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Everything posted by darasen

  1. This CAN be done without using users and groups, but, there is no reason not to. The security tools in Access are tried and proven to work leaving no reason to re-invent the wheel. If you have troubles using the tools provided in the application the help files are well written and support.microsoft.com is a wonderful resource. Of course if you have specific questions we can help you here as well. Taking a small risk at offense: if the tools Access provides for securing a database are a bit beyond a designers understanding then creating effective security on his own is well beyond it.
  2. Exactly, It seems the only confused one was the OP. He seems not not understand that a bad sector is a physical fault within the drive.
  3. You make something vague enough and generally people will make the link to whatever it is and themselves. This is a common trick among con artist. Case in point. There was a show on TV (sci-Fi channel maybe) a while back where some guy allegedly spoke to the crowds dearly departed. The guy was almost funny to watch as he was so vague someone in the audience was bound to think he was talking about them. From there he he simply gave vague hints and then audience filled in all the details and still thought somehow he was in contact with the dead. Unrelated Stry: When my wife was pregnant we ate at Chinese restaurant where she opened an empty fortune cookie. She is not superstitious in the least but odd things can affect a pregnant woman.
  4. For me playing games is all about fun. Sure the PS3 has great graphics and all that but the games are really the same games from the last several years with better graphics. The Wii, on the other hand, is just plain fun. Nintendo managed to figure out that game play was the most important thing for many players. They succeeded as well by attracting the non-console crowd to a console system. As for more tradition shoot em' up games or what have you I honestly think the PS2 is a great option. For one you can get one for about a quarter of the price of a PS3 or 360. Additionally there is an absolutely huge catalog of games availible and many of them or rather inexpensive. This is especially true if you add in the ability to play PS1 games on it. Sure they may be old but some of them are still fun. Certainly the PS3 is newer but the PS2 seems to be far from dead. One can still purchase a new unit and the system is still getting new titles made for it.
  5. More proof of how the U.N continues to wallow in their own uselessness. The"Human Rights Council" is an absolute joke. It is kind of like asking a cockroach and a mouse for pest control tips.
  6. Just for future reference they do mean the same thing the difference lies in where the code is being executed. With PHP the code is being ran by the server hence the server is the local host. With Java the code is being executed client side thus localhost is going to be the users machine.
  7. Isn't asking for a 3D text game like asking for a two dimensional cube? The closest I can think of would be a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book. It's text based and your imagination is in three dimensions.
  8. I just got done cleaning a similar virus from my fathers PC yesterday. Your best bet is to be certain that your definitions are up to date and run a full scan. Additionally run a program like Adaware or AVG offers their product free for a month. After that run Hijack This and post the log on their board.
  9. I have not looked at this deeply just yet nor am I a Java expert. That said it looks as if the program is trying to query the DB using the ID as the criteria. The problem seems to be that the program is passing the ID paramter as a string when the ID field in the DB is not a string. Thus strRownum needs to be an integer. Hope that helps.
  10. Warning this is completely off the top of my head. It seems you could select several videos that meet your requirements and then place the embed information from you tube into an array. Then you could make a script to select a videos information from the array and display that one one your page. Sounds simple anyway.
  11. The point may simply to be to push the boundaries on the the software and its use of VBA. You can learn a lot from pushing something as far it may go. Interestingly this goes for people as well i.e. military basic training.
  12. Yes the thousand figure is United States currency. I don't think it's a very large sum. Consider that when I lived in Washington D.C. working for a contracting company I was paid from thirty-five (the bare minimum) to fifty dollars hourly. Add to my salary what ever the contacting company was charging the organization and a mere thousand is a minor drop. Currently where I am for my freelance work I charge a minimum of twenty-five dollars hourly. Thus one-thousand is merely forty billed hours at the minimum rate. I have zero interest whatsoever in doing small piecemeal work like fixing a form or doing work for small "mom and pop" locations. To me such work is much like fixing peoples home PCs, an experience I have desire to repeat. Often what most end users think of as a simple tasks is far more complex. For example I frequently hear from prospective clients that just want to add a couple pieces of information to what they already keep track of. This, of course, would require more just modifying a form. Once you get involved in a database back end that you have not created you are apt to find a myriad of breaks from normal form. I never want to have to go back to a client to tell them the job is going to cost far more than they thought. The customer will think that I am trying to cheat them or gouge them in some way. The client will be unlikely to accept that what they have now is broken, in their minds it works fine. Sure it runs slow because they are storing calculated values and they have to reboot the back end machine a couple times a week for what ever reason, it works just fine in the clients eye. I have seen it happen and I want no part of that scenario. Another thing that happens is when a client wants a small fix to something that goes normally and a week later the server drops dead. Of course whatever you did was the cause, regardless of how incredibly impossible it is. It is along the lines of when I worked a second job doing hone support at A O Hell. (hey, it was my pre-programmer days and I had a hospital ridden pregnant wife.) We received all sorts of calls from people blaming the software for things that it could in no way affect. Most the time they were trying to run XP on 256 MB of ram in the first place. I had one guy who claimed that the software made his monitor smoke (no kidding) and another that stated that since he installed it he had to unplug his PC to to power it off. These are the types of things I have no desire to cope with. I only want to work with professionals that understand they are hiring a professional to do a professional job. When a manager asks if something is expensive I may ask him or what kind of vehicle they drive. Typically it is a higher end vehicle and they will state that it is worth the extra money it costs. Does my approach limit my work? Absolutely, but I do not honestly care. I am not out to get rich or to have to have to work 60 hour weeks to keep up. Sometimes it is feast or famine. If I have a month or so with out a new client I use that wonderful time to do the things I enjoy more. One of my goals is to be able to do my IT thing half a year and paint the other half. I work to live not live to work.
  13. If all illegal immigrants simply wanted to come to the U.S. to get jobs and support thier families that would be a good thing. However, the truth is another thing altogether. They come here to use our schools for one. Taking advantage of schooling that they in no way pay for. The majority of schools are not funded by sales taxes. Sales taxes are the only taxes you safely say that illegal immigrants pay. (There are also alcohol and tobacco taxes of course.) Currently there are over 4 million illegal immigrants in US schools costing about 124 billion dollars since 1996. Overall there has been an estimated 397 billion spent on social services for illegals since 1996. This includes things like Medicaid food stamps and welfare. There are currently 365 thousand illegals in our prisons and another 679 thousand illegals who also happen to be fugitives for other crimes besides being here illegally. The cost of imprisoning the illegals exceeds a billion dollars. So no illegal immigration is not helping this country it is hurting it and costing billions of dollars. One report stes that California alone spends 10.5 billion dollars a year on illegals. So please do not ell me that Illegal immigrants simply come to the US to help their children as it is simply untrue.
  14. Sorry but the Earth is Not moving away from the sun at an exponential rate. I would be curious to see a cite on that. The Earth mves from the sun at about 1.5cm annually. Space xploration has led to many inventions and improvements. Thus it should continue.
  15. Given he is asking about an inTRAnet site I am assuming that he needs this for a smaller group, likely work related. In which case any XP machine can run IIS and to serve the pages and provide all the connectivity to the DB needed. I set up a similar system for a support department at Siebel Systems several years ago.
  16. Hello Balkanite and welcome to the Xisto forums. From your problem description there seems to either be either a small mix up of terminology or an incomplete problem description. Since what you are asking can be approached in more than one way I will try to cover them. Forms made within the Access application will only run in Access. Access does allow, however, you to create data access pages or to save forms as data access pages that can be used on websites. Note that they will only run in Internet Explorer as they use IE specific dynamic HTML. Also the connection string on them has to be modified as the default is of the c:\folder... variety instead of //server/folder... Remember that though access can technically support 255 connections the reality is far far less. Data access pages also have the limitation of having no scalability. Thus if you decide to move to a more robust method everything has to be re-created. In truth though I work professionally developing for Access I have never used data access pages extensively as I find there are better solutions. Given that you wish to be able to access the database via an intranet site I am going to assume you would like the data to be availible to multiple simultaneous users. There is always the option of splitting the database in a front end for all the user forms and reports and a back end for the data. Then you only need to distribute the front end to whomever needs to access the data. While this does require far more coding than selecting save as data access page the client server model is effective and stable. Also should you need to move the data from Access to something like MS SQLServer the transistion is simple. Simply change the connection string on the front end, (assuming the same data structure has been kept).For web page options any language that uses ODBC can connect to an Access database. Thus ASP ASP.net PHP and JSP can all be used. Don' t store a DB or web apges on a USB drive. That is only asking for problems. I hope this borderline dissertation has been helpful in some way. Let me know of there specific questions you need answers to.
  17. I see this is a truly old post. None the less Since the Feedbacker (whatever that is) has decided to raise this zombie of a post I thought I may as well add some insight. No he was talking about Visual Basic for Applications. It is close but not quite VB. Features put in with VBA will only function in Office. VBA is not a fully compiled language like C++ or even VB. Nor is ti a scripted language like HTML or JavaScript. Instead it is compiled on load. So when a document with VBA coding is opened it is at that point that the VBA is compiled. Thus the only application that will use the VBA coding is the only one that can compile the code in question MS Office. Access works slightly differently.
  18. In the case of WoW it is completely disallowed by the End User License Agreement. Furthermore the legality is highly questionable as the severs are reverse engineering code that is not theirs in the first place infringing on the copyrights of the creators. Thus if you are taking their efforts to make your own server you are most certainly stealing from them.
  19. Interesting topic here, thought I would throw in some of my experience on the subject. I work independently developing databases, database applications and MS Access applications. I do the entire process from the data modeling, assuring the database server is set up properly and ensuring the application and database sync properly. I work very differently though. For one, my clients come to me and typically with a specific need. When a potential client contacts me I get a rough idea of what it is that they need and how serious they are about having it fulfilled. If they are not ready to invest a minimum of a thousand dollars on the project I am not interested as they are not serious. For example, one contact wanted to have a database with an Access front end and detached record sets. They thought it could be done for less than five-hundred. Never mind that they did not even have a server to house the DB. Another thing I do is to meet with the clients in person. One of my strengths is business analysis. Speaking with multiple people in person I am able to find out precise what they are looking for and what they need. Clients will sometimes have an idea based on incomplete information or with out looking at how exactly the data they have now is being used. I can learn far more about a company's process watching some one work than I can speaking to their supervisor. Dealing a bit with the main users helps in that I know what they need and want from an application. Thus I am able to increase overall client satisfaction with an application as well as reducing resistance inherit in any new application or process. This communication is carried on throughout the development process. When the analysis is done I draw up a plan for the decision makers. I make as sure that I can that potential expenses are all plotted out. This includes any work that or equipment that needs to be done beyond my scope of involvement. If the client wants an SQLServer back end it is entirely up to the client and what ever department of their corporation handles such things. This I do to keep everyones toes from being stepped on, making my life easier. I also like to point out what of the cost is my actual pay and what they are paying for things beyond my control that they would need to pay to complete the project regardless of who is involved. Mant of the project i get contacted on are strictly Access application to allow the project to be restricted to a single department with out involving Finance for requisitions or IT (too much) for a variety of reasons. When I know that the client wants me they pay a predetermined amount up front assuring we are both in to the project. Then I develop the product, usually off site, staying in contact with the client. I always put a time for on site testing into the scheduled completion time. At this point the supervisor has determined who is going to be in the Beta. As they work with project I am able to make modifications and any bug fixes as needed. Once more listening closely to those who will be the primary users of the application. Once we are happy with the state of the application it rolls out to everyone. I am availible to be on site for this process and answer questions as needed. I have been asked to perform training sessions as well. A long winded post but I wanted to give an outline of how I work.
  20. I always get a kick out of topics like this when someone posts that they have an idea for a really complicated program yet have no actual skills whatsoever. Then they start a thread to say they want someone lese to program a game for them and someone to make all the graphics for them. Similarly I have seem threads, especially on DBforums, where people make posts asking folks to do free software work for them from professionals who charge 50+ dollars an hour.
  21. At the login screen the default is going to be for the machine to log on to the domain. Clicking the options button should reveal the "Log on to" option. From this field select the local machine, assuming you have an ID for the local machine that is. Given your statements that the Pc has your fathers work information and that it typically connects to a domain I am going to assume that the PC is from his work. Thusly the IT dept or whoever should be able to supply said ID. If it logs into a domain it has XP pro.
  22. Per Microsoft the bare minimum specs for Vista are as follows. Bare minimum in Microsoft parlance means that the PC will start, eventually. Realistically Vista will not run with the aforementioned specs.
  23. darasen

    E-mail - Firefox

    I avoid MSN thus I may be speaking from my posterior here. That said MSN may have a preferences page somewhere with a setting allowing the change you seek. Otherwise I am not surprised in the least that a Microsoft product would only want to use a Microsoft product.
  24. At the risk of nit picking a bit is either a 1 or a 0.
  25. Actually there is the futures market and it most definitely influenced by public perception of price. Vujsa, I agree with you. Interestingly you use the word recession in your post a word many media outlets have been throwing around for some time, regardless of the fact the economy has failed to shrink or recede as it were. Yet, ask many people if the U.S. is experiencing a recession and they will say yes because that is what they have been told. Don't even get me started with idiocy of the press releasing classified information when it suits their agenda. I have said many times that if we had the press we do now in the forties we would not have won World War Two. The irony is that many of those in the media insist that they have no agendas or push no positions they simply tell the truth straight down the middle.
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