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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Well, I just checked digbsy screenshots on the net here: http://www.digsby.com/screenshots.php Seems a good alternative to Pidgin, but it's quite similar from my first view, just the user interface is a bit different, but it now only depends on what you're used to use. I am quite satisfied with Pidgin As I understand, digbsy has some extra features, but I don't need them, I guess even though, a nice find, as it's also seems to be simple to use.
  2. I can't say I was hacked, don't remember any accounts or sites which were hacked for me.. Just use good strong passwords and avoid using the same one everywhere, have several password, especially don't use the same password for very unsafe sites or which can't be trusted and may be insecure, for those kind of sites have quite a different password..I usually use this system and always try to not get into anyones attention to be hacked Don't have enemy friends who are hackers as usually, some guy who hates you may ask a friend to try and hack you.. also, when developing something, I usually try to ensure security, if it's an oracle application or a web service or c# application. :PUse firewalls! don't use your computer in a public place with public wireless or something like that connecting to somewhere without ssl, especially to paypal and other services, like banks, but of course you can simply browse or access sites which even hacked won't do any harm, as usually you can be sniffed in a public Internet access point, as use send plain passwords as text.
  3. I only have 444 posts with this post, so I will need to post 56 more posts and as I understand I will be able to edit my title I am able to edit it already on Xisto forums though, with time will need to think what title I will use
  4. I refereed that you usually need to find drivers for XP, even though it seems that Windows 7 has most of the drivers inside it, but it's not always like that, usually those ethernet drivers needs to be found by you, it depends on the hardware, especially with wireless, I had no Internet..Also, when using Windows 7, I installed Samsung's official drivers, the ones I needed, as it has more control over the system, as it offers not only drivers, but software like: battery, display, network and speed up management..Furthermore, as I bought external sound card, windows 7 drivers only offered stereo through it, so I needed to install creative drivers to support the advantages of 5.1,7.1 sound and to have more control.I've heard that some guys installed Windows 7 and had everything working, internet, display, sound and etc. and didn't need to install anything, but it depends on the hardware, I guess it depends even if it's a laptop or a desktop computer..Even though it seems that windows update suggests me to install a newer drivers for bluetooth and etc. the same is done by samsung update software..
  5. Wow, a very cool thing and quite fun to destroy the pages, you just paste the bookmark on any page and you can destroy it, I wonder if it's possible to make a defense against it Will need to look at the source code when I'll comeback from work
  6. It's good, I agree, but whenever I tried several of those programs which finds the needed drivers for your computer, they are not always accurate or some of them require for you to specify which computer you're using, like a model and etc. which if I would know, I would find in the Internet :)It usually happens when I am helping some friend to install Windows and find the correct newest drivers.Sometimes, the system has no Internet, due to you need to install a Lan or wireless driver for the Internet to start working and to start using that program which fins all the needed drivers for you.
  7. You can use a cron job, but with events I always think differently, why the need of a cron job when you can do something like this:Even though I don't know how you have something done, but I usually don't do jobs, but I only do something when somebody is accessing something, for example somebody send somebody to other town, it will take 7 days in that game, so you have the start date and you just don't do anything, whenever somebody is using script, you calculate everything and show him the latest information, due to you have current time and start time and the time it should have taken.Cron jobs are not always needed in most cases, you just need to think differently about it.Triggers are used on different mysql events, like if you're inserting or updating data in your database, or maybe even selecting, you can do something on that even before or after and etc.
  8. Well, I think you don't need to drink to much coke or pepsi, as it might have some effect on you, but if you drink it sometimes, I don't see anything bad in it, if it's a true coke and not some alternative coke with some bad for your health minerals :DI also heard, that some lemonades and other refreshing drinks are worst for your health than coke, as there's nothing to much bad for you in it unless you drink lots and lots of it? Also it depends on the country and how it's made, as I know the same coke is a bit different in different regions, like in Europe or Asia?I personally don't drink coke unless I do a cocktail with some drink having alcohol
  9. Well, usually it means that you have some kind of an virus or spyware which is using your computer to send SPAM to others, if that process is taking so much resources, you need to remove your Lan cable or turn of Wireless, boot to safe mode and clean up your computer there, by lets say using CCleaner, then some "doctor" to clean up registry and later try to scan from viruses and spyware with the software you're using.Or you can always do a format and install Windows again
  10. If I would need to choose between AVG and Avast, I think I would choose Avast, but still wouldn't like both, I remember I tried AVG and Avast and saw them used by some of my friends, but their interface is kind of stupid? Well, they seem to be free, but they offer better features when you get a Pro release?I personally use Microsoft Security Essentials for free for a year or more and am satisfied with it, I think I also tried Avira AntiVir and I think it may be even better than AVG or Avast.
  11. As I said I am using GMail as my provider and am using it's interface (webmail) which is really good, but for my workplace email I am using Opera mail feature, even though sometimes it annoying that it's using extra tabs, but it works well, has a lot of needed features..I used to use the Bat years ago and Thunderbird, but having an extra application just for email seems to be pointless, especially if you're using firefox and thunderbird, two mozilla engines running.. Opera mail fully satisfies me
  12. Well, I referred to drivers which you can download officially from Samsung or any other companies website.. and not from a site which offers all drivers for different computers.
  13. In my country it counts as SCAM, as I don't know anybody who got anything, they had the points/credits to get the items, but they never got anything delivered to them, I saw that some people said that they got their stuff, but it's usually in USA? or France?It's good I never joined and didn't waste my time on that
  14. For example, on my system, Win7 seems to run much more smoother than XP, but it could be do to drivers, as Win7 drivers are official and XP drivers are as I guess not so official..When I bought my laptop, it was with Vista pre-installed, I used for several months and downgraded to XP and used it, Vista seemed to run smoother, but used 3-4 times of more RAM, if XP usually takes 300-400 MB, Vista took 1.2 GB just booted with some startup programs.I haven't tried comparing the two systems with opening big wav files or opening a huge power point file, but I noticed that opening of folders and moving the windows there slower, but I think it was due to drivers and maybe do to that AERO is using new graphics card features where XP doesn't, but I can say that Win7 runs much more smoother on my new hardware.My specifications are:Operating System: MS Windows 7 Professional 32-bitCPU: Intel Mobile Core 2 Duo P8600 @ 2.40GHzRAM 4.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 531MHzMotherboard: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. R560Graphics: LEN L220xwC @ 1920x1200, 512MB GeForce 9600M GT (Samsung)Hard Drives: 320GB (IDE)Audio: SB X-Fi Surround 5.1Furthermore, my friend/colleague is using an HP laptop which is a bit older and was pre installed with XP, he tried to install Win7 and it worked well, he removed all the fancy features and made it look like XP in some way, he used it and it was OK, but he got back to XP, as he said there almost aren't any difference, just that XP takes less RAM, but performance seems to be similar on his older hardware, can't say which HP is it, but it had only 1 GB of RAM, just that XP has less features than Win7..I noticed, that on XP some older games work much better than newer games, like on Windows 7 I had issues with Heroes 3, Age of Empires 2, Dune 2000, Starcraft 1, but it can be solved by googling, even though XP hadn't any issues with those games as much as I remember.
  15. I am using Windows 7 for almost a year now, so I can say it is much better than Vista. It is faster ant feels better, Vista was more resource hungry OS and buggy especially without the service packs.Before windows 7 I used Vista for quite a while, it was something between XP and Win7, as Win7 fixed most of the stuff of what Vista should have been.
  16. Nice article, it says quite a lot, but as it's been pointed, Credibility part is missing.I personally believe in aliens, but I don't believe that they are among us, in this age and at this time I think that any UFO's are our made or any other things you can't explain is something we still don't understand, something nature does.Imagine humans being very advanced flying to another planet, that planet would see them, it wouldn't be that you would land and go to the secret government and do something secretly, you would come with big news by landing somewhere in a bigger city or firstly even trying to contact from further.It would be something like Columbus coming to America, Columbus were more advanced and lets say he took their gold and etc. I think it's the first thing people would do to an alien civilization if humans were more advanced? If those aliens would be more advanced, humans would try to be friends and get the technology and maybe later use it against them, were could be a lot of scenarios, but most of scenarios are written in sci-fi books or even syfy movies :PTo conclude, I think that aliens exist, but I don't think they have contacted us yet.
  17. I could suggest to get Lenovo thinkvision monitor, which usually works very well, even though it might be be a bit more expensive, but in my opinion it's worth the quality it gives.I am using Lenovo thinkvision 22 widescreen monitor for over a year now and am very happy with the quality of the screen.
  18. I just logged in to my CPanel account and I see that I am hosted on gamma and it seems that nothing really changed, I didn't have any problems with downtime, at least, the sites which looks up activity didn't send any failure emails.Interesting, is why you have been moved to alpha server?
  19. Yes, I agree, but usually Today you don't write anything only with C++, you use different addons, like QT or GTK GUI or .NET.. You can sue DirectX and OpenGL and you can use different versions and different libraries..Yes, only C++ standard code will work, but when you start using different libraries, different functions the operating systems offers then you need to port the program to different systems.For example, even PHP works differently on Linux and windows environment, due to it is using different methods for the same task, or sometimes Linux has something what Windows doesn't and the over way around.
  20. I just tried it and it's nothing special, for home users not all functions are available, so it's not as freeware as it could be, I tried to resize a partition, but nothing happened as it would be good to extend my C: disk in my workplace as it's almost full.
  21. I voted for ESET NOD32, but I personally use Microsoft Security Essentials which is free, but is not in the list.
  22. Maybe by portability of Java, he wanted to say that the same Java program will work everywhere, on every platform, the same, as it's portable and you don't need to port it, even though there might be some issues..And C++ can be a bit different on different systems, due to different methods the system/platform works.. Usually you need to port a program from Linux environment to Windows, as the architecture is different, some parts of the code needs to be rewritten..Some operating systems are more different, like AmigaOS, MorphOS, RiscOS, you can't just use the same C++ program by compiling, they have different libraries, different structure, different GUI for which you need to program, but a simple hello world C++ application will of course work ;DWhere Java is available the same for all the platforms which support Java at all.
  23. It's good that I never got interested in Lockerz, at the very beginning when everyone everywhere wanted me to join, that they would get points, when I asked what it is and they said they an win something for free, I said that they won't get anything at all and it's almost SCAM.. So it seems to be the truth, in my country nobody got anything, at least people who I know, who got the points and ordered IPod and xBox? can't really remember, they still didn't get anything and I doubt they will ever do, they spend their time useless :)I always try to not join these kind of SCAMS.. Even though, once I got a domain name for free, it was over 5 years ago I guess, I also thought it was a SCAM, but hostbidder seemed to be for real and it offered domains just for posting, but I'm glad I joined and got a domain there for free.. Now it seems to be available at a lot of sites, even here at Xisto you can exchange myCents to a domain.
  24. 1.2 Petabyte is a lot, you can store lots of things.. I personally have a laptop with 320 GB of space, external USB2 harddrive 640 GB and a homeserver with 500 GB and it really enough for me, I usually don't have any problem with storage, the external hardrive has a backup directory where I have files which are available on other storages too, just for safety if some of hard drives will "burn" :)Copying from hard drive to external hard drive for me is quite fast, I get about 30-40 MB/s, but copying though Lan into the homeserver is a bit slower, I think I don't get more speed than 10 MB/s and if I am on wireless connection to it, I can't get more than 2-3 MB/sBut the home server has an USB slot, which you can use to connect the external hard drive and lets say copy what you need as it has linux inside it which you can control from another computer having a display.I remember, when we needed to change the size of the partitions in our homeserver for the linux partition to be a bit bigger, we copied all the 450 GB through Lan to the external hard drive, it took all the evening and all night but the next time we did something similar to change the file system, we connected external hard drive and it took only one evening to copy everything.New computers come with USB3, but I don't really have any devices supporting USB3 and for me for now it enough to have USB2 even thouhg I saw benchmarks of USB3, it's amazing
  25. I remember I used to play NFS, but never played those newer NFS games as I started to dislike racing games at all.. Usually now, I want to relax then playing some kind of a game, it needs to be interesting or at least easy to play :)I remember I used to play NFS with friends and it was really fun, but whenever I try to play a racing game, it's boring for me, don't know what changed.
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