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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. Freelancer is another term for contractor in the publishing/design business except that contracts usually tend to be for quite short projects. A freelance journalist will write articles and sell them to whoever wants them. Same with freelance photographers. A freelance web designer will look for short contracts to work on. Freelancers can charge more for their work because they're not on the company's payroll and don't receive other benefits like holiday/sick pay, health insurance etc. But like actors, they only get paid when the work's there.

  2. Question before I go on vaction to Walt Disney World soon should I pm you guys to that I am leaving? Also I lose a point of a post everyday?

    It's probably a bit late now if you're just about to leave but I woulda thought the smart thing to do would be to make sure you had enough credits to cover you for the time you're gonna be away. I mean it's like taking money with you when you go overseas - you don't wait until you're out of the country to check you've got enough money in your account. :rolleyes:

  3. Here's a stripped down version of one I use on a site I'm developing for a friend:

    if ($handle = opendir($PathtoYourDirectory)) {          while (false !== ($file =     	readdir($handle))) {              if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {                  $file_array[] = $file;              }          }      }           closedir($handle);      $result=array_unique($file_array);      natcasesort($result);      reset($file_array);      foreach($result as $file){  	echo $file."<br />";  	}    unset($file_array);

  4. My friend Tyssen, my moral issues are none of your business, and your sarcasm is completely unnecessary. I'm glad you find my situation funny, but it's completely the opposite.

    I didn't find your situation funny, far from it. But, I'm always suspicious of people who use 'morality' as a reason for their actions when they can't actually substantiate which moral platform they're standing on. It always comes across as "I'm better than you cos I occupy a higher moral ground". And you playing the "I've been here longer, so therefore I am better than you" card kinda confirms what I was thinking. And this bit too:

    While you will be posting @ Xisto.com, i'll simply boot up comp #2, and the panda network is all over the internet.

    So now we've fully established that you're more superior to us. Guess you'll actually be doing us lesser mortals a favour by not posting on here anymore so that we no longer have to stand in the huge shadow that you cast.

  5. You can also specify the number of characters and count from the begining or end of the string. PHP.net has some good examples of how that works.

    But I think you can only use substr if the characters run in succession, e.g. 1-3, 4-8 etc. If you want to extract characters at random e.g. 1,3,7,9,12, you might have to create an array of different characters and work with that instead.

  6. Since when does the color of your skin and/or your monetary abilities determine what will happen to you and/or what you decide to do with your life.

    Being black has got nothing to do with it but you can't deny the link between poor socio-economic conditions and crime. Sure everyone has a choice, but if you grow up in a poor, often violent background, you're not always made aware of all your choices, so it is even harder to not take the 'easy route'.
    I don't know anything about your background, but I do know it's a lot easier for people who don't come from disadvantaged backgrounds to take the moral high ground and assert that there's always a choice when, until you've walked in someone else's shoes, there's no way of really knowing just what choices were made available to them.

  7. there are moral issues

    And what would those moral issues be? That Xisto supports the clearing of Amazonian rainforests? Or maybe they employ child labour in SE Asia? Or perhaps dumping of oil in the North Sea? The right to choose for pregnant women? The acceptance of gay priests?

    If you're gonna go bandying around terms like 'moral issues' you've really gotta provide better back-up for your claims. :rolleyes:

  8. 3. Search History

    Alot of people are not aware of this, but if you get a Google Account, you can save your search history while you're logged in! This is convenient, because you don't have to type the same thing over and over again if you search for particular things frequently. It also has a color-coded calendar that shows how many searches you've done on each particular day.


    A good way for Google to keep track of your surfing habits and serve up content appropriate to your search patterns.

  9. ok, thankx for the input. maybe in future use better grammer when posting


    It's always a good idea when you're pointing out errors in other people's grammar, that you yourself get your grammar and spelling right. :rolleyes:

    But anyway, Mechvegita is clearly clueless, so disregard his/her opinion.

    I think your holding page is looking pretty good and would be interested to see the rest when it's ready.

  10. I work for a publishing/design company and I have to deal with a lot of authors and I have a sliding scale of like-hate for them depending on how poorly written/checked their work is; how many stupid suggestions they make; how many stupid corrections they make (which goes back to point one cos if they'd done the job right the first time, there wouldn't be any need); if they send back indecipherable corrections; if they refuse to recognise the fact that they've made mistakes and instead blame us for any problems/delays.Some authors are excellent and no trouble at all, but others can really get you worked up after a while (especially if you end up doing a series with them).

  11. As for the getting married one... That seems like a no brainer. Never getting married would be better.

    Not necessarily. People marry for money all the time. And what about arranged marriages? Probably not a lot of love to start with but sometimes it develops over time.
    I'm with the bears too - if it's brown bears, if you scrunch up really small and look unthreatening, they'll leave you alone. Unfortunately, if it's black bears, then you have to fight back really hard, and if there's a whole group of them, then I'd say you're stuffed. :rolleyes:

  12. If you're never gonna see her again or the people she associates with after school finishes I'd say just forget about it & her - life's too short to get hung up on stuff like that.


    If you are still gonna see her and you don't want this to keep simmering then I'd just walk up to her and smack in the mouth - don't give her the chance to speak, just, WHAM, straight in the teeth. Make sure all her friends are around when you do it and as she's spitting out blood, tell her: "That's for spreading lies about me you...(insert expletive of your own choice)."


    OK, maybe that's a bit extreme but people with 'anger problems' in my experience are just bullies. Bullying can be in various forms, not just physical. Her getting angry is one form, but also all the snickering & gossip is another form. The company I work for has produced 2 books on bullying and I can tell you now, she's got all the signs of being a first-rate bully.


    The following is taken straight from one of those books:

    If you have a friend who is bullying you, it?s best to cut this person off before

    they do you too much damage. However, sometimes there might be a person

    who is bullying you whom it will be difficult to cut off. Perhaps this girl is friends

    with all your friends, or you see the person so often you know they?ll make your

    life extremely difficult once you cut them off. You?ll know what the best course

    to take is, and if you know you can?t cut a friend off completely for fear of retaliation,

    just hold her at arm?s length. Disengage yourself from her slightly,

    remain acquaintances with her, but try to become more closely acquainted

    with other friends. This way you are not antagonizing her but you are stopping

    her from affecting you so deeply.


    So it appears there's no easy, quick fixes (unless you go for the smack in the mouth approach - sounds good, but not really approved of in sociology circles).


    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Since it was an excerpt from the sighted book, I have placed
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