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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. It's better to be safe than sorry. I'd recommend you back-up your files because you don't know when it might die on you one day. Happened to me before... and it wasn't pretty. It's also pretty hard to try and recover the files on a harddrive. It's inevitable too, so...
  2. I agree with most people here. I'd probably die of depression after finding out that my loved ones aren't around. They make life worth living after all... What good is it to be fawned over by people from the future? They'll treat you like some lab animal. Sure, they're humans... They have feelings too... But no matter how they try to uphold these "human rights", I'm pretty sure they can't help but treat you like some lab animal. It's expected since you're a living testimony of the past.I don't think it's worth it either. People should focus on making technology to improve the lives of all people. There's no use in making such a thing that only a few people will get to use. We could always leave remnants of our present so that the people of the future could learn about us. I don't think they need a living testimony. :/ Oh... let's not forget the risk factor. I wouldn't want to risk my life on something like this. I'd rather die. We all die eventually and we just have to accept it.
  3. I've recently begun playing the PC version for this game so far and I haven't been disappointed. XD I'm an avid fan of Japanese dating sim games and classical music (I just listen, I don't actually play ) At any rate, this game has both, and it made it to my favorite games list. What's it about? You get to play as Hino Kahoko (can be changed), a 2nd year regular student in Seiso Academy. You meet a fairy named Lili, who also calls himself a fata. You get to enter a musical concours (French for contest) and play with your magic violin. The school has 2 divisions. The regular one with regular students, and the music department where the students specialize in music. It's rare for a regular student to get into a concours since they don't specialize in it (duh). Since it's a "dating" sim game, you get to improve your relationships with the special characters. The other participants in the concours can either see you as a rival, a friend, or a love interest. Playing different pieces can produce different emotions. This is a refreshing change from all those conventional RPG games. Screenies:
  4. I know what you mean by that. In my country, there's a part in the southern region where the main religion is Islam. There were also some extremists there, but I've seen a lot of other Muslims desperately trying to clear up the fact that not all Muslims are like that. I eventually realized that there's a big difference between the extremists and the normal believers and we have no right to impose judgement on them.The media isn't really making things better, however... They're making it worse. People nowadays tend to stereotype muslims saying that they're terrorists even though they're not extremist. The sad part is... they have to live with it. :/
  5. Very, very nice... I didn't know the updated FF had that. Then again, I'm the type who's lazy to update (unless the program has an auto-update) so I may not try that 'til much later. Interesting package though. I'm interested in the IE tab. I want my sites to be compatible with both browsers at least, but I despise opening IE, so I usually don't get to check it out 'til it's too late. I'm planning on making a subsite for my fansubbing group, so once I get the layout and basic codes up, I'll probably get this package.Thanks for showing this, Saint_Michael~
  6. Haha... reminds me of my mom... but I don't think she'll kick me out of the car just because I don't know the difference between envelope and mail. O_o In fact, I think my dad would be the one to do that. My dad expects too much from me. Anyway, whenever I either answer back, do something bad, wake up late for school periodically, she always... ALWAYS blames the computer. "It's cause you're always there, it's a bad influence..." Similar stuff comes up... However, she doesn't really ban me from it. She used to when I was a kid, but those days are long gone and I have more important uses for it.She usually blames it when she gets pressured, stressed and wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. I usually start it when I'm not feeling particularly happy and I sometimes answer back... Then she goes and blames the computer for just about everything. Such things usually happen before I go to school. After school, everything was just like before it happened. Sigh... mood fluctuations...
  7. Don't worry, I know the latter one isn't true... (You can continue pulling out those gray hairs) As for the first one, I tried that... well, I didn't do it for the sake of trying it out, I was too lazy to take a bath (I didn't leave the house at all anyway) So anyway, I left it like that for a few days, and all I got was extremely oily hair (and some dandruff ) I highly doubt that's self-cleaning.
  8. Hey now... being given a label of authority and some power doesn't mean that you have to act like it. You can act like a "normal member" even if you're a moderator. The only difference is you have the power to manipulate posts, change the warn level of the members and other things.I try to help out as much as I can too... I hate spamming in the shoutbox, so I usually reprimand the person spamming and I report spam posts discretely. I'm not trying to act like a mod. I've been here long enough and I'm trying to help the mods out. It's not like they can monitor the board 24/7; As a member, I have this responsibility. I admit, at some point, I wanted to be a mod... A friend, (Saint_Michael) tried to cheer me on, but I realized that it's not a responsibility I want to uphold at the moment. I'm fine the way I am. Besides, I have the power to report... That's one of the best things I can do at the moment. I can't manage my time well enough to stay here and post often, so my credits are dwindling at a dangerous 1 digit number... O_o But when I do come over... I try my best to make content-rich posts. If everyone could do this, then... there would indeed be no need for moderators.
  9. This is hilarious... Though I get kinda annoyed that my country became prey to ridicule. Will Australia's military would be able to do that? It shouldn't be forgotten that the Philippines has scattered islands and we have Mindanao, a region that is dominated by Muslims for the most part. Then again, this is just a joke so I shouldn't be taking this seriously. My hypothesis would be about Global Warming... I think that the world would've fallen into chaos already and because of that, wars will erupt and people will be trying to squeeze into one place cause either their places got flooded or it's too hot to live in. :/ We're still lucky we live in this time and age...
  10. Sigh... I know how you feel. Unfortunately, it will be very complicated to eliminate all the complexities in this world and bunching everything into one thing will never be simple. I remember you made a topic about having only one language... Well... I've observed that you really like things all-in-one, huh? ;I'm an avid watcher of anime and I use my computer to do the playback for me so I've dealt with different video formats and codecs myself. I've also tried encoding manually which is really a pain, I must say... (I taught myself how to subtitle)The problem with having only one format is that it won't be perfect... it will never be. Plus if there's only one format, people will find ways to secure it and make it something to gain profit from. The possibility of having it stay as the only format is low in the first place. That's the reason why a lot of formats exist.So... :/ sadly we must go about our own ways and accept the reality. I have a piece of advice to leave with you, however...You should do thorough research when you plan to buy something or when you're about to try something you've never done before. It saves time and the agony of failing to do exactly what you wanted.
  11. I knew that North Korea had nukes beforehand, but I was minding my own business one day watching news with my mom when I almost choked on my drink after hearing about this. I'd be really troubled. There's no real way to stop a nuke in midair without having it fulfill its purpose to kill and we're all sitting ducks unless we do something about it. I'm surprised like some of you that some countries aren't doing anything about this... Well... maybe they are but they probably decided to hide it from the media for top secret reasons, though it doesn't make me feel any less relieved....and I'm not looking forward to the prospect of another war. Especially another world war!! @_@
  12. The local government (the city government) is supposed to take care of the clean-up operation for the trees. The companies that own the posts are supposed to take care of their posts. I know that they can't monitor every post in Metro, Manila, but I'm also wondering when the local citizens in that area will do something about it. I was expecting to see something like a barrier to prevent people from crossing the street where the "Tower of Pisa" post is or something. They just leave it like that... They didn't to anything to make it lean less either. :/ Those are the things they can do while waiting for it to be repaired I guess... Instead of having them loom ominously there and letting people pass by as if there's no problem.
  13. Okay... as you may or may not know, Manila and some other parts of the Philippines had a storm (called "Milenyo" here) visit it. It caused most of Manila (the capital city of the Philippines) to lose electricity, so the city was plunged into darkness... The winds were very strong that it knocked down or ripped some billboards to shreds and quite a number of trees either got uprooted or neared collapse. Some telephone or electricity posts also collapsed. It was quite a sight... The storm left as quickly as it came. The very next day, it was a beautiful sunny day that one wouldn't think there was a storm the day before. The storm left a rather groutesque scene... Billboards, signs, trees, posts and various other things were destroyed. There was a street I remember passing by that had all trees in the area lying on their sides. There were also trees "co-existing" XD amongst the cables... They actually let those trees grow where electric cables are! It made my dad and I rant a bit... but that's not the point.It has already been a week or so since the incident and yet I still see trees scattered all over the place. When do they plan on removing them from the road? Some of those trees already have their leaves withered for Pete's sake! I still see telephone posts leaning like the Tower of Pisa by the roadside. That's really a hazard and they don't seem to be taking action. Why do they have to wait for the government employees to do it? Why don't the local residents do something about it? The telephone post I saw had a really shaky foundation and it looked like it could fall down anytime... Do they even care for the safety of the people?Anyway, I know there are some guys here who live in the Philippines too... I wonder if the situation is the same where you live. I live in Malate near Taft (A landmark would be DLSU) and it was hit pretty hard... We had a nearby tree collapse here and a tree leaning on the electric cables O_o. How'd you guys fare and do you also have something to add/rant/comment about?
  14. It would probably be better and easier to tell that to people who are close to you... She does seem like a stranger... I don't see what being a single mother has to do with it unless she herself says it as an excuse... but she obviously doesn't seem to be aware of it.Though to be honest... if I were in your shoes, I'd have a hard time myself. I'm not the type of person who can say such things frankly especially to strangers... I'd probably try to get on good terms with her before saying it. After all, it beats talking about it behind her back, right?
  15. The world may be extremely united or the exact opposite... Well for one, we wouldn't need translators which is kinda sad since I want to be one. XD Hmm... since there's only one language, there wouldn't be cultural diversion. No cultural diversion makes the world boring cause the language is the culture. It says a lot about the country. :/ I'd think of it as a nightmare because the world would be bland and boring speaking only one language... Being a person interested in different cultures and languages... yes... a nightmare indeed.It might be the exact opposite since people can speak one language, the people could express their feelings more freely that can fight with each other more. (Of course misunderstandings are inevitable)Though I think the world would become more unified under one culture and language. The reason for misunderstandings are because of the diversity and uniqueness of every person.Still, I don't want that to happen.
  16. Dragon Quest (aka Dragon Warrior in English for the first 7 games) has been around for a long time... I think before the Final Fantasy series even got released in Japan. I've been a big fan of the series for a long time. There's something I like about the classic gaming feel I get from it... Before the battle system was a "window" system of some sort. You don't see the main characters during the battle (Dragon Quest 1-7). I'm kinda glad they changed it. Must've been good for that Square-Enix merge. I'm glad DQ is gaining more popularity. This series is awesome... people just need to look beyond pretty graphics.
  17. Heh... I'm a girl but I go there alone. When I get there... I'm alone... still... Well, from what I observed from my classmates, they usually talk there, fix their hair, wash their faces or powder up. They don't necessarily go their to take a leak though. They take their sweet time. Another reason why they might be asking people to come with them is that they're scared of ghosts... Actually there was this classmate of mine who saw a ghost in the third floor bathroom (I don't know if she just thought she saw it or if she really did) so she HAS to HAVE someone to come along. Heck, I go alone most of the time and when I do, there's absolutely no one in the bathroom. Sometimes I get annoyed with girls who overreact and stuff. What's the big deal?
  18. At first I wanted to be a computer engineer. I've been working with computers since forever (or at least as long as I can remember) but in the end I realized that I don't need to take a formal education for something which I consider a hobby and when I can easily learn how it works somewhere else. Right now, I want to be a Japanese Major and go freelance translating for a while... even teaching Japanese for a bit. Then I'll go start a business... and use it to fund my education My main goal is to become a linguist and Japanese is the first language I'm tackling.
  19. I agree with most people here. I don't see the real problem. I was also around when the Y2K bug came up but then again, nothing really happened... Jeez... Besides, like another member said, we do have an early start and I'm also pretty sure that the problem will be fixed by then... Jeez... 2038 is a long way off... Plus yeah... I don't think I'll still be using this PC by then either. I don't see what the fuss is about.
  20. I think I posted in this topic before? Times change~ Now I'm currently addicted to the Summon Night series for the GBA. I finished the first one and I'm working my way through the second. The second has yet to be released in english but it doesn't stop me. After all, I started to study Japanese for the sole purpose of playing Japanese games (well, it was the sole purpose at that time). I'm also playing the Angelique series (another Japanese import) that features a reverse harem. It's about cultivating your continent and asking for Sacrea (special elemental powers in the game) from 9 bishounen (pretty guys) to maintain it. Well... it's not surprising for me to like it since I'm a girl and anything with reverse harems would get my attention any day! XD
  21. It seems like you're proposing your philosophy... Well... I kinda think that life is what you make it. You can always go through life as if it were a dream. If you noticed, dreams break the boundaries of time. Sometimes you dream about the past, present and future. When you dream about the future (and sometimes forget about your dream) and the dream comes true, you get deja vu. Who knows... we may all be living in a dream. Why is it that dreams have such power? Maybe that's reality... Pretty interesting thoughts there. Maybe those schizophrenic persons are actually experiencing reality. We may never know unless we become like them (though I'm not sure if we'll still be able to testify)
  22. O_o That's a pretty weird thing to talk about... Anyway, drugs (those illegal ones obviously) don't really do the body much good even if it gives temporary pleaseure. If it were legalized, the world may become more chaotic than it already is... Sure, they'll try to impose laws to control it but I don't think it's enough to stop people taking overdoses of it. Such things have been going on since the olden times. We can most definitely not put a stop to this completely... but when it somehow gets legalized... It just might encourage more people to try it (which isn't really a good thing). So... to sum it up. I'm against it. Like christynokc, I'd rather keep things the way they are.
  23. He may do such an eccentric thing to gain attention. Everyone has a bit of eccentricity in themselves. Though... Like Kryptonite said, at least show some respect. First of all, we hardly even knew the guy. It's not like we know him well enough to judge him by his actions. Another thing is that he contributed quite a lot to this world. Even geniuses of the old times were thought of as being insane, mad, crazy... and many other possible synonyms. Besides, he knows his field pretty well. He's been doing this for years. It's like he's saying... he's close to those crocodiles like he is to his baby or something. Again, we cannot judge people... no matter how much they stray from our social norms. Moreover he's dead. He can't justify his actions now, so at least show some respect to a person who can never reply back. Back on topic. I know how much he has passion for his work. It's such a tragedy that he had to be killed in such a way. :/ It's going to be really tough for his family. Then again, he knows that one day he just might not come back alive from one of his trips. It's a risk he knows very well. The passion for his work keeps going... ignoring even the huge risk of injury and death. I admire people like that. I probably won't go as far as to risk my life on the line everytime I do my job. Others might think it's silly to do something like that, but I really admire people who go beyond the normal trend of thought. There's something... striking about them. Risking your life on the line to show people about how wonderful animals are... It's something that not everyone can handle. I admire him for that. RIP Steve Irwin.
  24. Hmm... I kinda read that differently. From what I can tell, I think he was just joking. ; I'd probably laugh and shrug it off. I know a few eccentric people (strangers) who'd do that. Don't worry... You're most likely never to meet him again in your whole life. Just forget about him, shrug it off and never look back.
  25. Heh... interesting. :/ I live in a country where there's a common language other than English, but surprisingly... my first language is English. My dad spoke to me in English since I was a baby. I was surrounded by English literature since the beginning. I learned Tagalog easily anyway... well... I live here... it shouldn't be hard to pick it up from everyday life, is it? Not to mention the mass media...
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