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Everything posted by tricky77puzzle

  1. Well, then again, the whole point of the comic page is to display it on the page itself. If I just linked to them. you'd have to click on a link to see the image and it would take the same amount of time to load anyway, plus you'd have to switch between 2 tabs to see both the comic and the description. I'll set up an archive page later, where there'll be about 100 links to different pictures.
  2. On their webpage: I believe Firefox has this already (although without a name). And the word "unlikely" doesn't seem to fit. Maybe they should change it to "every 30 minutes while the browser has a hangover".
  3. As always, I'll be installing theis version before it comes out. Maybe it will be better.
  4. Here's a thought... you know how you need to be born on or before "this day on 1990" (1989 in Canada) to be able to smoke? Well, on December 31, 2009, you can freeze that birthdate limit at December 31, 1991. Then smokers will eventually die out.
  5. Let's do an objective comparison: Gmail has 6.8 GB and counting (as well, it grows by about 1 megabyte per day), Inbox.com has 5 Gmail has no premium service (basically, what you get is already the best), Inbox.com has one (and it costs $29.88/year!) (In this case, no premium is actually better than premium.) Both have POP3 and SMTP (no competition there) Both have overtop and underlying services (Photos, Organizer, Calendar, websites, etc.), but Google has more (Desktop search, web accelerator, PageRank system, search engine) Gmail has smaller system requirements; as well, you can have multiple emails Conclusion: To get GMail, there are no payoffs. It's better, hands down. Yikes, I just found the full features list. GMail's maximum attachment size is 20 MB, so is Inbox.com's Both have email notifiers Both have mail search functionality Both have folder management (GMail uses a tag system; also, its clients have folder management, so this is a trivial feature) Inbox.com doesn't provide ads... (well, neither does Gmail, they only scan search results) Both have spam and virus scanners Both have message conversation ability Still no visible payoffs. Get GMail.
  6. Well, pretty much. I've read XKCD for a long time, and the comics do really have a similar style don't they? I guess Randall and I just have similar interests... About the one with the matrix, read the one in 0,0 first. And then, it's all up to you. I have Inkscape, actually. However, this is just supposed to be a quick th ing by me; I'm not planning to make it professional anytime soon. I use inkscape to design logos, however, including my Earthdragon one. (This logo is my personal artist's logo that I put on "The Seal".)
  7. I believe it means "Prepreocessed Hypertext Programming". But, yes, PHP is a server-side scripting language that allows you to view pages' output without displaying the source code. This is especially useful if you have a trade-secret script (for example, this forum's credit system) that you don't want anyone to see.
  8. I made an overgeneralization. Canada is a very multicultural country; that is true. Maybe the figure is about 40%. I live in Toronto, and about 50% of my class (possibly 60%) is Chinese or some sort of East Asian. Of course we love all races. I'm not trying to be offensive.
  9. You'd be surprised at how good the Chinese army is. It could pwn (read: obliterate) America any day. They have influences with Japan, who does the real innovating with weapons. Now, I think Canada would be neutral in this battle, since although they're right next to america, some 70% of the population is Chinese or somesort of East Asian. Of course, neither the US or China will attack it, since it provides an effective no-man's-land for both sides.
  10. I'm using Firefox 3.0b4. They re-added the stop button, is all I've noticed from beta 3. I also hope that they will finally add MNG and full SVG support. I want to try using MNG, and have already used SVG once.
  11. That seems more like a description of IE7, based on my experience. And my computer actually gets a 5.2/5.9 on the Vista Experience Index!
  12. Of course there's no excues for murder, but there is an excuse from death penalty. If you give the prisoner a life sentence, which is recommended for murder, only if he breaks out can you really give him/her the death penalty for repeat offenses. If a child is murdered you can force him to adopt a child while he is in prison, and put him in a padded room instead of one with hard concrete walls. If you kill someone for self-defense, you can't call it murder, because murder is killing with the intention of killing. So, your argument is inconsistent.
  13. The problem is prevailing with files uploaded one-by-one. Maybe it's a problem with Filezilla? Or is it with the server?
  14. So this guy attacks someone and then covers it up by threatening the family he attacked with eviction notices.Man, this guy's messed up! You should take him to a mental hospital or something.
  15. Wow, this is exactly what I wanted. Thanks, Kansuke! I wonder if you wrote this as a response to my topic about the includes.
  16. Pretty much worthless. I never watch TV unless there isn't a computer around where I can surf the web. all the videos I want, I can get them off the 'Net. I don't play video games; just flash games. Video games aren't a complete waste of time. Nothign is. It's just more wasteful than, say, posting here on the forums. Now, TV, that's a different story. Sure, you gather information, but you don't give any out, which is meaningless. At least in video games, you can have a little interaction. Nothing is a complete waste of time.
  17. I think it's stupid that Apple only wants its endorsed applications to run on the iPhone. Even Windows doesn't do that! (well, then again, they've only come up with the "Zune", and its DRM is already bad enough) Their PC's are much more friendly with 3-rd party applications, though. So while I'd never buy an IPod or iPhone, I'd probably get a Mac if I had the chance.
  18. It didn't use to be that way. I had a host on 110mb once, which I've explained in earlier posts. They had quite the service, but they decided to oversell a bit with 100 Gb of bandwidth (previously, they only had 10,000 MB.) After that, they started taking off quite a few features. I think 110mb is trying to stop overselling and make themselves seem cheap and unattractive.
  19. I agree. I mean, forget the animals, there are innocent humans that are being tortured in exactly the same way, although for political purposes instead of nutritious, which only makes it worse. Before you try to condemn China for this, think about countries that do the same thing to people. I mean, don't feel sympathy for animals just because they're cute. That's a human weakness. I mean, we can adore them for their cuteness, but don't do it for that sole reason.
  20. What if it was lowered tp 100? I'd think about 20% of people would go for this, not knowing what they're getting into.
  21. In my experience, IE7 actually loads more slowly (read: 2 minutes 30 seconds conmpared to 3 seconds) than Firefox. Maybe it's because Firefox has a preload cache? Because I use Firefox much more often than IE.
  22. Next thing you know, it will spread to abortionists and robbers. I don't believe in the death penalty simply because of two reasons: One, because if the death penalty is incurred, it will start to leak down into smaller crimes as well, and two, that these murderers can get over it and still be valuable members of society. I've also heard that while in prison, the murderers are so bored that they start going mad and wishing they were dead. As well, some people murder for religious or spiritual reasons (read: Al-Qaeda), and will consider dying an honor. Do you want to give them that honor, or make them pay by not killing them and withholding it? Even Christians shouldn't be so fast to embrace the death penalty. Maybe Jews who still follow Mosaic law, but not Christians. Did Jesus not say, "Forgive not seven times, but seventy times seven." If the murderer does repent during the 25 years that he is in prison, then he should not receive any further punishment, other than the life sentence that he already has. As well, the death penalty is slowly dying out itself. Even the US only had about 1,000 institutional murders last year, down from 10,000 a few decades ago. Although it is legal in almost all the states, the death penalty is slowly diminishing into non-use in developed countries. If you really want it back, voice out your opinion. Then why is it that the US is looking into more humane ways to kill people? If it really is as you say, then why not give the murderers a slow, painful death? Preferably by using the good ol' breaking wheel, or shooting a lead bullet into their stomach. Maybe you could use an electric chair set at 10,000 volts at 0.1 ampĨres? That would take 25 seconds to kill them. The point here is the difference between civil rights and basic human rights. Just because you rape someone doesn't make you any less human than if you didn't. (Of course, some people would argue otherwise.) Of course you throw away your civil rights when you commit a crime, such as the right to vote, speak freely, and move freely. But your basic human rights, like the right to life, still remain. (Of course, in the case of a fetus, it does not have the basic human rights yet, not because they were taken away, but simply because they weren't given yet. I don't want to contradict myself by supporting the choice of abortion.)
  23. You could say that. I don't really fear death itself; just dying.I mean, come on. You don't need to fear what's inevitable. You just need to fear the process that goes with it.
  24. There's also some substance in tigers that Chinese are after. Tigers are endangered, so there will be even more opposition, as the chemical is not as helpful as the bear one.
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