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Everything posted by darasen

  1. The font and the glow together make the letters nearly unreadable. The font itself changes the normal letter shapes a bit. A glow effect also changes the letter shape a bit. The cumulative effect makes readability a task. The typeface's color on the last two with the dark and blurred background simply do not work. If the jpg compression is causing headaches consider saving the images as PNG files.
  2. This is interesting news indeed. I do understand why Aplle made the deal with Intel. The power PC chips were under-performing for one. Another advantage of the Intel macs is the ability to use BootCamp and run Windows on them if you must. I do not see them switching from the Intel chips in the near future. Apple is just now getting all those who make Mac software to make it Intel native. Another chip switch so soon after the Intel one could well discourage many potential and current Mac users. I am willing to bet that the goal of Apple is for chips for other products such as iPhones and iTV's. Perhaps they are looking for more powerful component chips as well for things like Bios chips and graphics processors.
  3. The Utorrent software in of itself is free to download. The search feature in the program links to websites known to catalouge torrents for material that infringes ion copyright laws. You can;t pay someone to share something that is not theirs to share in the first place. Utorrent is good program for torrents. I use it to download and play with various distributions of Linux.
  4. I prefer the Wii simply because it is the most fun. Sure the 360 may have a thousand first person shooters but, is that really a distinction? For my taste fun makes a game not graphics.
  5. An interesting though with some flaws however. Look at the other side of the equation. Part of a 911 operators job includes determining the actual issue if possible, keeping people calm, talking people through helping with whatever when possible. All tasks that aren't really plausible via texting.911 gets many bogus and just plain dumb calls. For example one guy called 911 because his condom broke and he wanted a doctor. had he simply text 'need doctor' should the resources of an ambulance be sent? 911 also dispatches and officer to disconnected 911 calls. This results in more time wasted for the officers than it does chances to help. A panic button would be hit so frequently the authorities would spend far too much time chasing false alarms. I know enough officers to confirm this.
  6. There are some interesting post in this thread thus far. Of course there is no such thing as "free" energy. The laws of physics simply do not allow for it. I thought trying to compare a cow to a machine of sort was interesting though flawed by the fact that a large organism like a cow is massively more complex than any machine mankind has built. To add my bit to the discussion I believe we will not get close to endless energy unitil we have a stronger understanding of Quantum Physics.
  7. I just had to respond to this. I mean how dare a company actually want to "force" some one to pay for their product. Darn Reece's for forcing me into buying peanutbutter cups instead of giving them to me. And darn it all why doesn't Ford just give me the Mustang GT I deserve? Just thought I would add a private server is a huge and I mean HUGE security risk to your pc.
  8. I guess this thread is still alive. thus I will answer with DungeonRunners. the game is free with a small paying option as well $5. The non subscriber is not really that limited so the game remains fun regardless. It does not take itself too seriously and some of the voice over work will make you laugh.
  9. Perhaps this is the same poster I just replied to. The auto increment will not go back and fill in blank numbers from deletion. this is for a VERY good reason. One being that the number is still in use tucked away in the hidden system tables of the RDBMS. If it is important that your auto increment numbers are all sequential, especially if it's your primary key, then your data model and/or programming flat out stink. Believe me when i say the people that developed the RDBMS in the first place know what they are doing. This behavior is normal and preferred. Thsi auto number also holds things like user id and timestamps with those id's that are supposed to remain unique for good reasons.
  10. I do not know what RDBMS you are using or how the DB in question is being used so there may be a couple reasons. One is that your RDBMS just might do auto increment like that. at Siebel our records were auto incrimented by some formula I forget that ended with the millisecond. Of course systems do not repeat numbers even if the the record that previously had that number was deleted.
  11. Here are just a couple fo thoughts from the top of head after reading your post. I am not actually surprised that you can achieve better results in a 3D application than 2D. Consider that in your games they are taking much of the work off the CPU and passing it to the GPU. 2D does not do this. Flash apps. Assuming you are running your flash apps through a browser, do you get the same poor performance on different browsers or do you just use 1 browser so do not know? Consider clearing your cache as this may help. Also consider trying in another browser if you have not. Myself, I like stupid flash games like those on addicting games. I use Firefox with Flashblock installed. I only activate the the flash frame containing the game as there are SO many ads and the like if flashblock is off the game is nearly unplayable sometimes. (In fairness to addictinggames.com they are better than other sites when it comes to advertisment glut.) Older games running slow does seem a bit odd but, is not horrifically uncommon due to XP's poor DOS emulation. Try setting up a compatibility mode shortcut for the game. Additonaly there is software such as DosBox that should allow you to run those games better. Darasen
  12. At the risk of sounding offensive you have been watching too much TV. The only input device readily available for a PC would be a microphone thus limiting you to voice analysis which is unreliable. Voice analysis can be read wrong for a number of reasons such as accents or having a sore throat. Voice can be fooled easily as well. Worse than not picking up lies from voice is the issue of statement being falsely identified as untrue. this applies to both VSA and LVA. An actual polygraph detector operator had to go through several months of training to operate one reliably. The detector does not just print out truth or lie. the results have to be read and analyzed. In other words it would be equally reliable to use a magic 8 ball.
  13. While not "free" MS Access can link to any ODBC database. I mention it as you may already have it if you have the correct version of office. Similairly I am uncertain as to the abilities of the DB in Open Office Base, but you may have similar capabilities. Of course there are dozens of ways to make a program to look at your Db and pass queries to your RDBMS. Any web programming language, Java and, MS has their free express versions of VB, C++, C#, etc.
  14. Some suggestions for the old machine. 64 MB is not much ram at all as you well know. Luckily you can get older ram really cheap. You could easily up it to 128 mb I am guessing for around $20 or less. Since you doing nothing with the old box it seems like a great time to really jump into Linux with both feet: Install Slackware. Aside from compiling your own kernel it is probably the the most PC friendly Linux option. Conversely it is one of the less user friendly version of Linux. The install is menu driven not GUI but allows you total control over the install process. It has no package manager by default so you get to learn how to do your own installs. Last I checked it does not launch into a 'desktop' by default. To me the barebones approach to distribution takes is a lot of fun to work with and tweak to my liking. It also is very resource friendly. (Disclaimer: I did know Unix and professionally supported mainframe systems before)
  15. Since we are addressing this issue I will ad in a bit. Some wireless cards use thier own connectiing software beyond the Windows utility. My linksys, for example, has its own connection utility. Thusly it may connect to the internet with out the windows wireless icon showing anything. More often though the Linksys will state that it is connected to the access point but not the internet though the Windows icon shows full connectivity and I am able to access the internet. The morale of the story is that tyou may have more than than one utily doing the same thing and they may not report the same.
  16. My apologies for the delayed response. The Compact and Repair utility is under tools the the Access menu. Access keeps sevral system tables in each DB that are hidden by default. One of these tables stores object level permissions. Thre system tables can get a bit wonky sometimes and need repaired. I am operating under the assumption that the DB is likely to have a mdw file as well given that it dies seem to have security enabled. The default location for this file is the same directory as the mdb file. Lastly you can certainly use VB to access an Access DB. You will, however, still need to have the database's username and password.
  17. The best thing to do is to re-install the OS entirely. Switching to Linux can add new life to old machines as pointed out. Though going that route I suggest KDE over Gnome for the desktop. Deleting a bloated pagefile.sys can be helpful as well.
  18. To an extent I agree with the OP. I know many people that would rather play a game like WoW than sit down play a pen and paper RPG. Look at a place like deviant art where 95% or more of everything is some deviant of Manga, looks like crap is is void of originality. It seems to me that far too many people are losing their imaginations. They simply expect to fed everything via a screen.
  19. Use the repair functionality of your XP disk to repair the OS. Simply launch from the disk when prompted then select the repair option. The on screen instructions should be able to guide you through the process.
  20. I just had to respond to this as it seems your class failed you miserably. As an Access developer I have made applications in Access for several companies that are used for mission critical tasks and data. Access can be used as a Client server system with multiple concurrent users as well. With same VBA Access also makes a nice RAD tool. Though I have used Access as a back end for ASP pages as well it is better suited for desktop applications use.
  21. From the information I have there are a couple of possibilities. Since the description sounds as if you are able to actually open the database in Access and see the objects but not view the objectys you may well have a corrupt DB. The Access repair tool may well resolve your issue. Or In Access you can set permissions for the database allowing various user levels with various levels of access to add or manipulate the data or design. When this is done a separate file with an MDW extension is created. This file is the Workgroup file. It seems that you have the MDB file available to you but not the MDW file. What you will need is either to get hte MDW file and a Username and Password for it. You can read all about Access security from Microsoft.
  22. DBA's make good money. When just working on Access applications (the low end) $40 -$50 USD is normal.
  23. [\I do not think that there is a society in the world that does not have some claim on having the answer to all health care issues from a some form(s) of plant life. Narmally the plant in question is decently effective anti-fungal or anti-bacterial. Add a dash of the placebo effect and you have the miracle leaf.
  24. Odd direction for an aliens topic. There may or not mat not be forms of extraterrestrial life. I do not believe it is possible that any "aliens" to have ever visited Earth. Lets face it Earth is a rather insignificant rock circling a rather insignificant star on the out skirts or a rather ordinary galaxy. I do believe in the "Rare Earth" theory that basically Earth has a very rare set of circumstances that allow it to maintain life. For Aliens to have ever visited Earth they would have to stumble across it accidentally or be looking for life. Both would be very unlikely to ever happen. Earths footprint, if you will, in the universe is comparable to a single molecule on the entirety of earth. This finding Earth is is nigh impossible. Let us factor in that nothing larger that a particle can travel faster than light. Allow me add that there is NO biblical precedent on way or the other. The Bible is all about Gods love for mankind and mans fall and redemption through Jesus. That is the purpose of the book. I believe the 66 books of protestant cannon to be the inspired inerrant Word of God. But I understand it is written for the aforementioned purpose. It says nothing about extraterrestrial life in the same wayt it says nothing about particle physics or hamster care because it has no bearing on salvation.
  25. I am sorry but I had to LOL at this line. Exactly how do you think desks were used in the centuries preceding the PC ?
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