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Everything posted by kudmus

  1. Thanks Kobra for the link. My pledge was not not yet there. I warned you guys not to get me wrong. I think their setting the record is a good thing and I'll tell all my friends to download the world's best browser on the 17th. What I'm saying is they shouldn't make a lot of noise about it like that. The record will not be naturally attained. It won't be something someone shd be proud of. Pple like me are going to download it for the sake of the record. The way u guys and a couple of my friends are reacting to this shows me that I'm the only one who thinks this way. Although I now think any human would do that if they could I won't try to be normal. I'm diferent and I like it that way. Although we may have differences in this approach we all have the same goal so let's spread Firefox Let's support Firefox and make history!
  2. Pliz don't get me wrong! I love Firefox and I'll be one of the people who will download the browser on the download day. Although this is my browser of choice I still think these mguys have gone too far with this download record thing. I saw this blog titled Will Firefox 3 set a new world record? and I couldn't help but laugh at such an obsession. Can someone really brag about a record that after working so hard to force us to propell them to the top. I think if anyone needs such a record they should just market their product, make it appealling to us and impress everyone so that we can propell them to the top without them showing openly that that's their motive.
  3. Thanx rvalkass for such a fast reply. It was so comprehensive. but it seems the more the info I get the more I get confused. Searching for the IMAP server I found myself stuck here. I believe what I need is here but I just can't figure out which file to download. I opened the /windows directory and ended up with a .exe file, which is what I was looking for. Idon't like the unzip and configure kind of installation. When I opened the install.txt what I read there showed me that this could be some client software for the guys at Washington University. Should thing be so hard? Isn't this something most pple need? Is it supposed to be readily available?
  4. Hi Guys! A friend of mine came to me asking me to help him write code for his server so that his clients can go on his site and create a webmail account. I told him I'm not a programmer but I googled the subject. I ran into SquirrelMail and was impressed with what it could do. Going through the documentation I saw this I have php5 running on my XPproSP3 but I don't know if I have the other thing. How do I check if I have it? Is it one of the defaults on XP? What about this: Do I have it in php5? Forgive me if I'm asking silly questions. I'm a novice. Does anyone know anything better than SquirrelMail? Is saw a number at hotscripts but choosing one is just like throwing a dice. We don't want to gamble because he wants to do it for a paying client.
  5. Now guys listen to this! I know most of you will not believe this but although my ISP says they are giving me 394kb/s I get less than 20kb/s down, 3kb/s up and no download limit(not necessary coz downloading too much is not posible with such speeds)I pay around US$20.00 and I'm told I'm on braodband. Now what do you think? Ridiculous, huh?That's Zimbabwe for you!
  6. ...or make sure the case used in the code is identikcal to thet on the filenames. With Unix based servers like the one we have here it's very important. Hebrew_K.gif is not identical to hebrew_k.gif
  7. I also was thinking of something like that. Actually I'm planning fro something like that bgut I don't know where to start. Thanx for the ideas but I have a question. How much space does these things take? I understand guys like me only have 20MB hosted here. Can u build a forum here on 20MB? How much customisation does this sort of thing need? How skilled do I have to be? What do I have to know? can you pliz point me to a newbie tutorial on this?
  8. kudmus


    Call me Old fashion but I don't think I'll ever let my kid play a GAme like GTA. It's too evil even for the adults. What you spend time on will shape your mind and i dont think it's a good idea to model your mind on those thugs in the game.
  9. I don't know about XP but this does not work on my Win2003. Everytime I try it it launches the dfefault browser. It might be MS' way to comply with the Windows untying demands. By the way my server started doing this when I ran Windows Update that's why I think it's some thing that they decided to do recently.I cant help but ask myself why someone would completely remove IE. The thing is very small and can sit there without causing any problem(Don't bother it, it won't bother you). Besides I beleave most of u guys are developing sites. How do you get to be satisfied if u don't test your site on different browsers?
  10. It's so interesting none of u guys think he should take Clinton. Don't youj think the Obama-Clinton combination is a powerful front that will easily bring McCain to his knees? Especially considering the influence Bill is going to give to the voters. I really think this Obama guy is smart very smart. I ran into the following blog by Dana Blankenhorn & Paula Rooney titled The Obama Party and the Googlization of politics and think u guys will be interrested in reading this:
  11. Hey guys I have a LAN with a windows domain. The sever is running on Win2003 but the problem is I cant find a good Sercurity suite for it. Idont need an AV coz they have proved useless for someone on the net. Right now it running on the latest Avast 4 which not detected anything since I installed it. All the other pcs are running either Kaspersky or AVG Internet security on each but I believe there are tons of malware on the server itself. I dont know what to run on thhe server. I've tried Kaspersky 6 that I got from a friend but it didn't do me any good. How do you know if has detected everything? Do you know all the threats you have on your PC. Yeah that's bad news. Does it mean there is not going to be AVG8 free edition? What are they doing stopping the service that gave them sucha reputation
  12. For some time I was trying to find the best antivirus for my network because my ISP kept blocking my access telling me they suspect I have a virus infection. I tried McAfee AV, I kept getting them. I tried Symantec AV, nothing changed. Kaspersky AV didn't find anything either. AVG 7 AV was useless. Then I tried AVG8 Internet Security and on each machine it was getting at least 180 tracking cookies. I was so surprised because Kasperky AntiVirus( I luv Kaspersky by the way) was on the machines but could not see anything. After some thinking I later concluded that an AntiVirus will not work on network like mine. So now I resolved that I will only use Internet Security Suites and no AntiVirus. I don't know if any of u guys agrees with me but this is what I just found out.
  13. I downloaded a flash template here and I dont want my site to download the copyright crap. Get me right. I'm not saying I want to pretend as if this is a work of my hands. Of cause I will not claim to have created the site but I sure don't want pple to see the copyright stuff. It's just too big! Besides having it there is like having a site with a joomla shortcut icon like this one here. I tried editing the .fla exporting it to .swf to replace the one was there but I still have the copyright thing. There are so many things I want to change including the images and the on-mouse-over text. I understand some of these thing are editable and it's my fault I can't do it. I need help here. The other thing I wanted to ask about is if it's posible to thow some php code in there so that u can have a database driven flash site. Actualy my question is can I do everything with these templates that i would do with an html page.
  14. I was so surprised to see how long a thread on looks can get. I thought looks are nothing when it comes to computing. My girl used to tell me I was so bland coz I was using XP in the classic theme. I don't think pple who use Vista are buying it for the looks. I can't believe a power user would choose OSes basing on looks. Now that u guys are so into looks I think I'm gonna try and be a normal guy but I'll only go as far as installing the topdesk coz it's the most attractive of all the apps u mentioned. I found th torrent here. I've taught myself not to download Microsoft products whn they are still in the beta. XP Sp3, IE8b, Vista RC1, Windows Live8b, Hotmail beta etc. They all dissapointed me.
  15. I am a Zimbabwean who for close to a decade had to live with fear, poverty, poor remuneration, bad working environment and worst of all, loss of my father all because of a ruthless dictator and his cronies. Everyday I hear of pple being tortured by this guy's bootlickers. Pple I know. Earlier this decade the western world impossed targeted suntions on Mugabe and most highprofile members of his ZANU PF party. The sunctions included travel bans and some other things that I don't know about. Most of us were happy but now it seems we are also being targeted buy the sunctions and I wonder why someone would punish anyone for having their human rights violated. One good example was my failure to create a PayPal account. Why? Because I was trying to access PayPal from a "sunctioned country" not a country with a sunctioned leader. Surely if Mugabe wants a PayPal account(which he'll never need) he can have it in minutes even with sunctions in place. They don't want him to shop in England but he still wears beautiful expensive suits. He does not feel the pinch as painful as the one I'm feeling because of the sunctions, yet they are in place to save me and punish him. My appeal is: IF THERE'S ANYONE OUT THERE WHO CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE, PLEASE HELP PPLE LIKE ME SO THAT WE DON'T GET PUNISHED FOR LIVING A PAINFUL LIFE I also appeal to those who hold my personal info @ Xisto not to give it away coz if they do I can die a more painful death than my father's
  16. Thanx guys for the info but a newbie like me would not jump into the config file. I need to start from scratch. I have google php tutorials but I keep getting the ones that are base on assumption I've already installed php or I need help with some trix on top of the basic php knowledge that I have. I need tutorials that will take me from the moment I double-click my php installer to the moment when I can say I have configured my site and php, apache and mySQL are now working in harmony. By the way my site is not on my rig. It's hosted by Xisto. Can anyone point me to such resources? Pliz!
  17. I cant believe there are pple who still base their choices on skin colour in the states. I find that here in Zimbabwe but I never expected it from such an advanced society. It's pple like u who turn off the man's white supporters because the whole thing will look like it's about race. Why don't u take it from "Billary" herself who said she knows the race was not about coloour although she wasn't sure if it wasn't about gender. U are like me. I don't vote in Zimbabwe but my reason is I hate both guys. One is very cruel and has made me suffer for more than eight years now. The other one is a puppet who can not think. His supporters only support him because he opposestheir enermy. Recently he was told by someone in the Bush admin to come back home from exile and he humbly complied knowing fully well that his life could be in danger
  18. I also had a problem with Gusty Gibbon and I think it's the only reason why I'm still using WinXp. I could not join an Windows domain. On the server I'm running Window 2003 Server Enterprise. When I install Ubntu on my desktop I try to get plug ins for the media player and other things but the system does not see internet. I can see anyfile on any machine on the network. I can surf the internet because I can configure the browser's proxie settings but the thing keeps telling me I dont have internet. Is there anything like a firewall client that I need to install to make life easier for me?
  19. Thanx guys but how do I make the crossover cable? Does anyone know the configs of the cable. I have the jack the network cable and the crimping tool but I dont know which pins to switch with which ones.I have another question. What things can I do with this type of connection? What is it that I can't do? an I RemoteDesktop? Is this connection some kind of a workgroup where you have to go through network places and access only the shared folders?
  20. Hey Thanx for that advice. Is it just good practice or it's one of the rules of these forums. Could that be the reason why one of my posts titled "Carefour sensorship- Google or China" was deleted? Could it be because someone is going around the net getting rid of such info?
  21. For those who are so loyal to Page and Brin that they can't let go of their Gmail accounts. I've got some news for you. I got this info from Garet Rogers' blog titled Gmail can be used as a spam bazooka Notice from rvalkass: You must put Quote tags around any content not original to the forums.
  22. I didnt know something like this is posible untill I saw Garret Rodgers' blog. He wrote: Hey guys what do u think? Is there anyone in China who can help?
  23. kudmus


    Hi guys! I am in a sunctioned country but I want to use paypal. Does anyone know how to fool this thing so that it doesn't deny me the opportunity to make money online. I desperatley want to make some money online. These pay per cllick don't seem to be a good idea to me unless things like AutoClicker really work.
  24. ... or have each member have a paypal inbox where thy can get all their emails. As for conltacting us they can just use some kind of ntification to tell you taht you have email n your paypal inbox. These notifications will come to ur regular email account
  25. I want to create a PayPAl accoount so that I can have money online but I don't know what I'll do to make the money. Someone told me about Paid surveys, how safe and lucrative are they? What are u guys using? Can anyone point me to other ways of making money. Are there other services worth knowing besides paypal?
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