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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. chatting with myself is fun!

    1. deadmad7


      glad your having fun bani :D

    2. anwiii
    3. web_designer


      i came and saved u bani...

  2. is seriously running out of screen space here

    1. anwiii
    2. deadmad7


      get a bigger screen?

    3. Baniboy


      can't, it's a laptop

  3. So, I've been lazy for the last few days, and continuing my laziness by taking some pictures of the summer here in Finland from our balcony ad through the windows. I haven't left the house today, so I couldn't take pictures of the sea that I live pretty close to, but here are some pictures: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png I took these with my phone so I apologize for the poor quality, I don't have a super-expensive camera Make sure you share the summer in your part of the world.
  4. Happy birthday, and come back to the forums and post! :D

  5. The first twilight film should've ended with Blade in the background getting ready to whoop *bottom*

    1. deadmad7


      vampires dont use blades, that use machine guns :P

    2. Baniboy


      I meant blade. You're watching all the wrong movies, deadman7

    3. deadmad7


      oohh blade... i never watched blade...

  6. umm... no trees no life? We aren't talking about chopping the rainforests here, although they do that stuff already, but in the 21st century if wood is going to be used for producing electricity in this world, they ?would start farming it, not chop down existing forests unless they're going to grow more on that land because obviously they would run out of trees soon. So the effects would be mass-production of wood.
  7. Well, what do you exactly mean by smart or smarter? The ability to process information, calculate stuff fast? Computers already beat us in that. But by smart you mean being able to imitate human behavior when making decisions and imitating the reasons, which we don't know of yet. They would've to imitate our mood, the balance of hormones, the emotional side of us completely, to be like us. So, if computers are based on logic, and the programmers programmed the rules for them to follow, what is the problem with letting the brotha do the some decisions? Because they can't imitate our feelings, and our feelings aren't the ones that lead to logical decisions. But really, opaque, what did you mean by "smarter" in the title? Intelligence is hard to define, but smartness, although a synonym and comes close to the meaning, I think has a narrower meaning.
  8. Let's put things into perspective here, let's imagine if we could use ONLY WOOD for all energy we needed. Since the tree's burning and regrowth gives a neutral, if not positive effect, let's assume that using would would save from global warming and compare the consequences:Climate change: you know the consequencesFarming trees: Landscape and tourism fail(?)So is that a joke you have up there or were those researchers from a coal mine?Oh yes and stop copying and pasting content without using quote tags.
  9. I had interpreted that he had tried if it worked by changing his file extension to .php after a few people told him to above, that's why I said it should have done the trick.
  10. Okay this isn't much to complain about really, but a small thing that has been bugging me, I don't know why. Anyway, there are a lot of people who register here and never post anything. Yet they do connect their twitter account with you-know-what.And their status messages are shown here, on ks (why the hell there is an extra k there, btw?) among the regular posters' and users' status updates. And I feel like they're flooding the homepage with a lot of nonsense. Some post in foreign languages, some post about random things which we (I) don't know of, and some post whatever they're doing every second of the day. While I'm posting this, there are 6 updates from twitter shown in the index. None of them make sense (at least on the same level of the regular users' ones), and there are 4 updates by users. I have managed to make a small statistics thing here:6 updates through twitter: none were actually directed to anyone here (I know it's not a good way of interpreting it but anyway..), 5 were from users with no posts at all.4 status updates made through ks: 3 were what I would call "status updates", 1 was some random guy posting his own username(?). 1 was from a user who had no posts at all (yea, the same guy who had a status update consisting his own username, surprise surprise).I don't mind that much actually, but since "my idea might just inspire a wick..." as is said in the forum description, I tried. Although you want to modernize a site, doesn't mean you have to connect to something as useless as twitter in ways of automatically updating status messages syncing with the forums here. I'm not saying twitter is useless, but used in this sense, it kind of is.
  11. She won't have trouble keeping up with you. She'll just reply to every post you make by "thanks for sharing". And there's nothing to dip down from when you're at the bottom Sorry for spamming your thread, Simpleton, but you were practically asking for it... What's up with all this spam, eh? As for a constant top poster, anwiii here has been spamming for longer, so he's a consistently active spammer. And I'm the lurking spammer that waits for juicy threads to reply to... because obviously, my posts are so good that I don't need that many posts to earn a lot. And if I did run out of cents, I'll only have to start another debate with truefusion and woah, I'll have enough currency for the next 11-14 years.
  12. Has anybody here even thought that maybe the guy doesn't have PHP included in his hosting?Go check if you have PHP enabled in your hosting. If it was enabled, using .php extension should have done the trick.
  13. I already said, they aren't an endangered species. That implies if the hunting and slaughter causes the ecosystem to become unstable. And if I want to keep the ecosystem stable. I didn't say killing something that has lower # is wrong. We were talking about endangered species. Numbers are relative to species and the ecosystem. A line should be drawn, but not with hypocrisy. What about the need to survive?
  14. No it can't be argued that we are born without any natural instincts. If you want to make such claim, explain it with something. And yes humans are born with preprogrammed stuff in them. We as a species wouldn't survive without the desire for sex, for example. Well unless you think about cloning. But don't say that we don't have natural instincts, or that we don't use them. We use them every day, whether we notice it or not. Well killing cows doesn't differ from killing whales, and you seem to be okay with killing cows. So what is your point? If cow dies, whale doesn't, if whale dies, cow doesn't. And the difference is? What makes killing a whale instead of a cow a selfish act? If they are equally valued, both acts are selfish. I never said it makes it right. I said just said that it is what it is. In case this is about pilot whales, they are not an endangered species. And important, you say, but in what sense do you mean? You have to have something that you want before different objects can be either beneficial to it or not. The ones you consider beneficial you call "important" to act on. So for me to say they are important or not, you have to say in what sense. What is this example? What should be my goal to be able to conclude if that species is more important to preserve than others? You also imply 2 groups here, endangered and not endangered. Let's say my goal is to keep the ecosystem as stable as I can. The non-endangered species don't need me to preserve them, so I leave them alone, and try to preserve the endangered ones. So, for me to keep the ecosystem as stable as I can preserving the endangered species would be more important to preserve than to try to preserve species that don't need it (?).
  15. is getting pretty lonely in the chat..

    1. web_designer


      "you are not alone..i am here with you..don't far away...i am here to stay.."...guess this song to whom bani?

    2. anwiii


      i'll be saying the same thing when you and wd leave early in july

  16. 1. There are many things we could survive without that require the death of many animals. One of them is meat. Yet the majority chooses killing another animal for their own their desire of meat even though they don't need it to survive. So, if this community could survive without slaughtering the whales, they would kill other animals for food, wouldn't they? What makes a whale more worthy of life than a cow? Or a vegetable? 2. The question here is "what makes life more important than non-life?" Because life can manipulate non-life? No. 3. No, lives are equal in my perspective. But, I'm not saying killing another being is justified by something higher than the simple fact that you've been programmed to survive/or actually not, since you don't need meat to survive. It's in human nature. It's a simple fact that you have to accept. I'm not saying you'll have to start eating meat and killing whales and cows and pigs, but you have to accept that it's the reason why most do. In many religions, other animals are much lower than humans? When you don't consider them equal, you can get your "justification" easier. I haven't studied the subject of why exactly they are considered lower, than the simple fact of human nature that assumes they are lower automatically and doesn't question things.
  17. Hmm.. I don't know why but I can't open that link. Please make sure links work before you post.
  18. Ummm? You got me wrong. I don't deny that it's a selfish act. I accept humanity in all its selfishness. I'm not a hypocrite. Where I would stand? haha, I would dig in, even if it was a 3 ton whale. The species are programmed for survival. Yes, someone else dead. I never assume my life is more important, anwiii. In fact, I don't regard life to be more important than non-life. I do understand that I will pick myself over someone I don't know, I accept it. I haven't investigated if I would die for a greater good. I would have to be given an example of greater good. What I'm talking about is the balance of energy in the system. If it was a standalone system, no killing would be required.
  19. Let me tell you something then. Some kids are taught to fish by their dads/moms. In this process often you need worms. Now, do I have to explain what they do with worms when fishing? Now let's move on to killing fish. What is the difference between killing a worm, a fish, and a whale? OKay, whale is bigger, but does that make its life more important? Because it's shown in documentaries? Habits don't matter. And those are YOUR habits. A whale is no more important than a sheep. Nor is a dog. And your feelings towards them aren't going to change that. So all that is that you're saying is because it's wrong because you're not used to eating them. Pilot whales have been hunted for centuries, they are not rare or close to extinction. Eating fish doesn't differ from eating whales. Except that whale meat is toxic, but if these guys wanna eat, I'm not going to prevent... Benefits humans without affecting the animals? You gotta be kidding me... And you think that it's better to kill animals that have lived their whole life in a cage instead of hunt for something? That's nowhere near the rule of nature. You gotta try to accept things that already exist and stop making up rules for nature.
  20. Few corrections here.The Faroe Islands area is a self-governing autonomy.They aren't dolphins, they are pilot whales. Will the e-mail forwarding spammers ever learn? ...I always feel sick when I see these kind of things. No, not the mass slaughter, but when I see people whining. It's really pathetic. We eat things, got it? To eat things, you have to kill them, got it? Millions of cows are slaughtered every week and I see nobody whining about it. Why? Because they don't do it themselves. But when a small population does it themselves to eat, the media is there to make money on the 'barbaric' ways of a society. I don't see media showing us how they keep animals in cages? I don't see media showing us how they chicken starts to actually eat its own legs in its small cage because of stress? Every one of you (and me) have participated in the death of hundreds of animals by now. So don't whine, grow up to accept that food doesn't come from nowhere, you're not 12 anymore.It's really sad that all you have to show is pictures to get people to act like hypocrites.
  21. Mplayer, Cinerella, Recordmydesktop, Coffee and... more coffee?

    1. deadmad7


      you just probably maintain badly, or your computer just sucks... I have never seen windows sssssllloooooooowwww

    2. rob86


      Windows is a "great" OS, if you happen to enjoy virus scanning, spyware scanning, registry cleaning, and defragging on a regular basis.



    3. Baniboy


      deadmad, if you don't notice it's because you've been using it for a long time

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  22. why video editing has to be so hard? uhh... my head is gonna explode

  23. Because it sells. IF people didn't like to watch stuff like that and most are against it, like you said, then people shouldn't watch it. If people don't watch it, it's not shown in the media. Problem solved. The problem is that people watch it, it's entertainment. If the majority watches this stuff and the majority is against it, I think they have a strong mental condition going on there, no offense. As for rape and murder. People don't rape others because they see it in television, therefor your argument makes no sense. Rapists have a fetish and lack of self-control. Murders are planned kills, so I don't see why somebody would plan murdering someone because they saw it on TV. They do have a sense of what they should or not shouldn't be doing, and TV isn't going to change that fact. Media does affect people, that I'll admit, otherwise people wouldn't be using it.
  24. It's good, but I'd suggest looking into other color themes as well. ?Because I would try out a black/dark theme if my site was about GTA.About the structural components of the site, I think you should make "Join us on facebook" and actual link (well it's not working for me on Opera if it is already) + it doesn't look like it belongs there. Maybe blend it in more or relocate.I like the smooth transitions between different screenshots in your header. But with my 1440 x 900 resolution, your banner ends on the right and there's a gray background there. Perhaps you ?could make the image longer OR have a smoother transition (like a fade out or something) to the gray background. Centering the image might also be an option, but I don't know if it'll work.
  25. Many organized religious authorities have been at least as destructive if not even more destructive in their time and place in history. You can't just blame the church. Church just spread a lot because of the Roman Empire. And the more power one gets, the more damage is possible to be done to get wealth.That's my two cents, although I may not even get that for my pretty compact argument up there.
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