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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. he came to me to talk about how bad he feels about the younger woman. he says he thinks she only used him.....

    <sarcasm>Aw, geez, your poor Dad - being used by a woman. That's just disgraceful.</sarcasm>
    Sounds like a right *******. Yeah, tell your Mum - drop him right in it.

  2. OK, I realy dont want to afend anyone but you americans are all the same...What the *** do you give a dame for uzbekistan!!!!!
    Look at your own yard! Live and let live!

    Which Americans are you referring to? How do you know Dark is an American or not? Besides which, who says the Americans have got anything to do with what's happening there? This is an Islamic uprising in a former Communist state. While the incumbent government might be pro-US (not that I actually know), there's no US troops involved. I think you need to settle back down and sort out your facts before posting inflammatory stuff like that.

    100% peace!? that will never hap...........

    Yeah sure it won't when we have people basing their opinions/outbursts on ignorance like you have.

    nato needs to get out because they did their job now let them handle it themselves cause it's only causing more trouble..

    NATO aren't in Iraq.

  3. Ok, i will try to explain myself better. Basically i am working on a Remote Scripting using hidden frames (i will explain what it is this in another topic).  project. I have a database in MySQL where in one table i have a biography in XHTML. I access this table with PHP and i retrive this XHTML code. Then the Javascript function obtains the code and has to insert it into a this "div" element.


    You don't need javascript to write out the code, you can use PHP. You're using just about the same language anyway and you're already using PHP to retrieve the info from the database. It seems logical that you would then use PHP to just print it out using echo or print. You could use PHP code to print your whole page if you wanted to:


    <?php print "<head>";print "<title>Your title</title>";print "<body>";

  4. ok thank you for the all those sites..also when i asked if there are ther good programs to makte sites.. i wasn't just talking about flash.. i was talking for all like html, php, and all that.


    You didn't say that to start with. You were asking about making Flash websites.

    For making HTML, ASP, PHP websites all you need is a text editor. You can do it in Notepad or Wordpad really. I like to use more powerful, web-dedicated text editors with added features like code colour highlighted and extended search & replace. I use AceHTML 5 freeware but there are others like Notepad++ too.

    Don't use Frontpage - it produces ugly, Microsoft-proprietry, overbloated code. WSYIWYG editors, in general, aren't really a good idea because you don't learn that quickly about the code that you're actually creating.

  5. These people are a design company and they got someone else to design their site for them? :lol:

    I'm personally not a fan of all-Flash sites. There's just no need if you're not presenting real animations as opposed to text sliding in etc.

    Also, is the majority of your text imported from HTML files or is it embedded in the Flash movie? Cos if it's embedded, it won't show up in any search engines.

    As for the design itself: it's pretty good and works smoothly except that none of the dropdown links to corporate identity, designforprint or stationerycreation work from the home page.

    I also think it's unnecessary to have two prominent sets of links going to the same place on the home page. And the grey box above the copyright notice is just a waste of space unless you have plans to do something else with it in the future. If not, I would've thought you'd be better off using that space to display bigger images on the various projects so that it's easier to make out the detail.

  6. We could attract more variety of people to Xisto that way including pet and plant lovers.

    Really, the only people who are gonna be attracted to Xisto are those looking to get hosted which means they have in mind to build a website which means they're gonna need some coding skills and probably work with a computer. So I doubt that appealing to animal lovers is really going to attract that many more visitors. Sure, you might get an animal lover who comes here if there is a pets forum instead of going somewhere else where there isn't, but I reckon the number would be very small.

  7. And to revert back to the old ways would be a mockery to all our ancestors who fought to keep the revolution in motion.


    Eh? What revolution's this then? The only revolutions I can remember that involve changing economic systems have been communist ones and that's a completely different proposition from what's being discussed here.

    Sure, we live in a capitalist society and it's been that way for millenia, but it's only in the last century or so that we've seen the emergence of the multinational conglomerate and the focus on profits for shareholders over and above all other considerations.

  8. all the other pages are cut off only 1/2 of the page is showing up aligned to the top left of the browser.

    You mean that most of the page was pushed over to the right? I was trying to get the active link to show the rollover state (ie darker) by assigning an ID to the body tag and then setting the background image of the link relative to the body ID, but I was using the same body ID as the link ID which was causing the error I think you're talking about.
    Anyway, should be fixed now. If it's still doing it for you, can you do me a screenshot so I can see what you're talking about?

  9. In my opinion, the best thing to make Flash websites is Flash itself. Swish does somethings very well (like taking the tediousness out of animating text), but it doesn't have the same full-featured, robust authoring tools that Flash has.But then it depends just what sort of Flash site you're thinking of. I personally don't like Flash sites unless they're done very well and unfortunately, about 80% of the ones I see aren't. You may think you're impressing people with your skills, but a lot of Flash sites get navigation & accessibility issues really wrong which turns users away.Also, Flash content doesn't get indexed by search engines unless you import it into your movies as HTML. Even if you build the best-looking Flash site in the world, there's no point to it if people can't find it with a search engine.

  10. this is an intresting fourm alright! but its cool too!

    You're gonna get yourself in trouble posting exactly the same thing in different threads (especially when it makes no relevant comment on the thread in question).

    I suggest you to try to think about your posts before posting some middle-aged sexual role cliches.

    I reckon statements like these are probably less likely to be made by middle-aged people as they are by people with less life experience. :lol:

  11. Maybe there is a function that gives you the exact position for a search.

    I dunno about exact position but you can measure your PageRank with sites like this and then compare it to others also offering web design services.
    Also, if you've submitted your site and think you should be indexed, maybe check Google's webmaster guidelines to make sure you're not breaching any of the rules that might get you blacklisted.
    You can also reduce the gap between indexing of your site with these meta tags:

    <meta name="revisit-after" content="7 Days" />	<meta name="expires" content="never" />	<meta name="distribution" content="global" />	<meta name="doc-class" content="Living Document" />

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