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Everything posted by moldboy

  1. In your cpanel there is phpMyChat which is great, and you can get it free on the internet.
  2. You will need one piece of wardware, as it is impossable to connect two computers without a connection medium.A crossover cable will preform the same function for two computers that a hub will for many more. You can even make one. You see on a standard cable there is a send connection and a recieve connection. If you directly hook two computers together then the send lines on each will be in conflict. If you use a hub it swiches the send on one computer to recieve and the other way around. This will allow for the information to be sent down one and recieved on the other. A crossover cable will do the exact same thing. If you already have an eithernet cable you may be able to modify it.
  3. There's something wrong with the first address
  4. Have you ever been hooked up to a domain, like a school or work?
  5. No it hasn't been done, one of the main reasons is because there isn't anything in that high up for the craft to ride on. However who says you would need to fix it with an airplain (of sorts)? You could just have another ellevator car go up after it, it after all wouldn't be tradational with pullies and the works. It woule much similar to an inch worm crawling up a building.
  6. How do you mean? Stupid maybe, you're intitled to your opinion. But are you telling me that the current way is more efficent? That red tank is full to the top with rick fuel, and all that fuel is burned up in the first few minutes of flight.
  7. Good point, if your image is a stary night (aka black) and you are writing in yellow, before the image loads the yellow text will be hard to read.
  8. I don't know if this is the same thing but I remember hearing that NASA holds a robitcs compition where the builders are to design a robot who can climb a ribon going straight up, I believe this has to do with designing a chamber that can climb a rope to space.
  9. I think one thing most people liking of when they first hear this idea is, "what about the ring of fire" As we say on the Simpsons when Homer returns to earth (and on many other shows) there is a shield of fire that covers the earth, that's why they have super thick heat shields, so you think won't the cable have to withstand that heat? Now I'll admit I had the ame thought when I first heard about it but, that passed after a few seconds when logic struck and of course there isn't a ring of fire, and if the elevator moved slow enough then there wouldn't be enough friction to generate one.
  10. THis question has been asked many many many times before, and I believe it says somewhere in the offical liturature, one credit = one day you can remain active. I hope you understand that much. Now you get one credit, well you know what I can't tell you what will give you one credit, but everytime you post you will get anywhere between 0 and infinite credits. 0 if the form you are posting in is a 0 credit area, the rest of the numbers depend on the legnth, structuring, amount of quotage (the use of the quote tag) and apparently how well your post matches the topic (this is what I was told) You will also recieve more credits if you are a newbie. The bottom line you get credits for posting, the actual amount isn't known until you press submit. And only OpaQue knows just how the system works.
  11. I have two images of the same thing that I took at diffrent times of the year. Now I need aprogram that I can line these two images up in , as they aren't taken at quite the same perspective. I understand that PSE 3.0 has this feature in photomerge however I don't have PSE 3.0. Does anybody have any suggestions?
  12. I believe background-position: center center; shoulde do it.
  13. I can honestly say that the one term I search for most is "stocks quest" as it is a site we are currently using at school and their URI is very long and dumb, google makes it easier
  14. We were in engligh class today and the topic was common grammer mistakes, things like, alot (it isn't a word) and the three theres (there, their, they're) and anyway, i learned that the word alright, well isn't a word (anymore). the only correct spelling is all right.
  15. The only time I am okay with it is when it is a page like windows update that kinda requires IE, but for anything it's just really rude, racsist, except not race, but browsers (I don't know what you call that)
  16. I don't believe google reports it, for their documents they need to file who they are paying. And technicaly speeking you should be filling the google check as alternate income, but I won't be one to give tax advice.
  17. I'm going to aggree with the first comment, if you are a jew then in my opinion it no diffrent then saying you nasty little girl, because if you were a jew then like it was said they really are just calling you nasty. It may also be that this person has a negative opinion towards Jews, or has heard the line elsewhere, and just like the append her insults with "you ______ jew". In that case I might be offended, especiassly if I were Jewish. However if, as I started, you are jewish, and it is simply used to identify you, then that's like (this is a very stupid example) calling that shape over there "a mighty pointy triangle" and the triangly being upset, for being singled out as a triangle, after all it is a traingle, now if it were a square that'd be diffrent.I hope nobody takes offence at that, if you did I'm sorry.
  18. First of all does it say micro$soft, or microsoft, there is a diffrence. I don't do browser sniffing, and I don't plan on doing so except for compatability reasons, but if I did I would require FireFox/Safari/Opera/Linux Browser, not IE
  19. Sorry, no clue, does this happen with you too?
  20. Yep it's all about backwards support, if microsoft dropped it (they'd make a whole mess of people mad) but the OS would be a lot more secure, I always say the reason OS's in general are unsecure is because they were all written in a time of no networks, or atlease networks where you knew everyone.
  21. Assuming the first link is the one that you have problems with, I'd say it's your PDF viewer configuration, I see the turtles just as you want them to be seen, and I'm using something like version 5.
  22. also if you do what beeseven does then you can have it check the form for competness and fill in what has already been filled in using echo's and such.
  23. Well after a nights sleep I figured it out, the part where it says $_server should be $_SERVER
  24. As it is mentioned earlier on in this form I am trying to use HTTP authentication to add simple users control to my site, one thing I like about it is that the username and password are stored throught the entire session that way I don't have to enter into the realm of cookeis and session id's. So now I was wondering, a) can I use a standard html forum and place the password and username values into $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] and $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] so that they will be reembered throuout the session, and is this secure if it would work?
  25. What are you using to make the PDF with?, and what image are you using, I'd like to try it.
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