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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I have lots of fonts, I've downloaded some years a go pack of 2000 fonts and burned them on CD, but I don't know how to share, Skype? or I think you also can find lots of true type fonts on the web by searching google? For example: http://www.grsites.com/archive/fonts/category/1/?offset=0
  2. To use this function do this: set_time_limit(0); and the script will run forever, but in fact, I doubt scripts needs to run that kind of time if you program the way you should or unless you're doing something "superb".. You also can change max_execution_time for your script to run with php.ini settings or a .htaccess file by doing: with .htaccess php_value max_execution_time 120 and it will run for 120 seconds, I guess 0 for forever or maybe -1 who knows, but personally I always set to less than 30 and override the default settings, 10 seconds is usually enough, because if your script is executing so long for no reason then something is usually wrong and the faster it stops the better, for example it's better to run a forever loop for 10 seconds than 30 seconds and save some resources of the server.. isn't it? By the way, all those functions/settings won't work if safe_mode is on. or you don't have access to htaccess files, but if you're on Xisto, you have it.. usually set_time_limit(0) is enough if you REALLY need more execution time.
  3. Not bad, but I could suggest using some better font to look it more attractive though.
  4. I think that the banner design could look like the .psd file Opaque gave just with a different text like "Xisto, free web hosting" or something like that.. (I think thats why he gave a link to it?) It's a pity I'm not to good with graphics
  5. yeah, I agree this new skin for Xisto is cool, even though I was getting use to the blue one, which was quite interesting, but I guess this one is more professional for a hosting service
  6. Yeah, I've changed my signature too, because the white one wasn't so superb anymore, heh!Lancer, yeah it's a PNG file with transparency and it works on all browsers I know except for IE6, but some sites other transparency hacks for IE, but if it's on a forum, usually with IE it has an ugly black background.. Even though it depends what kind of transparency you're using, it only doesn't support alpha stuff, but there is more simpler transparency which works on IE6.. I never could find it on Windows, how to do it, but I did that with Deluxe paint on my old Amiga 1200, I could make one color transparent, don't know if it supported more than 256 colours So I guess it's something like a transparent gif, which may look ugly.. But in most cases the avatar looks good on any background ;]
  7. to see how much myCENTS you have, just look at topic and at your post of some kind of and in bottom of the avatar you can look at your Earnings when you click on "[show member info]" :rolleyes:I never looked anywhere else though :PI'm getting used to this new theme, quite nice, maybe different minor problems can be fixed and it will be even better
  8. it's a little bit uncomfortable yet, that it is separate from all the board, it looks like a chat only thing
  9. to make it off topic about the new design, I can say it's in progress to work, because sometimes I browse it's this blue theme, sometimes it's another white one, I think when the time will come, you'll see everything as it should be, now lets say maybe it's being developed even though, I don't know, I'm just guessing.
  10. I don't know, but when I remove this line: </style><!--[if lte IE 6]> Everything starts to work, I never used any of those hacks for IE, because I hate IE in some way and everything or most of the stuff can be done without that nonsense.. I use IE7 and when I remove that line it works, so something is bad with your syntax for those kind of hacks with IE or whatever you can call them.
  11. I don't see a lot of point making firefox look like Google chrome, especially on windows, when it's so light and you just can run it and use it, even though I don't use it as it's to light for me, the main reason I have it is that it's using webkit and I don't need to install Safari for windows version, which really had a GUI not suitable for windows users..Also, I saw Chromifox theme on addons site, but didn't really try it, I've got no problems with Firefox or Opera current default themes, they seem to picked the right choice for "best", "practical" themes for their browsers.
  12. I've read the book, but a really long time ago and I don't really remember much of it, so I can't talk about it to much now, but there are some interesting facts I saw on Discovery channel, that not everything were put there, only the "good" things..Historians even found some bad translation in it, the amazing thing is that because a lots of years ago thy translated something badly from Mesopotamian, all that time people believed in the book in that word, even though it had a little bit another meaning, eh..in my opinion, it's just a book, but of course not an ordinary one, but written by us humans.
  13. I don't know what was bad and why it didn't work, I personally just fixed some coding to make it normal and it started to work, if it wasn't your locations to images, then I think it was your html which wasn't valid, until I did some changes. Also in your code in map.css file grass.jpg should point to pic/grass.jpgWhy do you bother? you've got the fixed code, use it ;] also you got some tips, use them.
  14. I live in Lithuania, Vilnius and pizza delivery is quite cheap, if a pizza costs ~10$ a bigger one, then the delivery costs another 5$ dollars it depends where you live though, so 20$ is quite enough.. Wow 100$ for a pizza delivery!!!Well, I'm also not fond of pizza, but I eat it once or twice a month, especially when I'm really lazy to do something myself or I'm not at home at all, with friends we can just order some pizza and eat, drink beer and have fun, I believe this is a quite good reason, also it's quite cheap..Even though in my country, they made a Turkish kebab something like a fast food, you can go get a kebab in ~12 minutes and eat it, lots of people started to like those, I like them myself sometimes, but as I know people in Turkey don't eat kebab like fast food, they eat it as a normal food with a fork..
  15. I started using Opera when it was version 7 and I still am using it, even though since the Firefox 3 version, I also use Firefox to browse the web, but still my main browsing and all the wand passwords and cookies are on Opera, Opera got even better with this new engine on the version 9.6, but it's a little bit buggy, at least on XP, on Vista it seems I never got any problems with Opera yet..On Linux, when I used to it more often than Today, I tried to make my main browsing with Konqueror as it was really fast, but still I used to use Opera
  16. I wanted to show him how the http://localhost thing works, that he would never use file://C:\WAMP\ again unless reading html files from his desktop
  17. For example in my country winters are usually late now, in Europe, near the Baltic sea, and those winters are quite warm, but what do you want? a static weather all the time? the world is changing, so the weather is changing too, I never saw something special about it, if you've lived for over 1000 of years, I think you've would notice some periods of warmer and colder periods..Everyone is talking that it's because global warming, but do you think nothing would change if we would live in middle age style? no factories and etc. and always walk on foot or ride on horses.. Still, sun would shine, the world would move, space would affect it, earthquakes would happen and continents would move, maybe the factories just has speed up the process, but I think it's natural. :)of course it's not so natural when you test a bomb which is equivalent to a earthquake
  18. Well, I think if the topics are deleted in which you've wrote something, usually spam topics, then you loose some myCENTS or Earnings or if only your posts there deleted and even edited to quote some content which might be copied from else there, I can't think of any other reason why myCENTS could go down ;]
  19. Here it all works for me now: map.css File: * { margin: 0; padding: 0;}a:link { color: white; text-decoration: none; }a:visited { color: green; text-decoration: none; }a:hover { color: orange; }.boldtable{position:relative;top:216px;left:250px;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:12pt;color:yellow;background-image: url('http://localhost/Game/pic/grass.jpg'); background-repeat: repeat;}.boldtable1 TD, .boldtable1 TH{font-family:sans-serif;font-size:8pt;width:74px;height:57px;color:yellow;}p.map{ position:relative;left:20%;top:20%;width:70%;height:70%;background-image: url('Pic/grass.jpg');background-repeat: repeat; } I prefer to use ' ' in css in an url() but they are not necessary and here is your index.php file a little bit fixed: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="map.css" /><p class="map"><?php$x=$_GET['x'];$y=$_GET['y'];$x*=74;$y*=57;echo '<img style="position:relative;top:'.$y.'px; left:'.$x.'px;" src="http://localhost/Game/pic/mark.jpg">';?><table'>http://localhost/Game/pic/mark.jpg">';?><table class="boldtable1" cellspacing="0"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="map.css" /><?php$x=$_GET['x'];$y=$_GET['y']; for($j=0;$j<10;$j++) {echo '<tr>'; for($i=0;$i<10;$i++) {if(($i!=$x)||($j!=$y)){?> <td> <?php echo '<a href="map.php?x='.$i.'&y='.$j.'">'; ?> <img src="http://localhost/Game/pic/grass.jpg" /></a></td> <?php } else { ?> <img src="http://localhost/Game/pic/mark.jpg" /></td> <?php }} echo '</tr>'; }?></table></p> To give you a little bit of suggestion, try to stick to that when on PHP you're writing simple text, use ' ' and for parsing use " ", for example echo 'Hello world'."\n".$variable; And stick to that in HTML: <table something="something"> use " " quotes thats why when you use echo '<a href="url.html"></a>'; you don't need no \\ or \" and etc. and it is faster too.
  20. EDIT - Ha, I just read your quote again and understood that it wasn't the case, well I will still leave this post content, sorry.. I don't think that it depends on IE or any browser.. something like that, if you access lets say Game/pic/ directory, all what you get depends on how apache or any other server will treat this request, if you'll set: DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.phtml for that kind of request it will search for index.html first, if it won't find it it will search for index.php and so on, if it won't find anything when it will show directory listing, you can avoid it showing directory listing by using this command: IndexIgnore * with IndexIgnore you can make lots of things like I remember, make it show only images or the extension you'll set, can't remember.. for example you can create/write: DirectoryIndex myindexfilename.myextensionname and it will be the default file for the request, some older servers doesn't use index.html but instead still use default.html
  21. same as Apple pencil? which would be expensive, but would work/write the same as an ordinary pencil for 1$? :rolleyes:I don't see the point of why it is under-rated? your example shows that it is over-rated, because it/google can create **** products and mark them as google and it will be a "Good" product, because google made it?
  22. For playing games only, I think that a Desktop is much better, it's more powerful and you can always expand it.. I also for some time prefer Laptop computers now, for say the last 3 years, when they got much better, old laptops really sucked and were so expensive years ago.. I can fix Desktops myself, change parts and etc. do something with the wires, but if in a laptop something would break, I wouldn't know what to do, how to even open it, even though I never tried to do that.. Or lets say the laptop screen broke, because it felt.. It would be expensive to change it.. rather buy a new laptop :PAlso, a Desktop, every 3 years you can buy new parts for it, for a laptop computer, after 3 years when you want to change the battery that it would work better, I suggest to go and buy a new laptop, because even a much better one won't be so expensive and a battery can cost ~250$ well maybe less, 120$ it depends where and what kind of.
  23. I use Skype to Skype calls, so it's PC to PC, but I know there are quite cheap services here in Lithuania, when you pay monthly and can call Skype to some Lithuanian number, I guess mobile too and talk, but I don't know if it works the opposite way, but I've read that it's possible, even in Skype there are some options I never use to call to normal phones, just that you need to pay some $$$ but I guess it's cheap.. ;P
  24. you're doing something wrong or maybe you have some super cool anti spyware which does not let IE to view localhost content? or something like that, those kind of things works on all the browsers I know.
  25. How can you get it for 1$? You mean like buying it from somebody.. Well, when I used to be younger, I tried using software with those key generators and etc. to try them out and learn, this was also for the lack of money to buy it, but now when I got older, I understand that it's better to pay for a good software if you're using it and especially if you're using it and get income from it! But as I said, practically there is a free version of most of the software for personal usage. ;] But for example, software for Hospitals, cost lots of money! Software for Universities, for say physics experiments on computers, also costs lots of money and I doubt you'll find a keygen for them on a torrent site, in some way I agree that torrents are not so bad, you download something, you use it, you like it, maybe someday you'll buy it!
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