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Everything posted by tricky77puzzle

  1. I used to be at 110mb, until their MySQL databases went away.They sure didn't fool me when I first went there. It was, I believe 2000 MB (1.95 GB) of space, and 10000 Mb (9.77 GB) of bandwidth per month. And stuff like PHP and mySQL were there for no charge flat.
  2. People who talk "li3k th15" aren't stupid, they're just bad at grammar.People who have no internet life other than on Myspace and Facebook are stupid.
  3. I am completely opposed to the death penalty. Yes, even for murderers. What good does it do? 1. It deters people, making them think twice before murdering someone. It deters people who haven't planned the murder out. It doesn't deter people who have already thought twice (evaluated the consequences) and decided to go with it anyway. Most of these murderers feel like their life isn't worth anything anymore anyway, because of whatever the person they're about to murder did to them. 2. Taxpayer's dollars won't be wasted in providing beds for someone that murdered one they might have loved. This is a utilitarian argument. It is a good idea, but is it practical? Killing people to save money gives the impression that the government is mean, hedonistic, capitalistic, and oppressive. Let the utilitarians argue about that for a while and see what they come up with. 3. Justice is done. The punishment fits the crime. Define "justice". Even the Bible says, "forgive your oppressors". Does the punishment really fit the crime? 4. The crime will no longer be committed. The crime wouldn't be committed if the prisoner was on life without parole, even if only for 24 years. Also, if rehab was successful, the crime would also no longer be committed. 5. You throw away your right to life when you commit a crime. No, you don't. You may throw away your other rights, but everyone has a right to life. (That is to say, every living human. I support abortion as well, because the fetus is not a living human, in the sense that it is not living.) Just because you've committed a crime doesn't mean you're not a human anymore. It may seem that way, but it isn't.
  4. Yes, rape is a bad thing. But it doesn't have to go too far. Performing prototype medical tests on prisoners is a very draconian law. You're basically using a sledgehammer to kill a peanut. There prototype medical tests are VERY underdeveloped, and something could go seriously wrong including severe pain for several years followed by death. Sure, you throw your rights away when you commit a crime. But it doesn't mean you're not a human anymore, and it sure doesn't mean that you can't get them back. You can learn from your mistakes and slowly get your rights and your conscience back. Zero tolerance doesn't have to mean zero mercy. Just because that person raped one other person, that person's life doesn't have to end. Neither does the rapist's. Someone else advised that they lock a sign on the rapist's head for 2 years in a row, plus community service. I say make the sign have big flashing lights and say "I AM A RAPIST" in big 240-point letters (the kind that you see in cartoons sometimes), and have them do 3 years' worth or 800 hours of community service, whichever comes last. I'm completely opposed to death penalty. Seriously, what good does it do? Sure, it gets rid of a murderer who killed your spouse, but it just kills off more people, and the murderer's friends are probably going to avenge them, by killing a police officer or something. In my opinion, the most someone should be able to get is life without parole for 24 years, what we have here in Canada.
  5. So then we would be unique! Wouldn't that be nice...
  6. Well, one relief from work is superconductors - the resistance is zero. This reduces the work needed to try to transfer the object.The density of space is 2 hydrogen particles per cubic metre? That could create friction, but we can find a way to lower that density down to maybe about 0.02 particles per cubic metre, at least in a laboratory. Let's just hope that it doesn't spontaneously implode.
  7. Well, even if the chloroplasts's structure were to be modified, the hydrogen to use as energy in photosynthesis has to come from somewhere, so the plan would only be 50% efficient, as the chloroplast would have to use at least one hydrogen atom from every photolysis reaction to make the sugar needed. (And a lot of hydrogen is needed too. Sugars are 50% hydrogen!)
  8. I've also noted something:(1) 1 = 1(11) 1 + 1 = 2(21) 2 + 1 = 3(1211) 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 5(111221) 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 8It's too bad 312211 breaks the sequence (10), because this would have been pretty cool as the Fibonacci sequence. Actually, if we disallow 3's and say that 111 must be written as 2111 instead, the next sequence number would be 21112211, which adds up to 11. Still missing a few. If 22 must be written as 1212, then we come up with 2111121211, which is 13, but that's kind of pushing the envelope. After that would be 12212112111221, which is 20, which is still not enough.Anyway, here's something to do: try to prove that if the sequence starts with 1, it is impossible for the digit 4 to appear in this sequence.EDIT: If we say that "1111....1" must be written as 21 and then one "11" for every trailing 1, we get 1221111112111221, which is equal to 21. After that would be 1112122111111111122111121211, which is 35. It just doesn't work, for some reason.
  9. If you can do online shopping, I'd suggest going to TigerDirect to look for a bundle. Their computers are pretty cheap, if only refurbished.The computer I have now cost $549 (currently about ?275) plus tax on a Midnight Madness event (it's $609 without the discount). Here are the specs:Manufacturer: GatewayMotherboard: ?!? (I have no idea where to check for this information.)Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ (3.0 Ghz, 2 cores)Hard drive: 500GB SCSI drive (Something about "WDC WDMA 00AAKS-00TMA".)RAM: 2046 MB (1.99 GB, close enough to 2)OS included: Vista ()Graphics card: nVIDIA GeForce 8500GT, 256 MB, which is pretty much enough to play games with.It pretty much meets all your requirements. Now the only thing is to try to find one like it. With shipping, i'd say it's about $650 (?325) total.
  10. I'll be getting Opera soon. I have Firefox and Konqueror on My KDE, as well as just Firefox on Windows. I haven't seen anyone use HTML5 yet, but 'm sure it will become the standard in a few years. They finally got rid of the <big> tag. It's redundant because you can't tell the browser exactly how big you want it. We'll see how it goes...
  11. I see. About how many people do you think are actually active on here? I might not be as much, since there are no real topics here that I can comment about.
  12. A positive action like the one-child policy is seen as an infringement of freedom in most countries. Maybe use passive action like educating about birth control?
  13. Does anyone think it would be a good idea to make a Wikipedia article about Xisto, in case anyone wants to know more about it?I searched for an article on Wikipedia about this site but couldn't find any based on Xisto. What do you think?
  14. You'd be surprised at how many Americans don't know Canada exists. Anyway, I think America will undergo a political civil war sometime soon.
  15. If the universe is infinite, then there would also be an infinite number of kinds of worlds, no? Also, there is also the multiverse theory, which states that there are multiple universes outside of our own that are exploding and crunching, etc. and only in this world would we find another Xisto or whatever it is. This would be the cosmologist's defense of nonbelief, because the cosmologist states that because there are an infinite number of universes out there, at least one, the one we live in now, should have some sort of viable life in it, according to Drake's equation.
  16. I'm in the "most multicultural city in the world", or at least that's what my parents call it. It's Toronto here. Now, as to which Toronto, I'll leave up to you to guess. And yes, Bush is dumb. (ADD: I think the poll is screwed up. It says 63 votes, but there are actually 72. Weird.
  17. If the Earth were a disc, then flying to South America from Australia would take a shorter time flying across the north pole than it would going all the way around.Airlines will not conspire like that. If they did, it would lose them a lot of south-flying customers.
  18. Not to mention that American football is a spinoff of Canadian football; they just chipped off 10 yards and a player and threw in a down so that the game would be easier. (Or at least that's what my health textbook tells me. I have yet to see the truth.)
  19. Okay I'll do that. Of course, I did just install it from scratch when the error came up... I'll try again.*bump* EDIT: Okay, I found a support answer on the WordPress docs page. It says: The headers sent errors are probably syntax errors in the text files.It must be something wrong with the text editor then...because it works now.
  20. Really? You can change the @ address? And IMO, Gmail is better. (XD) Hotmail is called Windows Live Mail now. It has 2 GB of storage, compared to about 6 GB with GMail. Gmail has POP3 support; only Hotmail Plus accounts have such a feature. Um... not sure about anything else, those are the only things I really care about.
  21. I have a 500-GB drive here for $200. You got pwned.I think you should return it and (well, you can't actually sue them, but...) well, give them a bad rep or something.
  22. Wow, this is useful. It's too bad that I don't share my folders. I could have tried this out. Of course, if anyone tries to access my computer... ideas...
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