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Everything posted by tricky77puzzle

  1. I wonder if we could add to this...11. There would be "smart" cars around too. They would be overall 200% better than Microsoft cars, but would only go on 5% of the roads and wouldn't have any entertainment features except for a radio built in.
  2. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I wonder why no one posted this before... The EU's latest action against Microsoft for violating antitrust sanctions has amounted to 899,000,000 € (or about $1.35 billion). CNET has a poll based on this, and about 56% of people voted for "too little". I voted on that myself. I think the EU should have taken initiative for the US and Canada and raised it to 1.4 bn€ (billion euros), in my opnion. Microsoft has been violating people's privacy and trust for too long. Even Zune and iPod are mortal enemies when it comes to file formats. Microsoft has been keeping too many secrets (possibly more than even the US government), and it's time that they started to stop starting to monopolize (let's see if your heads can get around that last statement; I'll recommend you to Google) by cutting off users' retreats and forcing them to buy their products. I mean, come on. That's more of an "anti-push" factor (pushing other users out of other businesses into their own) than a "pull" factor, and anti-push factors are illegal. What do you think?
  3. And after you're done scanning, here's a general rule to follow when reading emails: NEVER open ANY word documents or WMA files that you may find as an attachment. You can be 98% sure that it's a virus. If you want people to send you .doc files, ask them to go on MSN or something, but NEVER through email.
  4. Robots have no autonomy. Once they do, we can start giving them rights. Robots are programmed machines. They can be abused as much as wanted and won't give a peep, since they can't. Giving them rights is like giving rights to a rock. There's no point, since they can't act on the rights. The only thing that might happen from prolonged abuse is loss of function. But even then, we can scrap it and recycle it to create a new one. But back in the olden days, they used to do this to horses too. That is a different story. Horses actually have some autonomy, unlike robots.We cannot just abuse them because we feel like it. This is another test of the credit-rating system at a set level (100 credits) Characters with spaces: 626 Characters without spaces: 626 – 118 = 508 Number of BBCode characters: 7 Credits before: 100.36 Credits after: 101.21 Credits earned: 0.85 Ratio: 508 / 0.85 = 597.64705882352941176470588235294 Ratio, excluding BBCode: 501 / 0.85 = 589.41176470588235294117647058824 Estimated set ratio: 600 I read somewhere that the script worked logarithmically. It doesn't seem to, since I would most probably have to post 900 characters to get a credit. Also, BBCode is included in the counting of credits. Of course, it was also my opinion. I wouldn't just post some random stuff to use as a test.
  5. More like one dirty principal...Here's another one, in the form of a Little Johnny joke:One of the teacher's questions was: "There are three women eating ice-cream cones. One was licking it, one was biting it, and one was sucking it. Which one was married?"The child replied, "The one with the wedding ring on her finger." It's not a real problem, but it would have been used by the teacher to test the kid's lateral thinking, since it is impossible to deduce from the information given.
  6. Of course abortion should be a last option. But sometimes it is the only option. I wouldn't advise anyone get an abortion, if it were up to me, but I'd say that it is an option. Really, it all boils down to which is more important: the mother's right to her own body, or the "right" for the fetus to use the mother's body to reach full development. I'd say the former is.
  7. Don't you just hate it when people call Microsoft, Windows, and Linux derogatory names? Well, I do. I think it's just useless, because calling them derogatory names won't get them to improve; they'll just sue you or something. Here's a few of the examples of "nicknames" of every company that I've heard over the past year: Windows: Windoze, Doors (don't really get this one), Losedows ("lose", opposite of "win"), Faildows ("fail", pseudo-opposite of "win") Microsoft: Micro$oft ($ meaning money-centered), Microshaft, Microsquish, Macrosuck, Microhard Internet Explorer: (don't even get me started.) Internet Exploder (although this could be a typo), Exposer, Exploiter, Exposure; WHY (a mistransliteration of WIE, Windows Internet Explorer), MISSED (Microsoft's Internet Super-Slow Exploding Device). Okay, so I made the last one up, but who knows? GAIM (GNU AIM): Gay American Instant Messaging Linux: Linsux GNU in general: GNU's not Ubiquitous, GNU's not Undefeated (yeah, I mae these 2 up too, but who knows?) Netscape: Netscrape (meaning that it's "scraping" the bottom of the market share), Net-goat (It's a "scapegoat" of IE) Mac: Fackintosh (Yes, that's a misspelling of a swear word. It rhymes, though.) I couldn't really go rattling off names for centuries, but you get the idea. Why call them bad names in your private life where it doesn't do anything? Show them some primitive respect, even if they do charge $400 for an operating system. EDIT: Fixed a few spelling mistakes.
  8. Their right mouse button is Control+Mouse Button. That's what "CONTROL" is used for. There's another saying: If you have Windows in your computer, everyone can see your data.
  9. (Please keep in mind that while I am not personally supportive of abortion, I am pro-choice.) [1]Only if 100,000,000 people in the anti-abortionist movement (pro-life to you) have already acted but have only created bad publicity. [2]Then they should have lowered their sex drive in another way. Self-control can only go so far. [3]Abstinence-only. So you're that kind of person. Only the Christian movement really teaches this explicitly; not to mention that only 40% of the world is Christian. It's called teaching both methods at the same time, and to tell children that they should never be coerced into having sex; that abstinence is a right that needs to be exercised; not a responsibility that must be enforced. [4]Putting emphasis on "sounds": It sounds more like he'd (she'd?) rather let the child die so that both can gain some peace: one on Earth, the other near God or in the grave. [5]Babies cry for a lot of reasons, but if you suspect something's wrong, or it's crying in a different way, you might want to take it to the doctor to see if it's in pain. For the latter, yes, you do need to be educated. You can't just say abortion is wrong because it hurts the mother as well as "killing" the baby before it's born. You need to know why. [6]It seems more to me that you want abortion to be completely illegalized except if the fetus would die anyway. Correct me if I'm wrong, but how do you know that the fetus (or the mother) will die? Would it not be more (religiously) prudent to completely illegalize abortion, and in these rare caes, pray for the best? [7]I beg to differ, at least on how this affects the abortion argument. If the fetus does not have self-awareness, then it will not know that it was even alive. Some adults vegetate as well. You ever heard of Terri Schiavo? She was the one who was stuck on a feeding-tube and had it pulled out after a few years. The Bush Administration tried to pass a law against it, but Florida hammered it down because it was unconstitutional. [8]Well, actually, I agree. But this is irrelevant. [9]Also irrelevant. [10]I think he (she?) means, "If you're going to tell me that this fetus has the potential to be a human being, then why does it matter whether the baby was a product of violence and terror? Shouldn't everyone have the same rights to the same situation?" (my own parts in dark red) [11]Who said that the rapist was given any relief? As well, you're begging the question. We haven't established whether the act was immoral, unjust, or selfish. And he's (she's?) not fitting only his (her?) ideals, but the ideals of a few billions of people, just like you're trying to do. [12]Yes, seriously. Conservatism doesn't make sense most of the time, actually. (Yes, I'm turning this light-hearted comment into a serious argument.) Read the edit on my previous post as an additional argument to number 2.
  10. I didn't say that. I like to get all the practice stuff out of the way before its assigned. How do you get a GPA of 4.5? I thought the highest was 4.0 (A to A+). Unless, of course, I'm wrong and the maximum is actually 5.0 (100%)... Anyway, you probably won't get about 6 hours of homework in any part of your education life. Maximum would probably be 5. Of course, in China, it's a different story... even in grade 9 people get about 3 horus of homework a day.
  11. Excellently phrased. In America today, a lot of people only have abstinence-only education about sex, and can't fight between natural impulses and societal persuasions. What is a "meth baby"? I believe that abortion should be "rare, safe, and legal", like that guy... whatsitsface... okay, I don't remember who quoted that. EDIT: As well, a lot of anti-abortionists are also against masturbation. How else do you lower your sex drive? Can they prescribe a pill, or is it just a "test of the human will to follow God instead of its body" according to Catholics?
  12. 6 hours of homework comes sometime at around Grade 12, or at finishing school. At university, you don't really "get" any "homework" (in the sense that you don't get assigned any day-to-day practice sheets), but the "real" homework is that one big project that makes up your term paper. All the rest doesn't get marked. Well, that's according to one of my friends at church who goes to university. I don't know myself, since I'm only in grade 9. Also, if you're going to take hard classes, take them because you need them to get a good standing, not just because they're hard and you want to show off. Like me, I write Grade 11 and Grade 12 contests while I'm still in Grade 9 because I want to get really good at math and be favoured for a spot at a certain university program, with all those tests plus whatever else I achieved under my r?sum?'s belt.
  13. Strange indeed. There are no non-keyboard-accessible special characters in the code. nothing like Ö or ý. I don't think a code that you could tap into would contain those kinds of characters. Maybe the real code is this: S+5tŽ`üěŐÇdbŹ)î‹=ťâsÜraóËŒ!ťđqpé€^˜ţŔÝíto:Ý~łUčößZ}!á÷ĐLßâüěâÎM‹¸~vĆÉN1}s:xűgôÂĂé—éמWˆÜ.žźbxËŕx×áXF…ŹŐ¸łĹ1Ěv5ĹąÖ*\dX,,•'{gH–ą*˝7×Hí“!”ô¤•ęŁ}GGëL55ÖšŔuň\)^€b8Ž+Fí2Ţ–™w*Ţ;Ă"á.ŘŮSÝoĽ5ÔZżßÍ|FŐô\•bר Signed, a well wisher EDIT: Hold on... BASE64 encryption requires 8 of those characters I just gave you to be strung together into one. I think it has something to do with permutation...
  14. Shoudn't it be "The number is 2"? Obviously this guy is good at programming, but kinda weird at math... Basically doing math in PHP is like doing math in C. Except for the fact that you don't have any of the "math" libraries to work with.
  15. I don't. I just sprinkle the soup base over the noodles and eat it that way. IT tastes better than having it in soup, IMO.
  16. Good ol' Microsoft. Barging in to marry whatever it can. Microsoft is already enough of a polygamist.I want to find a suitable anagram for "Microsoft is gay because it wants to buy out Yahoo". I can't find one at all.
  17. If a proton's charge is +1e, and an electron's charge is -1/1836e (according to mass), wouldn't everything be positive overall and be a gas as well? Or is the electron's charge -1e as well?I'm not that good at particle physics. I didn't really learn that much.
  18. I have one more comment to that: it makes almost no sense. You're saying that the mother can die as long as the fetus is born into a baby? Don't you think that's taking the "responsibility" to carry the baby to term a bit too seriously? In any case, the multiple-doctor scenario that you bring up, according to Wikipedia, was actually the case between 1967 and 1989. Between 1892 and 1967, abortion and even contraception were actually completely illegal. Because the three-doctor committee scneario didn't work out too well, since it provided for too many flaws, considering that there was only one chain that had a lot of links, and one decision by a doctor could turn down the abortion entirely. In 1989, Canada completely gave up trying to legislate on abortion because the Senate turned down a penalty of 2 years in jail for any doctor who performed an abortion that was not under risk of death of the mother. Here's the exact text from Wikipedia:
  19. printf is a standard function in C. You can't modify it.Try doing the same thing in c++.
  20. God in the form of an OS? Which OS would that be? I hope you aren't being literal...I suck at interpreting sarcasm.
  21. But don't always put the blame 100% on the teen. That never works either. Sort out the blaming objectively. If someone started it, you both do get blamed. If the teen started it, well... then that's a different story.
  22. Man, if the Bill Gates Foundation could donate that much to the OLPC project...But what is that much good for? I mean, come on. You're going to pay the price of a top-of-the-line SUV to get a computer. Get a life.
  23. I've noticed that the layouts of Mac's file browser and control panel are very similar to KDE's. Who copied whom? Also, Windows incorporates part of the UNIX kernel into its own kernel. If each OS were a language, each one would be as follows: Mac would be French, Spanish, and Italian (plus any other Romance languages) Unix and Linux would be German, Dutch, and other Germanic languages. FreeBSD would probably be Swedish, Finnish, and other Scandinavian languages. And Windows would be English, which borrows from every language and is highly versatile.
  24. I wonder how much the government paid you to say that... I give it an 8/10 because their toilets are hard to use, and their schools are about 400% as strict as the ones we have here in Canada, plus the fact that Wikipedia is inaccessible. But that's about it. Just 1 point off. It's pretty good otherwise.
  25. You seem to be very anti-choice. (Well, of course. You limit the choices to one very rare cause.) And what of rape? It is not the mother's decision here. Are you saying that she has to wear a chastity belt wherever she goes so that on the off chance that someone wants to try to attack her sexually, he can't get to the part he wants? This seems ridiculous. Even if it was a wrong decision, there is also the case that the woman was not educated correctly about sex and contraception. This constitutes enough of the cases that the choice of abortion should be made available. If you want the mother to keep the baby after being a victim of rape, you are giving her a worse punishment than if the rapist got the death penalty. She doesn't want a reminder of something that scarred her for life. I myself would never get an abortion for anything I was involved in with a girl, but I think the choice should be made available, for others who don't believe in that. Sure, it's morally wrong according to anti-abortionists, but that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be legal, because pro-choice people have different opinions. If you really are so pro-life, why don't you try abolishing the death penalty in the US? (If I'm offending you, or if what I'm saying is factually inaccurate, I'm sorry; it's just that I'm trying to make a point.) (The following statement is not directed at anybody.) A lot of anti-abortionists actually support the death penalty for violation of abortion law, as well as other things. This seems kind of hyprocritical to me, since if one method of death is justified, why is another one not? So you're saying that murder is less bad than, say, seeing someone commit suicide and not calling 911. Although the fetus has a right to not be directly killed, it does not have the absolute right to se the woman's body. When I say "direct" and "indirect", I'm giving them scientific definitions. Indirect support is any type of support which does not directly connect the two bodies. So spoonfeeding a baby is still considered indirect support, althought it might be direct in non-scientific terms. Spoonfeeding the child, in this case, brings food to the child's mouth, which in turn nourishes him/her. Therefore it is "indirect".It is true that science doesn't define moral or parental responsibilities. Just in the same way that religion doesn't really pinpoint when a baby becomes a living human being. If you want to require at least two doctors' permission to carry out an abortion, it will take an agonizingly long time, since the doctors have to formally agree and sign contracts and do everything. I believe your tactic is to try to delay the abortion as much as possible so that the mother will be sick of waiting and decide to cancel the decision. This method is even morally lower than carrying out an abortion without verification of the mother's situation, because it involves trying to hurt the mother so that the baby can survive. Even in the case of rape, the baby has the same rights. But does the mother have to do this? No; you could make the father do it. However, the woman still suffers for nine months, knowing that she's carrying a bit of the rapist inside of her. Don't you think that's just a little too much torment already? You'd be surprised. When kids find out they're adopted, they usually go and cry in a corner or something. I mean, come on. It's bad enough that your parents shun you. Some of these kids start to wich they were never born, which would be the case with abortion. And please, don't even think of raising the argument of not telling them. That's like telling the public that the moon landings were a hoax.
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