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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. The only recommendations that i have would be to for one, create a mouseover for the link images at the top of the screen like "about" and "links" and such. Also, i would make sure the background extrends to the end of the screen because on the first page i get a large section of white on the bottom of the screen since the text doesnt reach it for me.

    Do you mean rollovers for the links? They are rollovers.
    Which browser are you using cos I don't get the white bit you're talking about in FF, IE6 or Opera. :unsure:

  2. If the site is just about someone, php should be used because the code will be cleaner and take up less lines decreasing the size of the site and the load time.

    I hardly think a few seconds (probably more like microseconds) worth of time saved on load time is a good enough reason for the guy to ditch everything he's done and start again in PHP, particularly if he doesn't already know it.

  3. well me being experiance designer i will give you the pros and conspros

    How many websites have you designed?

    -jsp its not a bad programming language to use but since your just doing a personal site about you php would go better with it, thats just me.

    I would think a 'con' when reviewing a site would be something that detracts from the user's experience. I can't see how whether the site is coded in JSP or PHP or ASP makes one bit of difference to the end user.

  4. You say that you are more into ASP, just for intrest, which would you say is better?  How about learning curve?

    I haven't done too much in depth with PHP yet but one thing I noticed pretty soon was how annoying it is if you missing out { or ; from your lines of code. It's easier to see when you've missed stuff out in ASP cos you're typing things like 'then' and 'end if' etc and the error messages tell you what's missing from the line that's wrong whereas PHP error messages tend to flow to the line where there is a closing ; or { which may not necessarily be the line that's wrong.
    I have no particular allegiance to either: had to learn ASP cos that's what our company's website is hosted on.

  5. You need to explain your problem a bit better.

    So if they choose A) 3, a) 5 A) 8 b ) 3 then the results would be A: 16, and B: 3.  The script added the two catagories independantly.

    How is it that they can choose 3 different values for A and only 1 for B?
    And which is the number they're s'posed to have entered in the text box? I don't understand what you're trying to do here. :rolleyes:
    I'm not too familiar with PHP syntax yet cos I usually code in ASP, but I woulda thought if you're adding the value of the dropdown to the value of what they've typed and then printing it on the next page that it would be:
    value of the dropdown form variable + value of the text form variable.
    That sounds pretty obvious so I'm guessing maybe you're asking something else but I can't figure that out.

    Sorry for double posting but just been thinking about it a bit more and didn't notice the 4 rows in the table thing which means that there's 4 dropdowns and the values of all 4 get added together - is that right?
    If that's the case you could do it one of two ways:
    1. Give each dropdown the same name and then the form value would become a comma-delimited string (eg 3,5,8). Then you could split the string into an array and then add the values.
    2. Give each dropdown the same name but add 01, 02, 03 to the end of the names (eg form01, form02 etc.). Then you could use a loop where your counter equals the number at the end of the form name to add the values.

  6. Websites are made using HTML. CSS is used to style your HTML and position elements on the page.PHP, ASP, JSP, Perl etc. are scripting languages which you can use to interact with databases to present dynamic information on your pages. Regardless of which scripting language you use, the information that gets sent to the browser is HTML, so in other words, you use those scripting languages to dynamically write your HTML.Javascript can be used in conjunction with your HTML for a variety of purposes like determining browser type/settings etc., opening pop-up windows, rollover effects and so on.

  7. You can't uncompress a MP3, it's irreverisble. You can create a normal audio CD from your MP3s though rather than making an MP3 CD or data CD. Creating an audio CD means you'll only get 80 minutes worth of music though whereas creating an MP3 or data CD will get you as much as 700MB can hold (will vary according to the bit-rate of your MP3s). With an audio CD, the quality of the audio will still be dependant on the bit-rate of the MP3 so that's why it's important to go for as high as you can get, like 320kbps.

  8. Your site's not bad looking but I gotta say doing it all as images is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Why on Earth would you do text as an image? Text should be text. At least if you're gonna use images, you should use some CSS image-replacement technique. Your code has absolutely no text in it at all. How do you expect search engines to find your site? They won't - no text means no indexing cos it looks like you've got no content. You don't even have alt tags to describe your images. And like truefusion said, how are you gonna go about updating your site? You gonna constantly type stuff into Fireworks, create images, upload them & then edit your HTML? I can't help but shake my head at how roundabout and overly-labour-intensive a method that is. :rolleyes:

  9. The moderators here are absolutely the best! If they weren't this wouldn't be the forum it is. I have run a small forum before and even then you have to make sure to do what you say you will (warning, suspending the account, ect.) or no one will ever take you seriously and your forum will be a wreck.

    I post on another forum which has no moderators at all, over 7000 members, and it works fine.
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