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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. Practically speaking, suicide is outlawed. If you attempt to commit suicide (btw, what's up with all these 'special' words for suicide... I can't say do suicide or try suicide, but attempt and commit is ok), you are automatically crazy and/or depressed, after which it is okay to lock you up and force medication. Even if it's not illegal, they sure do a heck of a lot to keep you alive against your will, I have to say. @anwiii: you wrote a ton of text. You could've summed it up a little, you know. I know you like to write a lot and explain and ramble () about your own experiences and stuff, but still. You've got something to learn from mrdee's relatively short response. I got demotivated of replying to you because your post is so long Basically what you said was that because life has a purpose, we shouldn't do things which disallow us to fulfill those purposes. I'll leave the actual purpose out of this for now. BUT, you failed to make a convincing argument for life having a purpose itself. The best argument for it that I saw in your post was reproduction. I don't even know how that is convincing enough for you, and you should know me well enough to know that such claims do not convince me. They crumble before me because life isn't anything special to me. To me having vaginae and penises doesn't prove anything else than that we reproduce with them, no higher purposes. Reproduction is what it is, if you want to draw a higher purpose of it, do it carefully. Btw, suppose someone is born without a shaft, can he kill himself? About reincarnation, suppose everyone kills themselves and population drops to zero, will 'souls' stop reincarnating? Really? I'm not trying to make fun of you or anything. Did it take you years to conclude that people don't kill themselves for fun, but because of the pain they feel? REALLY?! So, because we can't decide if we are born, we shouldn't kill ourselves. I'm not saying we should. We can. To should or to not should contains no information value. Sounds very noble and stuff but does it make any sense? It's just as silly as saying that life is sacred or that it has a purpose. People say things without thinking about them, without backing them up with anything. That is why I'm a nihilist. I tried to search for reasons and found out there aren't any. My own way of thinking doesn't let me manipulate myself back into believing the same things other people do. This is why I haven't taken a stand here. I can't because the core of people's arguments (from human rights to the meaning of life) are meaningless to me. So how do I make my decisions, you could ask. But that is another story. The reason everyone isn't committing suicides is because they can't handle the truth. Believing in illusions gives their lives a purpose. I don't know if people still know what I would call the 'truth' but don't want to admit it because I went pass that phase and can't come back to experiment. The truth is that people live by their feelings. That is why they want to live, feelings. Feelings are also the basis of morals and values. What IS interesting is that you can alter ones feelings about something by modifying the cognitive model that has been fed to them earlier. Models often contradict themselves inside one's head, so by pointing them out you can practically modify the person in the direction you want. Another way is to point out their feelings or making them feel things, such as telling a racist to put him/herself in a foreigner's position, empathy will do the rest. However to manipulate the cognitive models you have to be someone that the target already trusts as a source of information. Well, a little offtopic, but anyway. However I do like your stand where you don't want to control people, but the question is, would you control if you had the power to? @mrdee: This is what I meant by mentioning "practical problems". Things that relate to committing suicide. And also, by asking if a government should control suicide if it allows it I mean that for example if a 14-year-old wants to kill him/herself, should he/she be forced to take medication? Most of the things you mentioned were like these... practical problems. I first asked to look at suicide without taking these into account. Another thing that is funny to me is these mental conditions. Thinking a bit more objectively I find that crazy people are just different. That is why we lock them up, to not do their crazy things to us. But then we lock up people who don't want to harm anyone else but themselves and we pretend to be protecting them or other similar thoughts. The most fascinating thing is the circular reasoning for mental conditions and killing oneself: You are supposed to be crazy because you want to kill yourself and you want to kill yourself because you're crazy. So I conclude that people want to force everyone to live and think like they do. Thinking otherwise will make you a crazy person. The only reason only thinking differently nowadays doesn't get you in jail is because of this human rights and humanism mind set that is used to gain control over people. But that was just about thinking, when you do something, you can be locked up. Using those to gain popularity has then resulted in being forced to live with people like me () who don't buy into such illusions such as the higher meaning of life, spiritual worlds and morals. If you want proof you can research ethical nihilists throughout history. Anyway, interesting discussion here. I was waiting for more replies, tho. Continue.
  2. It may be true that XAMPP is better than WAMP. But when you declare something, you should have the information to back it up. XAMPP also installs Perl, that's where the P comes from, you can also switch between php4 and php5. Nobody uses Perl, nobody uses php4, the extra modules are not what a beginner would need. Next time your teacher says something, ask why.I tried to search up a comparison between XAMPP and WAMP, but all I get is stupid forum threads. And I don't use forum threads for gathering information unless it's something I want to hear people's opinions of.EDIT: correction*It seems that WAMP let's you change the php and apache version too.
  3. Dear bed, I know that I left you this morning, but I love you. Take me back? ...

  4. I had heard of Louis Armstrong before, but I'm unfamiliar with the other ones you mentioned.Regarding technique (I already know how to hold my hands and stuff), I wouldn't normally neglect it. I do practice it when I play, but I don't play so often, which makes practicing technique kind of useless without constant repetition. And I forget very quickly. I only had to leave practicing on drums for 2 weeks and my technique had suffered a major damage.Great talking to you too.
  5. A petrol engine is just a good machine to generate heat. Most of the chemical energy in gas converts into heat and noise in a petrol engine. In a power plant the generated heat is directly used to move turbines. "Think about this for a minute"... 1. For not being able to drive long distances and charging, I don't see why it is a problem in a city environment. That is, if the ego can take it. 2. Also, before commenting on safety, you should search and find safety test results done by corporations that specialize in that stuff, like Euro NCAP. 3. The only reason the batteries are heavy, discharge quickly, the cars don't have high speeds and most other problems is that there isn't enough money invested in it (they sure are fast to invent super-light iPhones, because there are enough fanboys around to buy it). Why do you think it's so? Because *somebody* has been making profit on that fact... And it's a joke anyway with people complaining about about 'renewable' energy sources (in quotes because such things don't really exist, there are things that just last longer...). For example, the Finnish government is putting over 1 mrd € (=billion in English system) in Nuclear energy. While only a few millions are invested in 'renewable' energy sources. And then people ask why the other one just works soooo much better?
  6. Yippee! This is what you've been waiting for! After posting this thread I'll be the top topic starter in the philosophy forum, (I mean business). General directions: 1. Should suicide be outlawed? Are there any rational reasons (theoretically) to disallow suicide? 2. Practical problems: should it be controlled by law if it's allowed? how? why? Pretend you're talking to Socrates, if you say stuff here, back it up. Now, before you move onto replying, I'll say that "would you like if your mom did suicide?" and "my cousin committed suicide last year and I didn't like it a cried blah blah" and using any sort of supernatural being or metaphysics to reason your claim will gain you only minus in my book. I'm mentioning these because *some* people don't know what rational reasoning is. I'm going to leave the discussion open and not take a position on this matter myself for now, because I'm a nihilist. It would practically mean that when you use values, ethics, morals, evil & good, humanism, naturality and other silly ideologies as the basis of your argument, I'll simply say that those are meaningless and win. However, to have a little fun, I may respond to your arguments using the same silly ideology soup I mentioned earlier. Indeed, it wouldn't be fun otherwise. The world is much more fun when you don't think about the world.
  7. a) To correct and prevent you from doing pointless work, web_designer's response has nothing to do with what you asked for, so don't waste your time doing that. Instead try what Iniyila mentioned. I haven't ever had to do this so I don't know. What I do know is that you should leave the server computer on while you're accessing localhost. B ) There is nothing complicated about WAMP or XAMPP. XAMPP is heavier. And you won't ever learn anything by having everything pre-installed for you and by not having to configure anything. And there is nothing to configure about WAMP when installing except when it asks for the mail server, which you leave at default because you don't need it now. Then you just start WAMP and use the server. And also, there is no reason why a beginner should favor XAMPP over WAMP. XAMPP just contains more stuff. Maybe it's just that when people see X or Z they think "ooh it must be serious ****!", like when it comes to medicine.
  8. I don't know how it would be possible to do it using code. Instead, how I would go about it would be editing the video and adding the message to the end of it. Get yourself a video editor (preferably free and easy to use).Most video editors support drag-and-dropping objects to the timeline, so just drag you image to the end of the timeline after you've added your mp4 file to it. Export to .mp4 format or simply save and you should be done.
  9. Then all you have to do is use "-r". "-w" (read-write) is the default when using the mount command. When you want to mount a partition read-only, mount it in the terminal and use -r to mount as read-only.Hope you found this helpful.
  10. You can do that by installing MountManager. In MountManager, search the windows partition on the list (on the left left) and click it. A set of options should come up. Go to where it says "What users can do at this partition" and select "only read". Now that doesn't even make sense. Windows is hibernating? If you've booted to Fedora, Windows is off, not hibernating. You don't need read-only to access files. You can both write and read on a windows partition. BUT I'm not familiar with Fedora so I could be wrong. At least I can do it on Ubuntu...
  11. I started a new thread about the topic, since it doesn't seem appropriate continue code discussion with a music discussion looking at the rules around here. Click
  12. Replying to this post which is on another thread plus a little more pointless information I'll post here and NOT EARN MYCENTS FOR IT: First let me say that I started playing drums for stupid reasons. Music seemed like a cool thing to start at the time. I guess I was trying to build an identity or something similar, I was 14. I'm interested in playing all sorts of things, but I have to say I'm kind of stuck with the learning at the moment. School is taking up a lot of my time. The band I play in plays a lot of different styles. We mostly played rock, until I took drum lessons from a new teacher who was a really good jazz drummer. The teacher wasn't like the teachers I had had before. It seems that usually they teach kids something that is easy to make sound good, so the student has an illusion of being able to play. They don't emphasize on technique enough. But this teacher was different, every lesson he just rambled, rambled, and rambled... about technique. He made me change my grip and made me see drumplay in a new way. I guess someone else younger/less patient might have become pretty bored and stopped taking lessons. And so he got me interested in technique. I started to listen to old jazz of Buddy Rich and Jazz fusion of Dave Weckl and others. So I slowly lost my interest in heavy metal, rock and other styles of music. Mostly due to bad drumming and too much repetition. Listening to someone play the same rockbeat all over again. The songs have ~3 melodies, the same melodies are repeated over and over again but with different lyrics... BORING. I don't want to hear the same crap all over again. Who the hell wa - never mind. So I moved to jazz. Drumming is more versatile in jazz (obviously depends on the music tho). The thing is, I can't listen to old-school jazz when I'm doing something else. You have to concentrate and listen. I use smooth jazz, jazz fusion and more mainstream music (not rock or rap, though) to be my "background music". This happened in 2009-2010. After summer I quit taking lessons, and I'm trying to continue on my own. At the age of 15-16, I started the playing piano. I took some lessons from this guy, but he was only teaching one style, and nothing international. Another idiot that didn't teach technique, great. I got pissed, quit taking lessons. From time to time I blow the dust off my electric piano, switch it on and start playing the songs I know. I search for notes on the internet and try to learn them as well. Can't concentrate on technique tho. I know... not very impressive, but I don't have much time nowadays. Back to drumming, my band plays a sort of progressive rock and jazz fusion spiced with my funk-like beats. I'm nowadays getting more and more interested in grooves, swing has been on the pause for while, I do practice it but I don't practice anything new. Lately my technique has been getting worse because of my busy schedule and now I'm trying to recover my old speed and precision. I listen to music that doesn't have any lyrics. My take on playing drums is technique based. It doesn't matter how creative you are if you can't make the sounds inside your head become real sound. I try to come up with different combinations to train my coordination around the drumset and be able to control my limbs separately while I keep the pulse stable. Recently when I tried singing (in school's first music course, which we have to take), I found out that I can sing low and high, but the middle is missing. When I try to sing in the middle all that comes out is air. Funny, ha? ... To answer to the earlier post more directly: It's nice to see you're a bit interested in jazz too. And also that you are a professional in the music field. I'm pretty young myself and have no experiences in such things, so it interests me. I don't think I'll ever be able to make it that far though. I have a lot of interests, and my time is divided between them not allowing me to specialize in one thing. But you know what, I like it this way. At some point I have to give up on some things, but I'm not going to do that now. So you can call me a hobbyist that plays music because he likes it I hadn't hear about Dixieland bands before, so I googled it and it seems interesting. So the piano and drums form the rhythm and it's 4/4? Are there any bands you recommend if I want to get to know this style? And do you have any tips for a hobbyist piano player?
  13. Definitely local. You don't have to use FTP, just your file manager and a source editor.If you're using Windows, install WAMP or XAMPP (Windows, Linux and Mac). Both create a directory that contains a folder called "www". Dump your files and folders in there and you can access them through "LOCALHOST/" in your web browser. You can choose whichever server you like from the web, it doesn't matter for a beginner that's just going to use PHP and MySQL. Just make sure the package contains Apache, PHP, MySQL and phpmyadmin.EDIT: W3Schools PHP tutorial series is good for beginners. It doesn't teach you "handy things" that you can use later tho. If you combine what you've learned, there are lots of tutorials on the web that show you how you accomplish things like a login system, commenting and other stuff. The best way to learn for me was to use the code I had learned and have goals and things I wanted to make with the code. It makes you search for stuff on the internet and you slowly gather more and more information.
  14. Yea it sucks with the gray areas in markup and styling when it comes to browsers. Sometimes you just don't know what the output is going to be. If you have "margin-right: auto;" and "margin-left: auto;" the browser should automatically center the box element. I play drums in a band and a little bit of piano.
  15. Hello, I live in Finland. I live in an igloo and my pet is a polar bear. Every morning I wrestle other polar bears and ski to school.

    1. kobra500


      Hello, I live in England. I live in a stately manor home, I drink tea from a tiny China cup, I wear a monacle and love Scones!

    2. deadmad7


      Hi bani, good day kobra.

    3. web_designer


      good presentation bani and enjoy skiing...

  16. I see nothing wrong when I try your code out in Opera and Firefox. Height is automatically auto, you don't have to define it again, so I'd remove that from the code, IE/Windows Live Mail could be freaking out because of this. You have also written "float: center;". The float property can only handle 'none', 'left', 'right' and 'inherit' values. Inherit makes it inherit the value from its parent element. So get rid of that too because it causes a syntax error. Overall we end up with this: <DIV style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 30px; MARGIN-TOP: 50px; PADDING-LEFT: 30px; WIDTH: 650px; PADDING-RIGHT: 30px; BACKGROUND: #d4ffd4; MARGIN-LEFT: auto; MARGIN-RIGHT: auto; PADDING-TOP: 30px; -moz-border-radius: 30px; -webkit-border-radius: 30px">Also, I see you use the XHTML syntax. Unlike in HTML, in XHTML we only use lowercase letters for the tags. You can use them for element attributes tho. (Attribute examples: alt="..", title="...", href="...."). Browsers shouldn't in any normal circumstances be annoyed by the uppercase tags tho, I've only seen the W3C validator whine about them. Speaking of attributes, there are attribute selectors in CSS that allow you to select an element based on what attributes it has and what are the values of them. You might also want to group your inline (or any other type of) styling so that is easier to read, for example all paddings, margins sizes etc in their own groups. No problem. Glad I could help. It's Xisto after all. If nobody helped anyone, it would be spamsutra. And yeah, for a moment I actually thought that MS was trying to make a good browser. After saying to myself it would suck, I felt like racist or something (what would you call me... a browcist?), because I was bashing it with no reason. Well, by what I hear from people I was right. Browcism ftw.
  17. You have set the 'height:' property for this element which wraps around your main text content. By giving a value (other than auto, which is default, so you don't even need to set that. Not sure if it's exactly 'auto', tho.), you limit sizes. Box elements such as div automatically fill the whole row (meaning they don't normally allow other elements beside them and fill up all space, which can be changed by using the 'float' property). But the height is adjusted to the content, meaning it automatically adjust to how much text/other content you have in it. That doesn't work if you have specified a height to it, though. Remove the height property line, and it should be fine (see, that rhymes). If you want to set a minimum height for the div, you can: 1. Use the "min-height:" property in CSS. (doesn't work with Internet Explorer) 2. Create another div in the content wrapper (we'll call this spacer div), for which you define absolute height (or relative, whichever you want). This causes the outer DIV to have content with height in it. Content causes it to have minimum height of the height of your spacer div (excluding the borders). By the way, in your code you have defined height, width and background color two times for the same element. They override each other so you might as well just keep the later one. Hope I could help.
  18. Thanks for the advice, I don't think I'm a party person though :)

  19. Unlike kobra500 said, you don't use CSS Selectors for inline CSS (unless for things like :hover or :focus), what he probably meant was you use property: value;. Probably mixed them up. Selectors are ways to target elements (for example I use "div {...}" to target div elements) and you use properties to modify the elements behavior. Properties then contain values, for example: "background: white;". Here "background" is the property and "white" is the value. I know you probably didn't need this, but the terms are damn confusing anyway, someone else might find this helpful if you don't. Here's an example of inline CSS (XHTML): <div style="font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica; border: none;">lallalaalaalallalaa</div> Hope you found this helpful. PS. Here's a link to clear up which are properties and which are selectors: W3Schools CSS reference.
  20. You can use Blender. It's a 3D modeling program that supports animations as well. And it's free. You'll have to spend time learning to use it tho. https://www.blender.org/download/
  21. Ahh yeah I see that now. Apparently missed it. Now wait a minute... if the topic is closed, how can I still post on it?
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