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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. Welcome to Xisto nyktovios. I know you will enjoy your time here at Xisto.com The best place on the net I know. you will find a lot of very interesting topics here in the forum, along with the greatest members and mods around. Just please make sure you read the RULES before you go on a posting spree. Good luck and again. a Very Big Welcome to the land of Xisto.com
  2. ah honestly, on a scale from 1 to 10? barely a 1. Needs a lot of work. the concept is good but the design bites the big one.things I would do. 1 a better templet or design. the colors your using are kinda dull and boring.2. You should use a better way of showing your links. maybe a drop down menu?3. a few graphics, men related the way that it looks now to me? I would look at it then leave all within 10 second. sorry to be so crule but just being honest
  3. today I was looking around for a better ISP due to the one that I have has raised there prices. well I looked at them all then found this. https://www.google.com/tisp/ being from google I thought to myself this has got to be the real deal. Then I read it all and have had second thoughts of it. It just proves a fact of where most of the internet surfing has gone.
  4. You know maybe I missed something here but. but this reboot and on April 1st? Everyone I have talked to today and yesterday said they have notice no problems of losing the "net" or anything out of place which makes me belive that Everyone was GOT! Check the date. April 1st Hence April fools day, I am not saying that this reboot did not take place but I have to wonder only because of the date. I learned a long time ago never trust anything that is to happen on that date. Been fooled too many times.
  5. I saw this and had to to read it being a coke lover. the drink that is. Had a Ex GF that had a bad addiction. Should would go at lest 10 2 litter bottles a week of that stuff.
  6. as someone that has loved all kinds of music for many years. I have to agree though. Some of the things that are being played and sold now as music, is nothing but noise. I know thats gonna piss off some of you but it is true. Seems as ever other word is Kill this or kill that or Blank you or worse. Then again you have some of these new bands that are just comming around. If you have ever looked around say Myspace you will find a lot of unsigned bands that are not with any lable. Some are just Fan Damned Tastic. But back to the topic at hand. People change just like music does. Willing to bet for the ones that Love the Hip Hop. that when your grown and have kids of your own, your kids will say Turn Down that &^%$ just like your parents do to you now. I know mine did that with me and the Rolling Stones.
  7. Oh the boy's of summer are back! Yes Ny I think you are right for the most part about A Rod, but I have to say this. He is just 1 of 9 others. Even though I am a hard nosed Met's fan. I have to say this for the Yankee's. The need youth! So much of there team has got well Over the hill. I don't mean that in a bad way. yes they all have 1 or 2 season's left in them. But the Yankee's need and should look more into there Minor Leagues. Went to a couple of Trenton Thunder's games last year. They have some very good kids there. I feel sure that most will have been brought up to there tripple A level, but I hope that they will bring up some of there Minor's to the show. You can not rely on Your A Rod's and your Jetters all the time.
  8. Deja vu is a very strange and weird feeling, that's for sure. I have had it a few times, You will be doing something or talking to someone and bam! You get the feeling you have done this all before. Like the movie Ground Hog Day.
  9. I came across this tonight as I was checking my mail tonight. Happy that I did too. reminded me to run my antivirus programs. Which is something everyone should do at least daily if your like me and on the net. you never know when something can sneak in on you. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/
  10. Would love knowing what that ticket was for? And yes that is why google has done all this, for personal amusement of the world. Kind of funny but today I got talking with someone of all the uses of google and there maps. We both think Google now try and map the human brain next.
  11. You know though Networker, I bet they do use there own network for a lot of things that we do not really know about. It would be stupid and foolish if they did not have there own in some way or another.
  12. Echo_of_thunder


    I totally agree. MSN messenger is a joke of the net. with Yahoo you can add your MSN hotmail friends and yahoo.
  13. Well Only thing that I can suggest is to go back to the site and leave a comment request. Being your in Canada I kind of doubt that they would do this thought. Another would be for your to contact your weather service up there and suggest google overlays. 3rd and this is your best bet. Make your own radar from Google maps. The KML files you need are always found in the need. The are fairly easy to make if you know anything of Java and Ajax as well. Good Luck.
  14. Hmmm I think I bit off maybe more than I can chew here. Looking at that tut, it seems easy enough but my PHP is so weak maybe best I just forget that idea until I learn it a little better. maybe by 2098 I will have it down. Thanks though
  15. I have met my share of online friend too over the years. even though some I wish I had never of met online or in real. But that is the chances you take here I guess. But for the most part the ones that I have met have been very good and wonderful. But one sticks out in my mind all the time. A filipina girl I met here. so very sweet and nice. Guess that's why she and I are getting married. So yes it is great meeting people here from the internet. But also too as I said before. There have been a few that I wish that I had never met. So just be careful if you wish to meet someone here. Get to know them very well 1st.
  16. Okay now I am a little scared of googles adsense, I just started with it a week ago, No I would never go and click an ad from my own page. but if they Google are such sticklers, or that is how it sounds from all the past posts. It kind of scares and worries me, that they google could ban me just because some weather man called for a sunny day and it ended up raining.
  17. Honestly? and I don't mean to upset you in any way shape or form, but dull. eather too much white, on the black & white which I do like the best. Myself I would have used black for the background and white for the other parts and a gray, maybe a Maroon border real thin one. as for the avatars? on a scale from 1-10? 5.5sorry just my own feelings though.
  18. Welcome to Xisto Gummybear. Yes this is very active around here. I know that you will enjoy yourself here, and learn a whole lot from all the great people here and all the topic to be found. We just ask that you please take the time to go and read the Rules They are all very easy to understand. So enjoy yourself and looking forward to reading your blog once your all set up.
  19. Oh but Tramp everyone know's who you are by your sig. Your that hippy from that 70's show, what's his name Tommy Chong? Or was that Frank Zappa? that bong I mean boll is a dead give away lol jk
  20. Wow I knew it was gonna happen, The US National Weather Service Will now be using a google map overlay on all there radars comming real soon. Here is the Mosaic of the full US map. From what I have been told by people that are in the know with the NWS this should be taking place this May. I have been going to that page every day for about a week now, and they are working hard on getting bugs out. Now with the NWS using google will make things so much simpler than before as well. Now they can zoom into a area and pin point it's location down to the street, where they could not before. This is not just for the internet viewers. Ever NFO "National Forcast Office will be seeing the same thing. Sadly though about 6 to 7 mins before we see it on the net. Just wish I could tell you all, but I can say this. There will be a lot more new and exciting things to come in the next 1 to 2 yrs.
  21. Okay as you all know. I am not that bright when it comes to some codes and things like that. I was wondering how hard it would be to put a login box on my site, using a data base to my forum? I get my share of hits, but few go and look at all of the site. I was thinking, if I added this. maybe they would do go and look. Problem is I have no idea of what or where to even start this. Any Idea's?
  22. Why do I see the old joke, comming on. lol but yes you can find out a lot about people by what he or she may have in the pockets or purse. You can also by how they dress as well.
  23. OMG That is the shocker of of the year! NOT. Kids will be kids. Yea there is a baby involved but The Key word here is Kids. But I will be willing to bet they will get back together. We all know how young love it. On again off again. Been there done that. It's called Life.
  24. Well I am happy to see I do have some support on this matter. Bad thing is this. For the last couple of days we here in the US have had some Serever weather out breakes such as tornados and serever thunderstorms. I had gone into a few chat rooms and posted these warnings in the states that had been effected. After a while I had been logged off chats and then not able to log back in for 24 hours. So Yahoo got me for the dreaded spamming. Thank god for a few back up screen names haha. But there has to be a way around this. How come these bots never get booted or banned for 24hrs? It don't make since to me. Any Ideas?
  25. Thats just it though, Would be a lot easier just to have a network of people not a bot doing this. yea you could do it as a plug in, and just go into one room. But pretend you have a tornado warning for say New York State. There a lot of rooms there. I feel as it would be better to have real a real person doing this not some bot or plug in, for the simple fact a real person can update a little faster than a plug in bot. You would be very shocked and suprised to know just how many people once they get onto the net and into a chat room get into there own little world. I found this out with that weather event yesterday 3/8/09 I hit the chats spreading the word of a reported tornado near Toledo ohio. So many said they had no idea of it or they didnt even know of a watch or warning in there areas.
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