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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. It seems to be a nightmare for people :DAlso, the houses and etc. all that mortgage is overpriced, at least I think so, you pay to much to everyone for it.I am trying to have less credit, loans and etc. as much as I can, and am quite happy with that
  2. I voted for both, as both now are good. I also started with gnome long time ago, but later moved to KDE, which I preferred for kApps ;D and it seemed to be more customizable and more like Amiga OS environment, but later it started to look much more like windows.On my current Linux installations, I also have and am using KDE but as it's now not my main OS, it's not a big difference.
  3. I personally got a home server, or NAS (Network Attached Storage), which is connected to a wireless router with lan cable, it has a 500 GB hardrive and all the music is in it, and all computers can map the network drive or mount it and use it. It doesn't use a lot of energy at all.. It has Linux installed on one partition and the other is used for all the other stuff, as I understand it is using Samba So it's really good, it looks something like this: http://www.buffalotech.com/products but mine is a bit older, I bought it 3 years ago.
  4. It seems google started using some more serious and light Javascript, quite nice :)I like the fade effect, it makes it look a little better and it seems to load as fast as it used to
  5. I meant that I got in lets say two months period, lets say 96$ for the clicks and I got banned, so my ads won't work anymore, yes, but I still got those 96$, people using Ad Words paid for those clicks even more. So google gets all the income, but as starscream said, it seems google refunds them 70-80% of the money to the Adwords users, maybe it's good, but for example, those 96$ I got before getting banned, only 10$ were got by cheating, so it's not an easy case. I always thought google takes all the money, due to how can the Adwords user know that he got clicks from a cheating user Adsense ads.. Some of my friends working in one company, that company pays for Adwords over 20 000$ a month, but this year they even are thinking of not using it, as it seems it doesn't get the worth profit..
  6. What I always wondered about google adsense banning users, is that they get all the income for the clicks or what? The people using Ad Words, stil needs to pay for the clicks from the banned user Adsense?If so, google gets quite good revenue, due to they ban a lot of people quite frequently..Also, I don't like kontera, for the reason that it takes your money after 6 or something like that months if you didn't get the revenue to make a deposit.. So they take all the revenue too from most of the users, which in my understanding is nonsene.
  7. Well, yes, it's an online game abd usually you need to login, do something a bit and log out and do other stuff, but a lot of people do it quite frequently, at home, at job, for example I heard there are people who wake up in 2 AM or 3 AM to look at the farm and do something And they are to lazy to walk their dog in 8 AM :DEven though, sometimes you play a different game for over 9 hours and you forget to walk the dog too, or sometimes even to eat
  8. I suggest you to read into a* star algorithm, which is using your formula to calculate the path, it should go.. Your formula only gets the shortest distance, but what if there are walls?You can read about it here:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ used this tutorial, to create some pathfinding programs:http://www.policyalmanac.org/games/aStarTutorial.htm
  9. I also wanted to say that, when I can't sleep, just because I don't want to, but I need to, I try to turn on some boring movie, turn of lights and try to watch it until I get asleep :DAlso, I try to eat something for the night, to make my stomach work and it makes me a bit more sleepy
  10. I personally don't like Coke or Pepsi, but sometimes I buy them, as they are good for some cocktails :DI usually buy Coke, but sometimes I also like to try out an buy Pepsi, for me there's no much difference, maybe it could depend on the price? but they both usually cost the same
  11. I don't know, some of my friends are playing this game on Facebook, but I don't really see any point of playing it, it's a bit of useless game, even though I agree it may be fun, due to it's online..I remember this kind of games from the past, but not online, where you need to build things, different tycoons and for example a game called Theme Park, where you need to build a them park and control it, in farmville , you need to grow a farm, not much of a difference, except that to play farmville, it's very easy, there is practically no struggle, nothing to beat, except to have a bigger farm and a higher level, which is quite boring over the time.. :DIt's the same, as playing Age of empires or Stracraft without WAR! just to build.. I know a lot of people playing SIMS, usually theu like to build the house and when they start playing, after some time they get bored.
  12. I saw the gmail priority inbox last week and it seems really a good idea, which definitely works.. But as I read in one place, it's not something new, some email client already had this feature, which works similar as when looking at the movie which google is showing for this new feature (which is quite nice) it's a simple process, with time the program will know what you're reading mostly and will show you priority list..I tried it and it's quite good, even though it's stil in beta, but most google beta features are working well.
  13. I think EasyPHP is using by default PHP5 and I don't remember if it offers addons to choose between PHP versions..You can try http://www.wampserver.com/en/ Wampserver, downland and install it, make sure the port 80 is not in use by other applications, like Skype or else localhost won't work..Later download PHP 4.4.9 addon for Wampserver here: http://www.wampserver.com/en/, I guess you'll need older Apache version aswell and when through the control panel in the traybar of wampserver choose that it would use PHP4 and try to run your script..Or I suggest get a new one, which works well with PHP 5.3.X or at least with PHP 5.2.X
  14. To put programs in Startup, usually it's enough to put a shortcut in the Startup directory, which you can find in the START menu, which is usaully in your user folder in documents and settings.. You also can remove them from there..As it's been said, you can use msconfig and control the startup programs with checkboxes, but sometimes it gess messy, as when you uncheck it, it may appear again and you'll have two the same values..I personally use CCleaner to control the Startup, it has a feature in Tools, to control Startup.. It works both on Win7 and XP quite good, you can get it here: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner
  15. Usually the security of your script depends on the programmer himself, Today when using frameworks, main security holes are usually removed, but still there are possibilities to leave security holes..Also, if you're website is small and has nothing special, it's a small chance that somebody will be interested in it, unless you have some pissed of friends who are mad on you? :)Also, sometimes security depends not on PHP, but on the server itself and the configuration.. Apache stuff and etc.
  16. I would choose PHP, because:1) It's FREE2) It's OPEN SOURCE3) It's Fast4) It's multi-platform (Linux, Windows, BSD and etc.)5) It's multi-server (IIS, APACHE, lighttpd and etc.)6) It's Easy to Learn7) It's Easy to Use8) It has a lot of modules9) It's widespread10) It is easy to integrate it in any product11) It has a big communityBut unfortunately it has:1) Bad error reporting if we compare it with ASP.NET, but it can be fixed with PHP extra tools2) It's less secure than ASP.NET but it depends on the programmer and his experience3) PHP makes you do your programming very untidy if we compare it with ASP.NET or even more with similar language like Python, usually PHP scripts is a big mess of code :PHowever, ASP.NET is good because it's really advanced, easy to use, it's flexible, but it's not FREE and usually works best only with Windows Server.I know one guy, who moved from PHP to ASP.NET and used it for over a year now in his new job and he says that it's really GOOD and that PHP sucks.. Could be, but usually PHP is more than enough for any project/website to create and as PHP has so many good frameworks, it's even better now to use it. ;]
  17. Well, for a lot of years, I don't program with only Notepad2 or Notepad++ as it's quite hard, I usually use an IDE like PHP Designer, which has quite good features, even though the main thing is as in a simple text editor, just that while writing the code, it shows PHP mistakes and similar stuff, there are quite good features to make your life a bit easier, but I guess it's a question of how to got used to do your programming.I also, don't like software like dreamweaver or frontpage, because usually it spoils everything, besides it's quite expensive..To do my graphics, I just use GIMP, which is free and has enough power for me, as I am not the best guy with graphics, i am more a programmer, but know how to do some things, little more than basic
  18. Firstly: What is the error?Secondly: What PHP version you're using?due to this code is using quite old methods which only works on PHP4.. Which I think is quite absolute ..
  19. To add one thing to this topic, is sometimes XAMPP may not work, this is usally due to some other program is using the port 80, for apache to start, you need to make sure the port is free or through the httpd.conf settings use another port for your localhost server..Usually the port 80 is occupied by Skype, just go to Skype settings and remove the check-box to use port 80 as alternative, it's in Skype Options->Advanced->Connection After that, just try to start XAMPP again and it will work..If it's not skype which is listening to port 80, you can go to command promtp, enter cmd and enter: netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:80 to see what application is listening to port 80..More about this here: https://www.mydigitallife.info/2008/12/03/how-to-check-and-identify-which-application-is-listening-or-opening-port-80-and-443-on-windows/ note that, port 433 is the port used for https by default and port 80 is the default for http
  20. I usually search with google, but sometimes I am disopointed with the results I get, sometimes it's guessing what I want and it doesn't always guess and is showing what I don't want, because of that, I sometimes tend to use some other search engine like yahoo and usually find what I want, by the keywords written. Nevertheless, I am used to google, and usually search using it for simple things..I also agree, that google image search is quite bad, but I usually search for stock images or patters, backgrounds through the search, due to google images usually don't find anything useful, only sometimes..To tell, the truth, some google services just sucks and could be much better, but I guess they're not so popular to to make them better and put resources into them..
  21. When I am bored and there is nothing to do or even if there is, but you're lazy enough to do it, I usually watch TV or turn on some movie. Sometimes I go and drink some beer out of that boredom..Or just play some kind of a game or chat online until the next day? Listen to music and etc.When I am in a mood and am really bored to do something, I like to tidy my room and similar or do some sports too.
  22. But are that kind of software which tracks effective? Usually a thief of a laptop don't use the OS available on the computer, usually he sells it for another user, which usually starts using it with installing a new OS through the boot menu. The thief of the laptop I think formats everything, otherwise maybe it could work..To find your mobile phone is quite easy, when you have an IMEI code, you always send it, it doesn't matter what kind of phoen service you're using, so it's easy to detect it.. My phone was stolen one time and I got it back quite fast.. Bu with laptops, I think it's a different case, it's a small chance that you'll ever get your laptop back even with those tracking software? or am I missing something?
  23. I personally don't play games, especially new ones, as I am more a retro gamer, but I heard a lot of bad stuff about steam, and usually people don't like it. Maybe the idea is good, but for a lot of people it's just uncomfortable. Besides, not all computers are online.
  24. As I read about statistics somewhere recently, it seems that IE6 got rather very unpopular and it's usage is dropping drastically, there are much more users using IE7 and IE8 then IE6 and I think in a year or to most people won't need to worry about the page being shown differently on IE6 or moreover the page not even work properly at all.It seems that IE6 now is using 1-6% of the market even though it's quite a lot of people, but when some unpopular browsers were used in the past and were taking 2% of the market, a lot of designer said, I don't care, but it seems that a lot of whom cares about IE6, even though I don't, with time I guess most of the sites will upgrade their websites.
  25. For simple things I usually use IrfanView and Paint.NET but just for simple editing, whenever I need to do something more I'm using GIMP, it's free and has a lot of features Photoshop has which is not free. ;] GIMP for Windows: https://www.gimp.org/windows/ Paint.NET for Windows: http://www.getpaint.net/download.html IrfanView for Windows: http://www.irfanview.com/ Also GIMP is available with similar interface like Photoshop, it's called GimpShop you can get it here: https://www.gimpshop.com/ Moreover you can try to use GIMP with another different interface, it's called GimPhoto you can get it here: http://www.gimphoto.com/ Most of other better graphics software are commercial or with limited functionality while using it for free.
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