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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. I totally agree. I remember when your sigs just... a month or a bit more ago?, were nowhere as near as good as the ones now. Super fast progress Johnny... :rolleyes:, but yeah some of the Pro's are just hardcore - you have no idea how the hell they make stuff.

    Same. I'm watching everyone else progress, and I can't find the time/inspiration to even do one.


    Hehe, yupyup. I'm growing FAST. Getting better and better...still not up there yet though. And yeah, those Pros are psycho. :lol:


    You and Phyre should do some more sigs sometime. I'd love to see more of you guys' stuff again.

  2. Not bad, I think a little blending of the render with the grunge background would be good... but otherwise the background itself is well textured and has *substance* to it. I think some slightly redder grunge brushing would have helped match with the render's red clothes a bit better.


    Great way to split text with pixel text in between.. and interesting logo too :rolleyes:


    Heh, thankies CF. I'll keep that stuff in mind next time.^-^

  3. And both of you will soon be good as me! lol I'm joking of course...i'm not that great either.


    Anyways, this is a big improvement. Brushing's decent, and you have a border [yay!]. The second one is much, much, much better then the first one. All that needs to be worked on is the font and blending the render into the background




    And how did I hurt your feelings SM? O.o

  4. Better. Try using colors a little closer to the render (you don't have to have the same EXACT color though) and adding a few layer effects to the text (shadow, stroke). You did good though. The brushing's not bad, the render's pretty good, the text isn't too bad. You even did a 3px border, which, believe me, is something people around here need. :rolleyes:Great job. Keep it up.

  5. Instead of having the whitespace, I'd go back and take it out with the wand, so it'll look like Johnny's old and huge sig.


    elevenmil, the photoshop thing is not easy for me, so I'm still a n00b. :D It's easy for Johnny apparently because of all of his cool sigs.


    Haha, trust me, when you first get into the game after reading a few decent tutorials, you think it's easy, but when you get up to my level (sorry, not trying to put myself above you guys, but I'm being honest when I say I'm a little more advanced) you realize that things aren't enough, and you have to constantly strive to make your stuff better. I've been improving MASSIVELY recently, but I'm still just a blip on the radar to some of the pro designers. It gets harder as you get better.


    There's my dealie. :rolleyes:


    (BTW Nguyen, are you ever gonna get over my big spawn sig? :lol:)

  6. I think those little scanlines on the side are a bit out of place...and the text with 'Devil May Cry' in the middle of it looks great. I see you also went for a cartoony/vector-ish look for the render. I say 9.5/10 because there's just something about the brushing that's nagging at me.


    Shhh....don't point out the fact that those scanlines are the only thing covering up the blank spot on the right side.... :rolleyes:


    Thanks for the comments guys. The brushing problem you're seeing is probably how none of it's really black. It's mostly just a darker orange. Or, that's what I see anyway.

  7. yea i would also like to see a tut what you can do with the lasso tool, creating tech borders, making professional looking banners,logo..some effects that are importand and useful..on how to use  them etc.when are you gonna do post these?


    Alright. Sounds good. (There's a tech border tutorial in the How To's section. Search for topics made by me.)


    I'm probably gonna post up all your suggestions (or, at least the ones I know I can do) up in a day or two, along with some of my own, then have you guys pick out your favorite few, and then a day or two after that I'll start on the tutorials. But until then, keep the suggestions coming guys. ^-^

  8. How do you even come up with that if xbox came out at the same time as playstation playstation would be like sega. Do you even know how sega fell. sega didnt quite the console race because of the dreamcast. they made money on the dreamcast it just wasn't enough. You see sega lost billions of dollars from there other consoles aka the sega saturn. Secondly its been 4 years. Playstation is clearly the winner. I can see at first how that 1/2 has had an affect but after four years if xbox was truly better it would of taken the prize. So the next time you post put some logic behind it.


    That's kinda funny how you say to put some logic behind it...You do realize that Playstation is still pretty new itself? Nintendo and Sega had been around since the seventies (probably earlier too, I think?) and Playstation just came and wrecked Sega's sales, and Nintendo's a shadow of it's former self right now. If Playstation (which has been a little lacking since it came out) can do that to Sega and Nintendo, I have no doubt Xbox could rip it apart. It has superior hardware,it's owned by MICROSOFT, and it has more advanced features (Xbox Live, for example.) I don't own a PS2, or an Xbox, but I know that as soon as more companies put faith in Xbox, it'll be top dog in the console wars.


    But, regardless, GO NINTENDO! ^-^

  9. Render is a bit overused, but aside from that, good placement and extraction. It needs a border, even a simple 1px black one will do. Also the text needs to be a bit more readable. I understand you want it to blend somewhat with the background, but right now it's perhaps blended a bit too much. Try brushing on top of the render also, to blend that in as well.


    Good for your first one back... I don't rate usually, I think I'd be too harsh :rolleyes:


    Cool Freaker got most of it...maybe try blending the render in a little bit with the bg, and using a little lighter bg with more brushing, and the size could be a little nicer as well.

  10. Using the brush and air brush effectively.  I am not good at that and other people are not the best eaither.  Also I think that it is called the render putting that in effectively so it does not look choppy.


    Alrighty guys. Suggestions noted. Keep em coming.


    BTW, I have a render blending tutorial...it's kinda old and not that great, but it gets the job done. Search in the how tos section for topics started by me.

  11. You shouldn't care whatsoever if you break up with someone. Want to know why? There are many reasons for people to break up, but ultimately they all come back to, "You suck as a couple". Which is good, because why date someone you know you suck as a couple with? If you find someone that's really worth it, then you wouldn't be having problems enough to concider breaking up with. Of course, this isn't the green-light to break up with people just because they don't like the same kind of music as you or something, but it means that if the situation were to ever arise that the relationship is to be cut-off, it was for the best anyways.


    Word of advice, don't ever bother trying to retain a friendship after dating. It DOES NOT work. Guaranteed. That's a fact of life. Don't even try to prove me wrong on this. You can't. It's impossible. This doesn't mean you should hate eachother, just don't bother thinking about it.


    Besides, it's not like you're tied down to the person. I'm assuming you don't have children with that person, or are even married for that matter. So it really shouldn't matter. That's why you're going out with that person right? Kinda like, testing out the merchandise before making a decision. It's never too good to get tied down to someone, even if you really do love that person. But when I say love, I don't mean "Infatuation", I mean "Love" as in "Jesus" kind of love. Because Love + Clinginess don't go well together. Mainly because if that person ever leaves you, you'll go insane. But if you love that person but at the same time lose your "desire", as it were, to be with them, you'll be a lot happy. Doesn't mean they bore you, just that it won't bug you when they go away. It's a hard thing to accomplish, but once you get the hang of it it's not hard.


    It may seem a bit cynical to say this, but it's the truth. People are imperfect, and as such, they will let you down. No matter who they are, at one point or another. It's about being able to cope with this.


    In short, don't take any relationship seriously unless you're married. :rolleyes:


    Wowza. Spoken like a pro. Break up a lot? :lol: j/k


    Anyway, here's my bit:


    I've only dated one girl, and it only lasted for about 6 months. It was the end of our sophomore year and we had just gotten to know each other a lot more. We started -going out- a lot just after school ended, and eventually one thing led to another and we were actually -going out-. I was ADDICTED to her. Couldn't get enough. So, things were good for a little while, until suddenly my mother decides we have to move to california. (financial problems, don't ask.)


    She said she didn't want us to break up just because of a temporary move (I'm planning to move back in a year.) so we stayed together long distance. Needless to say, things didn't work out. Eventually she told me that hey, this ain't such a great plan after all, and so we broke up.


    So, the point of that whole spiel is to get to this: At first I wasn't phased, because it wasn't either of our faults, it was just bad luck with the move. When she told me I was just like "Oh, and my day was going so well too..." but I didn't really mind, because I sorta already knew it was going to happen. Eventually though, I started missing her, and I still kinda do. There's a new girl in my life now, but my ex was an amazing girl, and I loved being with her. But we're not friends anymore, really. It's more like acquaintances. We still talk very often, but it's just not the same as even before we started dating.


    So, yeah, for my one breakup, it was easy at first, but I still can't really get her completely outta my head. I guess that's just the way it goes.

  12. Okay, first of all, slow down, I know what you're thinking. "OOH! JOHNNY'S MAKING TUTORIALS FOR US! I'M GONNA BE A PRO NOW!" Heh, trust me, it's not like that. I'm no pro myself, I just know a few tips and tricks, and now I think I'd like to share some. It's up to YOU to learn your own style and produce some nice sigsSo anyway, I've been getting NUMEROUS requests for tutorials, because (for some reason) people seem to really like my sigs. So, I'll go ahead and make some tutorials (but not a ton, mind you. I have a life, and tutorials take a while to make.).So what this topic is for is for you guys to suggest some topics for me to go over in some tutorials. I'd like to start with some general stuff first, so you guys can get the basics down, and then I can move on to more advanced stuff. Again, I don't know everything there is to know, so I can't TEACH you everything. I can only teach you what I myself know.So go ahead and suggest. After I get a good number of suggestions, I'll make another topic, I guess, where you guys can rate them, and I'll make them in that order.Beware though, that there's simply some things that I do "spur-of-the-moment", which isn't really something you can teach. I'll try to explain to the best of my ability though.Have fun guys. I look forward to some nice suggestions. (Feel free to suggest more than one thing.)

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