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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. Try it with the background in place. If it looks OK, then there's no need to worry about selecting colours to be transparent. I've actually done a couple like that recently and I've found it's easier to do with the background in place. Then you just have to match up the position correctly which is easy to do if you're using CSS.

  2. I know exactly how people in London must be feeling. I lived there for about 7 years and I used to travel regularly on the #30 bus. I was there on Sept. 11 and so had to deal personally with a similar fear to what people must be feeling now. Both my wife & I worked in the City and there were several scares in London in the days following 9/11 cos people thought it might've been just the start of a global campaign. We left to come back to Oz at the beginning of 2002 and were pretty glad to leave by that time cos London had definitely become a much tenser place in the period between September and February.

  3. i'm so worry about terrorist attack in london, most of the people is not like blair(witch) or her girlfriend, it is annoying, that a good cause like sports is traumatized by a group of persons that maybe have the reason, all that actions against poor countrys and that satirical comedy mounted by buuuuuu sh aiming terrorist every man who is hunger, but we still resolving problems like thousands of years ago, isn't enough with all the tragedy we observe in our system.
    i know bush stinks, but please if someone of you can hear, the rest of the people don't have to be involucrated in all this trauma, if you want cooperate kill bush and all her putrefaction, or her girlfriend but don't bother us, we must be like brothers, singing in one voice: peace!

    kill em all!!! :unsure:

    Mate, you get today's award for most nonsensical rambling I've read. :P

    (Australia also suffers from droughts, but it has better birth control and better technology).

    Odd choice to single out - Australia doesn't need birth control. In fact, we need the opposite of what is in place in places like China because Australia's population is ageing rapidly due to the fact that the older generations are living longer while the younger generations aren't producing as many children.

  4. The other one looks cheesy simply for the fact it really doesnt have to many good images.

    That's the thing though - take away the nice image from the 2nd one and it's a fairly bog standard sort of layout. It's the image in that one that really makes it look better but as you say you're gonna replace all the images, then it really will depend on what you replace it with. You might find that the 1st one would ultimately look better depending on what images you use.

    But everything with flash looks nice :unsure:

    Not everything with Flash looks nice. Flash can look pretty cheesy itself if it's overdone or not done very well.

  5. .inhoud a:link { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; font-size: 13px; }.inhoud a:visited { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; font-size: 13px; }.inhoud a:active { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; font-size: 13px; }.inhoud a:hover { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; font-size: 13px; }
    Can I just point out that the reason why Cascading Style Sheets are called that is cos the styles cascade down from one element to another.If you set a style on your <a> tag, all states of the tag will pick up that style. You only need to add additional rules for when you want something different to occur.
    So taking the above example, you would be better off doing:

    .inhoud a { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; font-size: 13px; }.inhoud a:visited { color: red; }.inhoud a:active { color:green; }.inhoud a:hover { color:black; text-decoration:underline; }
    Also, you've specified a font in your .titel and .inhoud classes, whereas if you do this:

    body { font-family: verdana; }
    it will flow down through every element in your document and you don't have to keep repeating it.

  6. I really don't know much about FTP .... all I've been doing is pasting my source code onto notepad and then uploading files from my system to Xisto.

    There's generally two ways to upload stuff to web servers:
    1. You use your web browser and an upload manager or control panel page provided by your ISP/web host. Usually with this you'll click on a 'browse' button to locate the images on your hard drive and then click 'upload' or something like that.
    2. You use an FTP program which, once you know how to use one, is a lot less hassle than trying to do it through your web browser. It essentially does the same thing but FTP programs are more powerful/flexible and you can drag and drop your files etc. There's loads of programs out there but some of the more common ones are SmartFTP, WS_Pro, CuteFTP, AceFTP. You'll need to go on to http://download.cnet.com/windows/ or something similar, find a program, download it, install it and then enter your ISP's server details to be able to connect. Once all that's done, uploading/downloading should be a lot easier.

  7. You can do it with ASP. Instead of sending the form to another page, you send the form to the same page to check the login. If it doesn't work, the page prints the error message and then the form to fill in again. If it does work, use response.redirect to go the relevant page.

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