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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. I have an old laptop, too - a P133 MMX running Windows ME and I have the GIMP on it. It's slow-ish, but it does the job nicely.
  2. My list of favourite sci-fi films include: The Matrix (first movie, of course), The Empire Strikes Back (Episode 5 of the original trilogy), Star Trek II - The Wrath of Kahn, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Aliens, The Terminator, Logan's Run and Blade Runner.That's about all I can think of off the top of my head for now. I'll add some more later on.
  3. Welcome to the community! Great to hear you like what this hosting service offers. See ya around in the forums!
  4. shigajet


    Welcome aboard, venom. As a few members here suggested, you earn hosting credits by posting in the forums. It all depends on what package you want. Once you get the minimum number of credits to get hosted, you have to maintain that in order to keep the package.I think you'lll like it here. Lots of great people and tons of support!Hope to see more of you on the forums!
  5. Okay, found it...and I changed my email address and password in cpanel. Now I'm all set to go! Thanks for the tip!
  6. Hi! I was wondering if any of the admins or moderators can help me on this one. I recently received my hosting account. On the default index page, it said to login to cpanel and change my e-mail address and my password before using the account.I logged into cpanel, but I was wondering which link do I click on to change the e-mail address? There seems to be several links in relation to e-mail accounts. Many thanks in advance!
  7. Looks very good, Senor. I wonder if Fireworks can do a similar (if not the same) effect?
  8. Welcome aboard, Mav3rick! I'm new here too (I joined in earlier this month). I'm currently living and working in Japan, but I'm originally from Canada. See my introduction (if you haven't already) to see where I'm coming from. See you around on the forums. Cool sig, I must say.
  9. Hey all! Got a question for you regarding putting music samples on a website.Although putting mp3 files on a personal website can be dodgy, how about putting just audio samples in streaming audio?The reason I'm asking this is that I'm planning on making a page about Japanese pop music - and I'd like to include some audio samples only to give people an idea of what some of the artists/bands sound like.Any feedback about this is most welcome. Thanks in advance!
  10. Hi, JeffS! Welcome aboard! I'm a fellow Canadian myself, although I'm now living and working in Japan. If you have any questions you want to ask about life in Japan, feel free to ask.See you on the forums!
  11. Nice to meet you, shotgun_sonata, and welcome to the community.I'm interested to see some of the creations you did with Photoshop. I'm in the middle of revamping my website - in fact, I'll upload a preview of what the new index page soon.Hope to hear more from you on the forums!
  12. shigajet


    Hi tidus04! Welcome to the community and feel free to visit and post as much as you like! By the way, I take it you're a Final Fantasy X fan?
  13. Hi Jake. Welcome to the community!I'm a new member myself (I registered earlier this month). I just got accepted for hosting, yet I haven't had the time to ftp my pages yet.Glad to hear you're into photography and that you like Photoshop. I use Fireworks (and sometimes the GIMP) when working with my digital photos. I have Flash as well, but I use Swish Max more often.Anyway, nice to to meet you! See you on the forums!
  14. I visited both sites. Asta Host has pretty much the same deal, but I went with the Trap 17 forums since it has something for everyone. As much as I'm interested in computers and electronic gadgets, I'm still pretty much an arts person.
  15. I suffered the same fate with Morpheus last fall. I uninstalled it, but some of the adware is still lingering in the PC. I may try Shareaza the next time I install P2P software on my computer.
  16. Wow, I wonder how gas prices in Japan would compare to those of the U.S. Last time I walked by the local COSMOS (one of several gas station chains in Japan), the price was about 116 yen per litre (regular unleaded).
  17. I personally like Firefox, although I've used Netscape (on X-Windows as well as Windows), Opera, Mosaic and I.E. in the past.Opera was decent, but the ads put me off. Netscape was okay, but there were some pages I couldn't view with it. I used Mosaic and lynx (on UNIX machine) at my university's computer science club when I was a student. After a while, I used I.E. until I learned about Firefox.
  18. Hey, movie buffs! Got another survey for everyone out there in the community - What are your favourite James Bond movies? Don't worry if you find it difficult to name a single favourite movie. You can make a list if you want. As formulaic as these movies are, all of them are good IMHO....just that some are better than others. Here's my list, in chronological order.1. Goldfinger2. From Russia With Love (a bit outdated since the Cold War is long gone, but still a good spy flick)3. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (JB gets married in this one)4. The Spy Who Loved Me (one of the best from the Roger Moore era)5. Licence To Kill6. Tomorrow Never Dies (great plot involving a sinister media king trying to spark a war between the UK and China)Alright - now, let's hear from you!
  19. Thanks, everyone. Since I'm now over 10 credits, I put up my redesigned index page via ftp and see if it works before I post the link in the Showcase subforum.By the way, if I upgrade the account later on and have accumulated over 100 hosting credits, will they disappear again or remain intact?
  20. I've always wanted an iPod or an iPod mini (in silver, of course). Having said that, the iriver looks pretty good, too. In any event, I may have to encode songs using the usual MP3 format instead of Apple Lossless (I have iTunes on my PC)
  21. Thanks for the tip, OpaQue. I'll keep that in mind. I was a bit surprised when I had about 37 credits on the day I applied for hosting - only to come back the following afternoon and find less than 2 days credit left. From now on, I have a much clearer idea on how to keep the account active. Cheers!
  22. If you have Dreamweaver - or any other HTML editor that has that feature, for that matter, you can make a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) fairly easily with a few clicks - and you can apply it to all the pages on your site for consistency. If not, then try the code that one of the members posted.
  23. Hey there! First of all, thanks for accepting my application for a free web hosting account. I do have a question, though.When I applied for the account, I had about 37 hosting credits, but the next day I found myself down to almost 2 credits left! I thought I would be down to 27 credits after I received the 20 MB package - hence I could spend some time away from the forums. What happened here? I'd like to stay active, but there are going to be some days when I'll be occupied with other things to join the forums. At the moment, I'm almost at 7 HC now. Thanks in advance!
  24. As much as I like rock (whether in English or Japanese) from the 50's up to now, I also dig alternative, jazz, classical, and some electronica and dance. Different kinds of music all have something that catches my ear - at first, it's the hooks, the melody and the beats befor I pay close attention to the lyrics.
  25. Woah, this is a toughie. It's hard to narrow it down to just three, so I'll make a list of what movies I like off the top of my head. Apart from the Star Wars, LOTRThe Matrix - Although the special effects are certainly something to marvel at, there is also a deep message that exists within the film.Shrek - Really love this one. Great CG animation, tons of jokes for everyone, and a fun parody on fairy tales and other landmark movies.Blazing Saddles - An oldie, but surely a great spoof on the cowboy movies. Mel Brooks at his comedic best.The Fifth Element - Like The Matrix (see above), this also has tons of special effects and neat costumes plus an important message near the end. Directed by Luc Besson.The Blues Brothers - Back to comedy, and a classic one at that.Being John Malkovich - The idea that one can experience being inside a famous person by going through a tunnel inside an office buiding was interesting.
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