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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I guess Google Buzz can become popular in some countries, in other countries less, it all depends.. It the same as with Instant messaging, in some countries everyone has MSN, but for example in my country, almost nobody has it, but everyone has Skype. :)As I know orkut is popular in some countries, even more than facebook.
  2. Yes, in fact a newspaper article can be written by not telling all the truth due to somebody got paid to publish it, or some scientists can be paid to say partly the truth about something.. so it's quite false information, but people believe in it if it's quite logical or they don't know other facts..Some scandal can appear that that specific food can bring cancer, but really it doesn't, but people stop might buying it and will buy something else, it's hard to control information. ;]
  3. I don't think Microsoft Publisher is here to replace Frontpage, as I know it's a publishing software, here is a descriptio link to it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Publisher It's more something like Adobe InDesign.. Unless We speak about different things.. Microsoft Frontpage was replaced by Microsoft Expression Web and Sharepoint Designer, which were first released in December 2006. It's a much better WYSIWYG HTML editor.
  4. Well, by saying 6 CPU is slower than 1 CPU with the same frequency, I meant that a quad core will never be faster than one core CPU with the same frequency summed up.But yes, you're right, that Today 6 CPU's with 2GHz frequency are currently available for private use and if the application supports multi-threading than it's really faster to do such operations or if it doesn't support multi-threading, still different operations can run on different CPU
  5. So another question from me would be, how and who decides in Google to make that keyword so expensive and other keywords less expensive?The demand for those keywords or something? Count of those keywords in the Internet?
  6. I also am not used to working with WYSIWYG applications for generating HTML code, but people, who started learning HTML using it, usually prefer it over the simple way of doing it with hands, especially if they work with Photoshop for creating layouts..It's really faster and if you have the knowledge, you can optimize the code with your hands later on and usually make it a better design which you could use. I remember I used to fix frontpage generated layouts from 68-32 KB to 12-4 KB with almost the same result
  7. But as I know, 6 CPU with 2 GHz frequency is slower than 1 CPU with 12 GHz frequency and that will always be like that, CPU is needed if you need to do a lot of operations.. :)Also I think that RAM is one of the most important things too, a lot of servers and data-centers have lots and lots of RAM ;]
  8. Nice suggestions for choosing a webmail service. I personally use GMail too, I know it will usually be available, it's fast, it will store my mail and I don't need to backup, it seems to work great, is quite customizable. Also I like the name GMail :)I also have hotmail or live as it called now? But don't like it as much as google, somehow it loads much slower for me, the Yahoo webmail interface for me is terrible, unless I don't know how to make it look better, due to I have that account for a long time :DI mainly use those other emails, to use instant messaging systems.So to conclude, I go with GMail, it was good to be one of the starting to start using it, because now, most of best names are in use. You usually need to add numbers some kind of if you're a new gmail user
  9. Quatrux

    PHP Problems

    To add my two cents, usually WAMPServer doesn't install due to Skype or some other application is using port 80, so apache can't start, due to it's listening to port 80.Just remove the feature in Skype settings, to let Skype use port 80 and software like XAMPP or Wampserver will install without any problems on Windows.
  10. I saw google buzz in my gmail account and I just turned it off, but it took me a week or so to find a way to remove it from my gmail account I don't really like any of those social networks and stuff.
  11. Well, not everyone needs to know HTML, but personally there is nothing to know in HTML, it's quite an easy "markup language" which can't do to much, but with which you can do a lot.Frontpage usually generates bad code, a lot of software which is using only html to generate HTML is bad, especially those wysiwyg editors, as the ones working well with generating css are much better and generates cleaner code.
  12. To make it short, personally I think that most of the information which is moderated and etc. is not false, but I believe that it cannot be "reliable" due to the fact that subjects can be edited by anybody and not all moderators can't know everything, even references can be bad/false.Nevertheless, I still say YES, because most of information on the Internet, on TV, on Radio, in Newspaper and etc. is not reliable, due to it can be false. But it's hard to control it, one year they say that coffee is bad for your health, after a year or so they say coffee is good for your heart and they all say that they have somekind of scietific test which they never refer too :)Most of people believe in information, in articles written by somebody without any proof or reference. As much articles as I read in Wikipedia with the knowledge I know, I don't remember false articles.
  13. a cross platform PHP IDE can be ActiveState Komodo Edit, as I know it's free and supports more than PHPI personally use PHP Designer 7 which is really goodAlso you can use Notepad++ or Notepad2 which can highlight PHP code and is very simple to use and install and have good features for editing.Other alternatives include Netbeans IDE which is able to edit PHP and there is a module for PHP for Eclipse, you can use Eclipse with PHP as an PHP IDE.
  14. Yeah, I agree that W3Schools is a good place to start learning programming, especially with web, but also I recommend to read some books, especially with names like: "Learn PHP in 24 hours" or "Learn PHP in 1 week" or "Learn PHP in 24 days" ;]Those books usually tell much more about programming habits and how to avoid mistakes, than a simple tutorial.
  15. Highlighting HTML is quite easy, if it's a valid tag or not, but I really like intelligent code highlighters. For example, usually people have a file in which you can see html and css and javascript and php, so for example PHP Designer 7 and some more editors, can highlight those all in one without problems and on errors may even highlight differently, in this way it's quite easy to fix errors. :DYou also can set to dim different code, while writing php code in a file, the html part is dimmed, it's really very comfortable, especially if it's a bigger file or a plugin/module file for something, a cms or a blog.
  16. Interesting, but how do people get to know those keywords? you mean if somebody clicks on my site on google ads with this kind of information in the google ad, I mean the keyword Mesothelioma so I'll get 84$ for one click? Because usually one click offers me from 2 cents to 2 dollars. :)By knowing those keywords, you can create websites with information and etc. services about them.
  17. I heard a lot of complaints about PayPal, but it's the way they do business, as I know in most of the countries there PayPal is not available, it's due to different laws in different countries to do activity like that, but of course it could be different reasons too.I personally don't use PayPal, but have an account with them, usually I just ask my friend to buy something for me, by giving him money through Internet bank account, if I want to buy something from ebay This is due to, to use PayPal in my country, I need to pay the bank 3$ a month to upkeep the service to get and send money to my paypal account and due to I usually buy something online once or twice a week, there is no need for me to have this feature Besides I feel save that my money is in the bank and not in some other system.
  18. Same here, I personally don't have any interest in using an iPad as it's useless for me, but seems a lot of whom are using/having it just due to be stylish or something like that, even though for someone it may be useful, but the price for me seems to be to overpriced :DI never even bought an iPhone, as I don't really need a toy like that, it seems that iPod was something of an interest to me, as it's quite nice, but still there are cheaper alternatives.
  19. For personal stuff and some projects I usually use MySQL, especially if working with websites, but sometimes for simple projects XML is enough to do the work. Sometimes SQL lite is a good alternative too, but it has it's negatives aspects, same as working with large XML files ;DNevertheless at my current workplace everything is done using Oracle, it's really a powerful Database and offers a lot of stuff, so I mainly work with it.
  20. I always have my mobile phone with me and the usb key, sometimes I bring or walk with my mp3 player and more often I bring my laptop to work or to friends..Sometimes, when needed I take my not so long ago bought usb hdd of 640 GB when needed, but I try to avoid always walking with it, as usually usb key of 8 gb is enough for something simple..Don't really know anything more I can carry unless sometimes an electric screwdriver
  21. I've also been trying to play pacman through google, but I can confess that i'm really not good at playing it, even though I saw on youtube, that some people play it very good. I just think I need practice and read a little about how to play it best.. But even at youth I wasn't good at it.. :)I like to play lode runner much more or diamond caves for example
  22. I personally never even played World of Warcraft, it would be boring for me too if I even would ever have started to play it :)I remember I used to play Starcraft and thought it will never be boring, but after some years it did same as with Counter strike, but I see that a lot of whom still play Counter Strike, and how old it is?I think when people grow up, get a job, gets a wife and children, they don't have to much time to play World of Warcraft and if they don't get bored from playing it, usually they don't get a wife
  23. I watch football and also like to play it sometimes, but as yordan said, that most of us are IT guys and it's not our first preference? :PI watched some plays and like to read the news and see the results, some of my friends even bet who will win and with what score and etc. but looking at who is playing, I just lets say wish, that the cup and final place could go to some country which didn't won as mush as Brazil or Germany :Pand as I am from Europe, it could be a Europe country but I usually like to watch the finals and be a fan of some country, as it's usually is the most interesting plays, even though not always.
  24. People who know ASP.NET are usually happy with what it can offer and what it can do, it has really a lot of good features, but the only bad factor about it is that you're stuck with Microsoft product, with Microsoft servers and etc.As I know, usually only more serious projects use ASP.NET as it's quite expensive, but is good for fats and rapid development.In my country most of projects are done with PHP, JSP and ASP.NET, ASP.NET is usually used in goverment projects and Europe Uniono projects where they like to throw money away :DJSP is used usually in less serious, but BIG and SERIOUS projects, which require clean code and security, PHP everywhere else :)To answer your question, ASP.NET has quite a good future, as Microsoft is investing a lot into databases and their programming languages, especially .NET as C#, ASP.NET applications and Windows Servers are getting more popular and serious.
  25. I also think it's quite good, firstly I thought, what a hell, what kind of fence is this, but when I saw the third picture from a different angle, that face was really cool, I would like to see it by myself, I could walk start to see the face illusion and later it would disappear :)Sometimes those art people can make you wonder how did they do that, especially after seeing some of their works on youtube, it seems to take a long time to make those things!By the way, is it Photoshoped? or is it real?
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