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Everything posted by darasen

  1. There really is not much to add to what Faulty Lee has posted. Great response Faulty, kudos to you. I will add though that since you asked about compatibility that both cards are equally compatible. This biggest issue in computability will be the OS. XP uses Direct X 9 whereas Vista uses Direct X 10. Some current games require DX 10 and thus Windows Vista. I believe, with out looking at the specs, that both cards support DX 10. The PCI express 2.0 specifications require 2.0 cards to backwards compatible to the previous version. As far as price to performance goes I would choose the 9600.
  2. I just wanted to point out that I thought this was funny. You mean to tell me if I google alienware sucks I just may find something negative? Shocking. Of course you'd also be likely to come up with some odd sort of x-files porn.
  3. darasen


    There are options of course. Your best bet is likely going to be to re-size the images though. The best to so do from what I am reading is to set up the images to re-size via a script in an image editing program that allows you to do so. Photoshop, for instance, has the ability to run scripts for many things. It is possible to have the application open re-size and save all of the images in a specified folder. Though it may take some time given the variables invovled it would be automatic. I am fairly certain there are other programs with this ability as well if Photoshop is not an option. In truth I really can not imagine why you would need a jpeg image of that size. The optimum resolution on a 30" Apple monitor is only 2560 x 1600 for example. If the image is at a high resolution for the sake of printing jpeg is not the ideal format. Regardless accepting that for what ever reason those visiting your site need a jpeg at this resolution you would likely be better off to provide a preview image and provide the fulll resolution images via download.
  4. I have been using Firefox for a couple months now. Thus far I have had no major issues with it. I have beenn at a couple pages where a script or the like caused it to lock up. I have seen a couple sites render oddly as well. Most importantly the only add on I care about works, Flash Blocker. Given I hate, disdain, abhor, and loathe Flash this is very important to me.
  5. Exactly what I'm saying Fire. In my comparison i left out the sentence stating the Winamp version I do use is nearly 10 years old because I have zero use for the additional crap. I STILL hate the default XP theme and always switch to classic being another example. Understand I actually went to college as an art/Graphic design major. Yet I have always been and remain a function first kind of person. When the two come together well like Apple has a habit of doing it pleases me. Of course this fusion of function and design does not often happen, mostly because "design" is a misunderstood term. I am going to have start an entire thread on the subject I think.
  6. Given IE 7 already exist does the world really need another resource hog web browser? I am far more impressed with any application that does exactly what it needs to do and nothing more. Sadly it seems the more flash any application has the less functional it is. For example I use Winamp to play MP3 files. Winamp version 2.5 to be precise. It has a play list, play and stop buttons, and a volume control. Do I really need anything else to listen to music while I do something else? No, I do not care about "recommendations" for some crap the company wants to push. (Really, why promote rap *gag* while I am listenong to Bach?) Nor do i need album covers or band pictures or videos or any other load of uselessness that has nothing to do with listening to a file. Similarly, looking at this browser is there any function added or just being flashy for the sake of so doing.
  7. I find it a bit odd that the OP states that his 10 MP is "good enough" but then goes on to indicate that film is better. Thus it seems logical that aquiring a better resolution is a good thing. Let's factor in digital photo manipulation as well. When manipulating images more pixels are always better, assuming your machine can handle it.
  8. Yes, you can use ADO to create an ODBC connection between an excel spreadsheet and MySQL. It may even be a bit easier to import the excel data into Access and then use the data connection and querying abilities of Access. Alternately you can export your Excel data to a CSV file and use the tools in MySQL to import the data file.
  9. Are you meaning Vista as in the photographic or artistic term of of a very wide shot of something like a land scape?
  10. Amazing cut and paste skills. :)I'd edit that to put it in quotes to avoid getting in trouble if I were you.
  11. Some how I missed this post when I really should have replied to it. First off I so not know exactly how the DB is being used or how it is currently set up. Nor Do I know how many users are on the DB a each location. Thus I will have make some generalizations. If your main office has a LAN and you are using an Access application over that LAN that is all well and good. Now your company has decided to open a new office though it seems that the technical considerations have not all been taken into account. That is less good. Commonly in these instances a company will use a high-speed internet provider and VPN to connect the two offices forming a pseudo LAN. I do not suggest trying to run an MS Access application with a standard client/server configuration using the JET engine over a VPN connection. While this may seem like an easy solution in my professional opinion it is a poor idea. For one the speed of the connection is going to be a major bottle neck. If, for example, you have a super fast internet connection at 10 mbps that is still going to be only a tenth of the transfer rate of a modern LAN. Thus take any transfer time from the current setup in your office, times that by ten and that is the response time the new office can expect. (Note: 10 mbps is being extremely generous and based on your description probably closer to 3 mbps or slower.) Another bad thing about using a VPN with the JET engine is that it simply is not designed to run that way. One of the weaknesses of the JET engine over a VPN idea is that in the event of a disconnect between the two offices during a data transfer the data will become corrupt. Hopefully that idea is out of play now. Now let us come up with some solutions. One of the first things that needs to take place is dumping the JET database engine. You do not need to do any as fancy as upgrading to MS SQL Server or Oracle or even MySQL. Your Office CD also has on it the rather useful MSDE (Microsoft Database Engine), or use MS SQL server Express; Both are free. The advantages, for your use, are going to be nearly the same as using the full scale SQL server with out the costs and with out the limitations inherent in the JET engine for VPN use. The way the more robust engine works will ease the strain of using a slower connection and eliminate the concerns for file corruption. You can still use the exact same Access front end as well. a small bit of easy coding and your application is set to go. Another possible solution depends greatly on how exactly your database and your business is set up. If location A deals with customers X,Y, and Z while Location A deals with A,B, and C and up to the minute data synchronization is not factor you have another option. You can run a separate database back end at both locations then merge the data when needed, possibly nightly or weekly. This is called replication and would require a bit more programming work. I have heard of people using Terminal Services to run Access over but I have no experience in so doing. Also, of course, you can convert the entire project to a web based application. Lastly if the information in the DB is important and your company takes itself seriously then hire a professional to set it up. I would be willing to bet that the chairs in the conference room cost more each than an hour of an Access developers time. I hope this information is useful to someone.
  12. It is possible that I am insane but, I do not keep any anti virus constantly running on my PC. In my experience they tend to use more overhead than I am willing to give up. Particularly on the low end machine I am currently using. Thing is I have never had a virus problem in my many years of computing. This may well be because I am bright enough to avoid the most common ways of getting them in the first place. I think actively running programs of that sort are mostly useful to those who do not know better than to do things like click the pop up that claims you have a virus and need to click it's links to fix it, ironically causing tons of trouble. Using web mail helps as well given I never actually download my mail or any attachments. None the less I need to install a new active anti-Virus on my fathers PC as he tends to NOT avoid doing things to get his PC infected. In his defense he is 66 years old.
  13. Sounds like a great idea if you live in the world of the Jetsons. However we live in the real worl where such things simply are not practical at all. Think about some of the obvious complications. What happens when your car breaks down? The sudden plummet to Earth is going to be a bad thing when something goes wrong mechanically. How do you stop? I am unaware of any air vehicle that can slam on the brakes when someone pulls in front of them. Speaking of pulling in front of people I see too many drivers that can barely keep track of other vehicles in 2 dimensions, adding a third would be a disaster. This are just a couple issues the scientific ines not withstanding. How come floating cars in fiction never have anything providing lift?
  14. Coding a lay-out is not that difficult. Making one that does not look like a thousand others or look like pure poo is another matter entirely. Once more the term programmer and designer are not interchangeable.
  15. If you do not hear any beeps from the mother board be aware that some manufacturers such as Dell use diagnostic lights on the back panel to inform users of boot errors. Your owners manual will have a description of what the lights mean if this is the case.
  16. I signed up at DomainLagoon for out of curiosity and I was a tad bored. I used a real email address and everything. (A yahoo account I keep for the sake of places I know will spam me to death.) I did one of the "offers" and after a week the points never showed on my account. Thus from my very small experience I would say don't bother with it.
  17. I am not trying to be negative, really I am not. But. Let me see if I get this straight. This site expects some one to go to unsecured page then put in their FTP, their username and their password? I can't possibly be the only person to file this under bad idea.
  18. I would say a 7 out of 10. Many of the results are simply there because someone went through the trouble of making sure a certain page had a lot of links to it. Google ranking should be secondary to usefulness of a site but it is not. That is a bad trend and the Google method of ordering results is the culprit.
  19. Of course the software it self is not illegal, at least in the U.S. Violating copyright laws is illegal. However. if the company is somehow encouraging the use their software for questionable activities then they may be deemed liable. I believe this was the issue with Napster. I like the cassette argument as I have heard and made it myself before. I actually remember reading somewhere that there was resistance to cassettes being able to record from the radio by record companies at one point as well. I believe there was a similair argument for VCR tapes as well. I will see if I can find a cite for that. While I do not support copyright infringement at all I do believe that the record industry seems to trying to run on an outdated model for the most part. I also have to laugh when I hear record companies complain about declining sales and instantly blame the internet with out ever wondering if maybe their product just happens to suck. I think much of the sales loss can be attributed to the latter.
  20. I have the occasion to use a program called Undelete plus. It worked well enough for my needs. You can find it at Softpedia. I would be curious to know what software this was as well.
  21. This question is a bit unclear nor do I have any idea what the DB actually looks like, but I will try to answer as best I can. If you wish to add data to a "blank" field you are going to need to set up a conditional statement on the applications UI or a where clause in your SQL statement. Dependent upon what exactly it is you are trying to accomplish. Keep in mind the difference between a NULL value and value that is entered as a blank string or the like. If you are creating a new row for the table then INSERT will do the trick. Based on your description I would drop "the 1 table" altogether. A sum is a calculated value. You never want to include a calculated value in your DB design.
  22. To add to the useless trivia here I will at that the 80's sitcom "Benson" was the first TV show to have characters use the internet. That was 1985 I believe. I do find it humorous that some posters seem to think that a URL equates to a website. Remember the internet was around before the web.
  23. The investment that would need to make to develop and promote an OS of their own would be too prohibitive. Sure they promote open sourcer software but it typically developed outside of Google.
  24. Uhm.. I am going to go out on a limb and make the assumption if you read such a thing it was in the weekly world news next to the article about the lady who gave birth to Godzilla's love child. Sorry there is absolutely positively zero science whatsoever involved in astrology. Let's look at the facts for a moment. Selecting the first constellation that comes to mind is Taurus. The nearest star in Taurus is about 45 light years away. The brightest is 65 light years away and the fourth brightest is 417 light years away. For the sake of example I will use the closest star 10 Tauri at 45 light years away. Also to simplify lets us pretend the star in question is on a flat flat plane with that of out solar system, (it isn't). So the star is 45 light years from ours the Sun. That comes out to 425,732,871,266,136 Kilometers. Next lets look at Earth. Out planet is about 149,597,870,691 kilometers from the sun. We can round that up to a tidy 150 million. Since we are pretending that earths orbital plane and and 10 Tauri line up that gives us a maximum variance of 300 million Km. So if you do the math Earth would only vary in distance from 10 Tauri less than 1 one-millionth of the total distance. By comparison saying the tiny distance variance between the two bodies is very much like trying to read a sign 1 kilometer away then moving 1 millimeter closer to see better. This of course completely ignores the silliness of things like "brain waves" and is just to point out that our movement in the universe is really insignificant.
  25. Know what OS you are running woulod go a long way in helping to answer this question. Once more the OS is unknown. In any version of windows there is the option to defrag a disk.
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