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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. The one issue I'm seeing is that I'm having to hit refresh to get the page to pull information newly added to the DB.

    So you're looking at a page, then you update the database and then you have to refresh your page to see the changes? Well I'm afraid that's the only way it's gonna work. How else is the page gonna update unless you refresh the browser?
    Unless you're talking about having to refresh more than once to see the changes. If you're talking about just one single refresh, then that's completely normal.

  2. Hmm, the demand for a pet section seems to be higher than I thought (someone else wanted this a long time ago), so I think that there should be one made just for animal owners....

    I wouldn't have thought 2 threads indicated high demand. I'm all for discussing pets (got 2 of our own) but I doubt whether there would be enough interest to sustain a whole sub-forum.
    By the way, you're not really living in Mawson, are ya?

  3. Always remember to put the border=0 in the img tag unless you want the image to have a border when it is linked.

    Actually, the border attribute for images became deprecated in HTML 4.0. What you should do instead is put this in your CSS:

    img { border: 0; }

    The only problem with backgrounds [in my context] is that a non-tiling background can be very difficult to manage when you want to ensure cross-browser functunality, and people use all kinds of resolutions and I don't plan to create three different versions of the same site.

    You shouldn't have any problems with background images with the proper use of CSS.

  4. Adultery, lying, sex before marriage, dishonoring one's parents, etc. are all sins to some people, but yet they are all legal.

    Not in all situations. Adultery, while not sending you to jail, will see you end up in divorce court with the bigger spoils likely to go to the one who did not commit adultery. Lying in business can sometimes be illegal and is generally referred to as white collar crime.
    Anyway, that's just me being picky. As for the original question: I think it should be allowed.

  5. And again, how did you infer that I was stressed (3)?

    I dunno, maybe it's cos the way you're coming across through your writing style. Have to say, I got a picture of somebody wound quite tight while reading your posts. But then it is very easy to misinterpret tone from what someone has written on a message board.

    As for the topic of your vent, with regards to 'stupid questions' from your parents, here's a news flash from someone who's a bit older than you: as you get older, the harder it is to keep a track of everything going on in your life.

    So while you think somebody must be stupid for not remembering something you told them yesterday or the previous year or whenever, I can relate to that mindset cos I know how thinking about mortgage repayments, or paying your rates, or sorting out your tax return, or getting your super changed over, or having to fix a leaking tap, or having to deal with whatever crap your boss might be throwing at you this week, or having to take your dog to the vet, or trying to book a holiday, all at the same time (and I don't even have kids) can sometimes mean that other things slip your mind.

    I think I'm a pretty well organised person and like to think I don't ask too many 'stupid questions', but I know for a fact that I don't have as good a memory for everything as I did when I was at school/uni.

    So I guess what I'm trying to say is, before you flame somebody for something they've done that upsets you, you should always try and see things from their point of view.

  6. The problem is that the page will be centered. And this means that it will move for differernt screen resolutions, meaning i could create a perefctly fitting brick outline to fit for one resolution but with another it won't line up and will look out of place.

    You could use javascript to detect screen resolution and then point to the relevant stylesheet which need only have one line like
    body { background: url(600.jpg) no-repeat; }

  7. I have left the net because I made the site one day and then couldnt be asked to continue after one little thing and anyway I didnt even finish making it I was that lazy, I was so lazy that I actually got the pictures from this site called http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=vintagefairy&e=com anyway that layout looked nice and I didnt know there was some weird thing people had about the layouts I thought it was just the writing and things, anyway they do so instead of leaving this to rot I changed it so it wasnt stolen and rotting. Just rotting.

    I think you should feel sorry for this other person - they're obviously incredibly stupid. :D
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