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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I installed IE8 today on my system ans I can say it's quite good, even though I won't browse with it, now the only problem I am having is that I would really want to be able to use IE6, IE7 and IE8 separately on Vista for layouts and designs testings, on XP I used to use MultipleIE, but on Vista it seems that nothing stable yet to do this
  2. I usually defrag my computer once a month, sometimes once two months, when I think it will "help" me. I use a program called Defraggler which I cam up recently on some forum, it's really much better than Windows default defragmentation tool, you can download it from here: /defraggler Just analyze you HDD partition and defragment it if you see lots of red colour.. Also keep in mind that defragmenting you Hard disk drive partitions to often is not recommended, also keep in mind that the more free disk space you have the better and faster is the defragmentation. Don't even do it if you only have 5% of space left.
  3. I also recently heard that IE8 final version is released, so U just downloaded it and installed, well I can say I like the speed how it opens the pages, it now seems to pass acid2 test 100/100 but is having lots of problems with acid3 test as I only got 20/100IE8 really improved, even though I am an Opera fan, I still believe that Opera 10 beta which is passing acid3 test for a long time now is much better and seems to be as fast as IE8, but can we get any faster, on localhost IE8 and Opera opens pages faster than in 1 second, I just click the button and it loads all the site instantly
  4. Even though it won't be installed, I still think that it will be easy to install it as it will ask if you want IE as your browser? ans most of people will click Yes? Or I'll need to download IE separately from Microsoft? as I think it will be the same as with MSN messenger or Windows Media Player which you can install after installing Windows quite easy.
  5. Hello,I need to create a quite simple Artificial Intelligence program with any language I want, I am thinking of just using C#, but the thing is that I can't think of any simple AI program to create for myself, so I though maybe anyone has any ideas of what could I create? I don't want to lets say create another sudoku solver or tic tac toe game..So any ideas? I'm also thinking of something like when answering questions you get to different sections and get different questions and in the end get a suggestion of something?
  6. Really great, that it's so easy to use it. I used/use Oracle, but on Windows only, as it's only for my studies, even though I don't like some things about it, but in fact tools like Forms Builder and Reports Builder are fun to play with and create something, I also remember that SQL Plus sometimes gave me a headache, but still I can say Oracle is great. I just don't get one thing, this suite of Oracle is for UNIX, but I don't understand the part with PHP support, it's already included in the suite or you need to install it separately? what if I already have a LAMP server? or as PHP support you meant that everything works with Oracle database PHP functions? like using OCI8 will work without any problems? http://php.net/manual/en/book.oci8.php I never worked with any other database using PHP except MySQL and PostgreSQL and a little of SQLite
  7. You need to use htaccess files in order to do this, one way is to use mod_rewrite, here is the code: Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinksRewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example.com [NC]RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://example.com [L,R=301]RedirectMatch 301 ^/blog/(.*)$ http://blog.example.com/$1 So whenever someone will go to example.com/blog/ it will redirect him/it to your subdomain blog.example.com with a permanent redirect code 301, which is good for lets say spiders and other web robots. More about it on this blog entry I found through google: http://terriswallow.com/2008/03/11/htacce-and-force-www/ Another way would be doing the same thing with PHP, if you're using index.php you just need to check $_SERVER superglobal HTTP_HOST as I remember if it's not blog.example.com but only example.com also redirect with a 301 code using header() + Location, it will do the same, but I believe using htaccess method is much better, as I think it will also redirect example.com/blog/images/Logo.jpg to blog.example.com/images/Logo.jpg where using PHP would only redirect dynamic pages.
  8. The best way to get rid of magic quotes is by using this code somewhere at the beginning of your script: // If stupid Magic Quotes are Enabled if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { // Create a reference Array to Superglobals $fullArray = array(&$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE); // Stripslashes for every Array.. while (list($k,$v) = each($fullArray)) { foreach ($v as $arrayKey => $Value) { // If it isn't an Array if (!is_array($Value)) { $fullArray[$k][$arrayKey] = stripslashes($Value); continue; } $fullArray[] =& $fullArray[$k][$arrayKey]; } } // Clear the used Array $fullArray = null; // Remove it unset($fullArray); } It will check if magic quotes are enabled and will continue to remove them when needed. Of course it's even better to turn them off in php.ini or by a htaccess file on an apache server. But remember, when you have magic quotes set to off, keep in mind that you need to use htmlspecialchars() to show $_POST and other superglobals in your HTML and when putting $_POST data to your database or file, you also need to escape it with something like addslashes() or mysql_real_escape_string(); or your scripts will be vulnerable.
  9. What I don't like is that sometimes Google just ends the account for somebody because of not obeying TOS, I know that it's bad to do something against the TOS, but my problem is that: that account got some clicking, showed google ads and Google got paid/profit for those and didn't pay the end user showing them, not all the clicks usually are against the TOS, but they seem to be very serious about it and I doubt people using Adwords are getting any compensations for that, Google just gets all that and if lets say somebody had 64$ on they Google Adsense account and got banned, the money just vanish, don't they? :DI read lots of topics especially in the days I was using it much more, that people get refused after some time or gets banned and etc. It's a pity if you worked hard for those ~95$ and did something in the end and got removed..
  10. I personally don't even use Kontera at the site I think I wrote there on the sign up, I only use the code here on the forums of Xisto, but I guess it's alright or is it the answer to that there's no revenue for about 10 days on Kontera, even though impressions exist, so it's working, but not as before.. ;]Thanks for replies, even though a bit off topic.
  11. I'm using Google Adsense, even though for the last year I don't do much with it and it doesn't get my lots of revenue, as I don't have a working normal site anymore, but I get a ~dollar a month now when I last time logged in to check, the bad thing with it is that you get checks, with which I can't do a lot in my country, to get money from a check I need to pay so much taxes for foreign bank transfers to my country banks and some taxes for my bank.. that more than 65% goes for Taxes, so from 100$ you get only ~45$ and dollars isn't worth so much as it used to so it also sucks. I really swear a lot about that when I first understood it so I quit with using it, it's better to work a regular job and get much more money, or at least Adsense money/revenue could be put to Paypal or something like that, I like Kontera as they offer transferring of the revenue to my Paypal account.I bet it's much better to be an American citizen and have a bank account locally to use Adsense or maybe even live in UK? ;]
  12. I can't remember, where did you need to write the domain of your website? I just logged in to my kontera account and I can't change domains or see the one I'm using? As I remember when I signed up, I didn't write anything? OR did I? IF I did then I can't remember what I wrote, but I signed up instantly..Can anyone confirm that the domain needs to be written on sign up? or Where do you wrote it? :?
  13. But it depends on the ISP, some ISP is offering download rates independent to your Upload rate, making at once to download and upload at your max ratio of your Internet Plan/Package.It's usually the seeders, if seeders near you are sharing and are not doing like cyber_electrons said, limiting the upload to 5 KB/s and you can download from him 2 Mbps than it's fast for you.. Also it depends on how much seeders and leachers there are on the current torrent. So in fact it depends on a lot of things, you might get higher speeds if you'll change priority, but I never tried that as I'm not downloading to much stuff and waiting an hour is not to much for me.
  14. It's good news that IE can be uninstalled as I understood without making the system fail, but I just doubt that everyone will start using Firefox, unless someone will just show them that it exists, as most of people don't care about the browser, it's usually us, younger people or people which are more into computers, as I see usually everyone of my age are using Firefox or Opera, but most of people who are not interested in browsing, just for news and chatting/email are using IE, people who can't even install Windows as its something difficult, besides IE7 got much "better" than IE6 and as I saw final IE8 beta might be also better, most of people don't care if it is passing Acid3 test or not, as the only thing they want is that sites they browse would work.I personally won't uninstall IE as I will use it to look how some sites/designs works on it, besides just not opening IE feels for me that there's no IE, for some people I installed Firefox or Opera, I usually hide/delete the icon of IE and they think it's uninstalled.
  15. Yes I saw, before that I thought that it's due to inactivity or something like that as the income wasn't 0.0$ but more for the days I remember I did post, but what I wanted to say that even though I was active, no revenue has come for the past 8 days, so just wanted to point that out ;]
  16. It's a big forum, what would you want, I like that everything is categorized so much, for people searching for information on google it's much easier to find something, if you want less categories in my opinion you could find a forum which is not so active and does not have so much members? I don't get the idea for what you're trying to say, it's the same as walking into a room, a very big room full of people, a lot of people and a lot of place for them.
  17. Just logged on to kontera and I saw that for the last 8 days I had 0.00$ of income is it just me or same for others? Posting on both here and Xisto, I made ~8$ myEarnings on these 8 days, so I wasn't inactive, heh this system works I don't know how now, it just works somehow
  18. If you're using Windows and as I understand PHP language? MySQL for your game as you need a host? When install a WAMP server like Wampserver and you can create your work locally and when it will work on your computer, you can upload it to your hosting account and show it to the rest of the world, some things may differ, because of Windows OS and Linux OS on the Server, because of file permissions and so on though.
  19. To add my 2 cents, if those images on the site are not Screenshots of games or software or not some kind of art work, but part of the design, then you need to crop images and put them together as they would load faster too, 4 images one near another which looks like one loads much faster than 1 big picture, it's usually for most Internet connections. As lets say 4 connections are used and they load at the same time, were big pictures takes some time to load.
  20. I see the picture too, quite funny though. :DPolice meeting canceled, due to donut shortage.
  21. Simple and nice tutorial on how to achieve this kind of effect. I would leave the third picture from bottom, because the last two weren't so special, even though it depends what you want to do, but I would rather do something different with the last two bottom pictures/images to achieve something icy
  22. As I can't say only one best strategy game, for talking about old, I guess one of the best strategy game types is/was Civilization like series, Command & Conquer like series and Heroes of Might and Magic like series :mellow:So a lot has started from Laser Squad, Dune 2 and Warcraft I, Civilization I :PPlaying Freeciv or Civ3, Red Alert, Heroes III or even Heroes IV can make you play those games for hours and even more
  23. I personally also prefer as a home user to use GIMP as it's free, but at my work, no guys I know are using GIMP, all of them do designing using Adobe software and they just exchange PSD files and etc. as I'm not a designer, I don't really get into all that stuff, but some friends I know, they use some kind of Corel software/suit as they are studying in art academy and the things I saw they've done with Corel is really amazing, so I guess the software does not really matter if you're a Professional/Good with graphics. Some people still are great with Paint programs, pixel artists and so on.. And most of us don't use Paint programs, unless for simple things.Photoshop is expensive for a home user, but for a company I don't think it's so expensive to get, home users can get cheaper graphics programs like Paint Shop Pro or some Corel suits too to start learning something.
  24. One thing I don't get, is it the phone which does not support bluetooth or is it his/hers laptop.. The phone should have bluetooth by default somewhere in settings which you need to turn on when using and allow to connect to it and usually I have bluetooth drivers on Vista or XP with the name of WIDCOMM Bluetooth Software 6 which you can download by searching on google.Does that Laptop really have bluetooth capability? usually you need to turn bluetooth on your laptop to by using some Function key or somewhere in settings, it's same as with wireless, you can turn it off or on depending on the laptop and your drivers or some kind of buttons.
  25. I played GTA 1 years ago and I really liked it and played GTA 2 too, it was really great to play those games, on Amiga I also played Payback, which is similar to GTA, except personally for me is better, I never in fact played further versions of GTA, but I saw my friends playing them, the graphics is of course much better, but the gameplay depends, I couldn't play it to much seriously after GTA1 and GTA 2, it was much more fun for me to just drive and do stuff, which usually I don't like in games
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