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Everything posted by Teina

  1. Humans. I don't know what else to put to that to make my reply more meaningful... the name kind of says everything.But yeah. We can pretty much kill anything we want, and if we CAN'T kill it - we're sure to learn how to eventually.
  2. Dreamweaver integrates with Photoshop? =0I mean... I suppose it makes sense, what with them being from the same company... and often bundled in a package. Hmm.But regardless of that, Dreamweaver scared me off about three or four years ago, and I haven't rightly given it a second chance. (Scared me off as it, didn't draw tables properly, and had long drop down menus full of basic code items that I had already committed to memory and therefore could type in notepad faster. Also, I was used to understanding programs without having to give extensive time and thought into figuring them out... so... yeah, that was it). P'raps I should try it again though? Funny thing, I did use GoLive for a bit. Probably not the best for dynamic content and all that, but if you wanted to make easy designs, that was the thing. I say was... because Adobe bought it out and then a while later cancelled program production. (But I can see their reasons for such an action, so it's cool).Yeah, sorry I didn't help much. I came here myself hoping to find some news of a miracle wysiwyg. "it does PHP, XHTML, Java, and more - all at the drag and drop of your mouse!", "All you have to do is THINK about what design you want, and it will produce it there on your screen... in REAL TIME, and BETTER than you'd envisioned!", "It may just be the CURE FOR CANCER, AIDS, AND OTHER SERIOUS MEDICAL ISSUES, even the BLACK PLAGUE!"Mhmm. So... if you hear of anything like that, let me know?
  3. No way!What is this, the next step towards full invasion of privacy? "Now introducing, Google LIVING ROOM!, and Google TOILET!)
  4. So... they have our emails, they have our private browsing, they have satellite pictures of our houses, and they have our phone info... erm... hmm. (Probably a few other things that I've forgotten about as well). Google scares me. I think the sort of company that has, "don't be evil" as their slogan is exactly the kind of company that would be evil, but in a very clever way, all the while laughing at how cleverly evil they were.
  5. Yay GIMP!Honestly though, I'm used to Photoshop and some of the ways GIMP works/ is designed bug me. That's probably mostly due to my not being used to it, of course. Though I was using it today, and the eraser tool just stopped working. I'm not sure if it was due to anything I was doing, or if it was completely random... but it certainly doesn't help appearances.I can't say too much about Corel stuff, because the last time I set foot in a Corel program was about 5 years or so ago, and that experience was terrible. I could figure out how to make a giant 3d bee appear on the screen, and that was about it. Perhaps once again due to my own inexperience with the program? (In my defence I'm usually quite quick with computer apps, so I suspect that Adobe just had a more intuitive design to things... at the time, mind you).BUT, after all that rambling... I hear Corel and Adobe are both good, and... COREL PAINTER. LORDY, that is the best thing I have ever seen.
  6. D: That sucks about work. I really try to think that people are above doing stuff like that. There's no way that he just doesn't know the number of hours accrued, and would be fully willing to reimburse you if he found out, is there? But umm, this might cheer you up (It made me laugh, at least) : Might you have meant, 'rapping crew'? (Instead of a crew of rapists, you see).
  7. Congrats! Did you just build this forum, or did you take over management of it, as you say that it's already popular?I can maybe understand the feeling, because I've been making progress on my CD lately. That's pretty big for me, at least. (For someone that hates the sound of their voice most of the time, and doesn't often finish songs quite to her liking, it's a big deal to be able get days of listening/recording done).That and I've got a live-in mural painting gig for two weeks coming up. Hooray! (They want a mural... and I have no idea what to paint. )But yeah, I'd be feeling the economy too if I wasn't such a slacker. (Funny how it works that way!)I mean, I'm staying at my mom's apartment so... free rent, and food/everything's ridiculously cheap over here because we live in the crummiest part of the city. (Hooray for crummiest parts of cities!)VD, best of luck on the website. I'm trying to get enough MyCents to host one as well currently, as my old website just kind of... well, vanished off of the face of the internet. (Lost all the files too, I think. One of my hard drives crashed, and I think the site folder was there. Boo).
  8. If having a complacent life makes one more spiritual, the whole content of America has reached Nirvana by now.Meditation, or even just sitting at peace is a good thing though. I'm learning to do it more as a discipline.
  9. I think Buxgoddess raises some interesting points... but STILL, superpowers man!There are plenty of useful and neat ones out there, but I wouldn't mind something that covers me for eating and keeping well? Those things cost money. ):(If I didn't have to eat / be safe from the cold, I could totally just be a wandering hobo and go everywhere!)On the more crazy side of things though, manipulating computers or doing that whole lightening-fist thing is kind of cool too.
  10. I have two browsers installed on my comp. Safari, and Firefox.I know that logically, I should be using Firefox. But hey, I've gotten used to Safari, even if it doesn't work with 100% of the internet.(I guess I just really like the look of it). Occasionally I have windows open in Firefox and Safari though, just because I'm strange?
  11. Wow, Moogle's right.But besides that fact, this is HILARIOUS!If we saw this on a TV cartoon, we'd probably be laughing our butts off.Comic gold, man.I hope the guy does good with it though. I mean, if he really has left his past behind... then I'm for him as a human being.
  12. I'm not sure about the merging thing... doesn't Google go more on relevance and popularity?So actually, if your site covers way too many topics, its relevance to any one search will go down.Eg, your website tags are: cookies, ponies, ducks, yellow, roller coasters, abraham lincoln.If someone searches for Abraham Lincoln, Google's going to put up the pages that are ONLY Abraham Lincoln first, because those ones will most likely be more relevant.Or so I've heard, from those silly little web marketing seminars.I think it is good practice to join link-lists and such though.
  13. Perhaps I'm nuts, but I'm not horrendously bothered if say, there's a topic on... ponies, from three years ago... and someone replies. Obsolete topics though... they're a different matter. "Oh man! I LOVE Windows 95 too!"
  14. You know, animals have developed a great way of dealing with too many babies in too small a space....Hah, I kid though. But wow, best of luck to that whole family. I'll bet they'll get some sort of sponsorship/donation deals in the beginning though, because lots of companies will want to score some positive PR's out of it.BTW, I find what Zeyomie said hilarious.
  15. Do you live in a city that has a Chinatown? Usually the Chinese markets will have fresh foods at cheaper prices than grocery stores. You just have to be careful what you're buying, and doublecheck if it's fresh.Also, if you're really REALLY desperate (which I doubt most people in North America are), grocery store dumpsters are usually full of individually packed items that are only a day past date, and still edible. It's actually pretty clean, from my experience. (Yeah, my family WAS that desperate once, hah!) You might get in trouble if caught, but I don't think it's an arrestible offence. It's stuff they're tossing out, anyway.
  16. Ooh, I might want to be involved! Depending on what the rules are and all.(I'm curious about the rights issue as well).You must have plans for a pretty big website, if you're advertising prizes of computers. Or are they like, windows 3.1 junkers? Completely joking about that, but it would be pretty funny.
  17. Oh man, do I EVER have problems with that. Well, I'm a lot better than I used to be at least, but it's still tough at times.I think honestly, my problem is pride. Not that I have any, but more that with whatever little scrap of it that I do have left, I feel that I need to hold onto it as tightly has I possibly can. I value my value/status/pride, and that essentially puts a stop to any risks I might think of taking, because risks may cause me to lose value.Ahwell, that was my personal lesson for the week anyway. XD It's REAL hard to change! (It seems that my whole life is ruled by trying to hold onto my pride, it's crazy!) I'm giving it a good and awkward shot, anyway.Really, best of luck to you for prepping and for next time. I hope you somehow find a way to be confident and present the real you, and not just tripping-up-and-momentarily-really-freaked-out you.
  18. But WHY would you want to? D:I don't know much about fancypants expensive TV's, but regular TV resolution is WAY lower than your computer screen, I think. So... it would be kind of lame?
  19. The only time I ever made money online, it was for drawing items for a forum/avatar site. Going by the time alone that I spent on the items (I'm a bit of a perfectionist? Or at least a decent-ist...), it was WAY not worth it for what I made. So I quit. Hah. End of story. :DI do think though that logo design and commission work does pay, but you've got to be able to produce something decent, and then market it to the right people. (The ones with $$ )For the rest of the us... eBay? (Picking up antiques and jewelry from garage sales and reselling them works alright I've heard - though it probably helps to be in a small town full of old people that don't know what their stuff is worth).
  20. I'd want to be a human. Decent life span, good social circles, hot food, opposable thumbs, medical treatment... the list goes on. Now if you're talking about something to be able to morph into, that's a completely different matter!
  21. I'm not in any position that should merit you taking my opinions seriously either, but I'd give this a, 'hooray!'It was pretty fun to read. The, "once upon a midnight dreary..." bit gave me deja vu though. (Poe? "Once upon a midnight dreary, as I pondered weak and weary.").
  22. That is... quite something. It's actually a bit entrancing, in that sort of, 'so terrible it's hilarious' way.... I want to make one too! o.o
  23. Wow, I'm scared for the future now. Really though, I was just about to make the argument that, "well, everyone still has to hand in papers and take notes for class!", when I realized that more and more people are getting laptops and using recording devices. I came close to writing a letter a month ago. Guess I never did it.
  24. I don't remember reading so much... but I definitely wrote something down once, so I wouldn't forget it. (And I didn't... so... I win? )How does anyone know for sure that they're reading, and not just gathering information and believing that they're reading? I mean, the information is all there in your head already so... might it be possible you think you're reading (because you're dreaming of a common situation that involves reading), but in actuality something different is happening... like the sound processing portion of your brain is actually doing the work? Just adding more thoughts to the pile.
  25. I am the worst drummer in the world! Well, probably because I'm more a voice/guitar person, and I've not been around kits much.Out of curiosity, does all that coordination stuff take a REALLY long time to get down, or do some people just have it? I'm useless past a basic rock beat, and I wonder if it's worth it for me to try for anything more. (I also sort of play the piano... well enough for me to enjoy it, at least).
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