball being introduced it is just another way to decrease the margin of error - which i think is spoiling the games.
  4. Hey finaldesign and mastercomputers my site and forums are riddled with links to sites, so far all they are, are just links to useless sites and sum scripts aswell it seems that it was done by a program because it just attached a new <a href= .....> line to existing valid ones in my site luckily i detected it quite easily because my forum would not work with the extra links and posted mysql errors right to the lines affected but my html is not affected and a php poll i hav running on a site of mine was also riddled with links so maybe php was exploited by these malicious people. I hope this helps with the investigation and please tell me if you would like me to also email support as i will kindly do so unfortunately i dont hav much off the evidence left as i had to clean it to get my forums and so on up and running aswell as not leting my viewers be lead to these sites.ReaverP.M me if need be
  5. Jipman let me explain what i am trying to acheive, i asked about running to "clients" because i wanted to know if its possible to have to fake ips on 1 computer so i could for example join the same mirc channel twice from the same computer. And i thought maybe this is possible with Tor , but thats where my line of reasoning went
  6. Thanks Alot Ray for the explanation here and yes a detailed tutorial would be a great help and can you please post the plugin link at the top of the tutorial because you lost me at duplicate B)CheersReaver
  7. Hey vujsa i would like to cast my vote for zoolander cos i think that its a sleek look very silky smooth kinda like you and also has the high tech feel but not t busy at the same time. So can you put out the tourches of teh others on templateisland as we all know zoolander is gona be the survivor !!
  8. Cheers for this peice of information, unfortunately i am as lazy as they come and i do copy paste my user information and browse the internet at the same time and even worse i have to use both browsers that is internet explorer and firefox because i have to make sure the websites i am working on look and work well in both browsers and alot of teh time i copy the ftp and cpanel information to my clipboard and jst run through the web and paste paste paste :S .....will be more careful from now on.
  9. The most Effectivce Search engine would be Google because of the vast amounts of information it stores getting the answers you need has become a science and geekspeak has called it Google Hacking where they claim you can find almost every piece of information about a website just by googling the right questions and even stuff that should not be displayed such as password.list and so on. There are a few topics about this here at Xisto and you can google for it more aswell...lol.
  10. Hey tansqrx can you please give me more information on this peice of sortware if possible as i would like to give Tor a full run through and find out all the possibilities as you said it works in Mirc and this will be one of my main purposes of using Tor. Also is it possible to use two Tor services or clients and mask the mask or am i going of on the wrong tangent here. Cheers Reaver
  11. Yes the board seems to be undergoing changes stusrud because there are sum problems with the login system as well, i dont think anyone can see the credits system, so i suggest we all be patient and let the admins do their thing.
  12. Hi your sig looks great and i would also appreciate a tutorial and maybe one that includes a change of colour scheme cos i was thinking of using an effect like that to be ripples from a drop or drops o blood hitting a pool pf blood ....this may sound morbid lol but its for counter strike so a dark red wud be cool
  13. Haha this is totally classic i cant believe people are stooping this low to monitor someone...big brother strikes again? What i would like to know is that can the information gained from using these extreme devices be used in a court of law, for example if you caught your wife cheating on you by underwear GPS and obviously she had no knowledge of wearing them.. can you submit it as evidence ..."Here i my wife's underwear".Whats next GPS condoms
  14. Ah yes memories ......i remember the beta days wen you could copy over the shotgun rounds into the pistol directory and run around killing people in one shot with a usp ahahahaha!!!but i agree and disagree that 1.6 has come along way. The riot shields and so forth have "killed" the fun because we are there to kill kill kill not to thing about tactical rescues .....we have Swat 4 for that but in terms of updating bugs and taking care of cheats 1.6 is efficient even more so that source because the first patch for source was a bit too long in the making and so it turned me back to 1.6. Last thing i must add is that vlave definitely need to sit down and make a new gooood set of official maps such as aztec dust and militia ...golden oldies.
  15. My latest problem with XP ...Oh my where do i begin ... lol. Well first of i too have a major loading problem i mean a good forty five seconds to one minute loading time and i know this is partly because i am running tons of proccesses such as my no-ip.org so that i dont have to manually start them but this is still ridiculous and also cos i have skined my XP using windowblinds but i cant stand looking at that green and blue anymore. To add to this when i do get in sumtimes (very randomly) my left click switches from opening files folders or starting programs on a double click but instead opens the prperties menu for these particular files now this has baffled me since i know i didnt change any settings for this to take effect and even if i set my mouse and folder options back to default it continues until finally i restart it a few times and its back to normal again. But apart from that XP for me is ok ...wouldnt want ot give these linux users another leg up
  16. Hi Another IPB problem and this time i know for sure its not about mods.. A major clan disbanned last week and so i decided to recruit another and instead of making a new forum just change all the headers on the forum to the new clan and same for the user group then move all post from this forum to the recycle bin and delete them permanently from there and so the other clan could use the forum immediately. this worked fine for two days and then wen u go to my forums now all u can see is the portal and if u try and enter the board index and then any post u get an error My Forums mySQL query error: SELECT t.topic_id, t.pid, p.post FROM astahost_posts t LEFT JOIN astahost_posts p ON (p.pid=t.pid) WHERE t.topic_id IN (40,37) AND t.new_topic=1 AND t.queued=0mySQL error: Can't open file: 'ibf_posts.MYI'. (errno: 144)mySQL error code:So i cant do anything from in my forum itself. So i logged into admin and went to Sql ToolBox and looked at astahost_post and under rows its empty or blank not even a 0 and when i click repair selected i get : reaver.ibf_posts repair info Delete link points outside datafile at 7800. So at the moment i cannot restore anything because my forum has not been big enough to make a backup for it yet. So i would like to know if it is possible to Remake the astahost_posts in the mysql table and leave the rest of the forum intact. Thanks In Advance Reaver
  17. It is your LAN IP thats needed to forward the UDP port to the computer running the server - trust me on this i run several dedicated TS servers and even have a TS Display on my website hosted here at Xisto, Also if you would like to access the admin sections for TS from the internet or from another computer and Telnet u will also need to forward the 2 other TCP ports to the same LAN address on your router. If you need for help just PM me.Good Luck
  18. @ Stingray i just replied to ultimategamers question about how to get the hitboxes to show in his game using a program and i was not refering to the video at all so if you could read the question again thanks.
  19. I use this and also suggest this to new users since it is easy to learn and can emulate a cd drive or dvd drive and can mount a file just by right clicking on it : Alcohol 120%
  20. Hi Spyfrestyle, you can format your harddrive in many ways it all depends on its purpose after the format and also wat operating system you are running. So i will tell you the most common way and then maybe you can repy and tell us if thats wat you have and if it worked. So if you are formating a drive currently in use the keyword is BACKUP - make sure you have either burned to dvd or cd or transfered all neccessary data and accounts and so forth to a safe place. Then if you are formating for the use of a system drive all you need to do is stick in the operating system disk and follow the on screen prompts wen it asks you to leave the current file system intact (Windows XP/2K) click on NO and format with NTFS (since this is the most common way) otherwise if its just a harddrive mounted in your system that you use for data there is a simple method (again XP/2K) right click on your my computer and then left click on manage find, click on disk management and then right click on the hard drive you wish to format and then click format and a wizard will appear i suggest you use the default settings provided and again use NTFS. And you are done.Good Luck
  21. Hi AbyssalStalker this is the link that will lead you directly to the application form that must be filled out to apply for hosting : Xisto Application Form And i definitely suggest you read the very first topic on the Xisto forum where it says Announcements and then go on to read the Rules and the TOS and then just below the Announcements link is another topic Hosted Members Support and if you read that description i suggest you also read introduction to cPanel and Xisto FAQs to avoid any more questions like this.
  22. Unfortunately amit there is no dilema unless you are comparing Price and Value across companies such as NVidia and Radeon and especially important is that they must be in the same bracket range for specifications (like comparing a ferrari to a tricycle).So eventually in the gfx world you get what you pay for because no $150 card will ever out perform a card worth $300 and getting a card thats performs better at $20 or $30 dollars extra will only happen by a rival company trying to flush a card into the market or the company is having a special on a particular model therefore making it seem you are getting a better deal on the card with the same specs. So all in all to answer your questions an expensive card will work better AND have better performance than one of lesser value.
  23. roylazarovich funny you should say its one of your favourite rts games as Dune 2 was actually the first ever real time strategy game - by rules of real time strategy game which basically consist of constant moves by both players as the major which is stated in the name ofcourse and not the good old turn based games.Warcraft on the other hand delved deeper into the "thinking" computer opponent, as the copmuter either acted apon turn based events or rts as it saw fit for example certain soldiers would only become active if you moves into their area or would only start to attack your base once you cleared away a certain patch of black or raided a certain mine.@ KnightEagle so true about good games i still have a DOSBox onmy computer and run all the goodies even as far back as leisure suite larry ;_P
  24. Haha classic darkranger i work in the IT field.....seriously who doesnt these days and i failed miserably 4/10 and it said it might be best to avoid a career in I.T recruitment. But seriously i reckon if i saw all ten of them just casually walking down the street i probably wud invite the serial killers over for a cup of tea and run at the programmers with a baseball bat :@ So its best not to dwell on it anymore before i beat myself with a bat. I would like to play it again but am dissapointed that it tells you the answers even if you dont want to see them so i hope they make another one and maybe a random one in future or showu score only and answers when you want to see them.
  25. @ rapco its maps.google.com and @ finaldesign i think this is in no breach of wat people cant get access to today by any other means so i say go go googlemaps?The hybrid feature definitely has me hooked and yes even though i am bored at looking at american states i can wait till its out of the beta stages so i can browse around the pacific.
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