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Everything posted by kudmus

  1. Hey Pal, Thanx for suc an eye openner. That was very thoughtfull of you. I respect people who think like you although I think it's something everyone know: HUMANS ARE SELFISH! Politicians are no ecception. They really don't care about nothing. There are a few like AL Gore and Mandela who will go out of their way to do something that benefits the masses. Al Gore is one of the few politicians I know who actually care about the environment and not talk about it when they think that's what we want to hear.Once again thanks very much! I'm going to email my friends about this.
  2. Guys I'm also using Joomla but it's still on a local server. I hate it when people visit my site and they see Joomla this, Joomla that. The thing I hate most is the favicon. Does anyone know where this guy lives? I want to replace him with mine. I've tried adding the following html code to the index.php but I still get the icon on my site <link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/favicon.ico" Does anyone know how I can make a downloaded template the default template so that my files will not be in the directory: (doc_root)\templates\(template_Name)\ It anoys me because the path will show info about the template plus it complicates things.
  3. Oh what a beautiful site have there! you chose a beautiful template but I still think you were not supposed to choose load sample data when you entered the database info. It's gonna take you a while until the site is 100% your creation. Between now and then people are going to keep seing Joomla this, Joomla that. I'm going to add you and see if there is anything we can help each other with.
  4. Well, I'm another newbie and I don't think I'm in a position to teach anyone Joomla but I'm sure what u know about Joomla is not what Iknow about it. This means if I add u we'll be able to exchange some knowledge. Why do u publicize your msn like that? I don't encourage pple to do that.
  5. Hey guys, is it posible to install Joomla on my site hosted by Xisto thru cPanel?How do i do it?Doi first download Joomla to local media?I need to know before I start planning about installing ?Joomla on my site. I cant do it now because my ISP is blocking my ports and now I can't access my cPanel. But I need to plan so that if it is posible I keep building the site on my local server then install Joomla and upload the files when I get access.One other thing. How do I get rid of the info that appears above and below the content that I'll have added. Imean the "edited by", "last updated",etc. for example what I have shown in the picture attached.
  6. Yes I was using Firefox3. I haven't tried it in other browsers. If it did't, add it to path by press win-key + break button on your keyborad. Click the tab -> Environment on the appeared dialog. I'm a bit lost here. What will I be doing and where? Do I do this in the text editor? I'll sure do that. thanks very much guys I hope you are going to keep following this thread untill my problem is solved.
  7. It's really not fair to say it like this. Like you and anyone else, no guy wants to be stereotyped. OF cause there are guys like that but there most guys that I know find the whole camsex, roleplaying and fantasizing thing quite disgusting.What is funny here is I used to think there are more girls that boys looking for online sex. I used to complain about the "See me naked..." links that one will get if they put their Skype in "Skype me mode" I hate them but I never hated girls for that. I still have decent online friends who will never talk about things I dont wanna hear about. My advice to you is: Learn to say things in a way that does not offend a large group of innocent people. Your topics anme got my attention.
  8. Hey guys! I installed Apache2.2.x on my machine running on XP SP3 and it worked. When I tried to install php5 from a .msi I then got "Error trying to access httpd.conf file. You will need to manually configure the web server." This is a re-installation on a machine that had php5, Apache2.2 and MySQL, all running in hamony. After "manually configuring the server" (editing the httpd.conf) I restarted Apache and when I try to open a .php file I get a blank page and the browser says "done". Tried phpinfo () but I still get the blank page. Now I don't know where I'm messing things up. Here I attached my php.ini and the httpd.conf files for you guys to have a look and see where I went wrong. php.txt httpd.txt I'm getting the same result even in Win2K on the same machine. Please help!
  9. I don't know if I wrong but making money cannot be as easy as some of us would want. My experiences have shown me that whatever site offers comes offering easy money will not be here to stay. If it does there definitely is a catch. READ THE SMALL FONTS! I've heard of site the give you up to $0.90 per search query, $0.30 per click, etc but not so many guys can testify that they have received the money they'll have earned. Some say the sites set the minimum amount that u can claim too high and after u attain it or when you are close they point out something to make sure they get a reason not to pay you. Don't take it from me coz me being Zimbabwean, I don't have access to paypal which means I don't have first hand info about these things. I talking from what i have found in many fora and some searches on the net. Try if you want but I ust want you to be very careful. Humans are generally not as generous as we might wish them to be.
  10. This morningI tried visiting my site but I got the default page("If u can see this page it means..."). I refreshed got the same thing. refreshed again site not found. Refreshed again it started loading slowly. I just pray this wont happpen again coz I dont want my visitors seeing that page. I'm sure these guys don't enjoy letting us down so I beleave they are working on it. My advice though is they should create another page to display when our sites are down. Not that Apache thing.
  11. Bluechip I think you are wrong. IBM also owns a powerful machine ranked number 14. I really don't think it matters if they have the best or some insignificant computer. It's all about needs. I for example install accounting packages for medium size enterprises. I tell them to get the best yet I'm still using MS Excel and I'm content with it. So if the ones that they have can do what they NEED done then there is no need to install Roadrunner's twin sister at one of their facililties
  12. As most of u guys might have heard, IBM made the world's fastest Supercomputer. You can google it or see it here. I was impressed by the specs of this monster. They are so extravagant to say the least. My question is: Couldn't the US government find better use for this thing? I'm sure there are many more important places where great computing power is needed. I'm not saying they don't need a powerful Supercomputer at the Los Alamos National Laboratory but having the world's best sitting there is something that i find very difficult to understand
  13. There are cases where one feels inferior but still hates others on the grounds of race. One good example is my president and his cronies. Robert Mugabe has no problems with other races but he hates whites. He has made most of his followers to think whites are devils and they find it hard to believe that a white guy can be as Zimbabwean as they are. Maybe more Zimbabwean than some of them who came from neighboring countries just a dacade ago and still don't hve Zimbo IDs. Anyone who tolerates whites would never find themself supporting Mugabe.Onother example is the rapper Nas. He says a lot of racial stuff but it's not because he the blacks are superior. Although I'm black I don't like the fact that someone can say a lot of racial nonsence and get away with it just because they are Black. If G.W. Bush says a racist statement people will make noise. When R.G. Mugabe says something like that he's said to be fearless. All the dectators and haters of the west will clap hands. Don't get me wrong. I also have a lot against the Western governments but I don't think anyone can be justified for saying something that onother person doesn't want to hear. Let's just get the spirit of revenge out of us. Whatever they did has been done already. What matters is how they think now. If they are willing to be good to us then why do we have to live in the past? Why do we have to talk about slave trade as if we can change somethig about that.
  14. It's funny u guys never mentioned Jet Audio and VLC. These two players are better than some of those u wrote about here. Although I think Windows Media is the best I have a lot of respect for iTunes and Winamp5. What I dont like about Windows is the issue of plugins codecs. I can play almost all filetypes with players like Quintessential, JetAudio, NeroShowtime etc but I cant play .wma with iTunes, flac with WMP so I choose to use the payers that don't care about industry wars like proprietary rights et al. I hate iTunes for chewing up my resources but there are a lot of thing the player offers that u can't get easilly in other playersI have a question for those who r familiar with this thing. How do I set it so that it organises my folders in terms of album artists(like WMP) not song artists. This kinda setup puts songs from the same album into different folders.
  15. I have installed MSN Messenger dozens of times but I keep getting the same result when I try to use MySharingFolders. When I drag a file into a contact it tries to send the file not to place it in the MySharingFolders fr sincronizing. Where do I change these settings? This time I'm sure it's not MSN but me who is messing things up.
  16. Ok I understand now.But why would you use stong language in poetry. I think it make the whole thing loose the essence of poetry. It doesnt achieve what poetry is supposed to achieve. Send me a massage when u make another poem. I think I need to start doing poetry now
  17. I dont know how other guys do it but I use any designing software esp. Macromedia Fireworks to make an image of any size. I usualy make them png and then export to .gif to maintain the transparency. I then launch AnytoIcon and convert my image to a 16x16 .ico image. You are done. To make it appear on your site you add the following code in the head section of your page code: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/favicon.ico" /> Of cause u need to change the red part to suit your file name and path
  18. Google is very creative with software but it seems the giant is running out of creative artistic talent. No wonder why there is nothing beautiful that ever came out of google. I stumble upon this blog and felt like sharing it with those guys who think they are very creative Those who are willing to help Google should CLICK HERE.Don't you think google should do this with most of their stuff coz they seem to make too simple things. I have no problem with that but I know a lot of pple who do. The kind of people who will download and install tranformation packs just to make their XP look like Vista.
  19. hey don't trouble yourself trying to calculate when the end of the world is coming. Christians know that even jesus with all the wisdom that was given to him, doesn't know the date.Place your anxiety where it can yeild results and leave some of these things alone
  20. What are the minimum requirments for google AdSence. What do i need to have? Do they pay into PayPal? There is a lot of stuff I need to know about Adsence but I dont wanna go to their site. I trust third party opinion more than what we get from the owners of any service I'll be looking for online. Even when looking for tutorials I depend on you guys
  21. Since noone has confirmed that they have been paid but Widgetbucks I'll wait a bit. I don't want ot be the one telling pple not to do it because something will have hapened to me. I don't have much and I can't risk to lose anything that I have, time included. So guys go ahead and try it. Please tell everyone about what u find. Call me too sceptical but I dont easily trust people make such big offers when we have been made to believe what we had was ok.
  22. I don't see how a normal person in his right mind can say such ruthless killing of inocent pple is justified. Taking other lives to save lives at home is one of the selfish decisions politicians are forced to make but who said some people are worth killing. If America had to kill inocent Japanese people(women and children included) just because they had some diferences at government level then I think it's very easy to justify 9/11. Anyone can say "America hit us first, so we have to hit them harder". There are a few antions in this world that have not been affected by America's cruelty in one way or the other. Besides, is anyone supposed to suffer for being ruled by a hot head? It's that kind of thinking that is making me and other Zimbabweans suffer. We are denied access to a lot of things online because almost every sane leader in the world hates our president. We hate him too. He has mae our lives miserable by taking away our liberties, killing our industries, bringing our economy to it's knees and denying us the chance to choose another leader. How are we supposed to feel about all this? On top of the pain I can't get access to PayPal, internet.com and other cool sites simply because I'm in a sunctioned country. At fisrt we welcome the sunctions because they were said to be "targeted sunctions" imposed on Mugabe and his allies but now they are affecting us more than him. So next time before you justify an act of cruelty think about the affected people and remind yourself that those guys are people like you. People who also want a good life. I'm literally crying as I'm writing this. I mean there are tears on my cheeks right now. You wouldn't want to dye for what Bush did to Iraq, would you? Think about it.
  23. Sorry for that double post. My browser had crashed so I thought it hadnt sent the reply.
  24. I also hate maybe because I'm black and these guys make it look like black are evil, violent, shallow minded, materialistic, etc. U find all kinds of evil in those songs. I must say it's an evolution. Rap has evolved into a music about flawsing and if u don't brag about what u have(or in some cases what u have hired) u wont sell. Of cause pple say underground rap is better but it's also very evil. I used to be obsessed with Nas, Tupac, Canibus, Postmen, Tela, Supervision and other guys. I used to rate 2Pac and Nas as the best poets my ears've had a chance to hear but now I really think all these guys are distastable. 2pac is violent, Nas is a racist, Canibus will turn any youngster into a juvenile. I've nothing against Postmen but leaving rap altogether was one of the decisions I thank God for helping me make. There are guys like Will Smith, DMC, MC Hammer and Flavor Flav that noone can blame for anything. Although these guys don't insight violence, listening to them will bring u closer to listenning to those who'll corrupt your brains. The likes of Eminem and others. Remember D12 used to be underground. 50Cent used to be underground. U can be underground and still be rotten as hell
  25. I really dont get this. Who is 'we'? Where's all this going. I've nticed u're not a hosted member. What's stopping you from building a site? Ok I see you joined yesterday. 13 post in less than 24 hours is remarkable. That could be the reason you ended up posting stuff that we dont understand. Tell me If I'm thick but I really don't get this poem.
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