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Everything posted by joeblogg

  1. its not being racist its just protecting the usa's borders from terrorists and other unwanted people. just fill in the ******* form and if they don't approve you then chop all your fingers of and throw yourself off a cliff or just apply for british citizenship or australian or whatever!
  2. i hate parents who control everything! my personal view is that the ALP ****heads are idiots. i personally hate gays and don't have any muslim friends. but those are your views and whether your parents or other people don't agree with you then they have no right to control you. i think you should be able to do whatever you want to do. if you like the ALP then thats your choise (even though its a bad one!) and if you don't mind gays and stuff then thats your own choise and don't let your parents control you. its your life!
  3. yeah i way agree. i like playing rugby and getting active but still in my spare time i always like to get onto the computer: its relaxing and interesting - you never know what you're going to learn next from the internet. i know someone whos parents are really strict when it comes to using the tv and computer. he can't use his computer during the week and cant use it in his bedroom. he also can't watch much tv. i mean my parents wanted me to watch tv! even though they mainly wanted me to watch the news; its still tv right? like using the computer 10 hours a day or something is ridiculous even numbers much less than that can be dangerous but getting on for a few hours when you got nothing to do is great.
  4. i had to do that a few times but i use a portable hard drive to back up my stuff so i just put everything back on. i still had to re instal the programs but i don't have many programs on my pc just thmese and cursors and stuff so it only took me the best part of an hour.
  5. i have a website joeblogg.net23.net i was wondering if anyone would want to pay me a really small amount of money for me to put a link to their site or an adveritsement. i would charge really little or maybe free of charge if you put a link or ad to my site joeblogg.net23.net on your site.
  6. i think the best way is to target individual companies and ask them if they want ads in your software. like for example as google or yahoo or something if they want their toolbar to be part of the download. you know when you download some freeware they say do you want to download google toolbar? approach goole and yahoo and stuff. you can also ask any website really if they want an add on your software. you could even ask Xisto if they wanted an add in your software for some hosting credits or something. there is no limits really just ask anywebsite or company on the internet and i'm sure they wouldn't mind paying a few bucks for an add on your program. good luck finding ads.
  7. do you prefere friends or two and a half men?i love them both but i would have to go with friends. friends is one of my favorite tv shows.friends all the way!
  8. family guy is my choise. its more naughty than the simpsons!
  9. thanks man i didn't know that you could make money from youtube. i still don't fully get it though lol.
  10. sounds interesting but i don't think i would trust them. i'll give it a shot anyways later because currently it doesn't seem to work on my computer.
  11. lol. nice site i was surprised by how professional it looked. just one question: has anyone actually given you any money yet?i noticed your site does have ads so that might give you a little bit of money.
  12. of course global warming is a lie. what proof do they have that it is true. i don't see anything happening to our world. the sea levels aren't rising and the temperature is the same. its pretty obvious its just that environmentalists just use this as an excuse so that we will stop using cars and stuff. and what are we went to do about it? were not going to stop driving cars and no one leaves all the lights on in their house all day anyway.
  13. you need a pretty fast computer to run cod 4. its really anoying cos it lags a bit on my computer even though my computer is fast for other games including the other cods.
  14. any game is better on pc. its way easier to play. but cod 4 has great graphics so you would need a good computer for it. if you got a fast computer cod 4 is the best. when i got it i couldn't stop playing it. it had a little bit of trouble starting up though. but after that it was great.
  15. just be confident. get out there and play sport with the popular kids, hang out with them at lunch and after school and try and quit nerdy hobbies like stamp collecting and don't read text books during lunch. dress appropiately stay of crack and you should do just fine.
  16. who thinks you would have to be crazy to want to have a snake as a pet? i personally think so but how about everyone else?
  17. i guess i'm with the minority because i think they don't. i don't think animals are intelligent enough to. well they can't speak or anything so why should they dream?
  18. i dont like people who are cruel to animals. i mean whats the point? its not fun and its just being cruel. especially people who are cruel to animals that have nothing to gain from it. some people just couldn't care less but others just do it becuase they like hurting animals. thats worse but any cruelty to animals is bad. i think they should be regected from society.
  19. you haven't mentioned gom player and vlc. they are great players as well but aren't as useful as realplayer. they don't have a library or burn or rip functions they are just great at player the video.
  20. real player is by far the best. media player and i tunes and quicktime are so hard to use. real player is simple and effective. i always use realplayer.
  21. joeblogg

    I Hate School!

    i agree with you. school is so anoying, they give you so much homework and assignments and continuously give you assesments. the teachers have no life so they can't teach you anything interesting and i'm not sure if they realise but the students don't actually listen to the teachers.
  22. i hate smokers too. i don't mind them smoking in private in their own house or sometihng but smoking in public is so anoying. it smells horrible and most people don't want it. can't they just do it in private!
  23. i couldn't believe it myself for a little while. everyone was just so shocked. everyone was just like really sad.
  24. what is the best australian sport. i think it is rugby!
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