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Everything posted by buxgoddess

  1. so what is e107 and I did not find any thing that relates to e107 in the website mentioned by jawadahmed. It is just a fake site mentioned to attract traffic only.Anyways if anyone knows what e107 is the please do reply as I do not like posts without proper information.Is it some sort of a mobile game?
  2. Good job as there are now more than a thousand social networking sites in the web and all are just going down the drain. No audience at all. You seemed to have managed to get a fer wrong invitees there. Good luck until these hooligans crash your site. And do have some sensible moderators or you may be behind bars or in trouble if these people publish poor words for Obama and family.And do provide a good looking picture in the profile of the people in the site. Force a good se*y avatar for all members if theydo not post their original picture.
  3. The copy and paste feature is not a new thing. Nokia in one of its models in way back 1998 produced models that allowed copy paste feature in the SMS program. There is not so many functions then but was a great feature to have, especially when smsing was to be done fast.Now a days even the text gets typed in your mobile phone as you speak. Speech recognition programs are available with lesser degree of accuracy. No wonder Nokia is a pioneer in such achievements.
  4. i am personally a virgin and i was wondering if i am really doing the smart thing by waiting until i am married?is this a stupid idea just because i want to wait or should i and make it something special and meaningful?Assume you have a vaginal infection and you need an operation inside, what will you do, forget it? No you will go for the operation even if that meant tearing off your your so call humiliating virg*n skin under there. The stupid question people ask is why not and or why to have sex before marriage. It is just that two person will have sex, is that what is marriage supposed to mean? Just let some perve*t tear your virg*n skin and feel the ecstasy. What does a whor* do? Just sleeps with any one who pays and thus the same rule applies here too, just sleep with whoever you think is the right person. And forget the moral lords of the society, they are just mere spectators in the event something goes wrong. My good advice so far would be to have an appointment with a good gynecologist and prepare for the regular precaution medication that is required if you have sex on regular basis. No, you shouldn't wait. Make sex as much as you can. Sex is beautiful, fun and most of all pleasant.Anyone who says otherwise didn't do it with more than one person and his handAnd just remember your parents, the love songs, the poems and the great wars that took place in history all because of women. Yes, everything was for love, lust and flesh. So go ahead whenever you want to have sex. Just like the chocolate and ice cream soothes and energizes our senses so does sex, so enjoy sex as you do chocolates and ice creams. And forget marriage as it is for the cow***s.
  5. If I go through your narration and feel the whole episode I have only one thing to say. LOVE is in the AIR. All you have to do is wait for the right moment and the right environment.There are thousands of such encounters in one's life hardly any gets noticed, either because we are too busy with our work or we do not bother to look at it that way."So you asked him out and he said no? What is it a good reason? I mean if a girl I liked asked me out, I would definitely say yes to that. That's the only thing throwing me off on your story. Like... it seems like he likes you because of the way he is acting around you, but the only thing I don't get is him no wanting to go out with you that one time." This s a strange situation that I think is not answered well by anyone.The best part is hit or miss, you ask him out one day for some small work, maybe helping you in your studies or in sports, maybe invite him in some of your friends party in school. Just see what he does. If he agrees just hang around with him a couple of times and you will have the chance to ask him his mind. There are moves and stories that tell you exactly what to expect at what time, but then life is different and no same thing happens in a different person's life the same way. Just have faith and go ahead and ask.Sadly there is little that you can do if the there is no response. There are tricks to befriend his friends or others that challenge his mastery and a few that encourages cooperation between the two. It depends on the type of person you are and he is.
  6. You could create Flash quiz with some 3rd party tools. Online quiz tool: http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/ https://www.classmarker.com/ stand alone quiz maker: http://www.quiz-creator.com/ These above online quiz programs are great as far as the simplicity of program and choices are concerned. Some of these allow to save a copy of the prepared quiz as HTML and is easy to carry as HTML documents. However the stand alone programs in Windows to create stunning designed and dynamic interactive quizzes are great tools even for online publishing. Many colleges and schools are adopting the online quiz model to test the students at the same time without the trouble of paper checking.
  7. Ajax is another option for web programmers which is a great popularity among many enthusiasts.Ajax has some great features that most web scripts now incorporate along with main site scripts.However, only Ajax may not be a complete cup as php and other scripts are a must for web designers.If you just plan to have mastery over static beautiful pages then the combination of Photoshop and Dreamweaver is a good one.Action script 3 with Flash is also a great field.The domain in which the world of web designing is today in is fully governed by dynamic data and hence scripting is a must.
  8. Well your ratings is not by any standard clear. What is the criteria.You be clear on that.Chrome may be fairly new but you use a lot of Google search everyday and hence chrome is likely to come upIE is a devil with loopholes more than a sponge has. Every patch relates to IE or something in windows
  9. The browser war is too hot to handle and therefore I chose to steer clear of the new and untested ones. This is a clear case where Google did its best to come up for the future needs. Chrome lacks in many ways but s good if you use Google apps a lot.The Mozilla is a better solution in many ways not to be listed but with IE you are at home. The only problem being that your home is without roof and when it rains you get all wet. IE has more security holes than a sponge.The chrome does keep your information hidden somewhere, not sure if Google does collect it, to keep your search and actions more related to you. The threat is here as all you personal behavior are available for grab easily if some one knows how to get access to chrome data.
  10. Windows 7 now is itself a problem for me. I have three hard disks of which two are now rendered useless by the new OS. There seems to be too much in the new OS that one actually needs and there is no need for some. The platform is good but too much is being tried.I think after Vista failed these people at Microsoft got puzzled and have created more confusion than simplifying tasks.Since the launch of Office 2007 there seems to be a complete deviation from what is common to what is intuitive leaving behind an environment where you keep searching for the damn common things all over the place.No doubt the news that Microsoft is sacking 5000 of its workforce is just a step towards removing the morons from these nasty designs.
  11. Another newbie in the lost case.There is no money now in the online domain thanks to the global slow down. Omly money is gold hose prices seems to ever increase now.Just grab some now and sell later. Guaranteed profits.
  12. I think you format your drive fully by using another PC using Disk Manager. DM recognized ext3 partition and hence should not be a big problem for you.Also Track 0 bad sector can really hamper your chances of using the hard disk so check that also.There is no hope if track 0 is bad.
  13. Thats great news. I love GTA and there is a legacy going arround.Ever since GTA III came, I think there are more bad people in the gaming world then ever before.The good thing is that all your bad vibes are destroyed in the gaming world as you become more and more bad and better as a human in real life. I love it because it releases much of your daily stress so easily and leaves you fresh and feeling good after you win challenges.Now with GTA IV and the expansions it has become an addiction. I even spend lesser time with Xisto now.
  14. You may try the USB stick installation. Or even an external cd drive connected through USB. Or even an external Hard disk install will do. For further reading /legacy
  15. It totally depends on your network strength.Also the configuration is operator dependent.There is no problem with USB connection, the latest diver adds better features
  16. Look at the eyes and see if the person is trying to avoid eye contact or is staring at you. If there is love for you, it will show.Act as if you fell sick or physically hurt. See the response, if he/she shows love and care.Ask him/her about the things that are personal, once in a while and see how fast you get the reply. If the reply is fast enough he/she is possibly telling the truth and you have every reason to trust.
  17. Believe me or not, there are 99% of the people who say that they are happy most of the time and the truth is 99% of all people are not happy most of their day. Except moderators and some crazy bones most are here to sustain their sites and give an opportunity that their posts need not be posted for cents just login and stay you earn, you will find 99% takers. This is sure indication that only forced posts are made most of the time. No I am not blaming any one, Its human nature. How great if things are free. In fact now while typing this I am happy because I know that this post wll be counted for myCents and I will be rewarded. So I go on in the questto prove and say that I am too happy right now.But when I think that I have a lot to earn to sustain my site I feel sad.
  18. Already got too may replies here already so there is not much I can say. I do not come regularly. Only when I think that I am too much out of my mind and need to pour things out my head I head for Xisto. And when your mind is full you have a lot to speak about. There is no scope here for copy paste and so you need to type and your own words. And then a minimum of posts are needed to have enough my cents for your posts to count. There is however a rule that do not spam which means that you do not reply a one-liner most of the time, you may get banned. You need to have sensible texts of at least three lines to be treated as valid post for cents. So welcome again when you can contribute and not when you just spam.
  19. Boy, i envy the girl next building you are so eager to meet and talk. I only wish you have your first encounter and survive the shock to tell us your story. The only fate I think is disaster and depression. You are 15 and at 15 you have nothing of your own other than your adrenaline rush. And as you said no phone no car no movie not even alone. What you expect a fairy from your dreams to come out in your school or after school and pick both of you to a far far adventure of your lifetime and you two fall (fall badly hurt) in love with each other and live happily ever after (dream over in 20 minutes, time for tutions again, boy).Anyways an infatuation is a good thing as it makes one more mature and brings more meaning to ones life. We are not just animals that any partner or any number of partners is just ok with us, we need someone we can die for. And to say die for does not literally mean so but the desire to do anything and everything is a great feeling one can always feel great about.LOVE - one said is "Loss Of Vital Energy" and is, and actually can leave one insane and hopeless and suicidal. The same story repeats in every men and lesser women, who cannot control their feelings and character, end up in stories of frustration and lust.Scientists to psychologists to guardians failed to stop the adversities of LOVE and have no clues even when they were themselves tortured by this mental disease.
  20. Lets get realistic. I say I will pay you a million dollar and all you have to do is collect the money from moon - you know where. Damn stupid.Webmoney Z-purse is a site that just keeps your money and if you want to pay for any services then they charge a hefty price. Go to their official site and you will find that even the tutorials and simple information as to what is webmoney need to download a file or install a third party video payer. Another sucker software. wmtransfer.comAnd you are never paid in cash or cheque. WOW!!!.This just a waste of time and your bandwidth which you pay always.
  21. This is the next big blow on foreign troop policy that Obama might not have dreamt.During the campaign he promised to pull out the troops from Iraq and Afghanistan in a span of one and half years and now he faces the crisis situation of feeding more troops there. The latest attach in the Afgan territory shows that a planned action is taken up by the neighboring country to topple the US supremacy. The same repeated story that happened in mumbai india on the 26/11 is repeated in Kabul and all that is common between the two cases is the originating terrorist country.US is now strictly monitoring the situation and even go ahead with military action against the culprit country. This is not once but on numerous situation proved to the worlds at large that the country which is both neighbor to India and Afghanistan is the mastermind in the world terrorist activities and a breeding ground of evil people.In the name of religion these people are performing massacre and eviction and letting the society ruin.The commonness in the recent attack in Afghanistan to that of the Mumbai indecent and the link to the neighboring country now looks forward for strong reaction from the world community and to boycott everything that this terrorist nation has to offer and do. Let these evils perish in their doomed land.All the world people must not travel to this nation and not allow these evil people in their land as well - they must be immediately expelled. I strongly feel these people must be brought to justice by severe capital punishment.Coming to the point of adding more troops in Afghanistan the choice is limited. You need to save your men and to have a few people is suicide as they may be in great danger at all times. The militants are too many even if the US troops are fully equipped.To add to the problem the latest news that the US army is not able to keep trace of all the weapons that it provided to the Afghan solders shows that there has been enough corruption in the distribution of the weapons and now the US own people will have to suffer casualty and injuries from their own weapons which were meant to protect them.Obama now has very little choice left but to send fresh troops in to Afghan territory. Even though elections in Afghanistan and Iraq are over, the new government needs protection from civil and external terrorists. We must come in unison and post our views on this grave matter where our near and dear ones and our distant relatives all live a life in fear.
  22. These signatures are good enough but which software is used to create them?
  23. All the brands mentioned above are orth taking but the prices in local market is much cheaper
  24. Every education system globally gets outdated within a span of 5 years related to science and technology. Other systems that relate to basic education may not even change in 20 years.Any education system must thrive on the knowledge that comes and adds up to the already existing plethora.US education system may be one but that of the developing countries and the underdeveloped countries, the education system does not change even in 30 years for subjects that relate to technology. The reason given are lack of information and funds.United Nations has done a lot to establish good and fair knowledge among the developing and underdeveloped countries, by providing books and training to teachers.Schools and colleges are provided with funds to carry out tasks that boosts knowledge.
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