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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. i fact this is much better for those who need some more databases, addon domains, ftp accounts and so on, before having this package, which costs 5.95$ of myCENTS, I had a package, 10 times worse than this one and I needed to pay 6.45$ because I added some databases, add-on domains, ftp accounts.. so this is really great, for some time I was quite unhappy with the hosting, but now I'm even more happy to be hosted on Xisto, well done xisto team! :rolleyes:even though, I know am using the Logic PRO package and it is something really a lot for me, I doubt I will even use 2% of what I have, well maybe bandwidth, but now when I login to my Control Panel, there's really a lot of stuff I have, but I doubt anyone will abuse the service.
  2. I remember last year 2008 Winter, we had snow only on January, same for 2007 Winter, but this year the first snow showed up like before, in the end of October, so for me it's quite normal now..Don't think that weather is static, I think it's natural that the climate is changing, it's not only the global warming and all that stuff what is causing this, it's a natural thing, you don't think that for 1000 years you'll have the same climate all the time? If you would have some kind of a statistics of 1000 you could see how things changed, now we can have stats of ~100 years and it also shows that sometimes it was warmer, sometimes it was colder, so only time will show.. It's normal that changes appear, because earth is moving, it's changing, evolutionary.. continents are moving, even though very slowly, but after every earthquake, something changes, so it isn't only the problem of people whats causing it, it's simple climate changing, maybe after some years it will get colder, due to some factors, who knows, we just guess.
  3. Weed is not addicting physically as I know, but if you become a weed smoker and you like it, you can and need to smoke much more than others, people I know who smoked weed over 1-2 years got quite dumb, I really see that, when they are normal, they seem normal, they drink some alcohol or smoke some weed, they get more stupid and do stupid things and talk more stupid than before, so I guess it's stupid to smoke weed for quite a lot.Drinking is also a big problem, but for example, in Egypt and similar countries, people don't drink alcohol there and they don't have the problem with drunk drivers and etc. but as I know they occasionally smoke something, hashish or some other stuff which gets them high, so I don't know even what to say, I guess everything is bad if it's to much, you have to do something else to and not only get high or drunk every weekend or else you get stupid
  4. but seriously, how can you bring some data into your computer, whats the difference of having a CD or a Floppy disk? it also can carry a virus, just using floppy disk drives these days is quite stupid and I really can say that flash keys are much better than a CD, it all depends on people and the way they are using their computers, most of them are newbies I guess and just knows how to use Office or something like that and because of using their usb flash keys at home they can catch some virus, I rather see pentagon getting a anti virus software or some IT stuff to work on it to remove the threat when installing a flash drive key or when you insert it..
  5. I think I've read something like that some time ago, there are really a lot of similar formulas, which are really funny
  6. Wow, this is really COOL, I am paying for my account 6.45$ every month of myEarnings and I was using a simple logical plan and added some MySQL databases, some ftp accounts and addon domains and whola it got to 6.45$ NOW I can consider getting this plan and have everything even more than I need for only ~6$ cool, I need to do a support ticket to understand how to change to the new plan.
  7. I guess there are lots of scam sites, but for example I am using a free domain with Hostbidder for the third year now and it wasn't a scam, every year before expiration I need to pay for it with points, similar to credits or myCENTS system, you get something for posting and it works, even though I didn't believe it too, before I got it :)the only problem now is I'm using that domain and it belongs to me, but I'm fed up with posting there and I want to pay for it ~10$ somewhere and lets say not hostbidder, because as I know if I let it expire, I'll need to pay ~50$ to somebody or something that I could get it back, this is a question I never asked though and never really searched for an answer, but after 2009 I think I will consider this, because it's hard to post as you get older and especially when you have 10$ in your pocket.
  8. In fact, I like both versions, even though the red one is much bigger, but it depends on what resolution you're browsing and thats usually a pity, because I remember when I were using 800x600, so I would imagine the red signature would be half of my screen, if it is 450x250 like it is, or having slower Internet connection, big signatures load slower, so for that reason it was good to remove the sigs if the bulletin board allows that feature but from another point of view, if the resolution is 1920x1200 or 1680x1200 the signature looks much smaller and the forum is much bigger eh!Even though Today, I think we should focus on at least 1024x768 resolution as standard and not 800x600 as it was some time ago, even though if it's possible to do a 800 width website, then I prefer it, but they look kind of funny on larger resolutions
  9. Well if you ask me, this one is quite to simple, the Xisto looks quite well, the the no ads free web hosting is quite really unpro looking, maybe due to colours
  10. I knew about this hack and I tried more google features like that, but I usually just tried them and thats all, the only one I got used to use is convert, where you can convert different things without even trying to think, for example:convert 100 cm to mgoogle will show you the result, even though this might look simple, but when you need to convert to eV electron Volts as I know in English, very useful and you don't need to install anything, even though I saw other sites offering such services to convert, but google seems to be the fastest way when you know what it can do. ;]
  11. Well I guess Vista was something like a pre release of Windows 7, due to all those previous releases failed, longhorn, so I guess it will be a better version of Vista and not something really new, was wasn't finished on Vista will be finished on Windows 7 or Vienna or whatever it will be called..I got Vista with my laptop too wustke, but that doesn't mean you didn't pay for it you paid for it I guess the cost of it was in all of the cost of the laptop, some part of it.. Thats why some people who want to get a cheaper laptop, has linux pre installed on it, it usually costs + 1$ or maybe even less.
  12. Isn't a Service pack for Windows OS just a collection of updates you occasionally have? For example when you install XP with SP1, you get lots of updates coming for some time, for that reason service packs are being released that you wouldn't need to do that every time you reinstall Windows, you later just install Windows, install the service pack and whola, you're updated to the latest version of updates, even though still with time you get new updates through Windows update system, for XP there is a SP3 official one from Microsoft, as I know there was an unofficial one made by some "hackers" that you get all the updates, it was a install on your own risk Software though, because different computers or for different purposes requires different files..Also, I don't know how the SP work, never really cared, but you get updates for different software you're using on Windows, for example Visual Studio, Office and so on.. as I remember there's a SP1 for Visual Studio 2005, with which you get all the updates in one file and you don't need to worry about security risks or bugs, even though you need but maybe it's more stable..
  13. It was some time I ever commented on a signature, but I can say that I really like your, it's really kind of simple and smooth, the colours are good too, so I guess it will best look on a forum with a white background..I know you want the icq: to be like that, but maybe you could make it look even better in the signature? ;]
  14. Really a good list for some web icons, I also did a lot of search for similar things, like little icons or little pictures for something to use a graphics, most of free stock pictures I were forced to visit from different search engines really is quite pathetic, they show a lot of something, but usually even though it says FREE, you browse and try to download something with a good quality and not a thumb, you get a watermark and it says that you need to pay for it, eh I would like to have a talent to be a pix artists or something, to create those kind of icons and similar stuff by myself.
  15. I also didn't get why do someone really need a flash chat, it may look cooler, but why use a chat anyway, there are plenty of chats already, why not just use some messenger or gmail.. I've never really liked flash or those intros, unless it's merged very well and now the only benefit of flash I see watching videos, but it could have been made in some other way too.. I think that using a php+ajax web chat is much better, even better would be to not use any chat, a simple shout box can do
  16. I also agree that Mortal Combat is better in game play, even though I didn't play Tekken to much, just for fun and with friends just for spending spare time, however when I played mortal combat on a Sega megadrive, don't know how much years ago, I and my friends even were buying books where we could read the button combinations to different fatalities and were trying them out, and it was something cool at that time the NES version of mortal combat wasn't so addictive, maybe because of the graphics and quite different gameplay..I didn't even have Internet at those years, so it wasn't so easy to get the combinations, you needed to get some book or manual.
  17. I remember I played Street Fighter a very long time ago, it was really a superb game, as I remember my first times with it I used a NES machine to play it, we played it by groups of friends, lots of joysticks were broken, even though it wasn't the only game we've played, mortal combat and other there playable too.. I never liked the old Street fighter on other machines, on PC or Amiga computers it was really lame, same for Mortal Combat, later it was much cooler to play Tekken on PS1 :rolleyes:I never played or saw any new versions of Street fighter..
  18. Quatrux

    Mysql Hacks

    The best method to avoid SQL injections is using OOP with PHP and avoid inserting query's from users, so if you're programming in the right way, then I doubt you can get a SQL injection anyway, unless you're a newbie.. Using MySQL_real_escape_string() is better than addslashes, furthermore, you need to have different MySQL users, which have different permissions, for regular people who just browse, you don't need to have a MySQL user who can DELETE and etc. all you need is SELECT, UPDATE, sometimes even INSERT isn't needed.. So in different situation, you need to connect a different MySQL user and moreover, you need to have a doQuery($query) {} method which you'll always use and avoid having a lot of MySQL_query() and always having to escape sql, write it once, do it million of times! More about MySQL real escape string here: http://de2.php.net/mysql_real_escape_string
  19. I agree that AVG is really resource hog, the same happened to me, when I installed it, I felt how much slower the system become, even though maybe it is possible to remove a lot of services of AVG to make it run faster, but I think lets leave it for someone else. I never used AVIRA though ...
  20. I just made some calculations, but I don't know if they're valid or not, but I got a bit amazed again; If I post some posts to upkeep my account for 30 days, the old credits system then I would need to have 148 Cents, when I post for 30 days of credits, I get ~148 Cents.. To up keep my hosting account I needed to post for 30 credits, so thats for one month.. Now I need to post for 6.45$ every month, but to get 6.45$ every month I need to post that in the old system I could be free of posting for 130 days, so thats about ~4 months.. So that means that with this new system I need to post x4 times more than the previous one :?
  21. Why not search for some references of time.h header on soem search engine? http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/chrono/c also look at this site: https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/
  22. Well, the template engine I'm using is a long time ago written logic structure by me, I didn't even use smarty.. even though smarty is much much smarter than my system, but what I'm using is Output buffering, I can catch the outputted html or parsed code, I can play with it using different functions and I have a callback function which will evaluate in the end of the code, I always have a template file or several files of the same template/site, where different parts of it is looking something like this: HTML code {description} HTML code {title} HTML code {section} and lets say I've got something like a variable $a = array('{section}' => $section); which is used for that purpose, of course it's not as easy as it can look here, you can add or append different values for it, also I'm usually using PHP code in the Template files, because using only HTML or {something} is a bit not so organized, usually the code in the Template files looks like: if (something) then something or HTML else something HTML.. I call a function/method or I output something different for that situation in the Template, it's much easier to understand that in the template, rather than always adding a {something} and replacing with what should be done, for other people it might be hard to find where the hell is that {something} coming from.. For this kind of logic looking much more organised you should use OOP, create a class and use it or use more than one.. I don't know if it's the best method, but it works and it's really fast, I never get a very big page of code over 1 second, sometimes using 100 includes is slower than replacing parts of template.. I also created a Publishing, my current CMS can publish all the files into HTML only files logically, all using Output buffering and manipulating it, if you want to read more about OB, then have a look at: http://php.net/ob_start
  23. If you're using C language, then I never myself ever needed to get the current time, but I think you should look into time.h and what does it do on C or find something on google, personally I found this example, I did not try it myself, but I think it should work: #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int main(void) { time_t t; struct tm tstruct; t = time(0); tstruct = *localtime(&t); printf("The time from ctime is %s", ctime(&t)); printf("The time from asctime is %s", asctime(&tstruct)); tstruct.tm_min += 6; t = mktime(&tstruct); printf("In 6 minutes,\n"); printf("The time from ctime will be %s", ctime(&t)); printf("The time from asctime will be %s", asctime(&tstruct)); return 0; } The output should look something like this: The time from ctime is Thu May 31 04:52:06 2007 The time from asctime is Thu May 31 04:52:06 2007 In 6 minutes, The time from ctime will be Thu May 31 04:58:06 2007 The time from asctime will be Thu May 31 04:58:06 2007 So try it
  24. Yeah, I agree that people shouldn't worry about it, but still I also would want to know what that Misc option in the client area does
  25. Yes knew that by learning History, but I didn't knew that Iran, this word meant the land of Aryans, even though I think that it was a wise move in the 1935, due to Hitler and do to Persia sounds really ancient. Also, I know that not everyone there call them selfs Persians or speak the real Persian language, there are a bit different cultures too, even though as I know Iran is really a reserved country
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