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Posts posted by Tyssen

  1. My guess would be that maybe it's cos for .windowtitle and .cpr you've got background-attachment before background-image.
    But really, your whole CSS is overbloated with lots of unnecessary stuff in there. I started out to explain what you should do to edit your CSS but found it was getting too complicated so have done an edited version for you. If you have any questions about changes I've made, fire away.

    body {  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	font-size: 12px;	color: #333333;}.tablestyleright {	border: 1px solid #666;	border-right-style: dashed;}.tablestyle {        border: 1px solid #CCC;}.imagestyle {    border: 1px dashed #CCC;}.titletext {	font-size: 14px;	font-style: italic;	font-weight: bold;	color: #666;}.menutext {	font-weight: bold;	text-indent:4px;}.cpr {	font-style: italic;	font-weight: bold;	color: #CCC;	background: url('images/footertile.gif') top left repeat-x;}.headerimg {	font-size: 14px;	background: url('images/headertile.gif') top left repeat-x;}.windowtitle {	font-size: 18px;	font-style: italic;	font-weight: bold;	color: #666;	text-indent:6px;	background: url('images/titlebartile.jpg') top left repeat-x;}

  2. s = secureshtml = securehtml
    in shtml one layer between you and server and protect Your data in way
    Its really nice and good

    No, that's incorrect actually. The 's' stands for server-side as karlo stated much earlier. There's nothing particularly secure about SHTML.

  3. she is clever but you r fool :(

    I appreciate that English isn't your first language, but it's considered impolite to go around calling other people 'fool' unless you know them and they know you're joking.
    As for funny: I fell into some quicksand in a Malaysian jungle once. I didn't think it was that funny, but my wife did. She's standing there laughing her head off while I was worried about disappearing, never to be seen again. :lol:

  4. I believe that your topic was closed to prevent further slander at TRAP 17 member(s). In the heat of exchanging ideas, you never know what can happen.

    I think whoever closed the thread jumped the gun a bit because up to that point, the thread-starter hadn't even replied to anyone. So by closing the thread before he had a chance to reply, you automatically judged him as being an overreactive type who needed his thread closed to prevent possible offence, when there was no evidence yet that things were going to turn out that way.
    This forum is a very sanitized place which probably wouldn't suffer from having a little bit of spice added to it. :lol:

  5. Sounds like your first move should be to contact that other site, cos after all, you'll be using their listings & database to display info on your site which unless they give you permission or set you up as an affiliate or something, would be considered breach of copyright. You might find out that they already have procedures in place for just this sort of request to share resources.

  6. If you take what someone says on the net at "face value" ... and believe it. ..then the "wrong" idea gets inside your head .. and can make you "stupid".

    That doesn't make you stupid, that makes you misinformed; they're two completely different things. Tony Blair & George Bush were told something that was wrong about the evidence of WMD in Iraq....are you gonna say that they're stupid? (Well in the case of George Bush, you'd probably be right :lol: )

  7. The way we are going we could be gone in a few hundred years. And we need to start up electric and very fuel efitiont (or however the f*** you spell it.) motor vehicles. When we also do that we will have more oil longer which means more gas and longer time we have to drive cars. SO NASA, STOP WASTING FUEL!!!!!!

    I think it's gonna be a lot sooner than a few hundred years. I saw a TV show a while back that says that the very gases that are reducing the ozone are at the same time forming something of a protective barrier against the sun's rays. So if the world clean's up it's emmissions to stop the hole in the ozone layer expanding, that cloud of gases will start to dissipate which means that until the ozone layer has a chance to repair itself (no telling how long that will be), the situation will actually get worse, not better, due to the more intense rays from the sun warming the Earth.

  8. In my opinion it is very moral to do so since "thanks" to us it's extinct in the first place.

    Yes, but because of us, who's to say it would survive today in the wild if it was brought back. And how much would it cost? And how much is it costing to research the cloning process? All this sort of money would be much better spent making sure the planet doesn't overheat or explode or sink into the ocean rather than fighting to bring back one species of animal that populated only a tiny part of the world.

  9. That just about describes my set-up at home except that I'm using Truelaunchbar intead of Objectdock and I'm not using Mac-themed skins for anything.

    I also didn't get iTunes for its association with Apple or iPods or anything, but rather cos it's got really good categorising, archiving features which makes really easy to find, rate your music etc.

  10. I thought that if the thing was uncommon, you'd hardly get any visitors, but apparently you get enough to make it worth while.

    You'd be surprised how many people are into uncommon things. I work with two Medieval re-enactors and until I met them, I had no idea about the sort of following it has worldwide - there's a whole industry built up around it and it's not until you're a part of it that you realise the full extent of it. So if it's like that for something (as seemingly) obscure as Medieval re-enactment, it's bound to be the same or better for other topics.

  11. I think the key thing is content. I'm just a newbie when it comes to websites though, so others might have some better information for you.

    No, you hit the nail on the head right there. It's all about your content. You can have the best designed, most search engine-optimised site on the Net, but if your content sucks, people will come once and never return. In my opinion, you're just gonna drown in a sea of competitors if you try and be one of the sites that offers something for everyone. You need to focus in on a specific topic and then provide content that really appeals to the people of that area of interest.
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