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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. I don't really see anything good about this. It's not like porn sites are going to abandon .com domains and move to .xxx.

    Yeah, I can't see that many of them dropping .com unless they're legally obliged to and in a lot of cases, they'll just move to servers in countries that don't have these sort of laws in place.

  2. I first started out like 6 years ago when i was in junior high, I did the rookie thing and used lots of frames. Then I moved into tables, and I'm still a huge fan of them. I remember when everyone used tables for everything. I havent done much designing in the past 3 years or so though, so I didn't break too much into using CSS to control layouts. Apparently thats the thing to do now, so I guess I'll have to learn. Theres seems to be a huge arguement over whats better. I still think tables are safer for browser compatability, which makes me tend to stick with them.Then asside from the HTML stuff I experimented a lot this year and learned javascript, asp (VBscript), and perl. So I'm definitely starting to incorporate those. More perl than anything. Recently I made a tool to randomly assign party jobs for my fraternity. It also lets you make specific assignments before the script runs. I'm also trying to write my own scripts for everything like form mail, and banner rotation etc instead of using the free ones online, so I learn more that way.

    Did this guy just straight out copy 21inches post or is there something screwy going on with the board? Because the post that's at the top of page 1 is also at the top of page 2 and I saw a similar thing happen in another thread.
    If it's a copy, for shame. :D
    As for the question, I've been doing all XHTML & CSS design (no tables) for the last couple of years. As a couple of people have mentioned, CSSZenGarden is the perfect example of the power of CSS. I actually submitted a design to it last year but unfortunately, you can't see what it looks like anymore because my submission's got bad links to my images/CSS files which means all you get is a plain white page with some text on it. :D

  3. The w3c doesn't really like putting tables inside tables, and it works better in most browsers to use rowspan and colspan instead.

    The W3C doesn't like the use of tables for presentation at all.
    You'd be better off doing:

    <div id="main"><div id="right">ContentContentContentContentContentContent</div></div>#right {float: right;}
    Or if you have to use a table, do the same as above but apply the id to the internal table so it's still floating right. Then you can use other CSS to play around with the padding/margins etc to get it exactly where you want.

  4. In Firefox it probably looks different so try making it cross-browser compatible and think about what browsers the majority of your visitors will be using


    Well, Firefox users make up part of that majority. The only users I think you can safely ignore these days are people using 4.x browsers. But, yes, you should aim at making your site work in at least IE & a Mozilla-based browser.

    I think your design is pretty good - nice & neat. My only criticism would be I think the text of Lime Light doesn't contrast well enough with the background.

  5. Windows Media Player is also able to save Playlist in several formats...Simply by clicking File and point to "Save Now Playing List As..."

    You quoted the wrong person. And WMP only exports as playlist files (.wpl, .m3u). Sometimes it's handy to have that info in a text-based format.

  6. Well I initially thought she's been extremely hard done by and all the evidence that we've had access to in Oz seems to point to the baggage handler theory. But there's been a lot of stuff coming to light lately that kinda waters down some of the arguments for her case, one being that you wouldn't take marijuana to Bali - unless of course, it's the high-grade hydro that's grown here and not the sort of stuff grown in Indonesia. I'm sure more & more stuff is going to come out in coming weeks.If it turns out she did it, then while I do think 20 years or worse for smuggling marijuana is a ridiculous sentence, I do appreciate that SE Asian countries have a different on the matter. If she didn't do it, then I maintain the way I feel at the moment in that it's a terrible tragedy if she has to rot her life away in jail because of something somebody else did. As for all the boycotting of Indonesia stuff, I'm tending to fall on the side of agreeing with it at the moment, particularly after that scene at the court house early in the case where there people protesting for her to get the death penalty.To me, that's obscene - calling for the death of someone you don't know who has done nothing personally to you. I don't care if it's against the law, there's no way wishing death on someone for something like that is acceptable in anybody's culture.

  7. Still also for Windows Media Player, it's able to edit a lot of information about each track...

    Hey, whaddaya know? You're right! I've never really looked into WMP before but it does seem to have much the same functionality as iTunes (with the added ability to play video). But I've got used to iTunes now so I'll be sticking with it. Also, one feature WMP doesn't appear to have is the ability to export your playlists to a .txt or xml file.

  8. I thought your account got suspended if you didn't post for 1 month. Also, if you applied after you got 10 credits and were accepted and then apply for the 30-credit plan at some later stage, do you lose 30 days worth of credit or only 20 (to add up to the original 30)?

  9. Most of the sites dont show up properly on firefox. And the best example is Javascript effects. Check out Xisto forum on IE and Firefox, you will know the diffrence :lol:

    That's rubbish. I hardly come across any sites that don't look right in Firefox. And if they don't look right, it's cos the designers/developers haven't done their job right in the first place and created a site that meets current web standards. As for javascript effects, I thought they'd died with the 90s (I certainly hope they have anyway). :rolleyes:
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