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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. Not everyone has Flash player installed. The numbers are going to be increasingly small these days, but there may still be some out there that don't have it. You'd need to test without Flash installed to see if it throws up any error messages etc.

  2. Hey, I am trying to do a similar thing except I would like the swf to resize for the screen. However I would like the swf  in the middle of my 3 column layout and if I resize the browser window smaller the swf would resize for that screen. I have tried many methods to no avail. Has anyone else done this?

    I think you'll need javascript to accomplish something like that.

  3. You've got your flash embed height set to "100%"  I'm not sure if that will work.  Try a pixel number.

    Yeah, that's right: if you want your flash movie to display at a size larger than what you created, you need to specify pixels otherwise 100% will just display it at its normal size.

  4. very neat. it might look even nicer if all your tables(?) were laid out evenly. For example, the "Welcome to Quest for Eternity" box and the box with your banner are closer than the Navigation menu and the box with your banner. thats a mouthful.

    I think what you mean to say is that the borders of the tables don't line up properly. Your header looks like 1 or 2 pixels further right than the lower tables and navigation is a few more pixels further down than 'Welcome....'

  5. I would say it probably is the browser. 1000 is a lot of rows. I've been doing some testing of a site I'm redesigning and the more rows in a table, the longer it takes to load. The same with another page without lots of dropdown menus with many options - the frame of the page loads quickly but the whole thing has to wait while each of the options is printed out.

  6. There is absolutely no reason why African Americans in a disadvantaged economic situation should be as they are now.


    While blanket generalisations like that sound right, in reality, they just don't work. Until you know every single person's situation, you simply can't make a statement like that. You try telling the girl who was raped as a child, had a kid and turned to prostitution to support herself and the kid that there's no reason for her to be like that. Or the boy who was physically abused every day and grew up surrounded by violence so that all he knows is violence. I mean, if all he sees every day is people being beaten up, how's he to know any different?

  7. Good point, yet ultimately it just doesn't look good.  I guess a spell check feature would be great for situations like that...

    I'm probably more anal about spelling & grammar than most because I used to be a subeditor, but I've come to accept any standard of literacy when it comes to message boards.
    Not everyone is educated to the same level, dislexyia, being more right-brained or left-brained, English as a 2nd language - these all variables that can affect a person's spelling.
    I don't agree with the negative rep thing either - as long as a post's meaning is clear, I don't think it's that important what the spelling or grammar is like. It's not like you're running an educational instituation here. Some people will find it hard enough to find things to say let alone crossing all the 'T's and dotting all the 'I's.

  8. I doubt that airport baggage handlers are being used by 'organised crime gangs' to transfer illegal drugs. I'd guess that it would be small, one-off, 'friend of a friend' type of deals going on through those means.

    I disagree - I reckon this has all the hallmarks of being part of a much bigger operation. There's been insinuations that the reason why the Federal Police have been so unhelpful over the whole thing is that there's maybe Federal cops who are trying to prevent their involvement in assisting organised crime from coming to light.

  9. Thanks to you both, I don't think I am using an array.  Anyhow I have uped your rep.  So while we are wiating, how could I take this total and say all the numbers that fall between say 1-10 do this, and all the numbers between 11-20 result in something else?

    If you're talking about consecutive numbers, you could use a loop.

    <?php$j = 0;for ($i=1; $i<=10; $i++){$j = $j + $i;}echo $j;?>
    <?php$j = 0;for ($i=11; $i<=20; $i++){$j = $j + $i;}echo $j;?>

  10. Freelancer term used for those who work from home.and there are no boss type strings attatched to them.mostly web writers and designers are freelancer .they are being paid for thier hourly work.or depends on the pages or the no of words in case of writers.freelancer is work at your own pace type job.Sometime there is no time limit.

    Freelancers don't always work from home; they'll quite often work in the offices of the company they're doing a job for. And I wouldn't say there's no time limit either. In publishing, there's always a deadline. How flexible that deadline is depends on the how big a reputation the freelancer has usually.
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